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Submitted by
Mahima Mohan
Integrated Marketing Communication or IMC is a marketing concept that ensures and
asserted all the forms of communication and messages are connected to each other .

At its most basic level, Integrated Marketing Communication or IMC means Uniting all
the promotional tools, so that they work together in harmony.

Promotion is one among the Ps in the marketing mix. Promotion has a mix of
communication tools and methods .All of these communication tools work better if they
work together rather than in isolation or indivudually. Their total is greater than their
parts - providing they work consistently with one voice all the time, every time more

Integrated Marketing Communication is the concept that makes and stimulates all the
marketing tools to work together as a unified force rather than work in isolation. The
main objectice is to make use of all the marketing efforts in the form of advertising,
public relation, personal selling, sales promotion, internet marketing , direct marketing
to generate maximum impact on the target audience at the minimum cost or less cost.

In the words of William Stantons words , “IMC is an element in organization’s marketing

mix that is used to inform, persuade and remind the market regarding the organization
and / or its products.”It has various promotional tools and
communication/marketing/advertising services and techniques for the process of profit
maximisation. IMC is ultimately achieved through concise and consistent messaging that
improves factors such as familiarity and consumer affinity.Each and every effective IMC
messages and images sent out are meaningful and useful to consumers, and messaging
and branding consistency which is a proven IMC concept yields customer satisfaction
and loyalty.
.1 What is Integrated Marketing Communication?

“At the heart of any business strategy is a marketing strategy;

Businesses exist to deliver products that satisfy customers”.

An approach used by organizations for the purpose of branding and coordination of

their communication efforts is called integrated marketing communication.

The American Association of Advertising Agencies explains IMC as "a concept that
recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of
a variety of communication disciplines, and combines these disciplines to provide clarity,
consistency and maximum communication impact." ( Kotler P. Marketing management
2003 edition)

The key idea behind the execution of an IMC strategy is creating a less ambiguous
experience for consumers when it comes to the different aspects of the marketing mix.
The brand consist of a core image and messaging are emphasised over again as each
marketing communication channel works together rather than sesperately.

According to William Stanton, “IMC is an element in organisation’s marketing mix

that is used to inform, persuade and remind the market regarding the organisation and /
or its products.” (


Digital marketing management is the process of acquiring website traffic or attention via social
media. It's a catch all word for sites that gives out different social actions.

As a student of BBA doing major in logistics, I the opportunity to do an internship at GetMyUni,

an educational consultancy start-up in Bangalore.

I chose digital marketing as my internship topic and I sincerely hope that this internship
experience will elaborate on how the corporate world really is and helps me apply in the
practical world as well.


The objective of the study is mainly focused in identifying the brand attendance through social
media and also to study on how the brand communicates to the a mass audience and increases
it's brand value through digital marketing strategy.


1. To study the impact of digital media in educational consultancies and its impact on the
marketing and brand communication.
2. Comparison of digital marketing with the other forms of marketing.
3. To study on how educational consultancies operate and deal with clients.
4. To know about the recruitment process in the educational industry.


As an intern, the very foremost task allotted to me was to work under the community
engagement department. Being a community engagement facilitator, my duties were to
communicate with the people who follows the GetMyUni page in Facebook through Facebook
manager as well as a software known as ageis Lisa.

Specific job responsibilities

 Getting the brief from the prospective clients

 Make a checklist for the tasks allotted
 Put forward a proposal
 Collection of feedback and negotiations
 Search engine optimization
 Google Analytics
 Follow up activity
 Pitching proposals to the potential clients

It is a norm to whip out our phones so that we can check to check online
reviews for college search. Hardik Thakkar and Upneet Kaur found
themselves in a similar situarion

In June 2014, they decided to set up a company that worked as a social

college search engine. They launched GetMyUni to help students choose
the right college using exhaustive reviews as well as peer ratings also
engaging forums and alumni connect. The company is now led by Nirmanyu
Arora who has plenty of hands on experience in formulating products in the
education technology domain.

They are using a revenue stream where they were enabling brands and
companies to reach out the students through competitions.

Apart from those classified educational platforms like E shiksha, ht campus

and India Today, there is collegedekho as well. But upneet Kaur believes
that classified space is a mere tradition and has been created only to build

GetMyUni focuses in the user generated content space in education and

the companies has UGC at its core. The company had over 11000 colleges
listed and over 40000 student reviews on its platform.

Since the inception of the company, the company has gained over one
million session, growing at a rare of 60% every month. The revenue run rate
of the company is 10 lakhs. Generation and selling of high quality and
verified student colleges to all the leads including advertisements and
student enrollment is the revenue model of the company.

The company is now formulating new ideas for next round of funding in
order to fortify the position of the company as one of the best college
search engine and kickstart sales in domestic colleges. Also tapping
students who wish to study abroad is also in the list of the company.

1. Circulation of opening for digital marketing executive among
different departments as well as newspapers.
2. CV is collected and screening process for the candidate is done after
which they are called for a presentation.
3. The candidates will be shortlisted.
4. Those shortlisted will be called out for a final interview and the best
candidate will be chosen for the position.

The creative Team

The mind of the organisation is based on creativity because it is them who play a vital
role in turning popular and effective to the prospective clients. They
perform certain responsibilities such as-
a. Developing copy for the purpose communication on social media platforms and
b. Developing post calendar per week for communication on social media
c. Designing the creative posts or ads for digital communication
d. Visualizing and structuring the idea of campaign and contest
e.Layout finalization.
f. Google advertisement, Facebook advertisement designing and adoption of foreign ad
ideas according to the prescription and requisites given out by the client in case of
college based admissions to be outsourced by
What is digital Marketing?

Known as the art and science of selling products and services through digital networks,
such as the world wide web and cellular phone network, Digital marketing is an art
involving the preference of the right online marketing mix of strategies that guids you to
the chosen target market and translates them into sales.The science of digital marketing
involves research and analysis that includes both choosing the digital marketing
strategies to exploit and measure the success of rhe rest of the digital marketing
strategies. Digitak marketing make use of the internet in order to provide promotional
marketing messages to prospective consumers. It includes email marketing, search
engine marketing, social media marketing, many types of display advertising (including web
banner advertising), and mobile advertising. online advertising involves a publisher, who unifies
advertisements into its online content, and an advertiser, who acts responsibke for prividing
advertisements that needs to be displayed on the publisher's content. Other prospectice
articipants iare the advertising agencies that help stimukate and place the ad copy, an ad server
who technologically provides the ad and tracks statistics, and advertising affiliates .


Social media marketing generates content that catches the attention of public and fosters
readers to share them with their social networks. A business message is shared from user
through social media. Furthermore, this type of marketing is accelerated by the word-of-mouth,
meaning it helps the company in earned medium rather than paid medium. A stage that is
simply available to anyone at any point of time with internet entrance and social media serving
as a comparatively low-cost And simple platform for organizations is social media.


The need for digital communication only accelerated. That is one of the reasons why ignorance
prevails about Digital marketing. In many cases firms end up teaching the clients and give them
an understanding about the social media movement. Some came across the new social media
skils and trends and applied digital communications for their brands.Once the primary pitch to
the client takes place the thoughts and cost acts as a basis for a contract that take place
between the two firms. Digital firms have the objective to understand each brand that they
work for and targets they have decided to achieve for which they have to maintain different
strategies. The contract time keeps changing time to time and once approved; the firm’s will
receive long time agreements. The digital firms offers the clients applications. Some companies
have the advantage of having their own Application and some outsources these applications.
Facebook video also has a high demand in the market and reach of low budget video contents
are accelerating day by day.

The type of this study will be quantitative along with the good combination of qualitative aspect.
The report is based on both Primary as well as Secondary data.

Primary Data: This report is mainly focused on the primary data, which has been collected and
sorted from a survey.

Population of the study is considered as the different social media users along with the other
generic people. The survey has taken place based on 20 people whicb consist of different social
media users as well as other users.
Data which was collected from the survey are analyzed based on the factor analysis method.

Informations are also collected from workplace colleagues and co employees or interns and
people who directly and indirectly involved with GetMyUni.

Variables for research:

• Dependent: social and online media users Perception about a given topic

• Independent: Different single handed social media and tools - Facebook. Twitter, contest,
brand page etc having brand value.

Secondary Data: The secondary data sources are as given below :• GetMyUni annual report

• GetMyUni's internal documents and publications

• Newspaper, articles, journals and websites etc.

Data Source: Primary Source: Primary data on social media is sorted out using surveying
methodology of target groups as well as personal observation.

Secondary Source:just like primary source, secondary source also contains major stream of
information for the report given .

List of secondary source is as given below

1. Internet (VpN)

2. Social Network Sites (facebook, twitter)

3. Text books (references)

4. Several other report



Multi-Dimensional Goal achievements During my internship period at GetMyUni I was

assigned with the task to work in the Social media marketing department or like they
call it SMD of the organization.This knowledge assisted me to understand the actual
work place scenario and process . I was enlightened about the various practical
worksthar takes place during the period. Adjustment with the corporate world and
Socialization:During the time I performed my internship program within the office(In
office) , I was considered as an employee rather than an intern like others in the
organization. I received sufficient assistance as well as guidance from the colleagues in
terms of getting enough idea about the working strategy of GetMyUni. This helped me
gain knowledge, skill and the importwnce and power of application of my academic
knowledge in a workplace. I believe this is very important and also the entire program
made me well equipped for beginning my professional career in the same environment.
Fostering Communication Skill:Since GetMyUni is a customer oriented organization, the
organization Operates great customer service where the communication skill is
considered as one of the fundamental factors. I have received a significant amount of
knowledge base about what customer service is and I have realized that great
communication skill is an important requisite of serving the customers with great
service.Getting used to the Corporate Culture: Its a fact that a certain workplace
contains people belonging to different cultural background within it. It was not an
exception while I was working in GetMyUni. Getting along with the culture of the
organization and coping up and delaing with with the people belonging to different
background and culture really enlightened me with dealing workplace diversity.

Various aspects of digital marketing

Digital marketing being one of the intrinsic topic around which the world revolves, it is
the procedure used vigorously to promote brands and products using one or the other
type of e media. It makes use of computers and gadgets to reach to a mass number of
probable customers. An array of digital tools are used such as


Most of the organizations apply both conventional as well as digital marketing strategies
to promote business and brand value in the current scenario.


There was a time when instant and authentic feedback on a product or brand was
nothing less than a dream. The manufacturer himself used to send the information to
the customers which he believed was necessary for the consumer segment. Contrasting
to those times, today with the emergence of digital marketing it has become so vibrant
and dominant in sending authentic feedbacks in any product or brand to a larger section
of people instantly.

Now the consumers all around depend on these feedbacks and reviews before they
purchase a product. It's a consumer behaviour to trust and purchase brands that are
renowned and popular. And they look out for products that providers offers and are
tailor made to match and suit their needs.
These latest developments proves for a fact that digital marketing in the contemporary
world is one of the crucial entities for the corporate organization to achieve success.


There are professional who deal with the digital marketing aspects often defected to as
digital marketers working under the SMD. By virtue of their professional responsibilty,
they have to monitor certain things that decides the quality of their marketing. Some
elements that they monitor are what is being viewed by the customers, how long they
viewed it and how often, what type of content works with the customers and what does
not, sales conversations and negotiations etc.


For a successful digital marketing strategy to work, there are three core needs to be
taken into consideration which are as follows -

Dealing with the complex customer relationships across both conventional and digital
channels of communication.

Responding to the customer base in terms of the queries they put forward.

Value extraction from the bigger datas to facilitate instant decision making.


One needs to have a great sense of creativity and innovation in order to implement
successful strategies. The one fundamental factor that decides the success of the
company is constant. The main objective of digital marketing is to extend the customer
base of the client. Every strategy to implements has to ultimately help in achieving this

The following are few significant aspects of digital marketing -

 PPC (pay per click)

 SEO(search engine optimization)
 SMO(social media optimization)
 CRO(conversion rate optimization)
 ORM(online reputation management)

Pay per click

Even though its easy to set up a pay per click account in the search engine, the digital
marketing professional have different goals set from the beggining. Search engine
requires clicks on the client's links to generate revenues.

But in contrast, a large fraternity of the client's demand for a direct business. So the
strategy for PPC has to be drafted cautiously.

Search Engine Optimization

Being the most popular digital marketing strategy, it helps in ensuring online traffic to a
web portal using natural, organic, editorial and free listings present on the search

Google and Bing are major search engine platforms that generate the search engine
response page or the SERP in response to a search query.

Social media optimization

This strategy has created an opportunity for the promotion of clients to a large number
of audience or hand picked audience. This strategy has developed to a greater extent

This helps in promoting a business or a brand name or a celebrity to selected number of

audience. There exist a subtle equation between the network which is the broader
audience and trageted audience. Hence one needs to understand this equation for this
strategy to come out successful

Online reputation management

This works on the basis of the core concept of the digital marketing. It is a concept of
digital marketing study that for any commercial commodity the feedback of the
customers are very necessary and utmost crucial to generate business. Thus, reputation
is considered to be a major element to achieve success and moreover it's a perishable

Hence, the concept of this strategy is about influencing the reputation is an individual or
a brand across the social media platforms. All the commercial brands as well corporate
organizations usually allocate huge funds for this strategy.

The following are the few ORM strategies used by the marketers-

Instant response to the queries by the customers

Depending on the online feedbacks to promote a product in the market

Censorship of adverse feedbacks given to a product or service.

Conversion rate optimization

Another intrinsic digital marketing strategy that is tried and tested worldwide. The
concept revolves around converting the Internet browsers into potential buyers.

To gauge the deficits of the website, there are a number of tools available as follows -:

Google analytics -provides real time and authentic information on the online traffic, web
analytics and other numerics of the website.

Scroll map and hit map -informs the marketers about what pages the visitors are clicking
on and how far of the page they are scrolling to.

Part II

The last month of an year is when every marketer around the globe evaluates what has
happened over the last 11 to 12 months and makes furniture predictions.

During the recent times, people were focused on the following aspects -

 Budget
 Emerging markets
 Social media growth
 Gratification
 Social media management
 Bar codes
 Email marketing
 Content Is king
 Interactive TV

This meant that the customers were taken seriously. It also meant that brands has
realized that the customers Too have a voice and are not afraid to use it.

Social media has become the voice of the consumer and the companies are forced to
listen to them and respond.

Get it done
According to me 2019 is going to be the year where things get done. People will start
getting involved in the social media engagements and community networks.

Until now people have been grappling by the consequences and difficulties of
convincing the stakeholders about the importance of social media platforms.

It's very difficult to show value in something you are involved in.
Cloud computing
Especially small to medium sized companies, cloud computing rose in popularity. Within
itself clouds computing has a host of benefits which helps the SME's to to make use of.

The business cannot run on cloud but the fact the client's can access the system of your
company anytime and anywhere and at real time serves as a great benefit from the
marketing point of view.

Marketing effectiveness evaluation

We are at a phase where we are rapidly moving towards the stage where we can
measure online and offline effectiveness instantly and efficiently against each other.

2019 is going to be the year when marketing channels are rated on the basis of how
effective it serves in creating, sustenance and conversion into sales. The battle of online
and offline activities will be won on this front.

KPI of Return on investment

The coming years, the digital marketing fraternity would see that people will be more
concerned anout how effectively the marketing strategy works and there will be an
aggressive measurement on the basis of this.

The result and performance metrics will be the most crucial part in the coming years.

The take off :Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is being taken more seriously nowadays. With th3 emergence of more
and more smartphones, tablets and iPhone's in the market, no digital marketer will
ignore the need for "mobile strategies".

This extends from USSD, SMS, MMS and WAP to a lot of other new mobile applications
and mobile Internet.

consumers can be prepared to have their collective socks blown off now. Digital
campaigns are going to help the fraternity grow In a rapid phase. (hopefully in a subtle

This signifies that henceforth the consumer fraternity will witness immersive
experiences where the concept speaks to you, as you;, and does not seem like a part of
a collective demographic. Consumers will be impressed by the location–based services
that reach out to them via their mobile devices (smart phone or tablet).

These are the few mastering things which will be emphasized in the combo f years.
Above all, the most pivotal aspect would be how you tailor your marketing to the needs
of the customers. This goes beyond content marketing as well as mobile marketing but
the need of the hour is that the marketing of the company has to speak to the people
instead of the demographics.
Strategy is defined as the process of achieving one or more goals under uncertainity and
is considered to be a higher level of plan. It's also called the "Art of general" which
includes subsets of skills such as tactics, siege craft and logistics.

Now the following are the three strategies the company practices to make the digital
marketing program successful for the company -





first stage of the strategy is to attract the prospective audience. Here out prospective
audience is students both male and female between the age of 17 to 23.

The objective of the company is the enrollment of the students between this age limit to
different colleges published in the website of the company.

The target was different schools and colleges around Bangalore and outside. Organising
seminars in schools and enlightening the students and teachers about the website was
the part of our first strategic plan. And another method used by the company is
Facebook targeting and Google display network targeting.


Age : 17-23

Gender :male and female

Section :A, B and C

Profession :school students, teachers, professors, councillors

Interest :learning apps, subjects, languages, literature

Region :Bangalore

Targeting right people

Facebook post : Here two things are taken into consideration. The first one is creativity
and another one is post copy. For instance, we can write GetMyUni provides
Educational hoodies for the first subscription to our website. The creative would include
colorful pictures of books and novels and other Ed related items to grab the attention of
the consumer.

Facebook multiple advertisement /ad: The company can add atleast three to five posts
together in one single post and can provide 5 different website links as well that directly
takes the customer to land on the web site link they wish to view. An advantage to this
method is the company can different links to reach to different college websites
provided in the GetMyUni website.


Whenever a page is visited, one gets to see a lot of other ads present besides the
content. Some of them include grameen phone, etc. This is known as GDN.

For this method to run successfully, the digital marketer needs to be very specific about
the key that's been used because key words show my ads In those websites where it
needs to be shown.

Right communication

Facebook post promotion Multi advertisements GDN banners

Free hoodies for Free hoodies for first

Free hoodies for
first subscription. subscription.
first subscription

Get admission in Get admission in

Get admission in top colleges In India top colleges In India
top colleges In
When the following are posted, a lot of queries are received regarding the product or
service on behalf of the brands. Sometimes the company might not be aware of how to
answer the queries so the company company contacts the respective clients and gets
back to the customer.

This is the built up structure of communication in the company.

Right action


Total reach : the number of unique people the information are accessed by are
measured in terms of total reach. It signifies the number of people the post reached to
after its boosted.

Impressions : the measure of times the post has been viewed to the audience or the
number of times the information is communicated to the audience. It also signifies the
number of times the post reached to the same audience.

Engagement : it shows the number of clicks, views, likes and comments by the audience
which is displayed at the bottom of the page.


Particulars Monthly cost

Direct labor cost for Fb promos 68075

Visualization cost 30000

Agency commission(10%) 3000

Total cost = 101075

Ad campaign cost 196666

Total cost 297741

4.5%VAT 13398


Budgets are sent to the prospective clients. After its sent, negotiations takes place
between the company and the clients. When both the parties agree to the budget
structure, the plan is executed.

The process of budgeting belongs to the finance and operations department. After the
planning process, the client service department hands it over to the finance and
operations department. Then the budget is prepared by the finance department. Given
above is the budget of GetMyUni for one of their ad campaigns.


I) Content creation

Designing of attractive Inclusion of right

Select relevant image from
creatives for generation of communication and messages
partner Facebook page and
2) Advertisement campaign post engagements for the category
The right type
Select the right
ti ads)

1. In the first stage, relevant images were taken from the partner official Facebook
and respective websites such as Asoka university, Christ University, Mount
Carmels, National Law school etc.
2. Eye catching creatives are designed to attract and engage the customers.
3. The content includes a message highlighting GetMyUni subscribers.
4. Running ad post and multi ad post.
Suppose GetMyUni has 100000 customers and they are sending 3 SMS per person. This
means that company sends 30000 SMS which will cost the company

If they are spending this amount of money on every promotion, they have served
impressions to around 25000000 people, which signifies that for each customer, the
impression would have occured foe 256 times, ie, GetMyUni is reaching to customer in a
year for 256 times.





557056 842981


2.38 1.11

Post engagement
The number of clicks, likes, comments, shares and photo views is known as post
engagement. Here we can see that from the given promotions by GetMyUni, their
engagement was high.

Post promotion Multi product ad

Post engagement Post engagement

118790 109467

Likes Likes
88577 445670

Website clicks Website clicks

2 44567


The website clicks of multi ad promotions are higher than website clicks for the
promotional ads according to the recent statistics of the company.

The promotional strategy and the multi ad promotions are a pivotal part ocompany that
uses digital marketing as the tool to influence people and gain reputation for their

Attitude towards advertisements

From the pie chart given below, it's easy to figure out that a large group of people find
the advertisements informative and awareness generating.

At the same time, a few number of people find it irritating and waste of time as well. But
comparitively the advertisements are perceived as a source of information by people.

Influencers behind decision making

A high degree of influence for a decision making process is done by the influencers.
Influences can be your peers, relatives, friends or a third party.

From the point of view of this company, the biggest influencers are peers and friends.
One can infer from Greet hofsted cultural dimensions, a possible reason why friends and
peers act as the influencers.


Indian culture is considered to be collectivistic. Taking into consideration the collectivistic side,
there are societies in which people right from their birth are United into strong and cohesive in
groups or in a simple way the extended family that continues to protect each other in virtue of
their unquestionable loyalty.

As shown below, India is low on uncertainty avoidance. It signifies that people are more open to
unstructured ideas and situations.
by a third
the most
trust able
source of information as far as purchase and subscription decisions are concerned

Even though the emergence of media and technology attempts to globalise the society,
maximum number of decisions are taken on the basis of natural and cultural attitudes.
Indians being the collectivistc group of people tend to trust those immediate
trustworthy people for instant decision making. The advise, comments and suggestions
tend to hold more value even though they are open to new ideas and concepts.

The digital marketing has still not emerged in terms of influencing the audience because
the traditional marketing or ATL still has an edge over it

Digital marketing has helped the customers and the company from various aspects.
Conventional media is teaser in terms of meeting the data hunger whereby digital
marketing communication facilitates it. The beauty lies in the fact that both are
interconnected as both helps to bring out a message.

Marketing departments are now termed as "Marketing and communications

department". The following are few findings after impact analysis -.

1. Male are the main users of social media pages from my experience at GetMyUni
while managing their Facebook, Instagram and webpages. I was given the task to
analyze the fan base where I figured the same.
2. The social media consumption rate has increased rapidly with students and
teenagers covering the king s share of the data. The user base are mostly
students and teenagers.
3. Online advertisements play a vital role in promotions of brands, products and
4. Digital media helps the conventional media to reach to people effectively and
5. Privacy issues needs to be taken care of while marketing through digital media.

A)Initial Three months

Also knownTRACKING
as the set up month, this phase ranges from 0-3 months where the
campaign is built, the infrastructure is set up, assess points are decided, the baseline is
structured and listings get established on search engines.

There will be a rapid acceleration in terms of number of followers and it signifies the
beginning of the content strategy by increasing the interactions with the people and
times the brand name is mentioned.

Using the right combination of digital marketing tools, the web is designed and even the
web strategy is formulated.



B)Rolling the campaign

Ranging from 4 to 9 months of time, it involves translation of touch points into

conversation points. This stage includes integration of mobile in social media,
stimulating customer service and placing campaigns on social media engines for the
purpose of attracting more members.
This phase is also known as trying and testing where the marketers are still trying on
which works the best for the company.
C)Brand positioning

Ranging from 10 to 15 months, the marketers focus on the growth of revenues in terms
of sales which involves gaining a new position in the search engine platforms and
conversion of conversing point to conversion point.

They track the process by web analytical tools in order to monitor campaigns and bring
into attention those areas that needs to have maximum focus.

D) Expansion

Ranging from 16 to 27+ months there will be campaign stabilization on search engines.
The company establishes itself as a thought leader, gains brand power and with that
comes the flow of steady stream of revenue into the company.

Social media henceforth helps in the continuous Growth acting as a stimuli which results
in the expansion of number of followers of the campaign.

After the successful expansion strategy, the campaign s results are evaluated.

Thus, digital campaign life cycle is a learning curve for the marketers for GetMyUni.

When establishing a digital engagement strategy, large marker reach or penetration acts
very useful. Social media acts as a source of conversation conversing with people all
around the globe building rapport and network bonds with high degree is closeness and
proximity sharing quick and instant information. It lets you connect with people that
interests you and are not indifferent to, not necessarily known personally to you.

The campaigns organises are mostly cost effective which signifies the fact most of the
campaigns are free. All they demand for is TIME. A human factor is present in this
process which is for a fact that the brand that you promote becomes HUMAN due to
high degree of exposure.

Facebook is the main competitor here attracting millions of users worldwide. It helps in
building strong bonds and relationships through social networking websites. It works on
a faster pace gaining a higher degree of publicity.

The industry consist of a number of app developers developing new applications around
its API. An advantage of this is its totally RSS enabled.

Quite difficult to train and manage Groups in social networking sites since there are still
a category of people with the mindset "why bother". The industry retention rate is low
which is just 40%. The company lacks tools for the purpose of tracking and monitoring
the results of social media campaigns.

There are privacy issues such as information leakage, liability, security etc.

When efforts vs results are taken into consideration, it's quite hard to balance the
export put out on social media against the results obtained from it.

When it comes to consistency, more effort has to be put for engaging with audience at a
direct level by keeping a consistent message. The time frame available to company for
correcting errors is very less. Hence the company has to do it more promptly (clarify
mistakes to the audience)

Sometimes management tends to drop productivity which results in hitting the bottom
line of performance.


Creation and joining of online presence on the networking sites where the company has
not yet tried. It provides a great opportunity to build a strong relationship with the
people and to exchange Informations. It increases the chances to open niche markets
and new target markets that are not yet tapped especially students.

Establishing partnerships with schools, colleges and other educational institution.

Entering Into new geographical markets quickly.

Recruitment process of Interested members, students and public support which allows
them to build long as well as short term bonds with the prospective clients. It humanize
the brand by making the process more personal.

Can easily acquire deep insights into the new trends, news across the globe instantly.
Development of auto nurturing audience where a combination of company s effort and
the effort put in by the following turns the audience itself into best sales people.

Talent comes Into the company by itself effortlessly since the possibility of exposure
provided by the social media is high. Due to high degree of interaction, there might be a
lot of talents that could come in the shape of employees.

Reaching out to those aspects that traditional media never allowed the company to do.
Because social media is never biased and those clients who the company never
expected could also come across your company and put forward new prospectives and
provide valuable feedback which would prove useful for the company s future product
or service development.


There is a main threat that could affect the entire operational structure of the company
;it's privacy or the threat of attitude on privacy. Even though people are willingly sharing
the most intimate or mundane moments on social media, this could backlash against
them as well.

Over sharing can also prove to be a great disadvantage to the the company and few high
profile example might serve useful for them to rethink.

Micro messaging is just a fad but got publicity in a very short time. The company does
not have a proper revenue model and that could affect the life of the future


Social media marketing is a new concept for the companies. It's a growing medium of
the company for communication where most of the youth exist and considered to be
one of the interactive mediums of communication.

Social media is considered to be innovative and its a vast concept with a lot more to
research on. Below I have provided some recommendations and suggestions that could
help corporate firms as well as digital marketing firms to prosper in the future in terms
of being effective and efficient.

Increase in fund flow

Nowadays people can be seen communicating and interacting with digital marketing.
Clients are too cauriois about the money aspect so keep the fund low for social media
marketing which simultaneously results in the failure of brands.

Training for the interns

The interns needs to be given suitable training in the organisation so that the right
talent can be recognised. This will help them choose the best employees to the
Increase efficiency of brand pages

Using product related advertisements over and over again can prove boring to the
audience. Sometimes it's advised to use non product related advertisements as well.

HR requires enough space to deliver important pages

Human resource department sometimes fail to deliver necesaary documents and papers
which can prove disastrous to the company reputation.

Increased competence level of brand pages

One important requirement in order to increase the efficience is to target the

communication of brand pages on the basis of target group determined.

More staffing for digital marketing

Proper employee recruitment model is recommended for this sector. Without a

knowledgeable employee, the firm cannot reach on top.

Non brand communication via post

The company have to focus on posting non brand posts as well which can attract
audience. It should not be way too far from the companys vision statement but has to
give less emphasis on the brand promotion.
GetMyUni is an educational consultancy startup which runs under the supervision of
Upneet Kaur. As a part of my academic program, I was assigned to complete my
internship under the guidance of Ms.Liya Rajesh. The experience I gained during one
month of internship period was valuable.

The successful completion of this internship signifies for a fact that the future of
marketing is totally in the hands of the digital. Digital media is the besr source to
convert a product into a brand because of its cost effective nature. Digital marketing has
proven that its not merely for engagement but it also helps in acquiring new customers
as well as retaining the existing ones.

This research focused on how digital marketing works in the real time and real world. I
conclude my research by emphasing that "BRANDS MUST PURSUE DIGITAL MARKETING"


2)Kotler. P marketing management (2003 edition)

3)Social stream marketing in facebook :A case study by Trattner C ;Kappe (2013)

4)State of the media in the social media report (20th August 2018)

5)Neher,MelissaS.Barker,DonaldI.Barker,NicholasF.Bormann,KristaE.(2013).Social media
marketing: a strategic approach(1st Ed)

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