Aspen Conducting Academy - Aspen Music Festival and School

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Aspen Conducting Academy Back To Programs of Study

Important Information

Program offered full-session only

All conductors and instrumentalists receive fellowships
Video conducting and instrumental audition recordings required

Fees & Deadlines

Deadline: November 18, 2019
Applications will be accepted beginning Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Application Fee

$25 if you apply by Monday, September 16, 2019

$60 if you apply between Tuesday, September 17 and Monday, November 18, 2019
Robert Spano, director
Asadour Santourian, program administrator

The Aspen Conducting Academy (ACA) provides participants with intensive conducting
training with a skilled orchestra, assists them in gaining podium experience, and supports
each individual’s development as a conductor. The heart of the Academy is the opportunity
for twelve to fourteen conductors to work with an orchestra of experienced musicians, and
to play as a member of that orchestra under the baton of program colleagues—all under the
guidance of master conductors. Participants learn by conducting a wide range of repertoire
and types of performances, including orchestral concerts, concerto performances, opera
master class arias and scenes, repertoire readings, and composer readings.

Each summer, Music Director and ACA Director Robert Spano is joined by guest conductors
such as Hugh Wolff, Larry Rachleff, Mark Stringer, and Federico Cortese.

The Academy brings to each participant the national attention that is critical to establishing
a career. Established conductors, orchestra managers, artist managers, music critics, and
other music executives may come to Aspen each summer to spot the brightest emerging
The Program
Each ACA participant will receive a fellowship. The participant will be active as a conductor
in front of the fifty-five member Academy Orchestra, with the goal of permitting each
conductor at least thirty minutes of podium time in at least six of the Academy's eight
weeks. When off the podium, most conductors will play an instrument in the orchestra;
however, a limited number of conductor spaces are available to pianists and non-orchestral

Participants will rehearse and conduct concerts of orchestral and concerto repertoire, and
opera master class scenes and/or arias. They share repertoire-reading sessions and rehearse
and perform contemporary scores. All sessions are videotaped for individual use and artist-
faculty review.

Beyond the podium, the Academy offers all participants an extensive curriculum covering
both musical and extra-musical elements, including a set of intensive sessions on score

Academy participants are expected to attend rehearsals and concerts of the AMFS's other
three orchestras, and are encouraged to organize their own performances. They also are
welcome to take advantage of the full curriculum of AMFS classes. While the Academy
program is intensive and demanding, averaging seven orchestral services each week, the
AMFS is committed to ensuring that participants have adequate time for study and rest.
With that, conductors are expected to stay focused on their core curriculum and not
engage in extracurricular activities, such as concerto competitions.

Auditors may be admitted and will be welcome at all sessions, but will not conduct the
orchestra. Financial assistance is not available for auditors.

Fellowships are available for instrumentalists to play as regular members of the Academy
Orchestra. Interested applicants should follow the guidelines noted within their specific

Aspen Conducting Academy Program Components

Conducting the Academy Orchestra in readings, rehearsals, and performance

Coaching with master conductors
Evaluation with videotape of the conducting sessions
Observation by and meeting with AMFS guest conductors
Technique classes
Periodic classes in score reading and analysis and score preparation

Recognition Opportunities
Academy participants are eligible to be chosen for four prestigious opportunities:

One Academy participant may be awarded the Aspen Conductor Prize, which carries
with it the invitation to return to Aspen the following summer as assistant conductor.
The assistant conductor conducts an orchestral program and family concerts. For 2020,
the prize is awarded to Benjamin Manis.
One Academy participant may be awarded the Robert J. Harth Conductor Prize, which
carries with it the invitation to return to Aspen the following summer as an Academy
Conductor on fellowship. For 2020, the prize is awarded to Maurice Cohn.
One Academy participant may be awarded the James Conlon Conductor Prize, which
carries with it the invitation to return to Aspen the following summer as an Academy
Conductor on fellowship. For 2020, the prize is awarded to Delyana Lazarova. The
James Conlon Conductor Prize is the ACA Fellowship in Honor of James Conlon, given
by Mrs. Mercedes T. Bass.
One Academy participant may be awarded the Robert Spano Conductor Prize, which
carries with it the invitation to return to Aspen the following summer as an Academy
Conductor on fellowship. For 2020, the prize is awarded to Piotr Waclawick. The
Robert Spano Conductor Prize is the ACA Fellowship in Honor of Robert Spano, given
by Mrs. Mercedes T. Bass.

All students are encouraged to participate in the music-related courses offered by the AMFS
artist-faculty and staff.

How to Apply

Resume required
Two letters of recommendation required

Audition Requirements
Video recording showing recent conducting experience ideally demonstrating a
varied selection of standard orchestral repertoire; showing front view of the
conductor from a reasonable distance
Video recording of instrumental performance, approximately fifteen minutes in
Instrumental Recording for Pianists: If you are a pianist, please submit the
following repertoire. You are encouraged, but not required, to accompany
From Mozart’s The Magic Flute, Act I, no. 8 beginning with “Die Weisheits!
lehre dieser Knaben…wie er hier, hier entsprang>"
From Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto, the first 3 minutes of the exposition.
One additional solo work of your choice, no more than 10 minutes in length
Both conducting and instrumental recordings must have been made within three
months prior to application; video must show date of recording
For all recordings, provide track listings along with date of performance for each


Robert Spano, Music Director

Alan Fletcher, President and CEO

Administrative Offices

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