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Assalamualaikum wrb.

My name is Zola from class 9A, and today, I would like to deliver my speech, revolving
around the topic of patience.

Patience is one of the most valuable virtue in life. It is the capacity to tolerate or accept
delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset. To be patient means we don’t react
mindlessly to minor irritations or inconveniences, it gives us the freedom to respond in a more kind
and gentle way. This virtue allows us to keep everything in the right perspective. If we are patient in
the midst of all difficult situation, we soon realize that these situations are a minor obstacle that we
have to accept. Without patience, these situations can become unnecessarily immense laced with
frustration and anger.

Holding an unrealistic standard to the world around us can make you impatient. It would be
great if there were no traffic jams, or lines at the grocery store; losing our patience isn’t going to
make it any better. Because as the time passes, the cars will finally move, and you will finally reach
the cashier. The world doesn’t revolve around us, so we must keep our expectations realistic and
accept the twists and turns in our daily life with patience.

We have to set big goals in life, but setting the goals themselves is the first part of the
equation. Taking the action and trying to achieve it requires patience. It can take years, or even
decades until you can reap big results from all the time and hard work you have put in. Success
cannot be reached overnight. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it’s the same thing if you want to reach
a prosperous life. Like watching a sapling slowly grow into a plant at its own pace, it’s not about who
does it faster; it’s about the persistent, consistent and diligent progress, even if it is somewhat slow,
will produce better results than those who rush.

Once we implant a general manner of being patient, we gain control of our verbal and
physical actions, thus becoming better individuals. Having the ability to be patient and having self-
control is not a trait, it’s a skill that needs to be developed and improved as we grow up. Practicing
patience can enhance self-control and also reduces anxiety, anger and stress.

As quoted by the Greek Philosopher Aristotle, “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”.
Patience is vital to cope difficult and long-drawn scenarios. It is a gateway between the two worlds
of our unconscious impulses and conscious choices. It can close the gate on harmful impulses that is
constantly pushing up from bad habits and a series of negative behaviours, and just a little bit of
patience can remove our old habits of reacting mindlessly and when we are able to control our
actions, we know that it will lead to a pleasant outcome. The bitterness during patience will be
forgotten because of the fruit. The pain and pressure during the long years of staying patient,
persistent and consistent will pay off to a successful and fortunate outcome.

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