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Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students can be able to:

a) explain Turiel’s Moral Rules

b) differentiate the three Domains Theory of Elliot Turiel;
c) determine the implications of Turiel’s Moral Rules in relation to real-life scenarios.

II. Subject Matter

a) Topic: Turiel’s Moral Rules
b) Materials: Laptop, LCD projector, yellow pad, and coupon band
c) References: www.Turiel Moral Rules
https:// Ideas on his Implications
www. Turiel morals in

III. Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities

Teachers Activities Students Activities

1. Greetings
 “Good Afternoon Class”
 “Good Afternoon too Ma’am”

2. Prayer
 Before we start our lesson,
Let us pray first. Okay, everybody please
Stand for the prayer.
 (students Stand and pray)

3. Checking of Attendance
 Okay class, kindly write your
Name in a one whole sheet of
Yellow pad paper, for your
B. Motivation

Teachers Activities Students Activities

 Now Class, I will read an

Examples of the 3 Domains of
knowledge and you will tell what
are these 3 domains of

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