List of Task

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List of Task

Sr.No Task Status

1 Hydraulic Design of Drain Completed
2 Hydraulic Design of HPC Completed
3 Hydraulic design of Box type structure Completed
4 Hydraulic design of Minor and major bridge Pending
5 Design of Head wall Pending
6 RCC design of retaining wall Completed
7 RCC design of Storm water drain Completed
8 RCC design of Crash barrier Completed
9 RCC Design of Single cell box (All box ) Completed
10 RCC Design of Double cell box Completed
11 RCC Design of Multi cell box Pending
12 RCC Design Solid Slab Currently Working
13 RCC Design Girder Pending
14 RCC Design Abutment Pending
15 RCC Design of Pier Pending
16 RCC Design of pier cap Pending
17 Design of Elastomeric Bearing Pending
18 RCC design of Toll plaza building Pending
19 RCC Toll Tunnel Pending
20 RCC Pile foundation and Raft Foundation Pending
21 Mix Design of concrete Completed
22 Design of Overhead gantry girder Completed
23 Canopy of toll plaza Pending
24 Foot over bridge Pending
25 ROB Pending
26 BBS of Single cell Box Completed
27 BBS of Double cell Box Pending
28 BBS of Multi cell Box Pending
29 RE Wall Design Pending
30 Pending

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