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Q. 1. What is the basic concept of vibration?

Ans. All bodies having mass and elasticity are capable of vibration. When external force is applied on
the body, the internal forces are set up in the body which tend to bring the body in the original
position. The internal forces which are set up are the elastic forces which tend to bring the body in the
equilibrium position. Consider an example of swinging of pendulum.
At extreme position whole of the kinetic energy of the ball is
converted into elastic energy which tends to bring the ball in
the equilibrium/mean position. At mean position whole of
the, elastic energy is converted into kinetic energy and body
continues to move in opposite direction because of it. Now
the whole of kinetic energy is converted into elastic energy
and this elastic energy again brings the ball to the
equilibrium position. In this way, vibratory motion is
repeated indefinitely and exchange of energy takes place.
This motion which repeats itself after certain interval of time
is called vibration.

Q. 2. What are the main causes of vibration?

Ans. The main causes of vibration are:

1. Unbalanced centrifugal force in the. system due to faulty design and poor manufacturing.
2. Elastic nature of system.
3. External excitation applied on the system
4. Winds may cause vibration of cerim sv stem such as electricity lines, telephone lines etc.

Q. 3. What are the disadvantages of effects of vibration?

Ans. Disadvantages harmful effects vibration:

1. Vibration causes excessive and unpleasant stresses in the rotating system.
2. Vibration causes rapid wear and tear of machine parts such as gears and bearings.
3. Vibration causes loosening of parts from the machine.
4. Due to vibrations locomotive can leave the track causing accident or heavy loss.
5. Earthquakes are the cause of vibration because of which buildings and other
structures (like bridges) may collapse.
6. Proper readings of instruments cannot be taken because of heavy vibrations.
7. Resonance may take place if the frequency of excitation matches with the natural
frequency of system causing large amplitudes of vibration thereby resulting in
failure of systems e.g. — Bridges

Q. 4. (a) How can you eliminate/reduce unnecessary vibrations?

Ans. Unwanted vibrations can be reduced by:

1. Removing external excitation if possible.
2. Using shock absorbers.
3. Dynamic absorbers.
4. Proper balancing of rotating parts.
5. Removing manufacturing defects and material inhomogeneities.
6. Resting the system on proper vibration isolators.

Q. 4. (b) What are the advantages of vibration?

Ans. Advantages of vibration

1. Musical Instruments like guitar.
2. In study of earthquake for geological reasons.
3. Vibration is useful for vibration testing equipments.
4.. Propagation of sound is due to vibrations.
5. Vibratory conveyors are based on concept of vibration.
6. Pendulum clocks are based on the principle of vibration.

Q. 5. What is the importance of vibration study?

Ans. Importance of vibration study. The imp of vibration study is to reduce or eliminate vibration
effects over mechanical components by designing them suitably. Proper design and manufacture of
parts will reduce unbalance in engines which causes excessive and unpleasant stress in rotating
system because of vibration, roper design of machine parts will reduce and tear due to vibration and
loosening parts. The proper designing and material distribution prevent the locomotive m leaving the
track due to excessive vibration which may result in accident or heavy loss. Proper designing of
structure buildings can prevent the condition of resonance which causes dangerously large
oscillations which may result in failure of that part.

Q. 6. Define the following:

(i) Periodic Motion (ii) Time period (iii) Frequency (iv) Amplitude (v) Natural frequency
(vi) Fundamental mode of vibration (vii) Degree of freedom (viii) Simple Harmonic Motion
(S.H.M.) (ix) Resonance (x) Damping (xi) Phase Difference (xi,) Spring stiffness
Ans. Definitions
(i) Periodic motion: A motion which repeats itself after certain interval of time is
called periodic motion.
(ii) Time Period : It is time taken to complete One cycle.
(iii) Frequency: No’s of cycles in one sec. Units = H
(iv) Amplitude: Maximum displacement of a vibrating body from mean position is
called Amplitude.
(v) Natural frequency: When there is no external force applied on the system and it is given a slight
displacement the body vibrates. These vibrations are called free vibrations and frequency of free
vibration is called Natural frequency.

(vi) Fundamental mode of vibration: Fundamental mode of vibr!sternis a mode

(vii) Degree of freedom:
• The minimum no’s of co-
ordinates required to specify
motion of a system at any
instant is called degree of
(viii) Simple Harmonic Motion
(S.H.M..) : The motion of a
body “to” and “fro” about a
fixed point is called S.H.M.
S.FLM.. is a periodic motion
and it is function of “Sine” or
“Cosine”. Acceleration of
S.H.M. is proportional to
displacement from the mean
position and is directed towards
the centre.

In S.H.M. acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement from the mean position and is
directed towards the centre.

(zx) Resonance : When the frequency of external force is equal to the natural frequency of a vibrating
body, the amplitude of vibration becomes excessively large. This is known as “Resonance” . At
resonance there are chances of machine part or structure to fail due to excessively large amplitude. It
is thus important to find natural freuqencies of the system in order to avoid resonance.

(x) Damping: It is resistance provided to the vibrating body and vibrations related to it are called
damped vibration.
(xi) Phase difference : Suppose there are two vectors

(xii) Spring stiffness : It is defined as unit deflection. Units : N/m.

Q. 7. What are the various parts of a vibrating system?

Ans. Various parts of the mechanical system (vibratory system) are : —

(A) Spring
(B) Damper
(C) Mass

Damping force c ± acting upwards Accelerating force m i acting downwards

Spring force kx acting upwards

Q. 8. Explain different methods of vibration analysis ?

Ans. Different methods of vibration analysis are:

Energy method : According to this method total energy of the system remains constant i.e. sum of
kinetic energy and potential energy always remains constant.
Rayleigh Method : This method is based on the principle that maximum kinetic energy of the term is
equal to the maximum potential energy of the system.

According to this method the sum of forces and moments acting on the system is zero if no external
force is applied on the system.
Consider fig. I
Q. 9. Classify different types of vibrations.

Ans. Types of Vibrations

I. Free and Forced
To and fro motion of the system when disturbed initially without any extornal force acting on it are
called free vibrations. e.g. pendulum. To and fro motion of the system under the influence of external
force are called forced vibrations. e.g. Bell, Earthquake.
II. Linear and Non-linear vibrations
Linear vibrations : The linear vibrations are those which obey law of superimposition. If a1 and a2
are the solutions of a differential equation, then a1 + a2 should also be the solution.

Non-linear vibrations : When amplitude of vibrations tends towards large value, then vibrations
become non-linear in nature. They do not obey law of superimposition. III. Damped and Undamped
Damped vibrations are those in which amplitude of vibration decreases with time. These vibrations
are real and are also called transient vibrations.

Undamped vibrations are those in which amplitude of vibration remains constant. In ideal system
there would be no damping and so amplitude of vibration is steady.

1V. Deterministic and Random vibrations (Non-Deterministic).

Deterministic vibrations are those whose external excitation is known or can be determined whereas
Random vibrations are those whose external excitation cannot be determined. e.g. Earthquake

V. Longitudinal, Transverse and Torsional vibrations

Q. 10. What are beats?

Ans. When two harmonic motions pass through some point in a medium simultaneously, the resultant
is the sum of two motions. This superimposition of harmonics is called interference. When two
harmonics are in phase then their resultant amplitude is maximum and the resultant amplitude is
minimum when two harmonics are out of phase. This phenomenon continuously occurs i.e. amplitude
becomes maximum and minimum repeatedly. This is called “beats”. For beats to occur, the difference
in frequencies of two waves should be very less.

Maximum amplitude = 2A
Minimum amplitude 0.
Q. 11. Derive the relation for the work done by the harmonic force

Ans. Let harmonic force F = F0 sin cot is acting on a vibrating body having

Q. 12. Add the following harmonic motions analytically and check the solution graphically.

Draw BC parallel to OD and DC parallel to OB

Measure OC, OC = 9.6 cm at an angle 76°
Hence by graphically we get the same result as by analytical method.
Q. 13. Split the harmonic motion x = 10 sin (wt + 2r/6) into two harmonic motions one having
phase angle of 00 and other having 45° phase angle.

Ans. Let the equations are:

Q. 14. Show that the resultant motion of three harmonic motions given below is zero.

Hence proved.
Q. 16. How do you add two harmonic motions having different frequencies?

Ans. Let two harmonic motions with slightly different frequencies be: -

Q. 17. How can we make a system vibrate in one of its natural mode?

Ans. When a system is displaced slightly from its equilibrium position and allowed to vibrate then
these are called free vibrations and the system is said to vibrate m its natural mode without any
external force impressed on it.
Q. 18. How does a continuous system differ from a discrete system in the nature of its equation
of motion?

Ans. Continuous systems have infinite degree of freedom and so the no. of solutions are infinite. The
equation of motion for continuous system involve both displacement (x) as well as time (t). Discrete
systems have finite degree of freedom and so the no. of solutions are finite. The discrete systems may
be single degree of freedom system, 2 degree freedom system and so on. The number of equations
depends upon the degree of freedom of discrete system. Further equation of motion of discrete
systems involve only position (x) and not time (t).

Q. 1. What do you mean by undamped free vibrations?

Ans. If the body vibrates with internal forces and no external force is included, it is Further during
vibrations if there is no loss of energy due to friction or resistance, it is known as undamped free

Q. 2 Consider the relation for the frequency of spring mass system in vertical position.

Q. 3. What is D’Alembert’s Principle?
Ans. D’Alembert’s principle states that if the resultant force acting on a body along with the inertia
force is zero, then the body will be in static equilibrium.
Inertia force acting on the body is given by

Assuming that the resultant force acting on body is F, then the body will be in static equilibrium if

Consider fig. 2.2., the spring force of the body Kx is acting upwards and acceleration of the body i is
acting in downward direction. The accelerating force is acting downward so inertia force is acting
upwards, so the body is
M static equilibrium under the action of the two forces Kx
and mi. Mathematically it can be written as

Q. 4. Derive the relation for natural frequency of torsional vibrations.

Ans. Consider a rotor having mass moment of inertia I connected at end of the shaft having torsional
stiffness KT and is rotated by an angle 0 as shown in fig. 2.3.

According to Newton’s law equation of motion can be written as:

Q. 5. Derive the relation for natural frequency of the compound pendulum.

Ans. The system which is suspended vertically and oscillates with small amplitude under the action
of force of gravity is known as compound pendulum (Fig. 2.4)
Let W = Weight of rigid body
o = Point of suspension
k = Radius of gyration about an axis passing
through centre of gravity G.
h = Height of point of suspension frQm G.
I = Moment of Inertia of the body about 0.
I = + mh2 (Parallel axis theorem)
Q. 6. Find the natural frequency of the column of liquid contained in a simple a-Tube
manometer as shown in figure 2.5. Length of tube is 0.2 m.

Ans. Let p mass density of liquid

A cross-sectional area of tube.
length of the column of liquid
or monometer tube.
Let at any moment liquid is displaced by a
distance x from its mean position.
Applying Energy method
Q. 7. Determine the effect of mass of spring on natural frequency of the system as shown in Fig.

Ans. Let x be the displacement of mass m and so velocity

will be x. The velocity of spring element at distance y from the fixed end is given by where 1
is the total length of spring.
Let p be the mass per unit length of spring element, the
Differentiating the above equation
Q. 8. Determine the natural frequency of spring mass pulley system as shown in Fig. 2.7.
Q. 9. A cylinder of diameter D and mass in floats vertically in a liquid of mass density p as
shown in Fig. 2.8. Find the period of oscillation if it is depressed slightly and released. .

Ans. Let us assume x be the displacement of the cylinder,

Q. 10. Determine the frequency of oscillation of the system shown in Fig. 2.9.
Q. 11. Determine the natural frequency of spring controlled simple pendulum as shown in Fig.

Ans. Let us say the system is displaced by an angle 0 to the right. Equation of motion can be written
Q. 12. Determine the natural frequency of the system shown in Fig. 2.11.

Ans. Let m be the mass of circular cylinder and r be the radius of the cylinder.

Differentiating the above equation

Q. 13. The natural frequency of a. spring-mass system is 20 Hz and when extra 3 kg mass is
attached to its mass the natural frequency reduces by 4 Hz. Determine the mass and stiffness of
the system.

Q. 14. A spring-mass system has a time period of 0.25 sec. What will be the new
time period if the spring constant is increased by 30%?

Ans. We know
Q. 15. A car is having a mass of 1000 kg and its spring gets deflected 3 cm under its own load..
Find the natural frequency of car in vertical direction.

Ans. Stiffness of spring is given by

Natural frequency of spring-mass system in vertical position is given by

Q. 16. A torsional pendulum has a rod of 5 mm diameter. Find out its length for natural
frequency of 10 Hz. The inertia of the mass fixed at the free end is 0.0120 kg rn2., Take G = 0.84
x 1011 N/m2.
Ans. The natural frequency of pendulum is given as

Q. 17. Find the natural frequency of the system shown in Figure 2.12.

Ans. Since the three springs are in parallel1 their equivalent sfess can be calculated
Q. 18. A mass is suspended from a spring system as shown in figure 2.13. Determine the natural
frequency of the system.

Ans. Since spring k2 and k3 are connected in parallel1 so their equivalent k is given as k = + k3.
Again k and k1 are connected in series, so the equivalent ke is given as

The natural frequency

Q. 20. A cantilever beam of negligible mass is loaded with mass 4m’ at the free end. Find the
natural frequency of the mass sm’.

Ans. Deflection of cantilever beam loaded at one end can be given as

and therefore stiffness of beam can be calculated as

General equation of motion for undamped free vibration is given as

Q. 21. Determine the natural frequency of the system as shown in figure. 2.16.

Ans. Deflection of such a system is given as

Equation of motion for undamped free vibration is given as

Q. 22. A simply supported beam of square cross section 5 mm x 5 mm and length 1 m, carrying
a mass of 2.3 kg at the middle, is found to have a natural frequency of transverse vibrations of
30 rad/s. Determine the Young’s modulus of elasticity of the beam.
Q. 23. A simple pendulum of length L, bob mass m, and rod mass M, is vibrating in the vertical
plane. Calculate the frequency of free vibrations.
Q. 1. What is damping?

Ans. Damping is the resistance offered by a body to the motion of a vibratory system.
The resistance may be applied to liquid or solid internally or externally At the start of the vibratory
motion the amplitude of vibration is maximum wkij6es on decreasing with time. The rate of
decreasing amplitude depends upon the amount of damping.

Q. 2. Classify different types of damping.

Ans. Types of Damping

1. Viscous
2. Coulomb
3. Structural
4. Non-linear, Slip or interfacial damping
5. Eddy current-damping

1. Viscous damping: When the system is allowed to vibrate in viscous medium the damping is called
viscous Viscosity is the property of the fluid by virtue of which it offers resistance to moment of
one over the other.
The force F required . to maintain the velocity
x of plate is given by:

The force F can also be written as:

where c is called viscous damping coefficient

From (1) and (2),

The main components of viscous damper are cylinder, piston and viscous fluid.
The damping resistance depends upon pressure difference on both sides of piston in viscous medium.
The clearance is left between piston and cylinder walls. More the clearance, more will be the velocity
of piston and less will be the value of viscous damping coefficient.

Equation of Motion

and B = specific damping capacity

2. Coulomb Damping: When a body is allowed to slide over the other body the surface of o offers
resistance to the movement of 9Lod over it. This resisting force is called force of friction.
coefficient of friction

Some of the energy is wasted in friction and amplitude of vibrations goes on decreasing. Such type of
damping is called coulomb damping.

3. Structural damping : This type of damping arises because of intermolecular

friction beti- the molecules of structure which opposes its movement. The magnitude
of this damping is very small as compared to other damping. Elastic materials during
loading and unloading from a loop or stress strain curve known as_hysteresis loop. The area of this
loop gives the amount of energy dissipated in one cycle during vibrations. This is also called
hysteresis damping.
The energy loss per cycle is given as;

If energy dissipated is treated equal to energy dissipated by viscous damping then;

The damping’force, F =
The amplitude decay is of exponential nature.

4. &on-linear, p or Interfacial damping : Machine elements are connected through various joints and
microscopic slip occurs over the joints of machine elements which usdisspoint of energy when
machine elements are in contact with fluctuating load. The energy dissipated per cycle depends upon
coefficient of friction, pressure at contacting surface and amplitude of vibration. There is an optimum
value of contact pressure at which energy dissipated is maximum for different amplitudes.

5. Eddy current damping : If a non-ferrous conducting object (e.g. plater d etc.) moves in a direction
perpendicular lines of magnetic flux is produced by current is induced in the object.1iiiiIrent is
proportional to vlocity of the object. The current induced is called eddy current which set up its own
magnetic field opposite to original magnetic field that has induced it. This provides resistance to
motion object It forms magnetic field . This type of damping produced by eddy currents is
called eddy current damping. it is used in vibrometers and in some vibration control

Q. 3. Derive the relation for energy dissipated in viscous damping per cycle.
Ans. Energy dissipated in viscous damping per cycle

Q. 4. Prove that frequency of vibration of system having coulomb damping is same as that of

undamped system.

Ans. Frequency of damped oscillations

• Free vibrations with dry friction or coulomb damping
(b) Mass displaced towards rigit & moving towards right
The frequency of vibration of system having coulomb damping is same as that of undamped system
Q. 5. Prove that amplitude loss per cycle in c4 damping is :

Ans. Rate of Decay of oscillation: Let 1A be the amplitude of body from mean position to start and
after half cycle, let x be its amplitude. The velocity of mass =0 at two extreme positions. (Refer Fig.
Therefore, total energy of the system at two extreme positions be

The difference between the two energies must be equal to energy dissipated or work done against

Q. 6. Differentiate between Coloumb and Viscous damping.

Ans. Differences between Viscous damping & Coulomb damping

1. In case of viscous damping ratio of any two successive amplitudes is constant whereas in coulomb
damping difference between two successive amplitudes is constant.
2. In viscous damping envelope of the maximas in displacement-time plot is an exponential curve
here as in coulomb damping envelope of maximise of displacement-time plot is a straight line.
3. In case of viscous damping the body once disturbed and from equilibrium position will come to
rest in equilibrium position although it make theoretically infinite time to do so Whereas in case
of coulomb damping the body may finally come to rest in equilibrium position or in displaced
position depending upon initial amplitude and amount of friction present.

Q. 7. What is the response of single degree of freedom system with viscous damping when it is:

Ans. Differential equation of damped free vibrations

Solution of equation (1) can be written as

where A1, A2 = Arbitrary constants

Critical damping constant and damping ratio
The critical damping c is defined as value of damping coefficient c for which

Depending upon the value of damping ratio e, the damped systems are categorized as:

This motion is also called a periodic motion. When t =0, x = A1 + A2. This system is non-vibratory
in nature. When once the system is disturbed, it will take infinite time to come back to the
equilibrium condition.
The values of A1 and A2 can be found by initial conditions.
The value of displacement x goes on decreasing with time.

In critical damping both roots are equal and are equal to - (0.
The solution of critically damped system is given as;

The amplitude vary exponentially with time. As time increases amplitude decreases.
An underdamped system is an oscillatory system whose amplitude decreases with time. Theoretically
the system will never come to rest although the amplitude of vibration may be very very small.

Q. 8. What is the importance of critical damping?

Ans. Out of the three modes the vibrating body which has been displaced from its
mean position would come to state of rest in smallest possible time without overshooting i.e. without
executing oscillation about mean position in critical damping mode.
So critical damping is used for practical applications in large guns so that after firing the returning to
original position in minimum time without vibrating and ready for next firing without delay. If
damping provided is overdamped or underdamped, then there will be delay. This property is also
design of an instrument

Ans. Logarithmic Decrement (Underdamped system)

It is defined as the natural logarithmic of ratio of any two successive amplitudes on same side of
mean time.
Consider fig. 3.13(a).
Let us take two successive amplitudes be x1 and x2.
Logarithmic decrement 6 is given by;

The time period of damped oscilliations

Q 10. If an underdamped system executes ‘n’ cycles then prove that logrithimic decrement
Q 11. A damping .force having magnitude 2 cos (23rt-44) N, gives 5 cos 2t m displacement.
(a) Energy dissipated during first 5 seconds and
(b) Energy dissipated during the first 3/4 sec.

Ans. We know the force and displacement are given as:

Q. 14. In Question No. 13 if m = 1.5 kg, K 4900 N/m, a 6 cm and b = 14 cm, determine the value
of c for which the system is critically damped.

Ans. The equation of motion can be written as;

The system is critically damped when radical is zero

Q. 15. A torsional pendulum when immersed in oil indicates its natural frequency as 200 Hz.
But when it was put to vibration in vacuum having no damping, its natural frequency was
observed as 250 Hz. Find the value of damping factor of oil.

Ans. The expression for torsional vibrations in vacuum (c = 0) is;

where u max - frequency corresponding to maximum amplitude.
(ii) Putting this value in equation (I), we get;

A -, Max Amplitude
X5 -, Zero frequency deflection

Q. 4. What are characteristic curves? Draw them.

Ans. Characteristic Curves

A curve between frequency ratio and magnification factor is known as frequency response curve.
Similarly, a curve between phase angle and frequency ratio is called phase- frequency response curve.
Ans. The problem of balancing in rotating machines such as turbines, I.C. engines
etc. arises when C.G. of rotor does not coincide with axis of rotation. The distance between

the axis of rotation and centre of gravity is called eccentricity ‘e’ and mass acting at distance ‘e’ from
the axis of rotation is known as eccentric mass ‘rn0’.

Rotating Unbalance
The differential equation of motion can be written as:
Q. 6. Analyze the system having forced vibrations due to reciprocating unbalance.
Ans. For a reciprocating eccentric mass ‘m0’ inertia force is given by:

which is inertia force becomes rnjw2e sin wt which is same as that of revolving unbalance. Hence for
small value of ‘e’ analysis of rotating unbalance is applicable here also.
Q. 7. Derive that relation for displacement transmissibility in case of support
Ans. In case of locomotives or vehicles the wheels act as a base or support for the system. The wheels
can move up and down on road surface during motion of vehicle.
For a vehicle there is relative motion between wheels and chassis and wheels are
having relative motion w.r.t. road surface. The amplitude of vibration is proportional to speed of
vehicle and nature of road surface. In vibratory system where support is put to excitation both
absolute and relative motion become important.

Relative motion between two ends of damper x —y

The equation of motion can be written as;
We know that;


is called displacement transmissibility.

Displacement Transmissibility It is the rajc of the magnitude body to the amplitude of support.

Q. 8. Derive the response of the system in which mass is having relative motion with respect to

Ans. Let us assume that z is the relative motion/displacement of mass with respect to support.
Equation of motion of absolute motion was;

It becomes;

Equation (A) is known as relative equation of motion and it is of form;

Let us assume that steady state relative

equal to amplitude of support. This is the principle on which vibration measuring

instruments are based.

ratio to be unity, the mass m will have no displacement.

3. Damping has no effect on ratio for high values of

Q. 9. What is vibration isolation ? What are the commonly used materials for vibration

Ans. The high speed engines and machines when mounted on foundation support cause vibrations of
excessive amplitudes because of unbalance forces that are set up during its working. The high
amplitudes of vibration can damage the foundation and so the vibrations transmitted to the foundation
should be eliminated or reduced as far as possible. There are certain devices like springs, dampers etc.
which reduce the transmission of vibrations to the foundation and are called vibration isolators. This
process of reducing the transmission of vibrations to the foundation is called vibration isolation.
Lesser is the amount of force/ or motion transmitted to the foundation, greater is the vibration
isolation. Materials most commonly used for vibration isolation are ; rubber, felt, cork, metallic
springs etc. These vibration absorbers are put between the vibrating body and the foundation support.

Q. 10. Prove that transmissibility

Ans. Transmissibility
The resultant of spring force and damping force

FT -, Force transmitted to the foundation.

F -, Disturbing force.

Mathematically :

We know that,


The relative motion of mass ‘m’ w.r.t. vibrating body is converted into voltage and
is recorded on paper placed on the drum. Since

Hence the voltage plot on the paper will be proportional to displacement of

vibrating body. Vibrometer known as low frequency transducer is used to measure high frequency
‘w’ of the vibrating body. The natural frequency of Vibrometer varies from 1 Hz to 5 Hz.
Accelerometer: It is used to measure acceleration of the vibrating body. The natural frequency ‘w,’ of
the instrument is high and is used to measure low frequency ‘a/.

Since natural frequency of the accelerometer is very high i.e. is high, therefore, it is very
light in construction.

Where :

It remains constant for useful range of accelerometer.

Acceleration of vibrating body

If natural frequency a for the accelerometer remains constant, then ; Z Acceleration of vibrating body
i.e. Relative amplitude of mass ‘m’ w.r.t. vibrating body is proportional to acceleration of vibrating
Hence voltage signal obtained on. the rotating drum will be proportional to acceleration of vibrating
body. The accelerometer with 100 Hz natural frequency will have frequency range from 0 — 25 Hz at
e = 0.7 and will provide very accurate results.

Q. 12. What is quality factor and half power points ? Also define bandwidth.
Ans. Quality Factor and Half Power Points:
The amplitude ratio at resonance i.e.

between frequency ratios at half power points is called bandwidth.

Q. 13. Prove that bandwidth is reciprocal of quality factor.


is the amplitude iatio at point G then amplitude ratio at point

Bandwidth is reciprocal of quality factor R.

Q. 14. What is the principle of frequency measuring devices ? Explain the working of any two
such devices.

Ans. Frequency Measuring Devices : The working of frequency measuring instruments is based on
resonance. At resonance the amplitude of vibration is maximum and the natural frequency of system
is equal to the excitation frequency

1. Fullarton Tachometer/Single Reed Instrument. It consists of strip carrying mass ‘m’ at its
free end. The strip is treated as cantilever the length of which an be changed by means of

screw mechanism

The strip of the instrument is pressed over the vibrating body to find its natural frequency. The length
of strip is adjusted till resonance takes place i.e. amplitude of vibration becomes maximum At
resonance natural frequency of strip becomes equal to the frequency of éxcitatioñ e frequency of
vibrating body)

The frequency for cantilever carrying mass m’ at end and of length ‘1’ is given by;

2. Frahm Tachometer/Multi reed instrument. It consists of several reeds with known natural
frequencies (711 different). Small difference in natural frequencies of reed will show re accurate
results. The instrument is brought in contact with vibrating body whose frequency is to be measured.
One of the reeds will vibrate with maximum amplitude hence that reed will show the frequency of
vibrating body.
We know

Natural frequency of reed

The static deflection of reed considering it to be cantilever with mass ‘m’ at one

Q. 15. What is critical speed/whirling speed? Why does it occur?

Ans. Critical Speed : When the natural frequency of the system coincides with external forcing
frequency lit f vibration is maximum and this condition is known as resonance. The speed at which
resonance occurs is called critical/whirling speed. At critical speeds the amplitude of vibration of
rotors is excessive and large amount of force is transmitted to foundation or bearings At critical speed
the system mav7iidue to excessive amplitude. 1tisyery important to find natural frequency of shaft to
avoid occurs of resonance at critical speeds and thus prevent excessive noise and breakage Critical
speed may occur because of eccentric mounting rotor, non-uniform distribution of rotor material,
bending of shaft etc.
Q. 16. Prove that

in case of eccentric mounting of rotor on a shaft.

Ans. Let us consider shaft rotating in bearing A and B.

Shaft is of negligible weight.

W — weight of rotating disc.
k1 — stiffness of shaft
e — eccentricity = CC
C geometric centre of disc
C — Centre of gravity of disc which is at distance from C (geometric centre)
x — Lateral deflection of shaft centre (OC)
w— Uniform angular velocity of shaft
Wc— Critical speed of shaft. At equilibrium:
Centrifugal force = Elastic force

At equilibrium:

Centrifugal force = Elastic force



From (I)

Considering damping :
Q. 17. A vibrating body having mass 1 kg is suspended by a spring of stiffness 1000 N/rn and it
is put to harmonic excitation of 10 N. Assuming viscous damping, determine;
(a) the resonant frequency
(c) amplitude at resonance
(b) phase angle at resonance
(d) frequency corresponding to peak amplitude
(e) damped frequency.

Take c =40 N - sec/m

Ans. (a) Frequency at resonance

Damping factor E is given as

(b) Phase angle at resonance

(c) Amplitude at resonance

(d) The frequency corresponding to the peak amplitude

(e) The damped frequency is given as

Q. 18. The total mass of the system having rotating unbalance is 25 kg. At speed of 1000 rpm,
the system and the eccentric ma have a phase angle of 90° and the corresponding amplitude is
1.5 cm. The eccentric unbalance mass of 1 kg has radius of rotation 4 cm. Determine:
(a) Natural frequency of the system
(b) The damping factor
(c) The amplitude at 1500 rpm
(d) The phase angle at 1500 rpm.

Ans.Given :
At phase angle 90°, the condition of resonance will occur i.e. w =Wc

Q. 19. The weight of an electric motor is 125 N and it runs at 1500 rpm. The armature weighs
35 N and its centre of gravity lies 0.05 cm from the axis of rotation. The motor is mounted on
five springs of negligible damping so that force transmitted is one-eleventh of the impressed
force. Assume that the weight of motor is equally distributed among the five springs.
(a) Stiffness of each spring
(b) Dynamic force transmitted to the base at operating speed
(c) Natural frequency of the system.
Q. 20. The springs of an automobile trailer are compressed 0.1 m under its own weight. Find
the critical speed when the trailer is passing over a road with a profile of sine wave whose
amplitude is 80 mm and the wavelength is 14 m. Find the amplitude of vibration at speed of 60
Let us assume the critical speed of the trailer as Vm/sec

The value of forced frequency w at speed of 6p km/hr is

Q. 21. The damped natural frequency of a system as obtained from a free vibration test is 9.8
c.p.s. During the forced vibration test, with constant excitation force on the same system the
maximum amplitude of vibration is found to be 9.6 c.p.c. Find the damping factor for the
system and its natural frequency.

Ans. We know that

From the above two equations, we find

Natural frequency of the system, Wn

Unbalanced force (force because of unbalance mass)

The force transmitted to the foundation is given by the expression

Q. 23. An instrument of 50 kg mass is located in an airplane cabin which vibrates at 2000 c p m

with an amplitude of 0.1 mm. Determine the stiffness of the four steel springs required as
supports for the instrument to reduce its amplitude to 0.005 mm. ft !so calculate the max. Total
load for which each spring must be designed.


So using general relation

maxx. dynamic load on the springs :

Hence, each spring is subjected to load

Q. 24. A rotor of mass 1’2 kg is mounted in the middle of 25 mm diameter shaft supported
between two bearings placed at 900 mm form each other. The rotor is having 0.02 mm
eccentricity. If the system rotates at 3000 rpm, determine the amplitude - of steady state
vibrations and the dynamic force on the bearings. -Take E = 2 x i05 N/mm2

Ans. Let us assume the shaft simply supported, its stiffness is given by:

The negative sign indicates that the displacement is out of phase with centrifugal force
Dynamic load on bearings :

Q. 25. An air compressor of 450 kg operates at constant speed of 1750 r.p.m. Rotating parts are
well balanced. The reciprocating part is 10 kg and crank radius is 100 mm. The mounting
introduces a viscous damping of damping factor 0.15. Specify the spring for the mounting such
that only 20% of the unbalanced force is transmitted to the foundation. Find out the amplitude
of transmitted force.

Ans. Mass of compressor = 450 kg, speed 1750 r.p.m.

We know that

The amplitude of unbalance force because of reciprocating parts

The amplitude of force transmitted

Q. 26. A vibrating body is supported by six isolators each having stiffness 32000 N/m and 6
dashpots having damping factor as 400 N-sec/m. The vibrating body is to be isolated by a
rotating device having an amplitude of 0.06 mm at 600 rpm. Take m3Okg. -
Determine: .
(a) Amplitude of vibration of the body -
(b) Dynamic load on each isolator due to vibration.

1. Amplitude A can be determined as

Q. 27. A weight of 2 kg is suspended by means of a spring having a stiffness of 4 kg/cm.
The point of support (top of spring) is given a vertical periodic displacement (S.H.M.) at
1200 cycles per minute of maximum amplitude 0.32 cm. Determine (a) the absolute motion
of the weight, and (b) the relative motion between the weight and the support.

Ans. The natural frequency,


We know that

The motion is harmonic

The —ye sign indicated that motion of support and weight are 180° out of phase.
The relative motion between support and weight

Finally the equation of motion can be written as

Q. 28. A vibratory body of mass 150 kg-supported on springs of total stiffness 1050 kN/m
has a rotating unbalanced force of 525 N at a speed of 6000 r.p.m.
If the damping factor is 0.3, determine (a) The amplitude caused by the unbalance and its
phase angle, (b) The transmissibility, (c) The actual force transmitted and its phase angle.

Q. 1.What are the two degree of freedom system?

Ans. The system which requires two co-ordinates to describe its motion completely is called two
degree of freedom system. In a two degree of freedom system there are two masses which have two
natural frequencies and two co-ordinates are required to specify the configuration of the system

Q. 2. Define ‘Normal mode of vibration’?

Ans. In a two degree freedom system there are two natural frequencies of the system. The system at
its lowest or first natural frequency its first and next higher i.e. second natural frequency is called its
second mode. If the two masses vibrate at same frequency and in phase it is called principal mode of
vibration. If prncipa1 mode of vibration the amplitude of one of the masses is then it is known as
normal mode of vibration.

Q.3. Draw the mode shapes for two rotor system.


Torsional Vibrations : Consider fig. 5.2. A shaft AB is carrying two rotors of moment of inertia I and
‘2 Let and °2 be the angular displacements of rotor at any .instant from mean position. The equation
of motion can be written s,

Putting these values in (II) and (IV)

Solving by determinant
From (VIII)

It shows that the angular displacements of rotors are inversely proportional to their inertia.
The section of the shaft where angular displacement is zero Is known as node. First Mode shape

Second Mode Shape

Q. 4. What is a semi definite system? Determine the frequencies of the system?

Ans. Semi-Definite Systems : The system having one of their natural frequencies equal to zero are
known as semi-definite systems. The example of the type of system is when two masses m1 and m2
are connected by spring K
Q. 5. What is co-ordinate coupling? Determine the natural frequencies of such system
with dynamic coupling? (V.V. Imp.)

Ans. Co-ordinate coupling. When we apply brakes on a automobile two motions of

car body occur simultaneously.
(1) Translatory (x)
This type of unbalance occurs on the
system because centre of gravity (C) of car
and centre of rotation do not coincide.
x — Translatory motion
0 — Angular Motion
Equation of motion can be written as :
= n (I) and (II) are coupled equations as both equations contain x and 0 terms

Equation III is of translator nature.

Equation IV is of oscillator nature.

These are uncoupled differential equations and when then it is called dynamic coupling.
The natural frequencies of the system are:

Q. 6. What are vibration absorbers ? Prove that spring force of the absorber system is equal
and opposite to the excitition force for main system to be stationary?

Ans.Vibration Absorber. When a structure which is excited by an external harmonic force has
undesirable vibrations, it becomes necessary to eliminate them by coupling some vibrating system to
it. The vibrating system is known as vibration absorber or dynamic vibration absorber. Vibration
absorbers are used to control the structural resonance (consider the main figure)
The natural frequency of this system is

When forcing frequency (0 becomes equal to natural

frequency of main system then resonance takes place. In order to reduce the amplitude of mass ‘nz1’
it is coupled with spring mass system (m2 — K2) called Vibration absorber. The spring mass system
(ni2 — K2) will acts as vibration absorber andies the amplitude of ni1 to zero if its natural frequency
is equal to the excitation frequency

Equations of Motion

In order that amplitude of mass ni1 is zero

Put A1 =0 (so that mass rn1 must not vibrate)
when A1 0, from VII

Hence when the amplitude A1 = 0 i.e. main system becomes stationary the spring force
of the absorber is equal and opposite to exciting force. The energy of the main system is absorbed by
vibration absorber which is also called auxiliary system.
Amplitude of the auxiliary system is inversely proportional to spring constant ‘K2’.
This equation is used for design of absorber.

Q.7. Discuss the effect of mass ratio on natural frequency of the vibration absorber.

Ans. We know that

By puffing w = W2 and equating denomination of the above equation equal to 0, we
Q. 8. (i) What are the disadvantages of dynamic vibration absorber?

Ans. Demerits of Dynamic vibration Absorber : Th dynamic vibration absorber whether for the
rectilinear torsional system is fully effective at a particular impressed frequency for which it is
designed This means that main system will be stationary only for particular frequency. Thus dynamic
vibration absorbers are effectivefor constant speed machine but lose their effectiveness with any
change in speed of machines. Most rotors are likely to run throw’ wide range speeds so dynamic
vibrations absorbers become ineffective.

Q. 8. (ii) Prove that all frequency of centrifugal pendulum absorber is always proportional to
the speed of rotating body.

Ans. Centrifugal Pendulum Absorber: It is effective at all speeds of rotation and is improvement
over conventional dynamic vibration absorbers. A pendulum PB of length ‘L’ is attached to rotating
member at point P which is at radius ‘R’ from centre of rotation ‘O’. The mass of bob of pendulum is
‘m’ and string is assumed to have a negligible mass. The pendulum is subjected to centrifugal force
which is neglected. The body is rotating with angular velocity ‘w’ rad/s and of centrifugal force mw2r
is experienced by bob of the pendulum. at radius ‘r’ from 0.

Equation (I) becomes,

Natural frequency of pendulum is proportional to speed of rotational body.

Q. 8 (iii) Define order No.

Ans. Order No: The torsional system receives certain number of torques per revolution. The no. of
these disturbing torques per revolution Is known as order no. of the system
2-cylinder engine working on 4-stroke - Order No. = 1
4-cylinder engine working on 4-stroke - Order No. = 2
6-cylinder engine working on 4-stroke - Order No. 3
Design of centrifugal pendulum absorber

 For pendulum absorber to be effective its natural frequency must be equal to excitation
frequency or frequency of disturbing torques.

where f, is Natural frequency of pendulum absorber.

For effective working of pendulum absorber

i.e. natural frequency must he equal to excitation frequency/frequency of disturbing torque.

from (i) & (ii)
Hence order no. is ratio of natural frequency of the pendulum absorber ‘f’ in rps to the forcing
frequency N’ in rps.
Order No. is also defined as:

for particular IC. engine is known

For known values of ‘R’, the length of pendulum can be calculated.

Q. 9. Write short notes on:

(A) Untuned Dry friction damper
(B) Untuned Viscous damper

Ans. (A) Untuned Dry friction damper or Untuned vibration Absorber (Lanchester Damper) :
This type of damper is very advantageous to use for torsional vibrations near resonance conditions. It
consists of two fly wheels mounted freely over a hub. The hub is rigidly fixed to shaft undergoing
vibrations. There are friction plates attached to the extension of the hub. These friction plates apply
pressure on the flywheel and are responsible for driving the flywheel.
When the pressure. between the friction plates and flywheel is zero the relative velocity is maximum
but frictional torque is zero. There is no energy dissipation in such case. When the pressure between
the friction plate and flywheel is large due to large friction torque there is no relative velocity
between flywheel and shaft and energy dissipation is zero.
When the speed of the main system is such that torsional vibrations are present in the system then the
pressure between the friction material and flywheel is such that both frictional torque and relative
rubbing is present then there is dissipation of energy in the absorber which causes, reduction in
amplitude of the vibrations of the man system.

(B) Untuned Viscous damper (Houdaille Damper) : this types of damper is similar in principle to
the Lanchester Damper except that instead of using friction plates for dry friction damping, this
system uses friction damping. It consists of a freely rotating disc enclosed in the close-fitting case
which is keyed to the shaft. Normally the disc rotates at the shaft speed owing to the viscous drag of
the oil between the disc and the case. However if the shaft vibrates torsionally, viscous action of the
oil between the disc and casing gives a damping action.
Q. 10. Determine the two natural frequencies of vibration and the ratio of the amplitudes of
motion of mass m1 and m2 for the system shown in Fig. 5.11.

Equations of motion can be written as

Assuming the solution of the form

The frequency equation can be written as

Q. 11. Solve the problem shown in Fig. 5.12; m1 10 kg, m2 = 15 kg, k = 320.N/m.

Ans. The equations of motion can be written as

Assuming the solution of the form

The frequency equation is obtained as

Q. 12. A vibratory system performs the motions as expressed by the following equations:

If the system is turned through 1.5 radians and released, find the frequencies and mode shapes

Ans. Adding both the equations, we get

Again rewriting the given equations and substituting the values of and 0

Q. 13. A machine runs at 5000 rpm. Its forcing frequency is very near to its natural frequency.
If the nearest frequency of the machine is at least 20% from the forced frequency, design a
suitable vibration absorber for the system. Assume the mass of the machine as 30 kg.

Ans. The natural frequency of the system at 5000 rpm.

Assuming w = we can find two resonant frequencies from equation:

The resonant frequencies are at least 20% away from the forced frequency of the main system. So, we

Q. 14. Find the frequencies of the system shown in Fig. 5.13.

Ans. Initially the pendulum rod is vertical and it is displaced by an angle 0 as shown
in figure (a) and free body diagram of forces is shown in figure (b). Let us assume that T is the
tension in the pendulum rod.
Resolving the forces vertically for

Resolving the forces horizontally, T sin 0 will be known as restoring force as it downwards and
brings to its original state. Horizontal displacement of

Consider forces for mass rn1. All the forces are acting horizontally,

Let us assume the solution of the form

Substituting these solutions in the above two equations, we get

The frequency equation can be written as

Substituting the numerical values in the above equation

Q. 15. Find the natural frequencies of the there is no slip between cord and cylinder.
system shown in Fig. 5.14. Assume that

Ans. Let us give x vertical displacement to mass as shown. Since there is no slip between the cord
and cylinder, so vertical displacement x causes the cylinder to rotate by angle 0.
Writing the equations
Substituting these values in the above equations

Substituting the values of various parameters

Q. 16. Two bodies having equal masses as 60 kg each and radius of gyration 0.3 m are keyed to
both ends of a shaft 0.80 m long. The shaft is 0.08 m in diameter for 0.30 m length, 0.10
diameter for 0.20 m length and 0.09 m diameter for rest of the length. Find the frequency of
torsional vibrations.

Parts of shaft are connected in series

Q. 17. Two equal masses of weight 400 N each and radius of gyration 40 cm are keyed to the
opposite end of a shaft 60 cm long. The shaft is 7.5 cm diameter for the first 25 cm of its length,
12.5 cm diameter for next 10 cm and 8.5 cm diameter for the remaining length. Find the
frequency of free torsional vibrations of the system and position of node. Take G = 0.84 106

Ans. The system is shown in figure

The expression for frequency is

The middle of equivalent shaft is 20.72 cm from the left hand side.

Q. 18. Find the natural frequency of the system shown in Fig 5.17.
Q. 19. Derive the natural frequencies of the system shown in Fig. 5.19.

Ans. The equations of motion for the system shown in figure can be written as
Rearranging the above equations, we can write them as

Let us assume the solution of the form

The above equations can be written as

Q. 20. Two rotors A and B are attached to the end of a shaft 50 cm long. Weight of rotor A is
300 N and its radius of gyration is 30 cm and the corresponding values of B are 500 N and 45
cm respecitvely. The shaft is 7cm in diameter for first 25 cm, 12 cm in diameter for next 10 cm
and 10 cm diameter for remaining length. Modulus of rigidity for shaft material is 8 x 106
kg/cm2 Find:
(i)the position of node and
(ii) the frequency of torsional vibrations.

Ans. The configuration diagram is shown in

The shaft may be converted into a torsionally equivalent shaft the length of which is given by
(Assuming d = 7 cm)

Let N be the position of node for the two rotor system and the length of two parts of equivalent shaft
be 1A and 1B as shown in Fig. 5,21.

We know that,
From equations (i) and (ii), we get

Q. 21. what is a two degree system?

Ans. In a two degree freedom system, any point in the system may execute harmonic of the two
natural frequencies and these are known of vibration. Let us assume the motion of two masses is
simple harmonic and is represented as

where X1 and X2are the amplitudes of two masses respectively and are referred as
principal co-ordinal.

Q. 22. Derive the equation of motion of the system shown in figure below and find its
The frequency equation can be written as

Q. 23. What are various methods available for vibration control?

Ans. Various methods of vibration control are
1. Vibration Absorbers (centrifugal pendulum absorber, Lanchester damper, Houdaille damper).
2. Vibration Isolation materials like rubber, cork, felt, pad etc.

Q. 24. Calculate the natural frequency of a shaft of diameter 10 cm and length 300 cm carrying
two discs of diameters 125 cm and 200 cm respectively at its ends and weighing 480 N and 900
N respectively. Modulus of the rigidity of the shaft may be taken as 2 x 1011 N/m2.

Q. 25. What is the difference between a vibration absorber and a vibration isolator?

Ans. Vibration absorber is a s ring mass system attached to the main vibratory system to absorb the
vibrations whereas vibration isolators are material like cork , rubber, felt, pad etc. which are used to
isolate machines from its foundation and support. These vibration isolation absorb the shocks forces
set up in the machinery and prevents the damage of foundations and supports.

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