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My Personal Creed

I believe in one almighty God, the most powerful God who forever lives as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
That I will respect God in all situations, words, thoughts and action.

I believe in God, the Great Father, who is holy, merciful and is love, and looks for connection in all people.
That I will love the Lord my God with all of my heart and soul.

I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who sacrifice His life for all sinners and reveal the goodness of God.
That I will try my best to convey the message of God, to teach the truth and blessings to all mankind and live
like what He want us to live.

I believe in the Holy Spirit that lives in every believers to guide and strengthen their faith to live according to
God’s will. That I will lay on Him to serve God and create my life in all ways.

I believe in Bible, the holy book of God’s word, reveals His work and will with wisdom for life. That I will read
it and live in its teachings and share it to others each day.

I believe in prayer that serves as our medium for our close relationship with God. That I will find faith in prayer
and pray without cessation.

I believe the church, the home of Christ that was formed by His supervision, helps God in His mission to have
people as disciples. That I will have myself allocated to the church and its mission. Being present in the day of
worship and involving myself in various church activities.

I believe in the power of forgiveness that we must try our best to forgive each other as we ask for God
forgiveness. That I will not intentionally hurt other feelings even those who may have wronged me. To achieve
peace that could we can acquire through understanding and love for others. That life is not always about
perfection, being always right and best but it is about how we surpass every trial and the ability to accept that
we have wronged others.

I believe that we as Jesus Christ followers have a responsibility to be a companion and find happiness in offering
our hands to those in needs as all humans is created in the image and likeness of God. That I will overcome the
possibility to be jealous and selfish towards others but rejoice with them in their every success and I will look
for the goodness in each people.

I believe in love of all, the God’s eternal love and our love for humanity that we can find joy and cherish the
life we have despite of our differences, disagreements and mistakes. That will shape our everlasting security in
the presence of God and achieve eternal life. Amen.

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