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Talent Acquisition Software

A type of software that assists the recruiting and selection function in HR. For
example, it can streamline the acceptance of resumes electronically, sorting
resumes, and tracking of applicants. Usually talent acquisition software comes in
the form of a talent management system, which includes other functions such as
performance management.

Knowledge, skills, abilities, and other personal characteristics that make a person
successful on the job.

Achievement Test
Measures someone's current knowledge.

Aptitude Test
Measures a person's ability to learn new skills.

Behavior Description Interview

A type of interview in which the candidate is asked questions about what he or she
actually did in a variety of given situations.

A series of questions about a person's history that may have shaped his or her

Clinical Selection Approach

The decision makers review the data and, based on what they learn from the
candidate and the information available to them, decide who should be hired for a

Cognitive Ability Test

Measures a candidate's aptitudes or achievements.

Compensatory Model
A statistical method of scoring applicants, this model permits a high score in an
important area to make up for a lower score in another area.

Contrast Bias
A type of bias that occurs when comparing one candidate to others.

Cultural Noise Bias

A type of interview bias that occurs when a candidate thinks he or she knows what
the interviewer wants to hear and answers the questions based on that assumption.

External Candidate
Someone who works outside the organization.

Generalization Bias
A type of interview bias that occurs when an interviewer assumes that how someone
behaves in an interview is how they always behave.

Gut Feeling Bias

When an interviewer relies on an intuitive feeling about a candidate.

Halo Effect Or Reverse Halo Effect

This occurs when an interviewer becomes biased because of one positive or negative
trait a candidate possesses.
Internal Candidate
Someone who applies for a position within the company who is already working for
the company.

Interview Bias
When an interviewer makes assumptions about the candidate that may not be accurate.

Job Knowledge Test

Measures the candidate's level of understanding about a particular job.

Multiple Cutoff Model

A statistical method of scoring applicants that requires a candidate to have a
minimum score level on all selection criteria.

Multiple Hurdle Model

A statistical method of scoring applicants that allows only candidates with high
(preset) scores to go to the next stages of the selection process.

Nonverbal Behavior Bias

When the nonverbal behavior of an interviewer results in bias.

Recency Bias
Interview bias that occurs when the interviewer remembers candidates interviewed
most recently more so than the other candidates.

The degree in which selection techniques yield similar data over time.

Selection Process
The steps involved in choosing people who have the right qualifications to fill a
current or future job opening.

Similar To Me Bias
An interviewer having a preference for a candidate because he or she views that
person as sharing similar attributes.

Situational Interview
An interview style in which the candidate is given a sample situation and asked how
he or she might deal with the situation.

Statistical Method
A selection method in which a selection model is developed that assigns scores and
weights on various factors, such as personality, answers to interview questions,
and test scores.

Structured Interview
A type of interview with a set of standardized questions based on the job analysis,
not on the individual candidate's résumé.

Talent Management System

An HR system which allows for tracking of many HR functions, such as talent
acquisition, performance management, compensation management, and others.

Unstructured Interview
A type of interview in which questions are changed to match the specific applicant.

How useful a tool is to measure a person's attributes for a specific job opening.
Weighted Application Form
Involves selecting an employee characteristic to be measured and then identifying
which questions on the application predict the desired behavior. Then scores are
assigned to each predictor.

Work Sample Tests

An employment test that asks candidates to show examples of work they have already

what are the 5 steps of the selection process?

criteria development, Application and résumé review, interviewing, test
administration, making the offer

Setting criteria before the interview process starts

ensures that disparate impact or disparate treatment does not occur in the
interview process.

what are the types of interviews

Traditional, telephone, panel, informational, meal, group, and video

Interview questions about national origin, marital status, age, religion, and
disabilities are

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