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CHAPTER 32 So for now,youre just only a garbage for me because all of the people

that you want to be with you,isn’t want you.Like my spirits friends,at first
they know that you are a good man but when they knew that you ar an evil at
But, he remember that all he need to see is Xian the son of his mortal first they suddenly leave you and come in the heaven to change their lives,for
enemy.Zandrus go in Xian’s place,but the angel men try to stop him.He shout him didn’t like you in the future,
to Xian that they need to run but Xian didn’t run.He wants to free the evil
They continue to talk each until Xian gets angry when Zandrus say
go,after all long period of time,finally they meet each other,Xian surprised
that Xians parents is very weak,and he tells also that his parents loser when
when he see Zandrus.He gets shocked because finally he meets the
they saw him in their house they are very scared to Zandrus.Because they
evil.Zandrus gets surprised on what he saw,that is the savior of the Caprion
know Zandrus befor until he was an evil,If he want something that his
parents didn’t give to him, he do his best to get that and he will stop until his
Well,well,well so how are you?I know if I’m feel happy, when I see parents become proud on him,Xian remember that his father tell him about
you or I will kill you like what I did in your beloved parents.Did you want Zandrus.But his father didnm’t mentiond the name.
also your friends,I will kill it too?Did you want that all your close
Xian is very angry until Zandrus disappeared in the place.While
perso,disappear in this world?Oh come on baby boy, your such a weak kind
going,they feel that there is a man following to them.Xian prepare himself
of man.I think you didn’t defeat me in only yourself.You need a partner to
because they think that is Zandrus.When they already in the tomb,they
defeat me.Because I am the most powerful evil in this world no one can beat
surprised in the man,He is at the tomb also,he guides Xian of what is
me just in one click for your finger,you need to eat mor rice before you
happened to angel.When they are in the tomb.Xian say what did he wants to
kill.You’re just a kid.
say to his parents,Whjile he’s saying,he didn’t know that his tears fall dawn
“Zandrus you’re like an animal I don’t want you to let my friends ang and it fall down,the flovers appeared,It’s friends shocked,because first time
family do what you want.Iam ther savior,Iam responsible to make sore of they saw a flowers appeared when Xian cry,They eat some food when they
their safeness.I didn’t let you to enter their lives.Iam your enemy so Iam the are in the tomb and the angel man,guide them always because didn’t know
one who fac you and Iam the one who destined to kill you,for you to see your that Zandrus is in around their place follow them and soon kill them like he
parents wherever they are now.I didn’t scared to you my dear evil do in other people.
monster.And I will not stop,until I see your body melts,like you did in my
father before,he is the true hero of the people in the Caprions,because he is
the one hav a good heart,eventhough other people didn’t believe in his ability
that he can be there savior.
no one can die in your hand Zandrus the evil.I will not let you to control the
people in this world even in the heaven’s world.Remmber that.
Xian is very angry, so he didn’t stop himself to targert Zandrus at that
time,he full his super powers to kill Zandrus but he stop it and also used his p
When Zandrus finally disappeared Xian used his natural powers to owers to do that.While this is happen the angel man and the angls prepared
trace where Zandrus is,when he totally got the place.He followed Zandrus themselves to help Xian to kill Zndrus but Zandrus suddenly disappeared in
because he is very angry to him,he wont to kill Zandrus as soon as possible to the place.Whenit happened,Xian go home and lock the windows and door to
get the justice for all the people he had been killd but Xian think about his make sure that any reason didn’t enter his house even Zandrus.
plan,when he didn’t saw where is Zandrus he go back to the place where his
friends there.

While he isgoing,Zandrus suddenly appeared in him and test Xianif he

is brave when he face Zandrus,that they are only in the place that no one can
disturb them.So Zandrus used his powers to scare Xian in the wild animals
that he creates.When he totally do that,Xian is wondering he thinks that
Zandrus is around him.Xian used too his natural powers to fight for the wild
animals that suddenly appeared in the front of him.He didn’t see where
Zandrus,but his instincts is tellin that Zandrus is in around him.

“Zandrus,go outside wherever you are,face your enemy.Why did you

do this to my family,I think they are not doing that can affect in your life and
my mother?I think she didn’t know you anymore because she is a normal
person.Xian go again in the tomb and shout to Zandrus that did you see the
tomb?These is because of you,this is what you’ve done in my parents.See it
wher my parents place,all of the bad experience is because of you.You’ll
control my bestfriend,like what you’ve do in other people.They don’t care
about you,but even them you want to be with you anymore.You are not the
king in this world and that is not happened anymore because until I’am alive
CHAPTER 34 own house.While Sian is surpised after what happened in the rooftop with

The angels gets nervous because while Xian and Zandrus are fighting
While in the market,Xian buy many foods for them,because he thinks
the sky looks dark and there was a thunder pointed in the rooftop where they
that they stay for a long time in his house.The angels and the spirits disguised
are fighting.But when they saw Xian going to them,they stop nervous each
humas for they didn’t judge by the people in the market.They look like a
other because Xian is safe. After that happened Zandrus will no longer
bodyguard of Xian because they always their where Xian going.They go
appeared in Xian’s house even in other place.
anywhere inside the market,they wondering that something went wrond,they
used their natural powers to trace whos that person is.Because they sense that
there was a man who is following on them.Even they sense something they
continue to buy in the market.When they fo outside and immediately find
som car,for them to go home.When they walking in the street they saw
Zandrus in the rooftop,because of the natural powers he teleport in the
rooftop immediately.When he was already ther,Zandrus attack using his red
natural powes to target Xian to become imprisioned in his home.But Xian
cannot let that happed,and then he used also his green natural powers to
protect himself in the other bad powers.Xian took mirror in his bag to reflect
from Zandrus,for him to find difficulty to see.Xian didn’t use a powers,but he
used a strategy to make him stands up to Zandrus,because he know that
Zandrus is always using a powers,he didn’t think other way to kill his enemy.

So Xian got an idea on how to kill Zandrus,just he need his instinct

even his powers to be fair in the light,Xian use a mirror,because Zandrus
attack him with his powers,with the help of the mirror,it bounce to
Zandrus.So his own super powers kill him,but he suddenly disappeared at
that time.Xian think that Zandrus gets scarted to him,so he laughs
alone.Zandrus is very angry because Xian got a point in their fighting.So he
go to his place and take a rest for a while and soon he return to kill Xian in his
CHAPTER 35 happened,he defend the angel man and his friends for them just ignore of
Zandrus.They continue to protect each other,for them get back in the
Caprions safe.
When Zandrus no longer appear in Xian,the angels and the spirits
And now they already in the Caprions,they wont to continue what
decided to go back in the Caprions,to tell them that Xian is successful in their
they are doing before they live and their plans are already waiting for them to
first fight with Zandrus. Xian agree in what they want, they clean the
come back.When Xian gets a rest,he open the door and go in the room of the
house,they arrange all the things that they need to conserve for how many
angls to encourage them to go in the secret door.His friends immediatlely
years becauser they are not forever in Caprions, once their accomplish their
agree to him,but before they go,the angles check if there is a guard or a
task and mission,they will free of what they want in their lives.When that
person in the way going to the secret door.They see in their tracker that there
time happened,they finally get the justice they want for all the people in
is no anymore who inside and outside in the secret door ,so they immediately
Caprions even in earth.Thais there imagination while they ar cleaning the
go in their shortcut to enter in the secret door,when they are walking,they
house.When they got finished,Xian try to cook some food,becase before he
think where to find the symbolism.So,they finally in the secret door
didn’t kow how to cool any food,and he know only is to eat and eat.So he
place,they open the door and go inside,They check what is inside the
grow lazy and have no idea about household chores and cooking.After they
place,they see many things that they can used when they are fighting with
fix all,they prepare their things and they are ready to go back in the world of
someone.The angels think that,the things they see in own by Michael the
Archangek.So they didn’t move all things inside the room and they continue
After a while,they finally lock the hous and ride a car to go back in to find something.
another world.While they ar arriving,they didn’t forget their task in
Caprions,they surprised in what did they see,they saw the king and the
trainer in the big door witing for them and they are much excited than the 3

When they totally in the place they suddenly,run in the main door and
hug the king and the trainer because of the Xian successful win in the first
fight with Zaqndrus in the earth world.They tell to all people about what
happen int the jpast time that they stay in the earth world.They have many
wxperince,Zandrus always showing them when they arrived in their
world.Even the anglel man wants to kill by Zandrus.But Xian didn’t let that
CHAPTER 36 light.But they remember that light can pass through the things,but they test
their first plan if if doesn’t work,they do the second option in the light.

Because it is the nest symbolism that they need to collect,until they

Xian and his friends find somethins that can connect in the first
complete it.When they are trying to catch that they make together both the
symbolisms that they find.they ned to find all,because when Xian reads the
first and second option to be more successfull.While they are trying to do
book,it is includd that before the bloody war in the Caprions,it’s better that
that,they get panic because it is very fast they cannot catch it,but after a
the wings is all ready formed because that is symbolizes the time when
minutes of trying finally they know the strategy and the way it is move until
Zandrus came and defeatr.But that is not included of what happen in the
they totally catch it.
wings after the war.So Xian immediately find where the other symbolisms in
that place,for them really know the purpose of the missions in this After of the whole that they try to catch,they feel tired and they put the
place.When eventhough,they just continue to find,they plac to separate each another symbolism inside the bag og Xian to save it..When they are still
other to make it fast.After aminute,one angel saw a piece of stones,he take it comp0leting the symbolisms,they think that what did they in those of that
and give to Xian. symbolisms.

“What is this?a stone?what are we doing in this stone”,ask Xian. The angels says that,”all we need to do is tko complete all of
that,before we think the next action that we need to do.”
“All of things in this place have all a value,because this place is full of
mysterious things that we didn’t know what is the purpose of it.Aside from So they continue to find,when they are already notice that it’s already
that all the that can be found in here,it can help us in our problems that as late they secretly go slowly outside the door but there is a cat saw them inside
soon as possible,we need to take this rock and keep it,because we int the secret door,they get nervous because they don’t know,that is a man
don’t know that stone has a big part in our journey in this world.”said the that is transforming into a animal to guard them in what they do all day.The
angel. angels immediately detect,that cat is an angel man,he find them because he
go around in the room but the Xian and his friends are not already there,so
Xian take the stone and put it inside his bag.They go around inside of
the angel man decided to find them,and when he find them,he will tell
the secret door.When they wald around Xian suddenly saw a walking light
that”good timing that you are not in your own room because if the other
they follow it but it is so fastr Xian try to catch it but it is hard forhim,so they
assigned to round in the rooms,you’re dead in all your plan.”So we need to
make a trap for that thing,so everyone agree.They find something that can
go because later on ther was an angel who check the other door.
make a trap,the saw a basket that full of paper,Xian immediately remove the
paper and they put a rope in the basket,for them saw that they catch the They go immediately in thir own room,but when Xian is already in his
room,they surprised in the other symbolism that he see in his bed.He slowly
walk going into his bed and suddenly take the other symbolism,he is very CHAPTER 37
amaze because he didn’t know that what is the exactly time they find it,that it
is suddenly come to him whenever it happens.All they need to do is to trust
themselves that they can find and accomplish they’re missions. After years of Xian living the Caprions, he didn’t think of who is
his true father, he didn’t find or asks the people about that. All in his mind is
about others we fare, I didn’t think about his own life or even to kinow who
is his true family before his missions. He don’t believe in Zandrus that
Michael the Archangel is his father,because ,Xianj think that is all plan of
Zandrus to make Xian gets down in him or to give Xian’s trust in him.So Xian
set aside all Zandrus tell to him about his true life.Because Xian wants,is he is
only the one who see and who know who is his true parents at all.

But he change his plan,for now he needs to knowwho is his own father
and parents,for him to cpmplete his own life and to make him more confident
because there is no problem inside his heart tht he needs to give a
solution.Until now Xian didn’t get move on of what happens in his parents in
earth,that is because of Zandrus.So he do that to make his inspiration when
he face again the evil,he want to see Zandrus how solid is the angels ang
people in Caprions,that evn Zandrus continue to destroy them,they are not
surrender because they want have a peace in their world.

So from now on they need to take an action for the safety of all the
people in this world.And for them teach on how to be with themselves and
have a self confidence to fight in the evil and for them didn’t get scared in the
evil spirits that the devil creates.Totally destroy the people.and to be with
them.Xian jis go to interview a people,when hey are have known about hjis
true parents,but many of them didn’t have no idea because they are new in
this world in old people are already kill by Zandrus,Xian sure that they have
lots of information about jthe father of Xian.Sko Xian try to find some history
about the war in past,he try to used his power.But it doesn’t reach the war your father thinks an advance ofr your safety,he decide4d jto talk to his
because it is too far compare for now and his natural powers is for 10 cousin Max your knowing father in earth.He give you in Max and Dianey
years.The war past 20 years when he was born because they don’t have a child.Eventhough it’s hard to your parents to gave
you in othert people they did because they want you to live peacefully and
He don’t know where he finds information about his true father.He
happy with your family and they make sure that they take care of you.Aside
thinks,why he go in the king,because it have more information the king is too
from that,they did that because accordin to the messiah,the child of the savior
old and he is the one who witness the war between the angel and the evil and
in the world is need to kill the evil because if the evil didn’t kill the child,the
he saw who is my parents because according to other people the king is my
evil where going to kill the child when he has enough brave and natural
grandfather so it means that his som is my father.Xian immediately go in
powers to face his opponent.That why your parents.Get scared for you.And
king’s place,but the angels didn’t want to give him a permission to talk in the
it is the true that Iam your grandfather because my son is your father and his
king because he is already in rest in his bed.Because of that,Xian make a letter
name is Michael the Archangel.
for the king,that he want to talk to him when he is not busy.Anytime Xian is
always free,then he give it to the angel to give in the king. When Xian hear the last line that the King says, his tears tell how and
didn’t expect that it is true that Michael is his true father. He hugs his
Xian wait a few days, finally the king reply in his letter and he give
grandfather and in his shoulder.
Xian a permission to talk to him because the king think that is so serous and
important to Xian so he agreed at him. Xian immediately, goes in the king, “This is the time to get revenge in the evil that kill my parents” said Xian.
when he is walking inside, he amaze in what he see because all the things
inside the place of the king is such gold.

When the king is go outside in his room, he surprised because Xian is

already ing the living room and excited to talk to him.

Xian starts asking the king about his true parents. Then tell him the
story of who are his true parents.

“When your mother got pregnant, your father didn’t tell me that he is
already married to Theresa your mother. We didn’t inform, because your
father want a peaceful family because if the evil know that, he kill again the
people in Caprions and maybe the son of your father that is you. But they
didn’t say that, when the evil do that or when they go in the angel’s world. So
Chapter 38 because he thinks that Zandrus is just around. He goes in all the guard in the

“Sir, I just want to tell to you that you need to secure all the area and do not
It’s already 6’oclock in the morning, Xian woke up in his bed and open the
allow other people that you don’t know who to enter in this place,
windows. He saw many people outside his room fixing some decorations.
understand?”Said Xian.
Xian thinks about what date in that day, he didn’t know what need to
celebrate. But he didn’t know that the king is the one who plan that, the king “Don’t worry about that, we strictly secure all the area and the other people
excited to tell in all his followers and all the people in Caprions that the son of to enter in the meeting room and other place in this world of angels.” Said the
Michael is alive. Xian goes down outside and try to ask some servant of what guards.
is happening.
Xian goes back immediately in the meeting room to witness what the king
While he is walking the angels bumped into him. says, and what happen in that place in that time. The king saw Xian and calls
him. The king goes down to fetch Xian and bring it in the stage to introduce
Xian asks the angels, “What happen today? What is the occasion?”
to all people. While the king is speaking over the microphone, Xian feels
Are you sure that you didn’t know? The king didn’t tell to you? , said the different because all the people keep quiet, they waiting for the
angels. announcement of the king. So Xian gets nervous, he thinks that many people
accused him or didn’t believe in him. Because he is only a child who is an
Yes, I don’t know and the king? asks Xian .
orphan before he go in the Caprion world.
“Yes, the king has a plan of this occasion. He tells to all the people in this
The king says to all people, “From the start I didn’t mind this boy because he
world that you are the missing son of Michael the Archangel.” said the
is from the earth that the normal people stay at that world. But when I totally
know him better, I found that he is having a similarity in my son Michael. I
“What? Xian surprised, but I didn’t want that the king do that, because feel different when I’m with him; he is different from other people. So I
Zandrus kill me when he know that I am the only child of Michael. Because decided to investigate him. The trainer is the one who know the attitude and
they know that I am already dead. So I need to go in the king and tell all my the true behavior of Xian and the trainer didn’t find any difficulties because
plans.” Said Xian. Xian is a very good boy and respectful. And Xian has many similarities when
it comes to the hidden power of Xian and the power of Michael. He is the
Xian runs fast, going to the king. But he is late, the already sit in the stage. trainer of Michael before. And last Xian knows about Michael, so he discovers
The announcer calls all the people in the meeting room. Xian gets nervous, that he is the son of Michael after I already discover it.”
That is the evidence of the king which he proved that Xian is his grandson. The time pass by, Xian read again the book from his father. According in that
All the people surprised the announcement of the king and the king decided book, the one who is find all the pieces of the wings and the wings light up,
that Xian is move to the mansion with the king. For him know totally his that person is heirs of those wings. He is responsible to take care and to use
grandfather. After the occasion, Xian fix his things and he transfer in the those wings when he goes to a war.
mansion of the king. The angel feels joy with Xian because Xian didn’t find
Xian immediately find all the pieces of the wings, he go in the secret door but
any difficulties when it comes in his plan in the wings. Xian goes in the living
he did see anyone in that place. Day passes by, all the pieces of the wings
room, when he is waiting for the king he thinks what he should do after the
totally find Xian and when he forms that it doesn’t light up. Xian gets
people know about him.
disappointed because he is not the heirs of the wings. Xian walk going
He continues to collect all the pieces of the wings, and to finish all their plans outside the room where he form the wings, but while he is walking the wings
in the Caprions with the angels his friends. suddenly lighten up. Xian can’t believe in what happen, because he is the one
who owns the wings.
Xian said to the king, “Can you help me to find the other pieces of the wings
of Michael?”

‘Why? What is the meaning of those wings? Why can you need to form again
those wings?” Ask the king.

“It is according to the book which my father gave to me. I need to find the
wings of Michael the Archangel, but it is not stated in the book that why I
need to find that again.” Said Xian.

“Fine I give you a guard to guide you where you find that pieces, “said the

The king go away to do something in the mansion, while he is walking he

thinks about the wings of his son but he remember one thing that while there
is having a war the wings of Michael disappeared when he dies. All the
people didn’t know what happens and when it is go.

So the king gets curious that when Xian talked about the wings. That why
Xian knows about the wings. And when did he find that.
people become safe in their home. Now that Zandrus know that Xian is the
destined enemy in him, he think about of what did he plan when he return.
Chapter 39
He surely returns in the Caprions with have a full confidence that he defeat
Xian.Before that Zandrus go in the other place to get someone else that serves
him. He has a plan that keep him secret, that is surprised in the time when the
Now Xian already knew his true father, he pushes himself and gain more
war comes.
confidence to kill the devil Zandrus. Even though that Zandrus is the most
powerful devil among the whole world. After the occasion, few weeks pass
Zandrus shown to Xian.

Zandrus said, “Wait for my return in your world, because I’m sure that a boy
like you is defeat like your father Michael.”

“Are you sure about that? Well, I didn’t scared at you, you’re just a powerful
devil. I don’t care if you will come back; I am the one who kill you slowly
until you die in your own plan”, said Xian.

Zandrus laugh, and suddenly disappeared with a black smoke in the air. Xian
goes in the angels to talk to them, to have a plan about the return of Zandrus
in their world. Xian starts to train the angels; for them to defend themselves.

And Zandrus prepare himself for what happen in the future. He finds many
disciples to follow him and serves him every day. He is very moody because
he wants to killed immediately Xian for him didn’t have any problem and he
is the one who is known for the king of the whole world, when that happens.

Xian informs the trainer to train all the angels and teach them the self defense
basic technique for only have a bad thing happen in the Caprions. We need to
be always ready so we are not get beat of the devils.

All the people in Caprions prepare themselves for the return of their mortal
enemy. And renovate the other place to be more substantial and for the
Chapter 40 the king. Later on, Xian suddenly came asking someone of what is happening
around outside the house.

Someone saying that Xian is not the true son of Michael because of the child
One day, it’s already 3’oclock in the morning when Xian suddenly have a
go in the place. Xian goes in the king and he saw that there is a child that talks
dream about what happen when Zandrus knew that Xian is the one who can
about Michael the Archangel. Xian hears that the child is the one who is the
only defeat with him. Zandrus sent man who is his disciple in the Caprions to
grandson of the king. Xian didn’t let that the boy encourage the king that he
destroy the trust of all people in Xian. He tells to all people in Caprions that
is the true son. Because the truth is that boy is a disciple of Zandrus to enter
Xian is a devil like Zandrus. But the people didn’t believe in that boy,
the life of the angels, to convince all the people and the king that he is true.
because that man is a new person in that place, so the other people push the
Xian immediately goes in the king and tells that the boy is a devil, Xian trace
man to go outside in their place. But the boy didn’t want to go, he pushes
that because of his powers. The king decided to leave the boy and go back to
himself and run going inside in the place but he bumped into the king, the
his room. He didn’t believe of what the boy had said because he is a devil.
king talked the man of what did he need in their place.
The people got mad to the boy and they decided to drive away the child
“That child is a traitor because that is a devil; he is the son of the knowing outside the place.
powerful devil. So don’t believe of what that boy said to you, he is a liar. All
The people locked the gate, they go back in their own house continue their
he wants is to become a king in this place. He is not your grandson but I
work in the palace of the king. While Xian try to investigate of who is the boy,
know who your true grandson is” said the boy.
and what is his plan in the Caprions.
“What is your name young boy?”asks the king.

“I’m Martis, from never land. And I want to say that I am you true grandson
not that child” said the boy.

“How did you say so? Where is your evidence, prove that you’re the missing
heir of this place and the wings? asks the king.

The boy gets his evidence in his bag and gave it to the king. In that evidence
the image the king Michael the Archangel with the boy. The king surprised in
what he sees. He gets curious of who is that boy, but deep inside he didn’t
believe in that boy because he feels that the boy brainwash him. And taking
his trust for him didn’t accused of other people, because he proves himself in
The king go outside and to know what is happening, when he saw the
Minotaur, he immediately call Xian for him try to go back the Minotaur in his
Chapter 41
proper place where he came from. Xian decided to use his powers, but it’s
gets difficult with him because the Minotaur is so powerful and big. So, he
does first to calm all the people around him and yet he pushes himself to go
When Martis is in outside the Caprions, he thinks about what he needed to
back the Minotaur in his place. He runs in the other place and the Minotaur
do to get the trust of all the people in the place. He didn’t go back in Zandrus
immediately follows him. In that plan, the Minotaur go away in the place of
until he didn’t accomplish his plan in Xian. When he is beside the tree,
many people. Xian go in the place where he and the Minotaur only, for they
waiting for the opening of the gate, he saw a man going to enter in the
didn’t affects other people when he did in the Minotaur the super natural
Caprions place, so he decided to change his shirt for the people didn’t know
powers to go back the Minotaur in his place.
Xian started to use his secret powers, while the Minotaur is running; he set
When Martis is planning, Xian is also planning of what he should do to surely
himself and shot the Minotaur and when it hits the bad thing, the wide light
secure the king and the people in the place. He planned to have an animal
appeared and when he that the Minotaur transform into small species. Xian
investigator, that pet is a cat who is watch out for the moves of the new
gets laugh, while the Minotaur gets mad at him. Xian gets the Minotaur and
person in the place. When Martis going inside with the man, the guard check
brings it to the place where it lives.
of what is carrying of Martis and after that he pass in the inspection of the
guard. Later on, the cat had came it is sense different from Martis, he smell All plans of Xian is very successful, because of his trust to himself.
like a bad thing in him. So the cat didn’t let to enter Martis in the place, but
Even of the self confidence that Michael had gave to him, when Xian know
Martis run away and try to go inside in a dark room, to hide in the cat and of
the truth. And so much for that, he go back in the place with a smile and
course in all the guard.
confidence to do a plan for the successful war between the angels and devils.
While he is in the room, he opens a door and he sees a big Minotaur that lives
While Zandrus is waiting for his boy about a month, he hear the news that
in that place. He shouts loud at the same time he runs. All the people gets
the boy is died because of the Minotaur in the place. Zandrus is getting mad,
scared in the Minotaur, they get panic and didn’t know what to do. It is the
he threw his belongings outside of his house. All his plan failed because of
very dangerous thing in the place. Martis try to fight the Minotaur because he
what Xian do. But there’s more, Zandrus didn’t want that Xian always won in
thinks that this is only a week Minotaur, but he was mistaken. While he is
the game. Wait for the revenge of the powerful devil, and you will be shocked
trying to fight in the Minotaur, he throws the stone in the Minotaur but it was
of what the result is.
not hit. When the Minotaur gets mad, he gets Martis and he thrown Martis
into the deep of the sea, for him didn’t come back again in Caprions.
have a plan to kill them, for him to get revenge what Xian does in his boy
Martis. So, the angels are comfortable in the secure of the area. While the
Chapter 42
angels are in the palace, Xian and other people are in the Hogsmead the place
that is very quiet and it is a dark and scary place. This is the place that Xian
chooses because he wants to concentrate and to train properly the people. He
A great day Caprions. All the people is very busy but they are all happy if
didn’t want to see the other people what they are doing. Because he know
they doing. The king is still in his bed waiting for the maid to prepare some
that the devils is always following him, but now they didn’t follow them
food for him. The angels are ready for their training in that day. Xian didn’t
because that place is sacred.
know that how he did all this ad besides his plan is very perfect, all of that is
accomplish except the war and meeting of the devils and angels of one’s Zandrus have a plan to visit the people in Caprions, so he is the one who go
place, that’s were Xian is prepared. in the place. But before that he sent a person who is checking if there are
guards around the place. The man arrived immediately and while he is in the
Xian is in bed, thinking of what should he done, why all his plan are very
arriving, he has a plan to disguise another man, for him didn’t notice and
successful and full of techniques that he didn’t know why did he get that. But
known that he is a devil.
before that, he needs to prepare for the training of the people in their place.
When the reach the place he turn into an old man that is need to drink a
“For those who are willing to know about the basic technique in fighting the
water because he is very thirsty andfoo because he s very hungry. He walk
weak devils or easily to kill, so who are willing to cooperate?” asks Xian in
going to enter in the gate but the angels comes as long as the guard. They
the people of Caprions.
were blocking the driveway of the old man and check of what he needs why
All the people are willing, because before they cannot know what to do to he went in the place.
defeat the enemy, even though they do anything what they know. Because
“The old man said, I want a food and drinks because I am so very thirsty
they didn’t have any background information about fighting to their enemy,
walking in the place finding some food. I don’t want where I am going to. So
only the angels and other trainer are known. So for now, Xian decided to
please help me, when I get a little time of rest, I immediately go out and
share his knowledge in the people of Caprions when it comes in fighting that
travel again. To find a house, for me didn’t feel difficulty when it comes in
trainer had taught him before.
sleeping around.” said the old man.
When Xian is ready for the practice, they go in the place where they are the
So the angels and the guard have feel pity in the old man. They decided to
only one who knows, with the willing people. While Xian’s friend is left, he is
help the man and agree to enter in the place of Caprions. One thing they
the one who manage and watch out the new person that enters in the place.
didn’t know about is that man is a devil and he has a plan that is very
For those who have a plan to enter the place. They didn’t know that Zandrus
dangerous in the friend of Xian. The angels treat the man as a friend and give Chapter 43
what the man is needed. After that, the man decided to go and be thankful in
the angels and the guard because he is being welcomed in the place.
It is the great day for Zandrus, because this is the time, the time that he is
In that time the old man going outside in the place. He didn’t see Xian and
waiting for. He prepares himself in what he is doing in the palace of
the other people, so thinks that it’s time to do the plan. He goes back in
Caprions. He gets his armor that has dangerous powers to kill someone.
Zandrus and tell about what happen in hi in the Caprions place. And
When he is ready, he told to his servants that premeditate of what happen in
Zandrus hav glad to hear that. He thinks that it is going to be successful,
Xian after Zandrus come back.
because hat is the right time for his plan.
In that time, Zandrus is very happy, because in the meant time he totally to
his plan after a few years of waiting. He arrive going in the place and think of
what is the first thing he do when he reach the place. While Xian is continue
to teach the people in the same place. They didn’t have any idea of what is
happening in the palace of the Caprions. They are comfortable because there
are many guards and angels who are guarded the place. But they didn’t
know that the devil is arriving going to the Caprions.

Xian and the other people are happy in the place, they are celebrating of they
accomplish the task that they need to do. They eat some food and drink a
tasty juice in the place. While there friend is still waiting for them to come
back and hopefully their safe. Later on, Zandrus is totally reach the place, he
go down and left his servant to the place a bit far from the Caprions. For the
guard didn’t see them. So Zandrus immediately go in the shortcut of the
place. He has a map of the hidden door that is help to him to enter easily in
the palace. He goes in the nearest door at the back of the palace of the king.

First he checks if there is a guard in the door. When he see nobody is there, he
slowly work going inside in the palace. While he is ongoing, the angels
suddenly came. Zandrus immediately hide in the wall and wait the angels to
go away from him. Zandrus is still waiting, when the angels continue to go
Zandrus immediately follow the angels. He wants to know that where Xian “I don’t know,we already surprised when we see Zandrus is already inside
is, he really want to kill Xian as soon as possible. For him to be the king of the the palace. We see that the angels and Zandrus are fighting to each other.”
Caprions and to have a supernatural powers that Xian have because of his The guard said.
father. While Zandrus follow the angels, they feel that there is a person who
Xian is immediately gone. He left the people in the place, he immediately go
got enters in the palace. The angels call immediately all the guard, but
back in palace to rescue his friends and the other people in Caprions. While
Zandrus proceeded to target the angels. The angels surprised in Zandrus, but
he is arriving, he thinks of what is possibly happens in the people in the
they didn’t have scared in him because Xian said to them that they need to be
palace. He got scared for the people there and also for his friends.
as long as to fight for their self.
While Xian is going back, Zandrus is still push his self to kill the angels and
When they see Zandrus, they fight with him they really don’t know what to
the angels gets weak and are very thirsty is fighting the devil.. They didn’t
do but they trust their own self. All the people and guard help the angels to
can, they give up on fighting Zandrus and because of that Zandrus
fight Zandrus bad sad to say that they cannot do to defeat him. So, the angels
mercilessly killed the angels and the other people that were left in the palace.
decided to push themselves and give their full strength for the sake of all the
Another’s are tried to hide but Zandrus didn’t let that there is one of them
people in Caprions. They use and combined their own natural powers and
who is alive. After that Zandrus immediately go outside the palace and go
hardly hit it to Zandrus. Zandrus also use his powers to totally defeat the
back to his place with is servant.
angels, all the people gets shock, one of the guards go in Hogsmead to tell to
Xian about what happen in the palace. When Xian is already reach the palace, he immediately run inside and the one
who first see him is his friends that didn’t have any life. And next he saw the
The guard slowly go away and run going to Xian. About an hour, Xian hears
guards and the other people who are lie in the ground. They are all dead,
that there is a person who knocks in the door. And when he opens that, he
because they are killed Zandrus.
sees the guard tired of finding them. The guard get’s panic.
Xian is very angry in what Zandrus doing to him and in his friends. While he
“Xian your friends “said the guard.
fixed the dead people in the palace, he thinks about his revenge.
“What happen to my friends?” Xian asks.
“Zandrus didn’t think before he does that in your people. He is a worst devil,
“They are fighting the powerful devil.” The guard said. I didn’t let that he celebrate for his successful plan. I don’t want Zandrus to
become the king of the world. He wants a war so I give it to him” said Xian.
“What? Why did that happened?” Xian asks.
Chapter 44

They day pass, it is a sadness thing that Xian ever had in his life except the
death of his parents. He cannot expect this will happen. He always blames
himself about what happened, his friends gave their lives for the sake of the
people in Caprions. Xian has no friends in Caprions that is always there for
him in sickness and in hope. All his life he spends in protecting his friends
and family in Caprions. All he wants is a peace in this world of angels. But it
doesn’t happen until the devil is still alive. They need to kill first the devil
before they finally achieve freedom and peace in their world.

From now on, I change my life from peace to war. Other people didn’t know
me anymore. I change my own self, I will become braver for the people and
friends who is helping me and spending my life to me.

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