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The Age of Enlightenment (also known as the Age of Reason or simply the Enlightenment) was an

intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe during the 18th
century, the "Century of Philosophy".

The "natural condition of mankind" is what would exist if there were no government, no
civilization, no laws, and no common power to restrain human nature. The state of nature is a
"war of all against all," in which human beings constantly seek to destroy each other in an
incessant pursuit for power.
CIVIL LIBERTIES - individual rights protected by law from unjust governmental or other
Economic resources can be divided into human resources, such as labor and management,
and non-human resources, such as land, capital goods, financial resources, and technology.
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression
A natural right to life. These are sometimes called moral rights or inalienable rights. Legal
rights, in contrast, are based on a society's customs, laws, statutes or actions by legislatures.
An example of a legal right is the right to vote of citizens.
CONSTRAINTS – Limitations/Restrictions
Prohibitions - the action of forbidding something, especially by law

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