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‘We define volunteering as any activity that involves spending unpaid time, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition to, close relatives. Central to this definition is the fact that volunteering must be a choice freely made by each individual. » This can include formal activity undertaken. through public, private and voluntary organisations as well as informal community participation. ‘Why volunteer? 8 Ontop of this, many people volunteer for a variety of other reasons, such as: - Helping the environment - Helping others less fortunate or without a voice - Feeling part ofa team + Gaining confidence and self-esteem For others, volunteering appeals because of its social benefits. These include + Meeting new people + Making new friends + Achance to socialise : Getting to know national and international communities oe eS For others, volunteering can be a route to employment, or a chance to try something new, which may lead to a career change. From this perspective, volunteering can be a way of: - Gaining new skills, knowledge and experience - Developing existing skills and knowledge - Enhancing aCV - Improving one’s employment prospects - Using one’s professional skills and knowledge to benefit others (usually described as pro bono) ‘With the wide variety of volunteering opportunities that are available today, it's impossible not to find the right one for you. worwolunteeringorguk (Abridged and adapted) ‘Accessed in December 2012 e language Find the best explanation for the following words from the text. a. benefit |. making something look better b freely 2. carried out . undertaken 3. to do good to someone or something, d. knowledge 4. large e. enhancing 5. ina generous and willing way f. wide 6. understanding Complete the sentences with the words above. a. [have only a limited... of volunteer offers abroad, 1b. This organization a8 a .....mmsmunnninnnnnnnnnnn FANE Of experience in providing help to communities in need, © Millions Of PEOPlE BAVE wan nsennnnnnn In response to the famine appeal. d. Volunteers help can... vow the whole community, Ihave soon the organisation of the event, The message Are the following sentences True (T) or False (F)? Quote from the text to justify your answer. a. Volunteering is a paid activity. 'b, Volunteers only help people who are related to them. ¢. Nobody is forced to be a volunteer. d. People can only volunteer formally, through an organization, EB List the reasons that lead people to volunteer because of: Career prospects |__ Social benefits

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