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‫السال م عليكم و رحمة هللا و بر كته‬

Active Member Recruitment 2018

Assignment Recruitment

Public Relations
Berliani Eka Saputri

‫برلياني ايكا سافوتري‬



Marketing Communication

Choose one of the following tasks:

Option A

In Indonesia, people, including Binusian, we often use LINE as our main social

media to interact with people. People nowadays use LINE to share their event,

information, or their product. As it becomes "mainstream" for us to see a

square bubble (shared post) in our group, we often just ignore and close it


Generates strategies on how BNEC LINE Official Account can still share the

information (event, news, or even just an inspirational quote) and reach out to

the viewer. How to make ordinary people who tend to close promotion

instantly, become interested to open and read our post-bubble?

Option B

Make an article on the topic from one of the options below. The article must

contain between 500-1000 words. If you use reference, don’t forget to

mention the link.

- How will organization experience help your performance on a company


- 5 most important soft skills of your opinion. Why is it important, and how

can you get it?

- Live out of your imaginations. How to make your dreams come true? What
are the steps to achieve it?

Option A
In Indonesia, people, including Binusian, we often use LINE as our main social

media to interact with people. People nowadays use LINE to share their event,

information, or their product. As it becomes "mainstream" for us to see a

square bubble (shared post) in our group, we often just ignore and close it


Generates strategies on how BNEC LINE Official Account can still share the

information (event, news, or even just an inspirational quote) and reach out to

the viewer. How to make ordinary people who tend to close promotion

instantly, become interested to open and read our post-bubble?

Answers :

In today’s in the use of social media is already very wide in its use other
than just to communicate. Which is not the case to share various events, promotions,
some articles, and more. The problem is when everyone who uses online gets a
promotion or some short of information that has been shared to some group, too
much information is coming in and things are long-winded that's the reason why
people rarely see promotional content that has been disseminated in line groups and
lazy to read the content.

In addition, in the case of disseminating it must also be considered.

usually people will open their phone when it’s time off, break time, or free. If it’s

disseminated when during college hours, work, other activities will not be seen by
the readers will even be considered spamming or annoy for them.

So, how to make ordinary people who tend to close promotion

instantly, become interested to open and read our post-bubble? In my opinion, I guess

1. Create a good content, drawing the appropriate attention between the content
and the image poster.
2. When will be disseminated, it would be better to pay attention to hours or the
right time to share. It's a good time to share when during break time people
from their activities.
3. Don’t forget, too. If you will to share don’t immediately posting to all of the
groups directly. Be better if you give a time lag when will post. Because no other
things sometimes in some groups have the same friends, so be bored to read.

That’s all from me, if I have a lot of mistakes from my words, I’m apologize bro
Thank you.

‫و السال م عليكم و رحمة هللا و بر كته‬

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