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Play Th e Odds!


Elevate gives you, the opportunity to become the lead
organiser of ElevateX and bring one of the topmost
pitching competitions to your own campus.

Ranging from the simple to the expounded ones, small

to large, each ElevateX fetches one common thing:
Startups competing in each campus have gathered
together on the same platform to share their experience,
acumen, and their passion towards one single customary
goal: to elevate themselves.

Standard Operating Procedure
of ElevateX

1 After being intimated by a correspondent of E-Cell IITM about

ElevateX and agreeing to lead ElevateX in your respective
colleges, you will be recognised as the Campus Director for your
college. A mail containing all prerequisite information about
ElevateX will soon reach you, this mail will also answer any
doubts that may have been upstanding during your verbal
conversation with our correspondent.

2 You are primarily required to secure permission from your

college authorities for conducting this program and procure the
certificate of permission. A scanned copy of the same must be
sent to the E-Cell team.

Following this, you must finalise the venue for hosting this event
and ensure all operational requirements are available, such as:
- Projector or TV and a background
- Proper lighting, ventilation and ambience facilities.
- Chairs, tables and preferably a wall-mounted board
- If the venue is large, make sure there is a proper audio system
and mics.

Apart from these mandatory requirements, if you/your colleges

plan to manage any additional arrangement then it is your

As a campus director, you may have to reach out to VC firms,
Angel Investors or renowned entrepreneurs in the vicinity of your
college for finalising the expert panel which is responsible for
judging ElevateX. In case you have been unable to get their
green signal, then have your college’s senior authorities who
have had any experience in the entrepreneurial world.

You must then submit this finalised list to the E-cell team along
with their description. It must be ensured that these experts are
credible and unbiased. The minimum no. of experts in the panel
must be 2. Only in cases of last-minute cancellations or unavail-
ability can the jury be comprised of 1 expert.

Following these primary requirements, you are now responsible
for marketing and publicising ElevateX in your campus and

You must also contact the entry-level student start-ups of your

Note: That this is the most integral part of hosting Elevate as
there is a requirement of a minimum of 8 participating teams.
Exception could be made by pre-approval of team Elevate. In
cases of lower turn-up than 5 teams, cut downs will have to be
made in the number of qualifying teams.

Before the ElevateX date:
Note that the last date for conducting and submitting results of
ElevateX is 2nd December.

You will be provided with the documents, guidelines and the

judging sheet which will be used by the expert panel to evaluate
the pitches.

You will also be provided with the publicity material along with
the posters that must be visible at the venue.

The day prior of the event you must make reminder calls to all
the participating teams and the expert panel, in case a member
of the jury is incapable of attending or any unprecedented
changes come along you must have a back-up for the smooth
functioning of the event day.

On the day of ElevateX:
Intimate all the teams about their respective slots and make sure
there are no delays or waiting periods because a team does not
turn up on time

Ensure there is proper hospitality and conduct with the expert

panel so that they are not disgruntled and sit comfortably
through-out the pitching rounds.

Make sure the judging and evaluation are done on the evaluation
sheet provided by the E-cell team only. This must be ensured as
a scanned copy of these evaluation sheets must be provided to
e-cell as proof of credibility.

The judging must be based on a 5-minute pitch followed by
3-minutes of a questioning session initiated by the judging panel.
Ensure that these time constraints are followed strictly by all

During the commencement of ElevateX, the event should be

captured in the form of pictures and short clips of the posters
and the event that will serve as proof and the pitching videos
that will serve as a database for E-cell.

After the completion of the Pitching rounds, the top 2* teams

should be filtered out among the aggregate number of regis-
tered teams based on the evaluation sheets as shared by Elevate
The respective sheets must be scanned and secured as they will
serve in the further shortlisting.

The judges will be required to fill the feedback form that will be
provided by the E-cell team for getting an insight into how
efficiently the event was conducted.

These top 2* selected teams are then required to submit a 3-

minute video of their pitch along with a detailed form that will be
provided by the Elevate organising team. Their evaluation sheets
will also be required for this process.

After the due short listing of various entries based on the pitch
video, evaluation sheet and the detailed form, Top-12 teams
(Early-Stage Startups) from across the country will be invited for
the final round of Elevate.

*The top 2 teams are qualified to clear the ElevateX first round only if the
total number of registered teams from that college is greater than 5. In
cases of 5 or lower number of registrations, only 1 team will have to be
selected from your college.

Incentives for Campus and
Campus Director

For the campus directors, this is the opportunity to put their

college on the map of this colossal start-up competition, for
them to lead the largest student-run fundraising and pitching
competition of the country in their college. Secondly the
incentives for the college directors are :

Certificate for being the lead organizer of ElevateX in their

college, making a fine addition to their resume.

Gift Vouchers and Goodies procured from kind deals.

Opportunity to interact with VC firms, Angel Investors or

Head authorities of their respective colleges.

For the host colleges, ElevateX is an avenue to associate with the

Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Madras and publicise their college as
one that fosters entrepreneur culture and spirit. It also gives the
students of the college a first-hand experience at handling their
venture and facing relevant challenges and finding ways to refine
their start-up. There is also a possibility for their start-ups to ace
the competition and secure funding as much as 5 crores (by due
diligence), a figure truly capable of elevating the winning venture
startup to new heights!

Contact Us:

Shubham Tibrewal Akshit Bagde

Head | Startup Services Head | Startup Services
E-Cell, IIT Madras E-Cell, IIT Madras
+91-91762 71935 +91-722891202

Event Lead

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