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Tugas B.

Inggrish Peminatan
“Biography Text”

Nama kelompok :
❖ Chelfy Angelia Pradita
❖ Deanna Safira
❖ Kevin Velendra
❖ Laura Gusnita
❖ Reno Nilam Sari

Kelas :
X. Ipa ⁷

Guru Pembimbing :
Perawati S.pd

TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2020
Dewi Sartika

One of the most famous female figures in Indonesia is Dewi Sartika. She is also known as Djuragan
Dewi or Djuragan Ageung is a national hero in the world of women’s education.
Dewi Sartika was born on December 4th, 1884 in Cicalengka, Bandung. Her father named Raden
Somanagara was a freedom fighter at that time. While her mother was Nyi Raden Rajapermas.
Her parents were fighting hard to send him to the School of the Netherlands. Although it is so
contrary to traditional culture prevailing at the time.
For opposing the Government of the Netherlands East Indies, her mother was exiled to Ternate,
while her father died. So, Dewi Sartika brought up by her maternal uncle, a brother of her mom,
who called Arya. At that time, Arya was a governor in Cicalengka.
Dewi Sartika gained the knowledge about the Sundanese culture of her uncle. She was also
knowledgeable of Western culture that she got from a lady of Dutch Resident Assistant.
She showed her potential in the world of education as a child. In fact, she taught children
of kepatihanmaid, so they were all able to read and write a few words in Dutch.
This made Cicalengka in an uproar. People felt shocked because at that time there had been no
rabble of children who can read and write.
As a teenager, Dewi Sartika was back to Bandung and stayed with her mother. She was more
determined to reach her goal, which was to establish a school that aims to promote women’s
After a very long struggle, she finally managed to establish a school that is devoted to women.
Then, on January 16, 1904, after consultation with the Regent R.A.A Martanagara, for the first
time, she managed to open a school.
The school was given the name of Sakola Istri or Sekolah Perempuan. Sakola Istri was the first
school in the Dutch East Indies, it was originally only had 20 students.
Sakola Istri was located in Bandung district hall, she was helped by two cousins, Ny. Poerwa and
Nyi. Oewid.
At the top, in 1912, she had 9 Sakola Istri in Pasundan. In 1914, Sakola Istri was renamed Sakola
Kautamaan Istri (School of Virtue Women). Exactly in 1920 the whole region of Pasundan owned
Sakola Kautamaan Istri.
In September 1929, when Sakola Kautamaan Istri was 25 years, the school became the Sakola
Raden Dewi. As for her dedication in this field, she was awarded by the Indian – Dutch government.
Dewi Sartika died on September 11th, 1947 in Tasikmalaya. She was buried in the funeral
Cigagadon Rahayu Village District of Cincem. Finally, after 3 years his tomb was moved to a
cemetery complex Regent of Bandung at Karang Anyar Street, Bandung regency.
Struggle as well as her dedication to the nation of Indonesia, made her an honorary degree, and
were given on December 1st 1966 as the National Independence Hero.

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