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The new buzzwords in the corporate space today are Diversity and Inclusion.

There are
new policies that are becoming a key trend and organizations which are setting
benchmarks each day. This is a good situation to be in. However, in many cases,
because Diversity and Inclusion are being viewed as a good-to-do thing and not a
business imperative.

Fundamentally there is something wrong with this approach where an employee’s right to
expect safety and zero harassment, is being looked at as a perk. But in order to change this
mindset, the change starts with the employee himself or herself. Due to years or rather
decades of bias and patriarchy, most women particularly internalize the fact that they will be
treated differently.
Report harassment, always

Always make the time and effort to report harassment to the right authorities. This could be
something that impacts you or you have undergone. Or if you are a witness to harassment. When we
complain about it, there is awareness of how it is unacceptable. In addition to that, you demonstrate
the message of how you value your personal dignity at the workplace and expect the same from your
colleagues, managers and leaders too.
Be aware

Many employees skim over the policies and provisions that are present in their company document
unless there is a need for the same. However, awareness is the key to prevention as well. So, to
make your environment free of harassment read up and be aware of what your role is.
Sensitize others

You might have colleagues or others who you work with indirectly, who do not know about zero
harassment being their right. They might believe that it is an additional perk that the organization
provides and remain overly grateful. While it is important to be thankful to your organization for
taking steps towards your safety, it is not necessary to view it as an extraordinary thing.
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