Soils and Foundations by Cheng Liu Jack B Evett 0134949498

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Soils and Foundations

Cheng Liu, Jack B. Evett

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Soils and Foundations
Cheng Liu, Jack B. Evett

Soils and Foundations Cheng Liu, Jack B. Evett

Written in a clear, direct style, this practical book introduces readers to the essentials of soil mechanics and
foundations. Major emphasis is given to design and practical applications, which are supported by basic
theory. Now in its seventh edition, it includes new material on soil consistency, overconsolidated clay,
degree of consolidation, vibroflotation and the settlement of sand. KEY TOPICS Chapter topics cover
formation of natural soil deposits, engineering properties of soils, soil exploration, soil compaction and
stabilization, water in soil, stress distribution in soil, consolidation of soil and settlement of structures, shear
strength of soil, shallow foundations, pile foundations, drilled shaft foundations, lateral earth pressure,
retaining structures, and stability analysis of slopes. For civil engineers, civil engineering technologists, and
geotechnical engineers.

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