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Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research ISSN NO: 2394-2886



T. Rajeswari1 Dr.G. Kalaimani2

Biscuit Industry in India is the largest among all the food Industries. India is known to be the second
largest manufacturer of biscuits after U.S.A. Biscuit is a hygienically packaged healthful snack food
available at very reasonable prices, volumes and dissimilar tastes. Rising incidence of health conditions,
increasing media coverage on health, growing concerns over physical appearance, changing life style
and soaring costs of healthcare have led the biscuits and cookies market to move towards a healthier
path. Considering the demand and potential for nutritious biscuits, the present study checks upon the
consumer Awareness and satisfaction of biscuits among the users in Erode City. The findings of the study
could be considered by the existing players and the new entrepreneur to launch such nutritious biscuits
in future.
Key Words: Consumer Awareness, Influencing Factors, Consumer Satisfaction
Buyer behaviour is a relatively new field of study. It is the try to understand
and predict human actions in the buying role. It has assumed growing importance under
market-oriented or consumer-oriented marketing planning and management. Buyers’
market for many products and the growth of consumerism and consumer legislation
since 1960 have created special interest in buyer behaviour and the formulation of
marketing mixes to respond favorably buyer behaviour in the market place.
Statement of the Problem
Consumer behaviour is very complex and is determine to a large extent by their
social and psychological factors. Hence it is necessary for a marketing manager to
properly understand the behaviour of his consumers before planning and marketing
strategy. All the consumers have different taste, likes and dislikes and adopt different
behaviour patterns, while making purchase decisions. Similarly if the consumers get
satisfied with his purchase then it persuades him to buy and same product frequently.
Hence the details study on consumer behaviour provides as with reasons why
consumers differ from one another buying and using product and services.
The present research deals to get appropriate answers to the following questions.
1. Are the consumers having awareness about biscuits?
2. What are the factors that influence consumers to buy biscuits?
3. Are the consumers having satisfaction about biscuits?
Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is confined to consumers’ awareness and satisfaction
about biscuits. The study is also extended to brand preference of biscuits. To identify
the various factors influence the consumers to buy the biscuits and customer satisfaction
about the biscuits.
Objectives of the Study
The study is undertaken to identify the following objectives:
1. To assess the level of awareness of Consumers about biscuits.
2. To Identify the factors which are influencing the Consumers to buy biscuits.

. Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,Bharathidasan College of Arts and
Science, Erode.
. Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management,Sri Vasavi College, Erode.

Volume 9, Issue 5, 2019 Page No: 620

Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research ISSN NO: 2394-2886

3. To study the consumer opinion and their level of satisfaction of towards

Review of Literature
G. Prakash (2004), “A Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour on Britannia Marie Gold
Biscuits” has made some notable observations regarding consumer buying behavior.
Every business envisioned at maximizing the productivity and the profit never fails to
show immense interest on knowing their customer requirements. Fulfilling the needs
and satisfying the customers becomes very much essential, since a satisfied customer
becomes an unpaid advertisement for the company. It is equally important to assure the
dealers and retailers if the company is in the business of Fast Moving Consumer Goods.
Renuka Hirekenchanagoudar, (2008), in her research work entitled, “Consumer
Behaviour Towards Ready-to-Eat Food Products” has presented investigation made an
attempt to analyze the buying behaviour of ready-to eat food products by consumers of
Hubli and Dharwad. A total sample of 200 respondents was selected for the study. 38
Majority of the respondents were aware of Parle-G, Lays, Frooti and Amul brands in
case of biscuits, chips fruit juice and ice creams accordingly. Television was the major
source for Gathering information about various brands in all the four products.
Research Methodology
Pilot Study
For the pilot study 20 respondents were selected in the study area, on the basis of the
pilot study, the design of the study was modified and hypothesis were formulated.
Methodology and Tools
Sampling Design
The sample size of the present study is 200. The respondents of the present
study are selected by applying convenience sampling technique.
Sources of Data
The Study is based on the data collected from primary and secondary sources.
The Primary data were collected from sample respondents through Interview Schedule.
The secondary data were collected from the journals, magazines, text books and
websites, the connected data were transformed into different tables and analyzed by
using appropriate statistical techniques.

Limitations of the Study

 The study is purely based on the opinions and views of a limited number
of sample respondents only. So, the findings of this study may not be
applicable to the total consumers.
 This study is restricted only to Erode City, so the results may not be
applicable to other areas.
 Times was limiting factor for the study.
 This study is based on some statistical tools. These statistical tools have
their own limitations.

Volume 9, Issue 5, 2019 Page No: 621

Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research ISSN NO: 2394-2886

Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1: General Profile of the Respondents

1. Age Frequency Percentage

Upto 21 years 32 16
21 to 50 years 132 66
Above 50 Years 36 18
Total 200 100
2.Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 64 32
Female 136 68
Total 200 100
3.Educational Qualification Frequency Percentage
No formal Education 28 14
School Level 60 30
College level 112 56
Total 200 100
4.Type of Family Frequency Percentage
Nuclear 80 40
Joint Family 120 60
Total 200 100
5.Annual Income Frequency Percentage
Upto 100000 60 30
100001-300000 112 56
Above 300000 28 14
Total 200 100
The above table reveals that 66 percent of the respondents are in the age group
of 21 to 50 Years. 68 percent of the respondents are belongs to female. 56 percent of
the respondents are belongs to College level educational qualification. 60 percent of the
respondents are from Joint Family. 56 percent of the respondents are earned Annual
Income from Rupees100001 to 300000.



To identify the various factors influencing the consumers to buy biscuits, scale
conversion method and Garrett’s ranking technique have been used. Each Biscuits has
its own merits. The consumer consider some factors like price, retailer inducement,
special offer, convenience, quantity, packaging, taste, easy availability, different
varieties, Quality etc., Hence it was decided to know the factors which are influencing
the consumer for biscuits.

Volume 9, Issue 5, 2019 Page No: 622

Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research ISSN NO: 2394-2886

Garrett ranking analysis has been applied to rank the factors in biscuits with the
following formula:
Garrett’s formula
Percent Position = 100(Rij-0.5)
Rij = Rank given for the ith factorNby th
j the j respondents
Nj = Number of factors ranked by the jth respondents
By referring the Garrett’s table (vide Appendix – II) the percent position
estimated is converted into scores. Then for each factor, the scores of each individual
are added and the mean value is calculated. Those factors having highest mean value is
considered to be most important.
The following table 2 exhibits the factors influencing the consumers to buy
biscuits. A Garrett’s ranking technique has been applied.

Volume 9, Issue 5, 2019 Page No: 623

Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research ISSN NO: 2394-2886

Total Mean
S.No Factors Scale 18 Rank
81 70 63 57 52 47 42 36 29 Score Score
f 44 4 8 28 36 36 8 8 8 20 200
1. Price 53.62 IV
fx 3564 280 504 1596 1872 1692 336 288 232 360 10724
Retailer f 8 16 4 16 12 4 20 44 44 32 200
2. 40.11 X
Inducement fx 648 1120 252 912 624 188 840 1584 1276 576 8020
f 20 8 8 12 8 4 28 24 52 36 200
3. Special Offer 40.84 IX
fx 1620 560 504 684 416 188 1176 864 1508 648 8168
f 32 4 12 24 4 12 16 36 20 40 200
4. Convenience 45.18 VII
fx 2592 280 756 1368 208 564 672 1296 580 720 9036
f 4 4 12 12 4 8 80 36 20 20 200
5. Quantity 41.12 VIII
fx 324 280 756 684 208 376 3360 1296 580 360 8224
f 36 8 16 24 35 32 12 12 12 16 200
6. Packaging 52.96 VI
fx 2916 560 1008 1368 1664 1504 504 432 348 288 10592
f 12 32 20 32 36 44 4 4 8 8 200
7. Taste 54.62 III
fx 972 2240 1260 1824 1872 2068 168 144 232 144 10924
f 8 20 40 40 32 16 8 16 16 4 200
8. Easy Availability 53.56 V
fx 648 1400 2520 2280 1664 752 336 576 464 72 10712
Different f 12 44 64 4 20 36 4 4 8 4 200
9. 58.30 I
Varieties fx 972 3080 4032 228 1040 1692 168 144 232 72 11660
f 24 60 16 8 16 8 20 16 12 20 200
10 Quality 54.77 II
fx 1944 4200 1008 456 832 376 840 576 348 360 10940
Total f 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Note: x = Scale value f : No.of customers fx: Score value

Volume 9, Issue 5, 2019 Page No: 624

Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research ISSN NO: 2394-2886

From the table 2 reveals the factors influencing the customers to buy biscuits. There are
10 factors considered to buy biscuits. Garrett ranking analysis has been applied to rank the factors
according to their influence level
Among the various factors, Different varieties is the important factor which influencing the
consumers to buy biscuits, with the mean score of 58.30, Quality is ranked as second with the
mean score of 54.77, Taste is ranked as third with the mean score of 54.62, followed by Price,
Easy Availability, Packaging, Convenience, Quantity, Special offer and retailer inducement with
the score value of 53.62, 53.56, 52.96, 45.18, 41.12, 40.84 and 40.11 respectively.
It is concluded that Different varieties is an important factor to influence purchase of
 38 per cent of the respondents are getting information about the biscuits through Friends/
 It was found that Different varieties are the important factor which influencing the
consumers to buy biscuits.
 It was found that Kids Inducement is another important factor which influencing the
consumers to buy biscuits.

 Middle age group are highly satisfied when compared with other two groups. The company
should take necessary steps to satisfy all segments of people.
 The Manufacturer or Producer may appoint more salesman to increase sales.
 The manufacturer may give offer to the consumers like complements of Jug, Tumblers and
20% extra quantity etc.,
 Female respondents having more favourable opinion regarding customer satisfaction of
biscuits. Hence the company should take necessary steps to satisfy all segments of people.
 The Manufacturer should gives additional care of Different varieties of biscuits & Kids
Indian consumers are showing a strong interest in quality of biscuits. As a result numbers of
companies have given birth to new brands of biscuits coupled with the entry of many corporations.
A good future waits for these products because people especially younger generations aspire for
western life style and standards. In the food products business, educating the customer is the key
factor and purchasing decision is likely to be influenced by family members and friends

1. Leon G. Schiffman and leslie Lazar Kanuk., 2001, “Consumer Behaviour”, New Delhi.
2. C.R.Kothari, ‘Research Methodology’, Second Revised Edition: 2004, New Age International
(P) Ltd.,
3. Loundan L.and Della Bitta.J., 1984. “Consumer Behaviour Mc Graw-Hill Book Company”,
New Delhi.
4.Philip Kotler, 1983, “Principles of Marketing”,, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New
5.Raghabir Singh., 1989, “Marketing & Consumer Behaviour”, Deep & Deep publications, New

Volume 9, Issue 5, 2019 Page No: 625

Suraj Punj Journal For Multidisciplinary Research ISSN NO: 2394-2886

6.Subhash C. Metha, 1978, “Indian Consumers”, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company

Limited, New Delhi.
7.Billai R.S.N.&Bagavathi, (1987) “ Modern Marketing Principles”, Sultan Chand & Sons. Ram
Nagar, New Delhi.
B. Journals
1. Indian Journal of Marketing
2. Facts for you
3. Kisan World
4. Southern Economist
C. Websites
2. www. britannia
3. www. all
4. www.highbeam

Volume 9, Issue 5, 2019 Page No: 626

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