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C 15/3/2019


TEDDS calculation version 2.0.09

4 Pile Cap, height h

s with eccentricity

2 1

P3 e
case 3 shear plane
3 3

case 2 case 1
b y ex
Loaded width - x, y
f/5 x

case 4 shear plane

4 4
P1 P4

2 L 1

Pile Cap Design – Truss Method

Design Input - 4 Piles - With Eccentricity
Number of piles; N=4
ULS axial load; Fuls = 4800.0 kN
Pile diameter; f = 250 mm
Pile spacing, both directions; s = 1200 mm
Eccentricity from centroid of pile cap; ex = 50 mm
Eccentricity from centroid of pile cap; ey = 50 mm
Characteristic load in pile, f1; Fchar_pile_1 = Fchar ´ (0.5 ´ s - ex)/s ´ (0.5 ´ s - ey)/s = 672.2 kN
Characteristic load in pile, f2; Fchar_pile_2 = Fchar ´ (0.5 ´ s - ex)/s ´ (0.5 ´ s + ey)/s = 794.4 kN
Characteristic load in pile, f3; Fchar_pile_3 = Fchar ´ (0.5 ´ s + ex)/s ´ (0.5 ´ s + ey)/s = 938.9 kN
Characteristic load in pile, f4; Fchar_pile_4 = Fchar ´ (0.5 ´ s + ex)/s ´ (0.5 ´ s - ey)/s = 794.4 kN
Pile cap overhang; e = 200 mm
Overall length of pile cap; L = s + f +2 ´ e = 1850 mm
Overall width of pile cap; b = s + f +2 ´ e = 1850 mm
Overall height of pile cap; h = 1000 mm
Dimension x of loaded area; x = 300 mm
Dimension y of loaded area; y = 300 mm
Concrete grade; fcu = 35.0 N/mm2
Nominal cover; cnom = 40 mm
Tension bar diameter; Dt = 25 mm
Link bar diameter; Ldia = 12 mm
Depth to tension steel; d = h – cnom - Ldia - Dt/2 = 936 mm
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Pile Cap Forces

Maximum compression within pile cap; Fc = max(Fc1, Fc2, Fc3, Fc4) = 1831.5 kN
Maximum tension within pile cap; Ft = max(Ft1, Ft2, Ft3, Ft4) = 828.0 kN
Compression In Pile Cap - Suggested Additional Check
Check compression diagonal as an unreinforced column, using a core equivalent to pile diameter
Compressive force in pile cap; Pc = 0.4 ´ fcu ´ p ´ f2/4 = 687.2 kN
FAIL Compression

Tension In One Truss Member

Characteristic strength of reinforcement; fy = 500 N/mm2
Partial safety factor for strength of steel; gms = 1.05
Required area of reinforcement; As_req = 2 ´ Ft /(1/gms ´ fy) = ;3478; mm
Provided area of reinforcement; As_prov = Ast = 4909 mm2
Tension capacity of truss member; Pt = (1/gms ´ fy) ´ As_prov /2 = ;1168.7; kN
PASS Tension

Max / Min Areas of Reinforcement - Considering A Strip Of Cap

Minimum required area of steel; Ast_min = kt ´ Ac = 975 mm2
Maximum allowable area of steel; Ast_max = 4 % ´ Ac = 30000 mm2
Area of tension steel provided OK
Cl. 3.12.6 & Table 3.25

Local Shear At Concentrated Loads (Cl 3.7.7)

Total length of inner perim. at edge of loaded area; u0 = 2 ´ ( x + y ) =1200 mm
Assumed average depth to tension steel; dav = d - Dt = 911 mm
Max shear effective across perimeter; Vp = Fuls = 4800.0 kN
Stress around loaded area; vmax = Vp / (u0 ´ dav) = 4.39 N/mm2
Allowable shear stress; vallowable = min((0.8 N1/2/mm) ´ Ö(fcu ), 5 N/mm2 ) = 4.73 N/mm2
Shear stress - OK

Punching Shear Check – 4 Pile Group (Cl

Total length of outer perimeter; u = 4 ´ ( s - f + 2 ´ f / 5 ) = 4200 mm
Fig 3.23
Punching shear check VALID - s > 3 x phi
Assumed average depth to "tension" steel; dav = d - Dt = 911 mm
Design shear force effective across perimeter; Vp = Fuls = 4800.0 kN
Design shear stress around perimeter; vpunch = Vp / (u ´ dav) = 1.26 N/mm2
Area of tension reinft crossing shear perimeter; As_av = 8 ´ (1.2´f/bmr) ´ As_prov_mr = 15708 mm2
From BS8110-1:1997 Table 3.8
vc_25av = 0.79 ´ rav1/3 ´ max(0.67, (400 mm/dav)1/4) ´ 1.0 N/mm2 / 1.25 = 0.38 N/mm2
vcav = vc_25av ´ ( min(fcu, 40 N/mm2 )/25 N/mm2 )1/3 = 0.43 N/mm2
Shear enhancement - Cl.
vc_enh_punch = min( vallowable, vcav ´ max( 1.0, 1.5 ´ dav / av_punch ) ) = 1.56 N/mm2
PASS - Punching shear

Clear Distance Between Bars In Tension (Cl

Maximum / Minimum allowable clear distances between tension bars considering a strip of cap
Actual bar spacing;
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C 15/3/2019

spacingbars = max( 0mm, (bccs - nsurfaces ´ (cadopt + Ldia) - Dt)/(Lnt - 1) - Dt) =45 mm
Maximum allowable spacing of bars; spacingmax = min((47000 N/mm)/fs, 300 mm) = 199 mm
Minimum required spacing of bars; spacingmin = hagg + 5 mm = 25 mm
Bar spacing OK

Clear Distance Between Face Of Beam And Tension Bars (Cl
Distance to face of beam; Distedge = cadopt + Ldia + Dt/2 = 65 mm
Design service stress in reinforcement; fs = 2 ´ fy ´ As_req /(3 ´ As_prov ´ bb) = 236.1 N/mm2
Max allowable clear spacing; Spacingmax = min((47000 N/mm)/fs, 300 mm) = 199 mm
Max distance to face of beam; Distmax = Spacingmax /2 = 100 mm
Max distance to beam edge check - OK

Anchorage Of Tension Steel

Anchorage factor; ffactor =38
Type of lap length; lap_type ="tens_lap"
Type of reinforcement; reft_type = "def2_fy500"
Minimum radius; rbar = 87 mm
Minimum end projection; Pbar = 240 mm
Minimum anchorage length or lap length req’d; Ltable 3.27 = ffactor ´ Dt = 950 mm
Check anchorage length to cl. (b); Lcl. = 12 ´ Dt + d/2 = 768 mm
Required minimum effective anchorage length; La = max(Ltable 3.27, Lcl. = 950 mm
Check bearing stress on minimum radius bend
Note that the bars must extend at least 4D past the bend
Force per bar at bend; Fbt = Ft / Lnt = 82.8 kN
Bearing stress; fbt = Fbt / (rbar´Dt) = 38.07 N/mm2
Edge bar centres; sext = cadopt + Dt = 65 mm
Edge maximum allowable bearing stress; fbt_max_ext = 2 ´ fcu / ( 1 + 2´(Dt / sext )) = 39.57 N/mm2
Internal bar centres; sint = spacingbars + Dt = 70 mm
Internal maximum allowable bearing stress; fbt_max_int = 2 ´ fcu / ( 1 + 2´(Dt / sint )) = 40.78 N/mm2
PASS - Bearing stress on minimum radius bend is less than maximum allowable

Deflection Check (Cl 3.4.6)

Redistribution ratio; b b = 1.0
Design service stress in tension reinforcement; fs = 2 ´ fy ´ As_req /(3 ´ As_prov ´ bb) = 236.1 N/mm2
Modification for tension reinforcement;
factortens = min( 2, 0.55 + (477 N/mm2 - fs)/(120 ´ (0.9 N/mm2 + Ft /(b´d )))) = 2.000
Modified span to depth ratio; modfspan_depth = factortens ´ basicspan_depth = 40.0
Span of pile cap for deflection check; Ls = 900 mm
Actual span to depth ratio; actualspan_depth = Ls /d = 0.96
PASS - Deflection

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