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TASK 1 Unit 24 sound editing

In this paragraph ill give you reasons for editing digital sound files.

Editing is the modification, condensing or correcting of audio. When editing you think of an
idea to record, you file and listen to this idea, you edit the idea and the product is the
outcome. When you have found a sound file and recorded it you will edit your product till
you reduce it e.g. finger clicking, movie sounds, game sound effects. Anything less than two
minuets in sound is known as a sound bite this is used by news reporters because no matter
how much news they have to report they only have two minutes to deliver their report. We
edit to compress or summarise a recording to fit into a certain space, remove uninteresting
things or irrelevant content (aesthetic decisions). We also edit to keep a recorded speech
legal for example the use of swear words or mention of drugs. We also to change the order
of an interview or to create an impact by adding sound effects between pieces of speech
(aesthetic choice). All your media has to be ethical because it should be listener friendly, to
mix it to include the truth and not blasphemy or lies, to not make the audio misleading, to
maintain freedom of speech (it is illegal to prevent freedom of speech) often opinion
becomes facts and this causes a lie.

In this paragraph ill explain what ethical editing I and why it is important.

Ethical editing helps improve the quality of work making sure that its allowed to be
published. Things need to be ethical so that it can be truthful and not ‘blasphemy” or
lies, to not make the product misleading, to make it listener friendly and to maintain
freedom of speech (its illegal to prevent freedom of speech). There are also
restrictions in the interest of national security territorial integrity or public safety

In this paragraph ill explain why it must remain legal.

Speeches must remain legal, for example if a speech is made and it’s a hate speech
it sets a dangerous precedent, which could lead to curtailment of all speech. Hate
speeches will also not address economic inequality, which is the underlying cause of
hatred and divisiveness.

I will provide an example of where sound has been edited.

At the beginning of six o’clock news big ben started off as a loud sound but with each
strike it faded into the background so that the news reporters voice would not be
interrupted. The protestors protesting started off loud but died down quickly then
gradually raised in volume while the news reporter was reporting.

I will now provide a 2nd example where sound has been edited.

In this video Niko uses Audio editing to bleep out what the man in the cowboy hat
was saying. Niko also uses Voice-overs so that he can narrate the events that are
happening as he is watching the video as well.
One of the reasons why this video may have been edited this way is to; make it
Ethical or Niko just wants to be sponsored. The multiple bleeps when the American
cowboy was clearly swearing in his video show that Niko does not want his younger
viewers hear what he’s saying or he’s trying to get sponsored by a game or company
for example epic games. Niko uses voice-overs when either he stops speaking at the
actual time he took the video so that he can narrate what is on his mind. There is
also background music so that the viewers do not get bored of, blatantly listening to
Nikos voice alone. Niko also retains the ambient background noise of the street so
that his voice can be heard clearer.

This form of editing makes the video more exciting for the viewers it adds suspense,
understanding and drama in general. The bleeps while the cowboy was speaking
makes us think that the words he is saying are ten times worse than if we had heard
them without the bleeps.

In this paragraph ill say how I know the content is factual.

One way I know the content is factual s because it was recorded hand held on the
street no actors involved. Niko also shows that he is clearly talking to new random
people that he just met on the sidewalk.

In this paragraph ill say how I know the factual content is edited.

One way I know the content is factual s because it was recorded hand held on the
street no actors involved. Niko also shows that he is clearly talking to new random
people that he just met on the sidewalk.

In this paragraph ill I’ve reasons why this content has been edited.

One of the reasons why this factual content has been edited is to keep it non-biased,
to allow freedom of speech, and to not offend anyone. Especially when the man with
the cowboy hat starts speaking, because he is saying multiple offensive things.
One reason why you would edit factual audio material is so that you do not say
something you were not supposed to that could be illegal. The content must be
ethical if its factual and must not be edited In such a way where the truth is bent.
Freedom of speech must be protected.

In this paragraph ill provide three different types of fictional content

- Rick and Morty is a good example of fictional content from, it is a fictional TV show.
- Posters of different superheroes is a good example of fictional content.
- TV programs such Power.

Here ill explain how I know it is fictional

Fictional content exists so that it can entertain people who want to get away from
reality. It is made to enhance people’s reality and make them dream bigger.
Now ill say the reason why fictional content is edited.

Fictional content is edited so that there is no copy right and so the it is not offensive
to anyone or to make it ethical. Time is not a constraint in fictional sound editing
meaning unlike a piece of factual content such as the news where you have to fit in
4-5 stories along with commercials announcements and tie signals. Less ethical
issues because its fiction you can’t lie you can’t bend the truth because its not
presenting itself as factual or the truth. There are no legal challengers. There is more
flexibility in fictional editing, also in terms of time constraints. Freedom of speech
must be protected.

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