Pastboard Utils 90 99

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Building Utilities past board questions (selected from Jan 1990 to Jan 1999)

January 1990
1. equivalent to 746 watts
2. protects wiring systems from lightning
3. equivalent to approx. 1.34 horsepower
4. household appliance that requires independent branch circuit
5. requires low voltage transformer for installation
6. 2 or more individually insulated electric conductors having common outer protective covering of metal
7. in an electric circuit, a current that flows in one direction only
8. a box used for mounting light control device
9. a continuous electrical path
10. controls current flow in elec. Circuit
11. controls intensity of current flow
12. volts x amperes
13. (a.c.) watts / volts x amperes
14. for distribution of electrical power to electric panels on the diff. Floors of a bldg
15. high current flow caused by an abnormal connection in an elec. Circuit
true or false
1. lightning is conceived as an integral part of the arch. Design, an element of the structure
2. the visible output of light is measured in lumens, while the brilliance is expressed in footcandle
3. to reduce wiring costs, fluorescent lamps are often installed in the ceiling in continuous rows
4. color quality, uniform distributions, and ease of control of light distribution are some strong factors in favor of
fluorescent over incandescent lamps
5. good example of rheostat is one type of dimmer
6. in elevator installation, bumper is designed to stop an elevator car or counter weight from ascending beyond
its normal limit of travel
7. elevator car will travel slower when it is loaded to capacity
8. in high rise apartments, or res'l condominiums of more than 5 storeys, at least 1 passenger elevator shall be
kept on a 24 hour service
9. wet stand pipes are not req'd in bldgs that are equipped throughout w/ an automatic fire suppression system
10. wet stand pipes are not required in assembly area used solely for worship
11. bldgs requiring more than 5 telephone lines, plans and specifications prepared and sealed by an electronic
communications engineer must be provided subject to approval by the service company
12. acoustics is that branch of science which deals with the intensity, pitch, and quality of sound
13. ceiling&wall boards w/ mech'l perforations extending into mat'l will reduce its sound absorption when painted
14. coefficient of sound absorption of metal is greater than wood
15. time of reverberation in small rooms is more than in large rooms with greater volume
16. when 2 elevators serve all or the same portion of a bldg, they can be located in 1 hoistway
17. the design of the mechanical systems required in a bldg is not included in the architect's professional service
18. the radiant heating effect of direct sunlight upon the wall is greater than upon the roof
19. condensation in airconditioning is the introduction of water into air
20. when provided with airconditioning system, height if habitual rooms may be reduced to 2.40m

June 1990
1. should sign and seal plans for plumbing installations for purpose of searching permit
2. size of this kind of pipe is determined by outside dimensions
3. supply fitting w/c maintains water at a desired temperature
4. fitting principally used to reverse the position of the bob of the cast iron pipe
5. system of water supply employed when an elevated tank is installed within a bldg
6. used when pipes of different sizes are connected in the same line
7. slope recommended for house drain and sewer
8. fitting used to permit clearing obstructions in sewer pipes
9. supplies fresh air to the stacks and branches and prevents corrosion
10. lowest point in the interior of a pipe
11. low basin like plumbing fixture on which the user sits, used to wash posterior parts of the body
12. bathtub in w/c one bathes in a sitting position, used esp. in hospitals
13. end of a pipe that fits into a bell
14. mass of organic matter which floats on the surface of sewage
15. deep sink, usually set low, especially used by janitors for emptying parts of dirty water
16. device w/c introduces air into an existing stream of water
17. system of water supply used when the pressure from the city supply is sufficient to furnish the desired
pressure at the highest fixture
18. they are both the terminal of the water supply and the symbol of the sewage system
19. short length of pipe with threads at each end, used to connect couplings or fitting
20. fitting for closing the end of a pipe
1. panel board 8. voltage 15. friction tape
2. ampere 9. volts 16. service entrance
3. water heater 10. insulators 17. neutral wire
4. ground wire 11. conductors 18. wiring plan
5. BX 12. short circuit 19. resistor
6. circular mill 13. feeders 20. chimes
7. frequency 14. refrigerator
a. a three wire svc drop m. pt. Of delivery of power from service company
b. voltage at supply end less than at load end n. wire from meralco pole to bldg attachment
c. heat developed resulting to fire o. rubber porcelain or glass
d. product of ampere and ohms p. conductor leading to electric connection to the earth
e. for purchasing mat'ls and installation q. armored cable
f. copper, aluminum or silver r. usually are not to be fused
g. controls lamp circuit in a room s. equals an area of 0.00051 sqmm.
h. requires and independent branch circuit t. usually expressed in hertz
i. unit of the rate of flow of electric current u. number of heavy wire circuit
j. for control and protection of branch circuits v. connects to any power branch circuit
k. requires low voltage transformer w. provides adequate insulation to splices of conductors
l. controls flow of current in an electrical circuit

visible output of light is measured in

a. footcandles b. lumens c. watts
for hospitals, the req'd magnitude of illumination is highest in
a. laboratories b. operating room c. operating table
reflection of light is influenced by the color of the surface. The color that gives most reflection is
a. pink b. gray c. buff
generally, to attain same level of intensities, indirect system may require from ___ more wattage than direct system
a. 20-40% b. 50-70% c. 80-100%
for the level of illumination, semi-direct lighting may require from ___ more wattage than direct system
a. 20-40% b. 50-70% c. 80-100%
acoustical treatment of a room involves the control of sound thru
a. reflection b. diffusion c. absorption
a room that is ___ generally has better acoustics
a. barren b. pointed c. furnished
speed of sound is in general faster in
a. liquid b. solid c. gas
w/c of the ff type of wall will produce better acoustics
a. wood panelling b. brick unpainted c. plaster on lath
in a room with concave walls, the reflected sound will be ___ by them so as to produce echoes and concentrations
a. distorted b. focused c. reverberated
in designing the size and capacity of a water tank for a condominium tower, w/c will accommodate 20 units, the
archt must compute the total number of gallons of potable water for use based on
a. per capita per day b. consumed per day c. gal. Per min. of water available from source
in design of elementary school bldg,no. of lavatories to be provided based on text of “mech'l & elec'l eqpt for bldgs”
a. 1 per 40 persons b. 1 per 60 persons c. 1 per 70 persons
true or false
1. air conditioning provides indoor conditions satisfying to human comfort and health and to the reqts of
industrial production
2. humidity is water vapor within a given space or environment
3. comfort in hot weather is much increased by cooling the air and increasing its moisture content
4. screening of windows reduces solar radiation transmitted thru glass to a room
5. air handling units are req'd for all systems of air conditioning
6. maintenance cost of split type airconditioning system is lower than that of unit window type of same capacity
7. vertical transportation of people and mat'ls is the main function of the elevator and escalators
8. elevators in bldgs located in chartered cities have to be registered for operation and inspection in the office
of the bldg official
9. design of the electrical and mech'l systems req'd in a bldg are not included in the archt's professional svcs
10. machinery for elevators may either be located in the basement or the penthouse

January 1991
True or false
1. floor drain and tower bar are both plumbing fixtures
2. inlet tee of a septic vault is always higher than the discharge outlet
3. a cleanout is best located at the lowest end at every horizontal waste or soil pipe
4. diameter of a cast iron pipe used in plumbing installation is the outside diameter
5. diameter of a PVC pipe used in plumbing installation is the outside diameter
6. vent pipe is any pipe provided to ventilate house drainage sys. & to prevent trap siphonage & back pressure
7. stack is a general term for any vertical line of soil, waste, or vent piping
8. a cleanout easily accessible should be provided at every 30m in straight horizontal waste or soil pipeline
9. a complete conducting path carrying current from a source of electricity to and through some electrical
device and back to the source is called electrical loop
10. unit of resistance is called ohms
11. density of luminous flux on a surface is called lumen
12. unit of illumination is called candle power
13. cathode is a component of fluorescent lamp
14. unit of electric power expressed in thousand units is called kilopower
15. current of a dry cell battery is an alternating current
16. surface mounted switches can be mounted without a metal box
17. escalators are designed to have a max angle of 30 deg
18. a pipeline consisting of vertical pipes extending from the fire pump to the top floor of a bldg and with an
outlet being installed at each floor for attachment is called fireman's pipe
19. automatic sprinkler system is used for protection of life and property against fire
20. thermostat of a water heater regulates the temperature of water
21. pressure relief valves are safety devices for water heaters
22. humidity range from 35-45% of an airconditioner is most ideal
23. air ducts should have an air space between itself and insulator to prevent moisture condensation
24. hydro pneumatic tanks are best located on roof decks of a bldg
25. cooled water form the cooling towers of a refrigerating system is tapped into cool water drinking fountain
26. one horsepower is equal to 33,000 foot pounds per minute
27. digestion chamber is a component of a grease trap
28. loudness is a measure of the magnitude of sound
29. pitch is a measure of highness or loudness of sound
30. shape of a room is the only factor considered in acoustical solutions

June 1991
1. decibel i. ray diagramming
2. noise a. prolonged sound j. pressure fluctation per second
3. frequency b. unit of sound k. acoustics
4. echo c. one energy one frequency l. reverberation time
5. decay time d. auditorium m. concave domes sound reflection
6. flutter e. loudspeaker n. reflected sound from convex
7. pure tone f. buzzing or clicking sound surface
8. reverberation g. unwanted sound o. reflected sound
9. focusing h. sound reflection along curved
10. diffusion surface
January 1992
sanitary & industrial plumbing, water piping installation inside bldgs & premises shall conform to provisions of______
design,construction,& operation of deepwells for abstraction of groundwater sources shall be subject to provisions of
quality of drinking water from meteoric,surface, underground sources shall conform to the criteria set forth by _____
sanitary sewage from bldgs and neutralized or pre-treated industrial wastewater shall be discharged directly into the
nearest street sanitary sewer main in accordance w/ the criteria set by the code of sanitation and the ___________
all pipe mat'ls to be used in bldgs shall conform to the standard specifications of the ________________
electrical plans and specifications below 20 outlets or a capacity of 4kw up to 600v shall be signed and sealed by
duly licensed ___________________
UAP is the duly APO for architects, while the corresponding APOs for other eng'g professions are
civil engrs _________mechanical engrs __________electrical engrs _________master plumbers ___________
MWSS and LWVA specifies uPVC pipes for water distribution mains. UPVC means _________________
color coding of pipes, supply corresponding color code for water line ___________________
electrical __________________________sanitary __________________________
industrial establishments shall be provided with positive noise abatement devises to tone down the noise level of
eqpt and machineries to acceptable limits set down by the dept of labor and _____________________
number of pressure fluctuations per second caused by the passage of sound waves is _________________
a sound having energy at one and only one frequency is ________________________
sound absorption units are ________________ in honor of a pioneer in arch'l acoustics
a _____________ is perceived as a buzzing or clicking sound, comprises of a repeated echo as traversing back &
forth between 2 non absorbing parallel surfaces
device for converting AC into DC is ________________________

draw / know the ff.

electrical plan symbol for range outlet 4x4” octagonal utility box with 1/2” k.o.
electrical plan symbol for lamp holder with pull switch Armored cable 3W
symbol for battery 110mm diam c.i. Soil pipe SH
symbol for motor 110mm diam ¼ bend, DH, sanitary pipe fitting
plumbing symbol for gate valve screwed type 110mm diam ¼ st bend sanitary pipe fitting
plumbing symbol for globe valve screwed type 110mm x 90 mm double wye reducer
int'l access symbol for telephone elevator 2” x 1/2” diam tap tee
flat head wood screw 1/2” diam G.I. Union patente
sheet metal screw 3/4”diam x 1/2” diam G.I. Coupling reducer
countersunk rivet 110mm diam cleanout CISP fitting
turnbuckle stub ends 50mm diam u-trap, PVC soil pipe fitting
profile of recessed type swimming pool gutter sectional diagram of a dry standpipe with siamese
plan of turnstile, rigid arm type traffic control connection at ground floor and w/ fire hose attachment in
cartridge fuse knife blade contact upper floors up to 5th floor
plug fuse VTR using CISP as vent pipe. Roofing is of corr. G.I.
RSC locknut and bushing. Show usage Sheet on wood purlins and rafters. show waterproofing

June 1992
in standard application forms prescribed by DPWH for bldg, elec'l, mech'l, sanitary and plumbing permits, the
concerned professional who prepared the plans and specs is reqd to sign and seal his name in an appropriate
space or box. The other data & info to be furnished by the professional are ____,____,____,____,____,____
in applying for an electric wiring permit, the basic dwg reqts needed to be drawn, shown or reflected in the elec'l set
of plans aside from the elec'l wiring plan or layout are ____,____,____,____,____,____
the ofc of the bldg official requires the submission of 5 sets of bldg plans and specs including elec'l, mech'l, sanitary
and plumbing plans. 1 set is returned to the applicant upon approval while other sets or copies are retained and
given to diff offices or agencies, which are the ____,____,____,____
aside from the professional who prepared the bldg, elec'l, mech'l, sanitary and plumbing plans and specs that is
reqd to sign and seal his name in the DPWH prescribed forms for permit application, what is the title or role of the
other professional reqd to do the same in the said application____________?

the ff abbreviations and acronyms are commonly encountered when preparing various utility plans of the bldg.
July 1993
code that prescribes regulations on design, construction & operation of deep wells for abstraction of ground water is
a. nat'l bldg code b. nat'l plumbing code c. water code of the phils d. nat'l std for drinking water
code that prescribes criteria on the quality of drinking water from meteoric, surface or underground source is
a. nat'l bldg code b. nat'l plumbing code c. water code of the phils d. nat'l std for drinking water
code that prescribes regulations on water piping installations inside bldgs and premises is
a. nat'l bldg code b. nat'l plumbing code c. water code of the phils d. nat'l std for drinking water
code that prescribes regulations on sanitary and industrial plumbing installation inside bldgs and premises is
a. nat'l bldg code b. nat'l plumbing code c. water code of the phils d. nat'l std for drinking water
pipe mat'ls to be used inside bldgs and premises shall conform to the standard specification set forth by
a. united laboratories (UL) b. phil standard council (PSC)
c. american society for testing mat'ls (ASTM) d. american water works association (AWWA)
noise pollution control standards are prescribed by
a. office of bldg official (DPWH) b. office of zoning administrator (OZA)
c. HLURB d. nat'l pollution control commission (NPCC)
PD 1096 prescribes that dry standpipe is req'd for every bldg of how many floors?
a. 2 or more b. 3 or more c. 4 or more d. 5 or more
dry standpipes shall have sufficient strength to withstand water pressure of how much when ready for svc?
a. 5kg/ b. 10kg/ c. 20kg/ d. 25kg/
All dry standpipes shall extend from the ground floor and over the roof and shall be equipped with a 63mm outlet in
every floor level with a min height from the floor line of
a. 0.90m b. 1.00m c. 1.20m d. 1.50m
min size of fire hose outlet of an interior wet standpipe is
a. 20mm diam b. 25mm diam c. 38mm diam d. 41mm diam
frames on either side of the moving steps of an escalator is
a. hand rails b. guard rails c. baseboards d. balustrades
max angle of inclination of an escalator is
a. 30 deg b. 33 deg c. 38 deg d. 41 deg
a device designed to stop a descending elevator car or counterweight beyond its normal limit of travel by absorbing
and dissipating the kinetic energy of the car or the counterweight is
a. brake b. buffer c. traction d. overload relay
in high rise apartments or res'l condominiums of more than 5 storeys, min. no. of elevator that shall be kept on a 24
hr svc is
a. zero b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
min clear distance from any part of a boiler to any wall as per NBC is
a. 0.60m b. 0.75m c. 0.90m d. 1.00m
smokestacks shall have min rise above the eaves of any bldg of
a. 1.20m b. 2.00m c. 4.00m d. 5.00m
temp and humidity of the air used for comfortable cooling is to be maintained at
a. 62-68 deg F b. 68-74 deg F c. 75-80 deg F d. 80-82 deg F
meaning of HVAC is
a. horizontal and vertical air conditioning b. heating and ventilating air conditioning
c. horizontal and vertical alternating current d. heating and ventilating alternating current
prescribed color coding of piping under steam division of a heating pressure pipe is
a. red b. buff c. white d. black
prescribed color coding of piping under water division of a fresh water pipe is
a. blue b. gray c. green d. white

January 1994
A cable provided with a wrapping or metal usually steel wire or tapes, primarily for the purpose of mech’l protection
a. guy wire b. armored cable c. submarine cable d. flexible conduit
the current in amperes a conductor can carry continuously under the conditions of use w/o exceeding its tempera-
ture rating is
a. watt b. volt c. ampacity d. velocity
sheet metal enclosure for conductors, cables and bus bars at switch boards, meter centers, distribution centers and
similar points is
a. Johnson box b. junction box c. curb and gutter d. auxillary gutter
latest edition of the phil. Electrical code, part I, is dated (this as of Jan 1994)
a. 1973 b. 1980 c. 1987 d. 1992
ratio of the max demand of a system, or part of a system, to the total connected of a system or the part of a system
under consideration is called
a. demand factor b. safety factor c. fuse current rating d. fuse voltage rating
in case of controversy in the interpretation of the phil. Electrical code, final decision is vested upon the
a. mayor b. bldg official c. board of elec’l eng’g
a machine w/c transforms electrical power into mechanical power is
a. generator b. transformer c. electric motor d. electric rectifier
an open current protective device with a circuit opening fusible member w/c is heated and severed by the passage
of over current thru it is called
a. fuse b. switch c. thermostat d. safety valve
device to support a fusible link and to complete the contact between fusible link and fuse clips is
a. mica tube b. spilt knobs c. fuse holder d. porcelain spool bracket
a tension member usually galvanized wire, having one end secured to a fixed object on the ground and the other
end attached to a pole, cross arm or other structural part which it supports
a. guy wire b. dead man c. turnbuckle d. machine volt
a box with a blank cover which serves the purpose of joining runs of raceway or cable, and provided w/ sufficient
space for connection and branching of the enclosed conductors
a. pull box b. Johnson box c. junction box d. fuse cut out
a disruptive discharge around or over the surface of a solid or liquid insulator is
a. surge b. cottage c. flashover d. sparkover
a conducting connection, whether intentional or accidental between an elec’l circuit or eqpt and the earth, or to
some conducting body that serves in place of the earth
a. ground b. guy wire c. lightning arrester d. insulated conductor
generic term for an artificial source of light
a. lamp b. ballast c. skylight d. solar energy
outlet intended for the direct connection of a lamp holder, lighting fixture,or pendant cord terminating in a lampholder
a. male plug b. toggle switch c. female plug d. lighting outlet
type II bldg under the NBC shall be of wood construction w/ protective fire resistant mat’ls and that it shall be fire-re-
sistive throughout for how many hours?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
fire zones are areas w/in which only certain types of bldgs are permitted to be constructed based on their use or oc-
cupancy, resistance to fire and ___
a. height b. bldg setback c. cost of construction d. type of construction
a device w/c extends across at least 1/2 the width of each door leaf w/c will open the door if subjected to pressure is
a. cross bar b. foot bolt c. panic bar d. barrel bolt
vessel or arrangement of pipes or tubing in which vaporized refrigerant is liquefied by removal of heat
a. capacitor b. condenser c. alternator d. Compressor
min clearance height of a window type air conditioning unit installed at ground floor is
a. 1.80m b. 2.10m c. 2.13m d. 2.20m
international access signs are in white graphics on what prescribed background color?
a. red b. blue c. green d. yellow
break in sidewalk w/ an inclined surface to facilitate mobility of wheel chairs, carriage & other similar conveyances is
a. ramp b. alcove c. threshold d. curb cutout
gradient of ramps for he physically handicapped as per BP 344 is
a. 1:10 b. 1:12 c. 1:14 d. 1:16
NBC allows circular stairs as an exit, provided the min width of run is not less than how many mm?
a. 200 b. 250 c. 300 d. 325
industrial establishments shall be provided with positive noise abatement devices to tone down the noise level of
eqpt and machineries to acceptable limits set down by the Dept of Labor and ___
a. DOH b. DOJ c. DILG d. NPCC
sanitary sewage from bldgs shall be discharged directly to the nearest
a. open canal b. curb and gutter c. drainage channel d. sanitary sewer main
neutralized or pre-treated industrial waste water shall be discharged directly into the nearest
a. drainage b. curb and gutter c. river or estero d. sanitary sewer main
pipeline that connects from the horizontal main to the water service meter
a. corporation cock b. distribution line c. transmission line d. service connection line
receptacles intended to receive and discharge water, liquid, or water carried waste into a drainage system with w/c
they are connected
a. traps b. vents c. fixtures d. fittings
a fitting or device so connected as to prevent the passage of air or gas thru a pipe w/o materially affecting the flow
of sewage or waste thru it
a. trap b. vent c. stack pipe d. waste pipe
vertical distance bet crown weir and the dip of the trap
a. trap seal b. vent pipe c. clean out d. vulcaseal
pipe provided to ventilate a house drainage system and prevent trap siphonage and back pressure
a. vent pipe b. stack pipe c. pressure pipe d. air relief pipe
general term for any vertical line of soil, waste or vent piping
a. soil pipe b. main pipe c. stack pipe d. stand pipe
pipe w/c receives the discharge of any fixture except water closets and conveys the same to the house drain
a. soil pipe b. main pipe c. vent pipe d. waste pipe
pipe w/c conveys the discharge of water closets, w/ or w/o discharges from other fixtures to the house drain
a. soil pipe b. main pipe c. vent pipe d. waste pipe
min size of trap and branches allowed for bath tub
a. 1” diam b. 2” diam c. 1 ½” diam d. 3” diam
a valve in w/c the flow of water is cut off by means of a circular disk, that fits against the valve seat. The plane of
movement of he disk is parallel to the normal direction of flow of water, which is turned thru a tortuous passage to di-
rect the flow normal to the face of the disk
a. gate valve b. angle valve c. check valve d. globe valve
a portion of a pipe w/c, for a short distance, is sufficiently enlarged to receive the end of another pipe of the same di-
ameter for the purpose of making a joint
a. hub / bell b. union c. spigot d. coupling
potable water supply that extends vertically one full storey or more to convey water to branches or fixtures is
a. riser b. manifold c. standpipe d. transmission line
the installation of all pipes in a plumbing system is called ____ in plumbing terms
a. pipe layout b. roughing-in c. pipe installation d. plumbing installation

June 1995
pipe fitting to join 2 straight lengths of pipe
a. coupling b. nipple c. tee d. st. elbow
level III type of water svc refers to
a. artesian well b. individual shallow well hand pump installation
c. public faucet d. individual house pipe-in connection w/ meter
faucet fitted with nozzle curving downward used as draw off tap
a. firehose b. bib cock c. lavatory faucet d. garden hose
one of the 1st steps in the selection of suitable water supply source is
a. water potability b. topography c. budgetary cost d. water demand
min size of swimming pool drain (diameter)
a. 3” b. 4” c. 2” d. 6”
flouride as an additive in water supply is a chemical for
a. purifier b. coagulant c. disinfectant d. dental
quality of galvanized iron pipes are rated by
a. class b. schedule c. mm d. gauge
pipe fitting to change one single duration (course) the flow of water
a. tee b. cross tee c. wye d. elbow
min number of water closet unit req'd for the female population of an elementary school
a. 1 per 75 b. 1 per 35 c. 1 per 50 d. 1 per 100
min size of trap and waste branch for bidet (diameter)
a. 3” b. 1 1/2” c. 2” d. 4”
pipe which conveys only liquid waste, free from fecal matter
a. wet vent b. waste pipe c. vent pipe d. soil pipe
general form used for any vertical line of soil, waste or vent pipe
a. stand pipe b. riser c. shaft d. stack
min number of water closet unit req'd for female population of a secondary school
a. 1 per 45 b. 1 per 75 c. 1 per 50 d. 1 per 60
min slope of a bldg drain
a. 1/16” per ft b. 1 in per ft c. 1/8” per ft d. 3/4” per ft
min size of a trap and waste branch for a pedestal type urinal (diameter)
a. 2” b. 2 1/2” c. 3” d. 4”
min size of a trap and waste branch for a shower stall (diameter)
a. 2” b. 3” c. 1 1/2” d. 1”
min size of a trap and waste branch for a sitz or foot bath (diameter)
a. 1 1/4” b. 2” c. 1 1/2” d. 1”
black steel pipe with galvanized malleable fitting is ideal for
a. oxygen pipe b. electrical conduit c. gas pipe d. water pipe
min number of urinal fixture req'd for male population of both elementary and secondary school
a. 1 per 40 b. 1 per 50 c. 1 per 60 d. 1 per 30
identify in illustration SP-4 which is a tap tee fitting
a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1
identify in illustration SP-5 which is a 1/8 bend fitting
a. 4 b. 3 c. 1 d. 2
prescribed color coding of piping under refrigerating division of all pipes and fittings
a. white b. yellow c. grey d. black
a type of coupling or joining device having internal screw threads or nuts with opposite screws at the end. By turn-
ing the internal screws it is possible to connect 2 metal rods & regulate the length and tension of these rods
a. vice grip b. union patente c. turnstile d. turnbuckle
film laboratories, projection rooms, and nitro-cellulose processing rooms shall have a min number of exit of
a. 4 b. 2 c. 1 d. 3
a residential incinerator when used in connection with a single family dwelling shall be located at what min distance
from a masonry or concrete structure
a. 1.50m b. 5.00m c. 2.00m d. 1.00m
min wall thickness for fireplaces
a. 0.10 b. 0.25 c. 0.20 d. 0.15
a vessel or arrangement of pipes or tubing in which vaporized refrigerant is liquefied by removal of heat
a. thermostat b. compressor c. vaporizer d. condenser
min clear distance from any part of a boiler to any wall as per nat'l bldg code
a. 1.20m b. 1.00m c. 0.60m d. 0.90m
water from evaporators, condensers, and other machinery shall be properly collected into
a. drainage system b. septic tank c. open canal d. water system
a ramp with a width of 112 cm and below is considered
a. class C b. class A c. class B d. class D
identify in illustration ME-5, which is a truss head rivet
a. 2 b. 4 c. 1 d. 3
identify in illustration ME-2, which is the HVAC piping symbol for a medium pressure return
a. 3 b. 1 c. 4 d. 2
a device designed to open and close a circuit by non automatic means and to open the circuit automatically on pre-
determined over current without damage to itself when properly applied within its rating
a. thermostat b. switch box c. relay switch d. circuit breaker
prescribed color coding for eqpt grounding conductor as per Phil Electrical Code
a. black b. green c. white d. red
min volume in cubic meters of air space per person req'd for workshops, factories and offices
a. 14.00 b. 8.00 c. 12.00 d. 10.00
min vert. clearance from ground at the point of attachment to bldg or pedestal of a svc drop of a communication line
a. 4.20m b. 2.40m c. 3.00m d. 3.50m
EMT is a type of electrical tube / conduit. The meaning is
a. electrical magnesium oxide tubing b. electrical mineral insulated tubing
c. electrical messenger tubing d. electrical metallic tubing
in case of controversy, final decision in the interpretation of phil. Electrical code part I shall be rendered by
a. energy regulatory boards b. dept of eng'g c. board of electrical eng'g d. regional trial court
prescribed color coding for grounded conductor as per Phil. Electrical code
a. red b. black c. green d. white
min vert. clearance from crown of street or sidewalk of the svc drop of communication lines when crossing a street
a. 6.40m b. 5.50m c. 3.50m d. 4.20m
all inner courts of a bldg shall be connected to a street or yard, by a passageway with a min width of
a. 0.90 b. 1.00 c. 1.20 d. 1.10
TW type wire is the most common electrical wire used & is appropriate for dry & wet location.What is its trade name
a. moisture resistant thermoplastic b. moisture and heat resistant thermoplastic
c. heat resistant thermoplastic d. synthetic heat resistant
min horizontal dimension of a court of a bldg
a. 1.50 b. 2.00 c. 1.80 d. 2.10
signatories to the certificate of completion for electrical works in case it is done by administration is
a. proj. mgmt engr. b. architect c. electrical engr. d. contractor
min clearance from the ground or from any platform of a svc drop conductor as per nat'l bldg code
a. 5.00 b. 2.00 c. 4.00 d. 3.00
a box with a blank cover w/c serves the purpose of joining one diff runs of raceways or cable, and provided w/ suffi-
cient space for connection and branching of the enclosed conductors
a. pull box b. johnson box c. utility box d. junction box
min free area of opening of rooms intended for any use not provided w/ ventilation shall equal what % of the flr area
a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20
identify in illustration EL-4, which is the electrical symbol for a surge arrester
a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 4
identify in illustration EL-1, which is the electrical symbol for an intercom outlet
a. 3 b. 1 c. 4 d. 2

June 1996
other type of passenger elevator aside from the commonly used electric elevator is ____ elevator
a. hydraulic b. winch c. traction d. cable
min. elevator width of single slide door elevator for small commercial or residential bldg is
a. 1.00m b. 0.50m c. 0.60m d. 0.90m
suggested distances between rung in rung type of fire escape is
a. 0.35m b. 0.40m c. 0.50m d. 0.20m
what is meant by “intelligent bldg”?
a. a bldg with intelligently designed circulation system
b. a bldg that can protect itself from destruction due to strong earthquake
c. a bldg designed by an intelligent architect
d. a bldg equipped and designed w/ bldg automation technology
a device that is basically a double throw switch of generally 3-pole connection that will automatically transfer the
power from the standby generator to the bldg circuitry during the electrical power failure
a. brown-out control switch (BCS) b. automatic transfer switch (ATS)
c. remote control switch (RCS) d. double throw switch (DTS)
jacuzzi is
a. a kind of plumbing tool b. italian inventor of jack pump c. eqpt for cleaning swimming pool
d. a brand name and manufacturer of water body massage plumbing fixtures
bidet toilet fixtures
a. for washing feet b. for facial moisturizing c. for use of invalids d. for washing genitals
the specification on the electric wire TW refers to
a. true wire b. moisture resistant in wet & dry location c. dry location only d. wet location only
another name for passenger elevator
a. passengers jack b. lift c. raiser d. vertical transport
min. face to face distance between elevators in three and four car grouping is
a. 2.0m b. 3.0m c. 3.5m d. 1.8m
intelligent bldg should have
a. harmonious color combination b. structurally sound and economically constructed
c. fire alarm control and suppression system d. short time of construction period
collection line of a plumbing system is sometimes referred to as
a. floor drain b. house drain c. storm drain d. sanitary drain
max. height of dumbwaiter
a. 1.50m b. 1.80m c. 0.90m d. 1.20m
proscenium arch is a sound reflecting part of a
a. residence b. gallery c. stage d. garden
type of lighting that provides illuminations to special objects like sculpture, flower arrangement, etc is called
a. highlight lighting b. accent lighting c. specific lighting d. mood lighting
water wells should have at least a safe distance from septic tank of
a. 40'0” b. 35'0” c. 30'0” d. 50'0”
trade name of XHHN wire refers to
a. heat resistant thermoplastic b. moisture & heat resistant thermoplastic
c. moisture-resistant thermoplastic d. moisture & heat resistant cross linked thermosetting polyethylene
sump pump is for
a. pumping special mine tailings b. pumping sumptuous liquid materials
c. pumping up effluent & waste water to a higher level d. pumping abrasive liquid materials
standard length of electrical metal conduit is
a. 12'-0” b. 20”-0” c. 8'-0” d. 10'-0”
it is the total sound units provided by a given material
a. echo b. sabins c. decibels d. lumens
other type of flame detector other than the infrared type is _____ type
a. industrial b. convection c. conduction d. ultraviolet
hardware on a door to accommodate the knob and keyhole is called
a. applique b. escutcheon c. apron d. embellisher
important component of an elevator located below 1st level flr line that absorbs & minimizes landing shocks to car
a. drive sheave b. controller c. car buffer d. shock absorber
standard min hospital elevator opening is
a. 1.20m b. 0.90m c. 2.00m d. 1.10m
another name for distribution panel is
a. electrical box b. electrical cabinet c. power panel d. distributor cabinet
a threaded faucet allowing a hose to be attached to it is called
a. sprinkler faucet b. bib cock c. hose faucet d. hose bibb
specification on the electrical wire T refers to
a. wire in tension application b. for temporary use
c. on wet and dry location d. thermoplastic – for dry location
other classification or type of public sewer aside from sanitary or separate sewer is
a. gray water b. storm sewer c. waste water sewer d. discharge sewer
when the water pressure cannot directly convey water to the bldd tank or reservoir the device used is called
a. water conveyor b. water hoist c. pumps d. water lifter
type of plastic pipes of fittings other than polybutylene and polyethylene
a. polyvinyl chloride b. nylon pipe c. neoprene pipe d. fiberglass pipe

January 1997
hydraulic elevator has no ___
a. penthouse b. shaft or hoistway c. switching apparatus d. car
min width of door in hospital nursing unit (in meter)
a. 1.20 b. 1.80 c. 1.00 d. 0.80
specified min distance between cleanouts in a horizontal waste line is
a. 75 ft b. 50 ft c. 60 ft d. 70 ft
an outlet into a room from a ventilating duct
a. none b. air room outlet c. air regulator d. a.c. Diffuser
the level of subterranean water
a. house drain b. water well c. water table d. underground canal
min floor width of escalator (moving stairway)(in meter)
a. 0.60 b. 1.00 c. 0.80 d. 0.90
another type of circuit breaker element other than bolt-on
a. self melting b. riveted c. plug-on d. none
intrusion alarm system in a resident signal system will deter the
a. noise pollution b. rodents and termites c. air pollution d. burglars & prowlers
one unit passenger elevator should be kept on 24 hour constant service to res'l condominium of not more than
a. 7 storeys b. 5 storeys c. 6 storeys d. 8 storeys
a tray usually of perforated metal or wire mesh used for structural support of insulated wire cable
a. cable trench b. cable carrier c. wire cable canal d. cable tray
service drop of communication line shall have a min clearance above ground of not less than
a. 5.00m b. 4.00m c. 3.00m d. 2.80m
the main feed line of an elec'l circuit to which branch circuits are connected
a. power line b. hotline c. distribution line d. main line
P-trap is originally called
a. seal trap b. liquid trap c. s-trap d. gooseneck
electrical term “raceway” applied to
a. a channel system in carrying electrical wire b. where electrical cars pass
c. conductor of heavy load energy d. a grouping of transformer
the materials widely used as an insulation covering in electric cables
a. bakelite b. polyester nylon c. mica d. polyethylene
the criteria in selection of an elevator other than interval and average waiting time, handling capacity is
a. durability of the surface exposed to wear and tear b. travel time
c. door appearances d. ventilation system of the car
any pipe, channel, or trench by means of w/c waste liquid is carried away
a. drain b. pass thru channel c. spill-way d. waste water outlet
to bring down voltage, we use
a. voltage regulator b. step-down transformer c. step-up transformer d. step two transformer
poles & transformer support shall be located from road right of way or property line with a distance of not more than
a. 500mm b. 800mm c. 600mm d. 60mm
a vertical flow of air used to separate different function of spaces
a. air curtain b. none c. atmospheric separator d. all deflector
a nat'l bldg code ruling on new bldgs expecting electric load demand of 200 Kva or more shall be provided w/
a. standby generator b. transformer vault c. overload control device d. safety capacitor
to bring up voltage, we use
a. step down transformer b. voltage booster c. step two transformer d. step up transformer
rainwater drainage shall be discharged to the sanitary sewer system
a. no b. does not matter c. conditionally d. yes
PVC pipe laid underground is protected with
a. steel casing b. concrete casing c. sun protector trench d. steel sheet pile
electric power unit expressed in thousand unit is called
a. kips b. megawatt c. kilowatt d. kilohertz
iron box placed at the end of a conduit system where electrical wire are joined in one another or to the fixtures
a. pull out box b. cut out box c. outlet box d. power box
another term for elevator used in european countries
a. lift b. vertical transport c. escalator d. accelerator
the illumination unit produced by a luminous flux of 1 lumen uniformly distributed on a one sq.m. Surface
a. lumen b. ampere c. candela d. lux
type of lighting that deals with lighting in relatively large areas is called ___ lighting
a. comprehensive b. area c. task d. general
a covered trench to dispose the final discharge from septic vault by absorption into the ground
a. grease trap canal b. absorption trench c. discharge distribution trench d. none
the quality of drinking water from meteoric, surface underground sources shall conform to the criteria set by
a. mineral water distribution association b. DOH
c. national pollution control commission d. national standards for drinking water
a passageway end of insulated metal sheet for conveying air at low pressure
a. bldg canal b. air chute c. channel through d. duct
surface area around a sink
a. sink lip b. sink apron c. draining board d. duct
a horizontal transport system that moves pedestrians mechanically and continuously during its operation
a. passengers conveyor b. pedestrian tractline c. horizontal escalator d. moving walk
the rebounding of sound earlier generated is called
a. distorted sound b. reverberation c. modulated sound d. low frequency sound
the density of luminous flux incident on a surface is called
a. lumens b. illuminance c. foot candle d. illumination
underground structures for drainage into w/c the water from the roof or floor will drain thru sewer or street drain
a. cistern b. catch basin c. cesspool d. water trap
house sewer pipe connected from the bldg to the main sewer shall have a slope of
a. 30% b. 2% c. 20% d. 45%
min diameter of discharge pipe and fitting for a bath tub
a. 1 3/4” b. 2” c. 1 ½” d. 2 1/2”
in case of power failure or emergency to rescue passenger, the elevator door could be opened thru
a. safety shoe b. outside door latch c. door lock switch d. safety gear
the process of heating, cooling, cleaning, humidifying, or dehumidifying and air ducting air throughout various rooms
to achieve desired conditions is
a. air conditioning b. temperature control and mgmt c. atmospheric ctrl d. air control and mgmt
the diameter given in tube or tubing specification is referred to its
a. max yielding tolerance b. outside diameter c. inside diameter d. min threading cut diameter
the part of the cut-out that is designated to open or break an electrical current under an excessive load
a. circuit regulator b. voltage control c. fuse link d. circuit breaker
a unit of energy commonly used for the measurement of electrical or thermal energy supplied to a consumer
a. kilowatt-meter b. watts c. ampere d. volts
term used in acoustics and electrical eng'g for the comparison of sound power level of electrical or power level with
a standard power level
a. horsepower b. decibels c. candle power d. ohms
frequency, the no. of times that a regular oscillation is repeated
a. ampere b. cycle c. volt d. watts
the science of sound attributes at an enclosed space provided by its shape and the materials w/c define it
a. reverberation system b. sound ctrl and mgmt c. soundology d. acoustics
clearance of electrical svc drop from the ground shall be not less than
a. 2.50m b. 2.80m c. 2.35m d. 3.00m
another type of vertical conveyor system that requires no rooftop machine room and big mech'l machine room
a. escalator b. none c. hydraulic elevator d. winch lift
all pipe mat'ls to be used in bldg shall conform w/ the reqts of
a. U.P. Testing lab b. underwriter lab c. Phil. Standard council d. Nat'l plumbing code

January 1998
type of vent applied on installations with multi branch interval where vertical vent pipe takes off in front of the first fix-
ture and connects to a main vent stack
a. relief b. loop c. circuit d. yoke
condominium with 50 bedrooms requires a steam boiler to supply hot water reqts. If total cold water consumption is
60 cu.m. what is the req'd hot water tank capacity in an hourly rating?
a. 2,333.33 li b. 2,267.77 li c. 1,555.55 li d. 1,458.88 li
standard size of a wet standpipe outlet for each floor is (diam)
a. 38mm (1 1/2”) b. 32mm (1 1/4”) c. 51mm (2”) d. 64mm (2 1/2”)
type of pipe fitting for yoke vent
a. 1/8 bend fitting b. wye fitting c. ¼ bend fitting d. tee fitting
min horizontal clearance of a vent branch immediately above the flood level rim of the fixture it serves
a. 6” b. 8” c. 12” d. 10”
device installed on an electric water heater used to detect the working temp to activate a switch
a. time switch b. thermostat c. safety valve d. heating element
min size of trap or branch of a bidet
a. 3” b. 2” c. 2 1/2” d. 1 1/2”
min fixture supply pipe diam for tank type water closet
a. 3/8” b. 3/4” c. 1” d. 1/2”
threaded fitting to join 2 threaded fittings as close as possible but not exceeding 3”
a. nipple b. union c. none d. coupling
which in the list is not a purpose of providing a venting system in the plumbing system?
a. to convey foul smell present in pipes b. to protect the seal and the trap it serves
c. to enable drains to drain faster and better d. to carry combustible sewer gas out of bldg
which is not a standard commercial size of GI pipe for water supply
a. 1 3/4” diam b. 2 1/2” diam c. 4” diam d. 3” diam
w/c of the ff locations do not require installation of a cleanout?
a. at every branch interval of a soil stack b. any horizontal waste or soil pipe exceeding 15m
c. at upper end of every soil branch d. any change in direction of a soil branch 22.5 deg and over
term applied to interconnection of the same fixtures in one soil or waste branch w/ 1 branch vent
a. battery of fixtures b. series of fixtures c. multiple of fixtures d. fixture unit
single vent that ventilates multiple traps in the case of a back to back fixture
a. crown vent b. common vent c. individual vent d. back vent
parameter in sizing drainage pipes
a. no. of fixture unit b. location of fixture c. size of trap d. type of pipe
a pipe in a plumbing system, w/c conveys discharge liquid and soil wastes from water closets, w/ or w/o the dis-
charge from other fixtures, to house drains
a. waste pipe b. soil pipe c. stack pipe d. special waste pipe
fitting installed at the base of a soil stack and a bldg drain
a. ¼ bend b. wye and 1/8 bend connection
c. long sweep bend d. 1/8 bend and 1/8 bend connection
min size of a standpipe for a bldg in w/c highest outlet is 23m or less from the fire svc connection
a. 76mm (3”)diam b. 102mm(4”)diam c. 153mm (6”)diam d. 63mm (2 1/2”)diam
water distribution system which constantly rely its pressure from the main water pipe, applied only if the highest fix-
ture is supplied continuously with the flow rate and min req'd working pressure
a. zoning b. upfeed or direct c. booster d. downfeed
a system of bldg w/c includes water supply, distribution and pipes, fixtures and fixture traps, soil waste and vent
pipes, house drain and house sewer, storm water drainage, with their devices, appurtenances and connections with
all pipes adjacent to the bldg
a. sanitary system b. plumbing system c. water supply system d. drainage system
min size of a wet standpipe for a riser of more than 15m from source
a. 64mm (2 1/2”) b. 102mm (4”) c. 51mm (2”) d. 76mm (3”)
min height of a branch vent above the fixture it is venting?
a. 4” b. 12” c. 18” d. 6”
common term for a two-way fire svc connection
a. siamese b. wet standpipe c. combination standpipe d. dry standpipe
single lever valves used in kitchen sink and lavatory faucets or at shower valves, works by principle of
a. gate valve b. angle valve c. ball valve d. globe valve
which is not a standard commercial size of GI pipe for water supply
a. 3/8” b. 3/4” c. 1 1/4” d. 1 1/2”
a residence with 12 family members requires 3.6cu.m. Of cold water daily with peak demand. What is the ax hot
water reqt probable hourly demand?
a. 120 li b. 110 li c. 100 li d. 140 li
parameter in sizing a horizontal soil branch pipe
a. no. of soil or waste branch b. no. or branch vents
c. amount of fall of pipe d. type of venting system
suitable type of water pump for deep well for 4”/6” casing to deliver 35 gpm against 450 ft total develop height (TDH)
a. jack pump b. submersible pump multi stage
c. centrifugal pump w/ multi stage impellers d. jet pump with injector
passing thru it can treat hard water
a. zeolite b. chlorinating c. aeration d. filtration
type of vent where vertical vent pipe takes off in front of the last fixture & connects to its soil stack w/c acts as vent
a. circuit b loop c. yoke d. relief
a safety device of a passenger elevator w/c reduces the collision shock of a car or counterweight due to over travel
beyond the lowest stop. This device stops the car or counterweight safely
a. buffer b. control panel c. fascia plate d. emergency landing device
what gen rule is used as a guide for an initial estimate per ton of refrigeration (TR) per sqm of standard room of nor-
mal condition w/o external solar heat gain and excessive internal heat gain? It is on the understanding that further
heat gain calculation is needed for a precise capacity
a. 12-14 sqm per TR b. 30-34 sqm per TR c. 25-27 sqm per TR d. 16-18 sqm per TR
what is the rating index of an airconditioning system w/c rates the unit for the number of BTU's of heat moved per
watt of electrical input energy
a. seasonal energy efficiency rating (SEER) b. kilowatt per input (kW/input)
c. nominal cooling capacity (BTU/kCAL) d. tons of refrigeration (TR)
the ff are internal electronic safety features of an escalator. They function as safety switches or detectors w/c moni-
tor internal mechanical or electrical abnormalities and shuts down the system in any eventuality
a. phase failure relay b. drive chain and handrail governor
c. monitoring contacts on step chain d. skirting panel switch
passenger elevator safety device w/c protects the motor and its electrical parts from over current
a. circuit breaker b. pull box c. electrical panel box d. electro' control panel
what mechanical eqpt is installed on top of main doors of airconditioned commercial, office, or public bldgs used to
retain cold air at interiors
a. fan coil unit b. air curtain c. draft fan d. air handling unit
parameter for correct design of elevator size speeds and number. This parameter is the time obtained by dividing
the travel length by the rated speed
a. max theoretical duration of the run b. standby time c. wait interval d. carrying capacity
what major physical restriction does split type airconditioner system have which restricts its efficiency & performance
a. evaporator cannot be located 3m above the condenser unit b. evaporator cannot be located at the ceiling
c. refrigerant tubing cannot be installed at floors and ceiling due to temperature loss
d. condenser and evaporator units cannot be installed beyond a developed distance of 50ft
choose which cycle does a fan coil unit operate
a. cool air drawn from chiller by ducts & forced draft to the exchanger ducts by airhandling for airconditioning
b. chilled water is drawn from the chiller by pipes and pumped to the finner cooling coils of the fan coil unit
where air is passed by force for conditioning
c. cool air is drawn from the chiller by ducts and force draft to the finner cooling coils of the fan coil unit,
where air is passed by force for conditioning
d. cool refrigerant liquid is drawn from the expansion valve and pumped to the finned cooling coils of the fan
coil unit, where air is passed by force for conditioning
passenger elevator safety device w/c is activated by preventing the door to open during elevator car run. The door
can only be opened only after the car had stopped at the floor
a. emergency stop switch b. outside door latch c. safety shoe d. door lock switch
passenger elevator safety device w/c is activated if the car travels faster than its rated speed, turns the power off,
grasps the rope to operate the safety gear
a. magnetic brake b. safety shoe c. circuit breaker d. governor
main purpose of shaft's overhead is to allow space for the
a. car to be stalled for maintenance b. ventilation of the shaft
c. car's overrun d. smoke to accumulate for dissipation

June 1998
Any pipe in plumbing system provided to ventilate house drainage system, to prevent trap siphonage,back pressure.
waste pipe vent pipe soil pipe house trap
What is the size of supply valve for tank type water closet?
3/4” 1/2” 3/8” 1”
The maximum horizontal developed length between the trap seal and the vertical vent inlet at the trap arm.
6 feet 5 feet 4 feet 3 feet
A female GI pipe reducer fitting used in a straight pipe connection where the fitting’s both ends are threaded inside
coupling reducer bushing reducer elbow reducer tee reducer
A vent used in a battery of plumbing fixtures where the vent is installed in front of the last fixture of the battery.
yoke vent circuit vent stack vent relief vent
Given Figure BO 02.84. The figure shows the soil, waste and vent piping on plan layout. What PVC fitting
combination is installed at location 12 between the vertical waste branch and the horizontal waste branch in order to
conform with the Plumbing Code and good plumbing workmanship?
2 x 2 wye with 2” CO and 2 x 1/8 bend 2 x 1/4 bend
4 x 2 wye with 2” CO and 2 x 1/4 bend 2 x 2 tee with 2” CO
A suitable and economical type of water pump for a 200 ft. driven wall to deliver 10gpm against 200 ft. The Develop
Height (TDH) where the motor and pump is located is at the surface.
sump pump jet pump submersible pump turbine pump
A type of water pump with its pump motor installed on the surface attached to a lift and push rod to activate a
submerged piston.
reciprocation pump sump pump jack pump centrifugal pump
What is a device installed on top of a pressure tank used to protect against hydrostatic collapse due to suction or
negative pressure resulting from back-siphonage in a downfeed water distribution system?
pressure reducing valve vacuum breaker valve air volume control valve pressure relief valve
location of a fire hose cabinet connected to a standpipe for bldgs shall be at every floor level above the 1st floor at:
storerooms inside a mechanical/electrical room
a landing of an enclosed stairway at any private room or rentable space
Branch vents are required to have at least a slope 1/4” /feet. The purpose of which is:
for convenience in installing the pipe to facilitate air movement with lesser air resistance
for purposes of economy to allow any waste to drain into the drain pipe
type of pump which comprises essentially an impeller or set of vanes enclosed in a housing or casing close coupled
w/ the pump motor.fundamental principle is it adds energy in the form of velocity to an already flowing liquid.
reciprocating pump centrifugal pump piston pump turbine pump
Given Figure BO 02.84. The Figure shows the soil, waste and vent piping on plan layout. What PVC fitting
combinations are installed at location 9 in its order of sequence from the floor drain to the soil branch to conform to
the Plumbing Code and good plumbing practice?
2” P-trap – 2 x 1/4” bend – 4 x 2 Tee 2” P-trap – 2 x 1/16” bend – 4 x 2 Tee
2” P-trap – 2 x 1/8” bend – 4 x 2 Wye 2” P-trap – 2 x 1/4” bend – 2 x 1/8” bend – 4 x 2 Wye
The maximum height of a fire service connection from the grade line is ______ cms.
120 cms. 130 cms. 122 cms. 102 cms.
A type of pump which delivers high water discharge with high pressure drawn from a shallow source like a cistern,
best suited as fire pump or transfer pump. The pump motor is installed on the surface for easy maintenance coupled
with a shaft to turn the impellers, which is submerged below.
centrifugal pump submersible pump jet pump turbine pump
The minimum height of fire service connection from the grade line is ____ cms.
50 cms. 100 cms. 46 cms. 35 cms.
A female GI threaded pipe reducer fitting use to connect a reducing branch from a main water distribution.
bell reducer tee reducer elbow reducer coupling reducer
A fitting installed at a branching tee from a horizontal soil branch to a horizontal waste branch.
4”x2” Wye and 2 1/8” bend combination 4”x4” Tee
4”x2” Tee 4”x4” Wye and 4 1/8” bend combination
What does PE pipe stands for?
polyethylene pipe polythylene pipe polyvinyl extra pipes plastics extra pipe
Given Figure BO 02.84. The figure shows the soil, waste and vent pipes on plan layout. What fitting assembly is
installed at location 13 immediately joining the bare lavatory fixture and the 2” Trapped Tee to conform with the
Plumbing Code and good plumbing workmanship.?
1 1/4” diameter strainer with pop-up valve 1 1/2” diameter tail piece with pop-up valve
1 1/2” diameter P-trap with pop-up -valve 1 1/4” diameter P-trap with pop-up valve
The general term for the hot or cold water pipes containing potable water
water plumbing pipes water distribution pipes hot or cold water line water supply pipes
Where are dampers installed to regulate the amount of cool air for an even distribution to outlets?
at the trunk ducts at a practical location at angles and elbows
at the branch supply duct as far as practical from the outlet at the air boot fitting
Fig BO 05.01 shows typ. refrigeration cooling cycle. Identify which among the tubing contains cool refrigerant liquid.
No. 6 No. 7 No. 5 No. 8
Figure BO 05.01 shows a refrigeration cooling cycle. Identify component part no. 1.
condenser cooling unit compressor evaporator
What is the rating index of an airconditioning system which rates the unit for the number of BTU’s of heat moved per
watt of electrical input energy?
Nominal Cooling Capacity (BTU/KCAL) Tons of Refrigeration (TR)
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) Kilowatt per input (kW/Input)
Fig BO 05.09 shows typ. diagram layout of split type airconditioning system for bldgs. W/c part is Condenser Unit?
No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 No. 5
What is the standard unit rating, used to describe the capacity of a cooling tower?
Gallons per minute Tons of refrigeration Degree centigrade Horsepower
Given Figure BO 06.85. Identify the external safety feature no. 11 of the escalator.
handrail plate cover handrail entry switch external deck cover skirt guard switch
Figure BO 05.15 shows a diagram of a central airconditioning system. Identify component part no. 1.
chiller unit condenser unit fan coil unit air handling unit
International standard ISO 4190.1 categorizes elevators into 5 categories. Category IV elevator is exclusively for:
passenger use in which goods may be carried goods accompanied by persons
passenger elevator service elevator for goods only
Which of the following is a European brand of elevator?
Goldstar Koppel A.W. Dover Otis
Figure BO 05.27 shows the component parts of a fan coil unit. Identify which is the fan and motor?
No. 4 No. 1 No. 2 No. 5
Which is a major component part of an escalator, which is the prime mover that drives the escalator parts?
bottom sprocket assembly geared hoist machine
helical geared motor with transmission reduction control system – programmable control unit
A hoisting hook of a minimum capacity of 2 tons is required to be installed at the ceiling of the machine room right at
the middle of the shaft. The purpose of this hook is an anchor to hoist the:
passenger car during operation hoist machine-motor assembly
passenger car in case of emergency hoist machine-motor assembly during operation
What is an approved assembly of insulated conductors with fitting and conductor terminations in a completely
enclosed, ventilated protective metal housing where the assembly is designed to carry fault current and to withstand
the magnetic forces of such current?
Cablebus busways wireways electrical floor assemblies
What is the nominal systems voltage used for the purpose of computing branch circuits and feeder loads?
110/220 volts 115/230 volts 125/250 volts 120/240 volts
What is the req'd min vertical clearance of an overhead service drop measured from the ground over res'l & comm'l
properties and driveways not subjected to truck traffic and over 600 volts to ground?
4,800 mm 4,500 mm 4,600 mm 5,500 mm
What is the required minimum vertical clearance of an overhead service drop measured from the ground over public
streets, alleys, roads, parking areas, subjected to truck traffic, driveways on other than residential property, and
other land traversed by vehicular such as cultivated, grazing, forest and orchards?
5,000 mm 5,500 mm 6,500 mm 6,000 mm
Given Figure BO 07.161. The figure shows some of the most common electrical receptacle wiring devices. Identify
which is the 3-wire grounding duplex receptacle.
8 5 6 2
Given Figure BO 07.152. The figure shows a second floor power layout of a residence. At the encircled location “no.
2” show a “PB” where a pull box is to be proposed to be used in the roughing-in. Which is the practical layout or
installation among the following premise?
Pull box should be eliminated and conduit and wiring shall connect to the nearest outlet.
A 2x4 utility box shall be installed in lieu of a pull box.
A 4x4 junction box shall be installed in lieu of a pull box.
Pull box shall be large enough in order to facilitate the easy pulling and wire tapping at this location.
A raceway especially constructed for the purpose of physical protection of the conductors, the pulling-in or the
withdrawing of wires or cables after the conduit is in place and made of metal pipe of standard width and thickness
permitting the cutting and joining by standard threads.
Busbars electrical metallic tubing (EMT) rigid steel conduit (RSC) flexible metallic conduit (FMC)
A natural energy source derived from force of wind acting on oblique blades that radiates from a shaft, attached to a
dynamo to produce electricity.
wind mill wind power wind turbine generator wind power generator
A point in the electrical system where the electrical load of a given area is assumed to concentrate.
Panel load Panel board Electrical outlet Load center
A type of alternating current generated by alternator where its wave rises to a peak, sinks to 0, drops to a negative
peak, and rises again to 0 a no. of times each second, depending on frequency for w/c machine is designed.
two phase double phase three phase single phase
A type of alternating current where the alternator comprises of windings mounted at right angles to each other, and
provided with separate external connections, current waves will be produced, and each of which will be at its
maximum when the other is at zero.
four phase two phase single phase three phase
What is an energy source released during the splitting or fusing of atomic nuclei?
nuclear energy electric magnetic induction energy heat energy solar energy
What is the minimum conductor size for overhead service drop for copper wire or cable?
22 sq. m. 30 sq. m. 8 sq. m. 14 sq. m.
What type of wire or cable with specifications as underground feeder and branch circuit cable single conductor with
operating temperature of either 60 or 75 degrees Centigrade?
type of building wire has a trade name as Moisture and Heat resistant Thermoplastic used for dry and wet locations?
What is the allowed minimum size of conductor in sq. millimeter for a branch circuit for other loads other than
household ranges and cooking appliances but should have an ampacity sufficient of the load served?
1.25 sq. mm. 3.5 sq. mm. 2.0 sq. mm. 5.5 sq. mm.
A material has a transmission coef. equal to 0.001. Compute for its TL.
20 db 50 db 30 db 40 db
What is the physical behavior for sound which when traveling forward in straight path changes direction as it passes
through different densities and causes the sound waves to bend?
Diffraction Reflection Transmission Refraction
Compute for the frequency of sound if its wavelength is 2.00 m at a velocity of 28,500 fps.
4,344.51 Hz 57,000 Hz 14,250 Hz 0.00023 Hz
Determine ave. transmission coef. (t) for a complex wall, 100mm thk CHB w/ a single 3mm thick glass window in it.
area of CHB is 18.60 sq. m. and 1.86 sq. m. for the glass. Let 100mm CHB TL=46 db and let 3mm glass TL=26 db.
T=0.036 t=0.00012 t=0.0019 t=0.00025
A wall has a total surface area of 20.46 sq. m. comprised of a 100 mm thick CHB with an area of 18.60 mts. and an
inscribed 3mm thick glass with an area of 1.86 mts. The Transmission Loss of the 100 mm CHB is ___db while the
3mm glass is 26 db. Determine the average Transmission Loss of the complex wall.
TL=36.02 db TL=28.32 db TL=31.81 db TL=44.25 db
January 1999
Given Figure BO 03.99-02. Figure shows a riser diagram of a Telephone Entrance Cable Facility for a simple build-
ing. What is the part of the facility, which accepts the house cable riser and houses the terminal block at each floor
and at the highest or end of a feeder/riser cable as maybe seen in No. 2 of the figure. Identify this part of the facility.
Telephone Terminal Cabinet Floor Load Center Telephone Floor Panel Floor Distribution Panel
What is the simplest type of building automation system, which intercoms, PABX, microwave links, analog and digi-
tal telephone systems, video conferencing, satellite links, structured cabling and similar devices?
Telecommunication system Cable management system Conveyance system Information system
It is customary that a full open type of valve is used in several locations in a water distribution system. Which loca-
tion in the following list DOES NOT require one?
On every hose bibb On the water service pipe near the source connection
On water supplies to pressurized tank On the main water distribution pipe near the water service
What is a fire line system without a constant water supply and is equipped with a fire service inlet and outlet connec-
tion and installed exclusively for the use of the Fire Service?
Fire Department House Connection Combination Standpipe
Dry Standpipe Wet Standpipe
The term used to the main water pipe delivering potable water to a building is called
Water service pipe NAWASA Main pipe Water utility pipe
In a water system with constant water supply supplying series of plumbing fixtures, water supply drop is experience
when the fixtures in the series are simultaneously opened. Which poor design in the plumbing system causes this?
Choice in the system of water distribution Too many fixtures opened simultaneously
Insufficiency in the size of the water service and distribution pipe Use of PVC or other plastic pipes
What is the minimum size of a trap or branch of a residential kitchen?
1 1/2” 1 3/4” 1 1/4” 2”
What is the minimum size of a trap or branch for a lavatory?
1 1/4” 1 3/4” 1 1/2” 2”
The standard size of an outlet of a dry standpipe located for each floor is ___mm. Diameter.
51 mm (2”) 76 mm (3”) 38 mm (1 1/2”) 64 mm (2 1/2”)
Which criterion is NOT needed in sizing a vent pipe for individual, branch and circuit vent based on the total linear
footage of the pipe making up the vent?
Developed length of the vent pipe Number of fixture unit Slope of the drain pipe Size of the drain pipe
Given Figure BO 02, 77. Hot and cold water supply pipes meets at location 2 in order to mix manually the desired
water temperature and directs the mixed water either at the shower head or at the foot spout. What concealed as-
sembly is installed at this location?
3-way valve diverter 1/2” shower valves Telephone-type shower valve 3 sets gate valves
Single lever valves used in kitchen sink / lavatory faucets or at shower valves has gain popularity in plumbing instal-
lation today. This is bec. these valves are beautiful & are maintenance-free. These valves work by the principle of a:
gate valve angle valve ball valve globe valve
Minimum water delivery in liters per minute for an outlet of a wet standpipe at a residual pressure or 1.8 kilo per sqm
132 liters per minute 112 liters per minute 155 liters per minute 126 liters per minute
A female GI threaded pipe reducer fitting use to connect a reducing branch pipe at an angle.
Elbow reducer Bushing reducer Coupling reducer Tee reducer
Given Figure BO . 99-01. Figure shows a set plumbing fittings. What is the general term used to describe this set?
American Standard fittings Overhead tank fittings Plush valve fittings Water closet tank fittings
Given Figure BO 02.84. The Figure shows the Soil, Waste and Vent Piping on plan layout. What CI fitting is installed
at location 12 as indicated, use to accept the P-trap assembly of the lavatory?
2” Sanitary Tee 2” Tee 2” Tapped Tee 2” Wye and 2 x 1/8 bend combination
What is a type of vent applied on installations with multi-branch interval where the vertical vent pipe takes off in front
of the first fixture and connects to a main vent stack?
Relief vent Yoke vent Loop vent Circuit vent
Water as delivered by NAWASA is no longer safe for drinking because of several contaminants from the water
source present in the environment. It is now therefore imperative that water to be safe for drinking has to undergo
water purification in several stages. Because of several contaminants, water undergoes several stages. What is a
stage in water purification, which removes mineral deposits, salts, heavy metal, totally dissolves solids while some
useful minerals are retained?
carbon filtration aeration ultraviolet radiation reverse osmosis
A device used to control an incoming high water pressure into the water distribution system by mechanical means
so as to bring it to a working pressure of 80 psi.
Pressure relief valve Pressure reducer Pressure reducing valve Pressure regulator
Plan 02.21 shows the floor plan of a 9-storey office building showing the plumbing fixture layout and the location of
the stack at the pipe chase. The building’s floor to floor height is 3.00 meters. Using the tables provided, what is the
size to the horizontal branch nearest the soil stack at the 5th floor if the branch uses a 1/2” of fall per foot?
5 inches 3 inches 6 inches 4 inches
What type of fire detector installed in a fire alarm system, which uses low melting point solders or metal that ex-
pands when exposed to heat to detect a fire? Such a detector is rated detecting heat between 135 to 197 degrees
Fahrenheit to send a signal for fire mitigation.
Photoelectric detector Rate of rise heat detector Fixed temperature heat detector Infrared flame detector
Plan 02.21 shows the floor plan of a 9-storey office building showing the plumbing fixture layout and the location of
the soil and vent stack of the pipe chase. The building’s floor to floor height is 3.00 meters. Using the table provided,
what is the size of the main vent stack if all the fixtures connect to it?
3 inch diameter 5 inch diameter 6 inch diameter 4 inch diameter
What is a GI fitting to join two threaded fittings as close as possible but not exceeding 3 inches?
Nipple None of the three Union Coupling
A slow draining of water from a fixture down a plumbing system indicates a poor venting system. This poor venting
system is caused by:
Over loaded fixture unit in the soil stack Change in the atmospheric pressure in the pipe
Wrong choice of vent type Inadequate drain pipe
A type of pump for driven well from 150 ft to 200 ft which works by a principle of venturi where water of high pres-
sure is pump into the well to draw water upwards through the return pipe.
submersible pump jet pump jack or piston pump reciprocating pump
Which of the following locations DO NOT require installation of a clean out?
At every branch interval of a soil stack Any horizontal waste or soil pipe exceeding 15 meters
Any change in direction of a soil branch 22.5 degrees and over At every end of every soil branch
Which in the list is NOT a standard commercial size of GI pipe for water supply?
2 1/2” diameter 3” diameter 4” diameter 5” diameter
Given Figure BO 02.99-07. This device is a control valve, which works by discharging instantaneous volume of wa-
ter at higher pressure. Identify this device.
Water closet tank assembly fittings Urinal flush valve assembly
Water closet flush Overhead tank pressure control valves
A term used for a pipe extension of not more than 2 feet in length, installed at any stack or branch of a plumbing
rough-in for the purpose future tap.
tail piece branch clean out stub out
In a water distribution system, locations such as supply pipe to every water heater requires a full open valve. Which
of the following in the list is a full open valve?
check valve ball valves globe valve angle valve
A residence with 12 family members requires 3.6 cu. meters of cold water daily with peak demand. What is the max-
imum hot water probable hourly demand?
110 liters 100 liters 120 liters 140 liters
What is a type of Parking Management System, which may use two types of vehicular deterrent either articulated
arm type or straight beam type? This system may either be activated by means of a radio frequency remote control,
push button switch, photo cell, magnetic loop or access control readers to remove such deterrent along the path of
the vehicle. In more sophisticated system, this may use interlinked computers for data information and processing.
Figure BO 04.99-01 illustrates this type of Parking Management System. Identify this type of parking mgmt system.
Automated Barrier system Automated Roll-up and Roll-down door system
Automated Gate system Automated retractable pillar system
It is customary that each fixture requires a trap. An exception allows the fixtures in a series of washbasins, laundry
trays, or sinks maybe interconnected to a single trap. ___ fixtures are allowed to be interconnected to a single trap?
Two Five Three Four
The presence of a Fire Service Connection represents that the fire fighting systems of a building is equipped with a:
Dry standpipe Automated sprinkler system Wet standpipe Fire pump
What is the general term applied to the pipes and fittings, which can exclusively be used for cold water lines for
potable main distribution water service, sprinkler and irrigation system? The pipes and fittings come in standard
sizes of 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”, 1-1/4” 1-1/2” and 2” in diameter. The pipe comes in coil or roll. It is manufactured in black and
passes ASTM D3309 and ISO 161/1.
Polythelyne pipes and fittings Polyethylene pipes and fittings
Plastic Extrusion pipes and fittings Polybutylene pipes and fittings
Which of the following pipes is least popular and NOT recommended for use as potable water distribution pipe?
Galvanized steel pipes Asbestos pipes UPVC pipes PB pipes
In Figure BO 01.99-1 G shows uPVC pipes and fittings of sizes of 2”, 3” and 4” diameters. Pipes come in standard
lengths of 3 meters. The pipes and fittings come in standard color of orange brown and passes ASTM 2729 stan-
dards. What is the general term used to these pipes and fittings?
uPVC plumbing pipes and fittings uPVC drainage and sewer spiral pipes
Gravity sewer main uPVC pipes and fittings UPVC DWV Sanitary pipes and fittings
Given Figure BO 02.99-01 E. Figure shows a shower set for bath. What is the common term for this shower set?
Single lever bath faucet with hand shower – Telephone shower Shower valve
Single lever three way diverter with spout and shower Single lever two way diverter with spout and shower
Given Figure BO 02.99-04. The following are different types of faucets for different purposes. A lavatory a 4” center
top is to be installed with a faucet. Which of the following matches the lavatory?
5 4 2 1
Plumbing fixtures and mechanical equipment that have water supply are required to have a cut-off valve installed in
the service piping. Which of the following is a cut-off valve?
Globe valve None of the three Ball valve Gate valve
What is the minimum size of a wet standpipe for a riser of more than 15 meters from the source?
102 mm (4”) diameter 64 mm (2-1/2”) diameter 51 mm (2”) diameter 76 mm (3”) diameter
Which of the following pipes is NOT used as water service pipe?
Fiber cement pipes Galvanized steel pipes PB pipes UPVC pipes
The minimum height of a dry standpipe outlet from the floor line is:
61 cms. 73 cms. 68 cms. 55 cms.
Water hammering is most prevalent around quick-closing valves such as ball cocks and washing machine valves.
What device is used to prevent water hammering by diminishing the water force present in the water distribution
system by installing the device close to the supply pipe of a fixture or in long straight run?
Air chamber Pressure regulator Pressure relief valve Air volume control
A rule of thumb in sizing an individual vent:
Vent size is at least 1/2 the fixture unit but not less the required minimum whichever is larger.
Vent size is at least 1/2 the drain it serves but not less than the required minimum whichever is larger.
Vent size is at least equal to the branch or trap diameter it serves whichever is smaller but not less than the
required minimum whichever is larger.
Vent size is at least 1/2 the developed length of the stack it vents but not less than the required minimum
whichever is larger.
What mechanical equipment, coupled with a central airconditioning system, is used to dehumidify and cool the
airstream injected into the conditioned space?
Fan coil unit Air handling unit Evaporator Chiller unit
Figure BO 05.15 shows a diagram of a central airconditioning system. Identify component part No. 6.
Fan coil unit Condenser unit Evaporator Chiller unit
When providing space for elevator landing for a single bank, as a general rule for non-residential buildings such as
offices, hotels and hospitals, the floor landing fronting the elevator should at least be:
1.3 times more than the elevator car depth 1.5 times more than the elevator car depth
1.7 times more than the elevator car depth twice times more than the elevator car depth
A type of elevator control system that enables recording calls from landings even when the car is in use. When the
car is free or running down, it answers calls starting from the highest floor, and so on while descending. When the
car is in use and running up calls will be satisfied once the ascending ride is over and car lowers. From the inside
the car, controls are memorized and executed in sequence order, both rising and lowering.
Collective selective control, in two directions Down collective control Up collective control
Given figure BO 06.90, identify the location of the Step chain safety.
No. 6 No. 8 No. 1 No. 5
A type of control system of an elevator that enables recording calls from landing even when the car is in use. When
the car is free or running up, it answers calls starting from the lowest floor, and so on while ascending. When the car
is in use and running down calls will be satisfied once the descending ride is over and car moves up. From the in-
side the car, controls are memorized and executed in sequence order both rising and lowering.
Single push button control Up Collective control Collective selective control, in two directions
Down collective control
A safety device of a passenger elevator which activates if the car travels faster than its rated speed by grasping the
guide rail to stop the car safely.
Safety gear Magnetic brake Safety Shoe Governor
Figure BI 05.35 shows a cross-sectional view of a portable gas fired water boiler showing its major component parts.
Identify part No. 8.
Volt control Burner trays Heat exchangers Refractory panel
When planning a multiple system of elevator layout where 4 or more elevators are arranged in banks, the bank
should be arranged:
back against back right angle to each other (L shaped)
side by side one in front of the other
The nominal size of an escalator, a measurement of the escalator’s width like those of the Japanese brand is:
1120 mm 800 mm 980 mm 760 mm
Given BO 06.97, identify escalator part no. 5.
Main drive chain Step chain Handrail drive chain Bottom sprocket chain
In the following list are the standard speeds of electric traction type passenger elevators for low to medium rise
buildings. Which in the list is NOT a standard speed?
75 meters per minute 90 meters per minute 60 meters per minute 105 meters per minute
What type of dampers is installed at supply ducts, which are electro-mechanically activated by a building automation
system to close in case of a detected fire within the area?
Smoke dampers Batterfly valve dampers Adjustable locking dampers Balancing dampers
Fig BO 05.01 shows typical refrigeration cooling cycle. Identify w/c among the tubing contains cool refrigerant vapor.
No. 6 No. 5 No. 7 No. 8
What general rule is used as a guide for an initial estimate per Ton of Refrigeration (TR) per sq. mts? Of a standard
room of normal condition without external solar heat gain and excessive internal heat gain? It is on the understand-
ing that further heat gain calculation is needed for a precise capacity.
16 to 18 sq. mt. per TR 25 to 27 sq. mt. per TR 12 to 14 sq. mt. per TR 30 to 34 sq. mt. per TR
The nominal size of an escalator, a measurement of the escalator’s step like those of the Japanese brand is:
1150 mm 1100 mm 900 mm 1000 mm
As per International Standard and EN 81.1 code, the following are the standard criteria for the design of a machine
room of an electric passenger elevator. Which in the list is inconsistent to the code?
Piping or duct belonging to other system should not run through the machine room.
Opening between the machine room and the shaft must be fully opened to allow easy access.
Ventilation must be sufficient to maintain an indoor temperature between 5 to 40 degrees centigrade. Other
wise mechanical means of ventilation or airconditioning shall be installed.
Only the hoist machine-motor assembly and control panel and auxiliary equipment for fire fighting and detec
tors are allowed inside.
The standard installation for escalator not exceeding 4.50 meters floor to floor height or supported at two points,
where the escalator’s truss abut to the structural beam supporting the escalator is:
The side of the escalator’s truss is bolted to the size face of the building’s structural beam.
The top chord of the truss is with a steel angle.
A sub beam supports the bottom chord of the escalator’s truss.
The bottom chord of the truss is resting on a corbel of the building’s structural beam.
The location of the control system or the “computer brain” of the escalator is:
at the machine room at the lowest floor at the escalator machine room
adjacent to the drive motor at the machine room at the highest floor
The main purpose of the pit of the elevator shaft is to allow a space for the:
car’s over-run car buffer and idler sheave
car to be stalled for maintenance counter weight and buffer
Given Figure BO 05.99092 diagram the parts of an electric instantaneous water heater. In a non-centralized hot wa-
ter supply system, this type of water heater can easily retrofit by simple installation. Part no. 12 is a built-in safety
feature which operates the heater only when there is sufficient flow of water; saving energy by turning heater on
only when the unit is in operation, at the same time acts as safety device preventing burn-out caused by insufficient
water flow. What is this vital part of this instantaneous water heater?
power selector pressure switch power adjusting knob
pressure relief valve safety thermostat
Figure BO 05.99-03 shows the basic component parts of a solar water heater such as that as manufactured by “So-
lahart”, Chamber 11 is the storage of hot water. Chamber 3 is the entry of heated water from the solar panels 9 and
10. What is part no. 4, which is a vital part of a solar water heater to keep the heat in and keep the cold out?
polyurethane foam insulation thick aluminum insulation
thick ceramic glass outsulation expanded polythelyne foam insulation
Fig BO 07.99-03. shows floor receptacle for different purposes.W/c is Duplex floor receptacle outlet for telephone?
5 1 10 6
An outline as shown in Figure BO 07.99-02 shows wiring diagrams of a panel board. If the main power supply and
wiring system is a 110/220 volt line, which wiring diagram resembles that of the panel board?
2 3 4 1
The packaging and assembly of an elevator as it arrives on site is:
Fully knockdown and assembled Arrives as a complete package unit and installed as a complete unit
Knockdown by major component part & assembled by component
Labor intensive assembly and installation
International Standard ISO 4190.1 categorizes elevator use into 5 categories.Category III elevator is exclusively for:
goods accompanied by persons service lifts for goods only
passengers only transport of beds
Fig BO 05.01 shows a typical refrigeration cooling cycle. Identify w/c among tubing contains warm refrigerant liquid?
No. 8 No. 6 No. 5 No. 7
What major component part functions to cool the condenser unit in a central airconditioning system?
Chiller Air handling unit Fan and motor Cooling tower
Figure BO 07.99-09 shows a floor duct tubing and fitting method of raceway installation. This method is best applied
in large construction where coordination of different trades is extremely impossible allowing electrical installation to
proceed on its own timetable. From figure, what is part no. 10, which is used to connect a rigid conduit to the ducts?
Adapter Insert Stud Low tension outlet stand Duct coupling
Two lights in a long hallway connected in parallel are to be controlled simultaneously at three points. Which switch
combination is to be used?
Single pole switch at start, 3-way switch at midpoint and single pole switch at end
Double pole switch at start, 3-way switch at midpoint and 3-way switch at end
3-way switch at start, 2-way switch at midpoint and double pole at end
3-way switch at start, 4-way switch at midpoint and 3-way switch at end
A type of cable which is a factory assembled of two or more insulated conductors, with or without associated bare or
covered grounding conductor under a non-metallic sheath; approved for installation in cable trays, in raceways, or
where supported by a messenger wire. This cable is highly recommended for use in industrial establishments where
the conditions of ready access for maintenance and supervision is a requirement and facilitates qualified persons to
service the installation.
Shielded nonmetallic-sheathed cable type SNM Non-metallic sheathed cable type NM
Power and control tray cable type TC Flat cable assemblies type FC
What type of wire and cables with a trade name as Heat Resistant Rubber with maximum operating temperature of
75 degrees centigrade used for dry location?
Which light source used in lighting fixtures best specified in areas such as those requiring high illumination levels for
detailed work such as needle work?
Fluorescent lamp High pressure sodium Metal halide Low pressure sodium
A transformer connection required in some localities where a three-phase power is required from a two-phase sys-
tem. In this case, the special taps must be provided on the secondary side.
Scott connection – Two phase to three phase Special connection – Two phase to three phase
Y-Y for lighting and power Scott connection – Three phase to two phase
Given Figure BO 07.166. The figure shows the common switch wiring devices. Below each individual figure shows
the switching diagram identifying its switch type, which maybe a single pole, double pole, 2-way, 4-way, etc. Identify
which is a 4-way non-appellation switch?
11 10 3 5
What type of building wire has a trade name as Moisture Resistant Thermoplastic with a maximum operating tem-
perature of 60 degrees centigrade and applied for dry and wet location?
What is the allowable ampacity of an insulated copper conductor, based on an ambient temperature of 30 degrees
centigrade,with a 2.0 sq. mm. in cross-sectional area in size,but no more than 3 conductors in a raceways type TW?
20 amperes 30 amperes 10 amperes 15 amperes
Given Figure BO 07.166. The Figure shows the common switch wiring devices. Below each individual figure shows
the switch diagram identifying its switch type, which maybe a single pole, double pole, 3-way, 4-way, etc. Identify
which is a low switch with a Lead Emitting Diode?
8 7 6 12
What is the maximum horizontal range between two ore more air terminals for lightning arrest for effective disaster
prevention in buildings?
7500 mm to 9000 mm 5000 mm to 6000 mm 10000 mm to 12000 mm 6000 mm to 7600 mm
What type of building wire has a trade name as Heat Resistant Thermoplastic with a maximum operating tempera-
ture of 90 degrees centigrade and best suited for dry locations?
Given Figure BO 07.146. The figure shows the second floor lighting layout of a residence. The legend shows the di-
agonal slash lines representing the number of wires inside the conduit to complete the circuit. The notes stipulate
the switch circuitry. If the lighting power source is 220 volts, in which location of circuit no. 4 represents a wrong
number of wires inside the conduit? The encircled number represents the location.
11 13 14 10
A situation where a pilot light inside a switch is lit to guide a person in the dark. The small pilot light inside the switch
turns off when switching the lighting fixture. What type of switch is best recommended for this purpose?
Dimmer switch Appellation switch Glow switch Illuminated switch
Which of the following statements is best suited for a Rigid Nonmetallic Conduit like PVC for underground installa-
tion in buildings?
PVC is allowed for underground use provided that it is encased in no less than 75 mm of concrete.
PVC is allowed for as long as both burial depth of no less than 460 mm & concrete encasement is provided.
PVC is not allowed for underground use despite concrete encasement.
PVC is allowed for underground use under bldg slab provided that it is of burial depth of no less than 460mm
Given Figure BO 07.20, identify the transformer connection.
Open Y-delta Delta-Y for lighting and power Y-delta for power Y-delta for lighting and power
Which is the allowable ampacity of an insulated copper conductor, based on an ambient temperature of 30 degrees
centigrade, with a 22 sq. mm. cross sectional area in size,and not more than 3 conductors in a raceway type USE?
65 amperes 85 amperes 45 amperes 110 amperes
Given Figure BO 07.146. The Figure shows the second floor lighting layout of a residence. The legend shows the di-
agonal slash lines representing the number of wires inside the conduit to complete the circuit. The notes stipulate
the switch circuitry. If the lighting power source is 110 volts, in which location of circuit no. 3 represents a WRONG
number of wires inside the conduit? The encircled number represents the location.
2 8 1 3
An air terminal for lightning arrest is distanced at 7600 mm. What must be the least height of the air terminal above
the building part being protected for disaster prevention?
550 mm 700 mm 600 mm 850 mm
What is the standard color-coding for grounding conductor?
Yellow white black red
What is the term applied to sound should the frequency be higher than 20,000 hertz?
radio waves gamma waves ultrahertz ultrasound
What effective method can be employed to reduce direct noise transmitted airborn for noise reduction w/in a space?
Install absorbent materials within the wall of the enclosure
Placement of a functional screen between the source and the listener
Use of flexible mountings and connections between equipment and its foundation
Isolate the base foundation of the equipment
A unit of acoustic absorption equivalent to the absorption by one square root of a perfect absorber.
Hertz decibel sabin sound absorption coef
What method is 1st defense from external noise by site selection & site planning for quiet internal acoustic environ?
Using non-sensitive parts of the building as barriers Positioning of openings away from the noise source
Use of noise insulating building envelope Avoiding zones of directional sound
Compute for the velocity of sound if its wavelength is 1.50 m at a frequency of 1,500 Hz.
0.00328 fps 3048.7 fps 7,380 fps 304.87 fps
Which of the following statements does NOT describe velocity of sound correctly?
If the temperature in a room increases, the speed of sound also increases.
Changes in pressure at controlled density have virtually no effect on the speed of sound.
Sound travels slightly slower in moist air than in dry air because moist air contains a greater number of
lighter molecules.
The product of the wavelength and frequency is equal to the speed of propagation of the sound wave.
A perceptual characteristic of sound which is the average rate of flow of energy per unit area perpendicular to the di-
rection of propagation.
Intensity pitch harmonic constitution loudness


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