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Toolbox Rev 04


signed contract or Status: 2017-04-01

decision; sales
handover protocol

Project Practical Project

initiated Completion completed

All Project start agreement - SF

Sales Database (Cloud, Potential, Budget, Proposal, Evaluation, Negotiation) - DB Customer Reference - T
Sales Strategy- SF Project Pictures for References - T
Tender & Marketing Documents - T
SOE - opportunity management - SF
TENDER DEVELOPMENT Requirements-Matrix (Requirment Engineering) - SF
OF Specification (incl. Calc as sold, risk analysis - analog OR09) - SF PROJECT START &
Sales Reporting - T
Travel Report - T
Sales handover protocol - CL
Customer Satisfaction Analysis
Contract Negotioation - T
Lessons learnt workshop - SF

Org chart - T
Master schedule (Program) - T
Filing structure - CL
Forecast (SAP) -SF --> Forecast (SAP) -SF Final cost analysis - SF

PROJECT Consolidated calculation - CL

MANAGEMENT Project Report - SF --> Project Report - SF Lessons learnt workshop - SF
Communication plan (int/ext)- T PPC Activity List - T Project final analysis - T
Approval plan (ext/int) - T Claim management - T
Task split - T Progress report to client - T Post completion handover - CL
Stakeholder analysis - T Service handover protocol - SF
Cooperative phase planning - T
Correspondence List - T

Contract Checklist - SF

Variation schedule to client incl. Breakdown - T

Internal rolling account schedule - T

MANAGEMENT Cash-flow forecast - T monthly Cash-flow forecast - T
Hedging tool - SF
TAX - HR issues - CL
Payment schedule - T

Design schedule / program - T

Work Package - Design Hour Management - T Final design-cost analysis - T
Management of external design partners
RFI schedule (to client) - T
Requirements Matrix (incl. Change Tracking List) - SF
Environmental Design - SF
Design review - SF
FMEA analysis - SF

Document schedule - SF
QA - Calculation - CL
QA - Drawings - CL
Conformity assesment+CE-marking tags - T

Procurement concept - CL
Procurement plan - T
Delivery List - T
Supplier bonds - T
Supplier qualification / approval - questionaire - SF Supplier evaluation - T
Request for Tender - T
Standard contract - T
PROCUREMENT Price comparison sheet - T
Logistic concept - T Delivery Documents (incl. Delivery Note, Collilist, Proforma Invoice) - T
Fabrication Supervision concept - T NCR report - SF
Fabrication supervision report - T
Notice of defects schedule - T
Defect notifications / claim - T
Subcontractor payment application - T
Rolling account suppliers - T Final Account Statement - T

General Method Statement / Construction proposal - T General Method Statement / Construction proposal - T
List of Attendances - T Environmental Planing Check List - CL
Installation calculation (quotation) - SF Installation schedule / program "Control room" output - T
List of Drawings Specification of steel/facade installation - inquiry document - T
Site - safety documents [E] - T
Daily Report - T
Site Progress Report - T


NCR report - SF
Daywork Schedule / Time Sheet subcontractor sign-off - T
Petty cash - T
Protocol of subcontractor meeting - site - T
Hand Over sheets / SIR - T
Snagging list - T
Site - quality documents [D] - T

PQP (Project Quality Plan) - T

QUALITY 8D-Report - SF
Inspection & Test Plan - T

Problem solving tool Ishikawa - T

Problem Solving tool 5Why - QT

GENERAL Problem solving tool Morphologic Box - T

CIP Submission sheet - SF
Office Templates - T

Tools have to be applied regardless of the complexity and size of the project

to be agreed at the start of the project ('Project Start Agreement') if the tool has to be used

layout and format of the tool must not be changed

CL Checklist
T Template
SF Standard Form

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TOOLBOX "how we do things"
Toolbox Rev 04



Project Start Customer Approval Project

Mile- BID/No BID Contract in Customer [all drawings Practical Completed -
stones Decision Force Approval approved from the Completion TAKE OVER

Waagner Biro
Tender Preparation Tender
Development of Tender Tracking Sales Overlap


Pre Design Basic Design Detail Design


a Next
Process s
Model Supplier Search Price Comparison & Delivery Tracking Goods receipt
Order Fabrication
& Evaluation Award & Monitoring &payment approval


Installation Planning Erection & Installation Commissioning


operativ crossover functions: Project Management, Commercial Management Quality Assurance Health & Safety

Cost Program
Cost Program



Scope & Scope &

Quality Quality

V-Model & Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the complete project in one document
s Tracking Requirements Engineering (RQE) Requirements Management (RQM) | Change Process

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name

Sorted Key Process Phase

0 all start
1S Tender Dev
2S Tender Dev
3S Tender Dev
4S Tender Dev
5S Tender Dev
6S Tender Dev
7S Prep Tender
8S Prep Tender
9S Prep Tender
10 S start
11 S Closeout
12 S Closeout
13 S Closeout
14 S Closeout
2 PM start

3 PM start

4 PM start

5 PM start

6 PM start

7 PM start

8 PM start

9 PM start

10 PM start

11 PM start

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
Sorted Key Process Phase

12 PM start

13 PM start

16 PM execution

17 PM execution

18 PM execution

19 PM close out

20 PM close out

21 PM close out

22 PM close out
23 PM close out

1 CM Tender Track

2 CM Prep Tender

3 CM Prep Tender

5 CM Prep Tender

6 CM start

9 CM execution

10 CM execution

1D start

2D start

3D start

4D start

5D start

6D execution

7D execution

8D execution

9D execution

10 D execution

11 D execution

12 D execution

13 D close out

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
Sorted Key Process Phase

1 PR Tender Track

2 PR start

3 PR start

4 PR start

5 PR start

6 PR execution

7 PR execution

8 PR execution

9 PR execution
10 PR execution

11 PR execution

12 PR execution

13 PR execution

14 PR execution

15 PR execution

16 PR execution

17 PR execution

18 PR close out

19 PR close out

1I Prep Tender

2I Prep Tender

3I Prep Tender

4I Prep Tender

5I start
6I execution
7I execution

8I execution

9I execution

10 I execution

11 I execution

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
Sorted Key Process Phase

12 I execution

13 I execution

14 I execution

15 I execution

16 I execution

17 I execution

18 I execution

1 QA start

2 QA execution
3 QA execution

1 General all

2 General all

3 General all

4 General all

5 General all

This has to be agreed upon or during the Project Kick off phase between the Head of Department and the respon

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
critical success factors

link to hard /
Tool (English)
template soft

Project start agreement - SF soft

Sales Database (Cloud, Potential, Budget, Proposal, Evaluation, Negotiation) - DB S1 soft
Sales Strategy- SF S2 soft
Tender & Marketing Documents - T S3 soft
SOE - opportunity management - SF S4 soft
Sales Reporting - T S5 soft
Travel Report - T S6 soft
Requirements-Matrix (Requirment Engineering) - SF D3 soft
Project Specification (incl. Calc as sold, risk analysis - analog OR09) - SF S8 hard
Contract Negotioation - T S9 soft
Sales handover protocol - CL S10 soft
Customer Reference - T S11 soft
Project Pictures for References - T S12 soft
Customer Satisfaction Analysis S13 soft
Lessons learnt workshop - SF PM20 soft
Org chart - T PM2 soft

Master schedule (Program) - T PM3 soft

Filing structure - CL PM4 soft

Forecast (SAP) -SF PM5 hard

Consolidated calculation - CL PM6 soft

Project Report - SF PM7 hard

Communication plan (int/ext)- T PM8 soft

Approval plan (ext/int) - T PM9 soft

Task split - T PM10 soft

Stakeholder analysis - T PM11 soft

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
link to hard /
Tool (English)
template soft

Cooperative phase planning - T PM12 soft

Correspondence List - T PM13 soft

PPC Activity List - T PM16 soft

Claim management - T PM17 soft

Progress report to client - T PM18 soft

Final cost analysis - SF PM19 soft

Lessons learnt workshop - SF PM20 soft

Project final analysis - T PM21 soft

Post completion handover - CL PM22 soft

Service handover protocol - SF PM23 soft

Contract Checklist - SF CM1 hard

Cash-flow forecast - T CM2 soft

Hedging tool - SF CM3 soft

TAX - HR issues - CL CM5 soft

monthly Cash-flow forecast - T CM6 soft

Variation schedule to client incl. Breakdown - T CM9 soft

Internal rolling account schedule - T CM10 soft

Design schedule / program - T D1 soft

Work Package - Design Hour Management - T D2 hard

Requirements Matrix (incl. Change Tracking List) - SF D3 soft

Environmental Design - SF D4 hard

Document schedule - SF D5 hard

Management of external design partners D6 soft

RFI schedule (to client) - T D7 soft

Design review - SF D8 soft

FMEA analysis - SF D9 sot

QA - Calculation - CL D10 soft

QA - Drawings - CL D11 soft

Conformity assesment+CE-marking tags - T D12 soft

Final design-cost analysis - T D13 soft

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
link to hard /
Tool (English)
template soft

Procurement concept - CL PR1 soft

Procurement plan - T PR2 soft

Supplier qualification / approval - questionaire - SF PR3 soft

Logistic concept - T PR4 soft

Fabrication Supervision concept - T PR5 soft

Delivery List - T PR6 soft

Supplier bonds - T PR7 soft

Request for Tender - T PR8 soft

Standard contract - T PR9 soft

Price comparison sheet - T PR10 soft

Delivery Documents (incl. Delivery Note, Collilist, Proforma Invoice) - T PR11 soft

NCR report - SF PR12 hard

Fabrication supervision report - T PR13 soft

Notice of defects schedule - T PR14 soft

Defect notifications / claim - T PR15 soft

Subcontractor payment application - T PR16 soft

Rolling account suppliers - T PR17 soft

Supplier evaluation - T PR18 soft

Final Account Statement - T PR19 soft

General Method Statement / Construction proposal - T A6 soft

List of Attendances - T A4 soft

Installation calculation (quotation) - SF A8 soft

List of Drawings A3 soft

Environmental Planing Check List - CL A5 soft

Specification of steel/facade installation - inquiry document - T A1-2 soft
Site - safety documents [E] - T E soft

Daily Report - T B1 soft

Site Progress Report - T B9 soft

"Control room" output - T B2 ; B3 ; B4 ;soft

B10 ; B12 ; B15; E1
NCR schedule - SF D2 soft

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
link to hard /
Tool (English)
template soft

NCR report - SF PR12 hard

Daywork Schedule / Time Sheet subcontractor sign-off - T B16 soft

Petty cash - T B8 soft

Protocol of subcontractor meeting - site - T B11 soft

Hand Over sheets / SIR - T C1 soft

Snagging list - T C2 soft

Site - quality documents [D] - T D soft

Inspection & Test Plan - T QA1 soft

PQP (Project Quality Plan) - T QA2 hard

8D-Report - SF QA3 hard

Problem solving tool Ishikawa - T G1 soft

Problem Solving tool 5Why - QT G2 Info

Problem solving tool Morphologic Box - T G3 soft

CIP Submission sheet - SF G4 hard

Office Templates - T MS Office soft

d upon or during the Project Kick off phase between the Head of Department and the responsible specialist.

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name

to be applied To be applied
Typ of tool status
Toolbox Project

mandatory check list ü

mandatory Data Base ü
mandatory standard form ü
mandatory template ü
optional standard form
mandatory template ü
mandatory template ü
mandatory standard form ü
mandatory standard form ü
mandatory template ü
mandatory check list ü
mandatory template ü
optional template
optional external
optional standard form
mandatory template ü
mandatory template ü
mandatory check list ü
mandatory standard form ü
optional check list

mandatory standard form ü

optional template

optional template

optional template

optional template

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
to be applied To be applied
Typ of tool status
Toolbox Project

optional template

optional template

optional template

optional template

optional template

mandatory standard form ü

optional standard form

mandatory template ü
optional check list
optional/Stage only standard form

mandatory standard form ü

mandatory template ü
optional template

optional check list

mandatory template ü
optional template

optional template

mandatory template ü
mandatory template ü
mandatory standard form ü
mandatory standard form ü
mandatory standard form ü
optional check list

optional template

mandatory standard form ü

mandatory standard form ü
optional check list

optional check list

optional template

mandatory template ü

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
to be applied To be applied
Typ of tool status
Toolbox Project

optional check list

mandatory template ü
optional standard form

optional template

optional template

optional template

optional template

optional template

optional template
mandatory template ü

optional template

optional standard form

optional template

optional template

optional template

optional template

mandatory template ü
optional template

optional template

mandatory template ü
mandatory template ü
mandatory standard form ü
mandatory standard form ü
mandatory check list ü
mandatory template ü
on demand mandatory template

mandatory template ü
on demand mandatory template

mandatory template ü
optional standard form

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
to be applied To be applied
Typ of tool status
Toolbox Project

optional standard form

optional template

mandatory template ü
mandatory template ü
mandatory template ü
optional template

optional template

mandatory template ü
mandatory template ü
on demand mandatory standard form ü
on demand template

on demand Quality Tool

on demand template

on demand mandatory standard form ü

mandatory template ü

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name

Toolbox Revision: 0
Status date:
Project Manager: c_projectleader / c_projectdivision
Project Owner:

document name / hyperlink to document Path

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
document name / hyperlink to document Path

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
document name / hyperlink to document Path

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name
document name / hyperlink to document Path

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name

ctleader / c_projectdivision


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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name

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Toolbox Rev 04
c_project number
c_project name

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Toolbox Rev 04

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Toolbox Rev 04

Tasks Process Owner Yearly Integrator Status: 2017-04-01

make sure that junior/new employees understand and apply all coordinate all process relevant activities between the process owners of other divisions and quality
process relevant procedures and tools management departement
roll-out of relevant changes of changes to process descriptions, organize exchange of experience (eg: common PM or CM-day)
task descriptions, works procedures, tools within his team
regular exchange of experience / management of know-how

propose adjustments of existing tools or additional tools based manage CIP schedule
on the experience in his team
take over specific adjustments of tools or related activities as agree adjustments of tools with process owners of other divisions
take care that adjustments of tools are executed by Key Users

process descriptions & work procedures

propose adjustments of existing process descriptions and work agree adjustments of existing process descriptions and work procedures based on lessons learnt and
procedures based on lessons learnt of the projects audit results with process owners of other divisions and quality management departement
take over specific adjustments of work procedures or related
activities as agreed
determine the individual training requirements of the team and agree with process owners of other division and HR specific training contents for the year as planned
propose contents of general training units in the budget

information of the team on trainings coordinate with HR details of the training concept of the year

take over specific contents of training units as agreed agree with process owners of other division and HR the training concept for the year to come (budget)

Key process Responsible process owner - division Responsible for integration of all divisi Start 1Q/2017 Start 1Q/2018 Start 1Q/2019
Stahlbau Bridge Stage for 2014 for 2015 for 2016 for 2017 for 2018 for 2019
0. S Sales Sischka Hackl Schuch Schuch Hackl Schuch Sischka Schuch Schuch
1. PM Project Management Breitwieser Reitgruber Raser Schlaeffer Breitwieser Reitgruber Raser (ab 1.3.) Bridge
2. CM Commercial Management Orthner Orthner Poeschel Breitwieser Orthner Poeschel Orthner Poeschl
Lechner (Papst) SGT
3.0 D Design Sischka Lechner Papst (SGT: Ziegler (SGT) Lechner (Lechner) Papst
Stage Papst) Lechner

3.1 Steel Schmid

3.2 Facade Roemer
3.3 Structural Analysis Ziegler
3.4 Mechanik -Automation Papst
4. PR Procurement Ertl Ertl Ertl Fröschl R.Ertl R.Ertl R.Ertl
5. I Installation King - Fröch King King King King

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Toolbox Rev 04

Status: 01/04/2017 Update by: Mki, Sfr 4/5/2017


Dokumenten Datum, link to Prozess- Dokut Dokument-

file noSorted Key ProcessPhase Tool (English) Key user hard / soft Type of relevance Typ of tool Description Status description Status Abgleich Overview/Ablage due date Document name Dokumentname im QM System Version
Stand template nummer yp nummer

0 all Tool-Box Overview Kiesling hard mandatory Overview of all Tools completed completed 10/1/2016

0 0 all start Project start agreement - SF Kiesling soft mandatory check list completed completed 10/1/2016 will be incl. In "Toolbox overview" PM1 toolbox_overview_rev3.0.xls 2-2-5-00 SF 225-SF-01 SF_toolbox_overview 2.0
Sales Database (Cloud, Potential, Budget, Proposal, S1
0 1S Tender Dev Kotys soft mandatory Data Base completed 1/1/2016 Access Database
Evaluation, Negotiation) - DB
0 2S Tender Dev Sales Strategy- SF HoS soft mandatory standard form SGT / Bridge open under development 6/7/2016 S2 Sales Strategy - Overview Stage available

ST: Albert-Knaus;
0 3S Tender Dev Tender & Marketing Documents - T SGT: Stroh A.; soft mandatory template in progress to be finalised (SGT, Bridge) completed 6/3/2016 S3
BR: Assistenz

S4 PAB.PAB - opportunity mgmt & political

0 4S Tender Dev SOE - opportunity management - SF HoS soft optional standard form completed 4/20/2016
organisation chart_2016
0 5S Tender Dev Sales Reporting - T Sfr soft mandatory template completed 4/1/2016 S5

0 6S Tender Dev Travel Report - T Albert-Knaus soft mandatory template Stage in Testphase, SGT, Bridge offen completed 6/30/2016 S6 Travel Report_Template

0 7S Prep Tender Requirements-Matrix (Requirment Engineering) - SF Lechner soft mandatory standard form completed 8/24/2016 D3

Project Specification (incl. Calc as sold, risk analysis - incl. Tax-CL and Cash-flow forecast from S8
0 8S Prep Tender Münsker hard mandatory standard form completed 6/1/2016 SF_Project Specification
analog OR09) - SF CM Process

0 9S Prep Tender Contract Negotioation - T NN (Team NN) soft mandatory template open not available on Server/Toolbox S9

0 10 S start Sales handover protocol - CL Schuch soft mandatory check list under development not available on Server/Toolbox S10

0 11 S Closeout Customer Reference - T Albert-Knaus soft mandatory template Stage befüllt; SGT,BR leer under development 6/1/2016 S11

0 12 S Closeout Project Pictures for References - T Marketing soft optional template Marketing Server completed 1/1/2016 S12
done by EUCUSA, coordination by S13
0 13 S Closeout Customer Satisfaction Analysis Schwabl soft optional external Stage gemacht, SGT,BR in Einführung under development 1/1/2015
assistant / PM
0 14 S Closeout Lessons learnt workshop - SF N.N. soft optional standard form PM20

1 2 PM start Org chart - T Breitwieser soft mandatory template completed completed 9/28/2016 PM2 TB-PM_OrgChart_T.pptx 2-2-5-00 T 225-T-01 T_Project-Organisation-Chart 2.0
describes the principles; completed; template for sales under PM3
1 3 PM start Master schedule (Program) - T Greiner soft mandatory template under development not available on Server/Toolbox
for each division: template on Explorer; agreeement between all divisions PM4
1 4 PM start Filing structure - CL Breitwieser soft mandatory check list open not available on Server/Toolbox
stahlbau: works procedure available outstanding
development related SAP reporting PM5
1 5 PM start Forecast (SAP) -SF Breitwieser hard mandatory standard form under development 1/1/2016
1 6 PM start Consolidated calculation - CL Raser soft optional check list not yet forwarded open not available on Server/Toolbox PM6

PM7 TB-PM_project-report_SF_rev06, new

1 7 PM start Project Report - SF Sikora hard mandatory standard form same as project report completed 8/23/2016
document"SF_project reporting"
1 8 PM start Communication plan (int/ext)- T Breitwieser soft optional template completed completed 8/18/2016 PM8 TB-PM_Communication plan_T.xlsx 2-2-5-00 T 225-T-02 T_Project-Communication-plan 2.0

1 9 PM start Approval plan (ext/int) - T Spängler soft optional template to be further developed, as excel file completed 8/10/2016 alte version vom 10.08.2016 PM9 T_Approval plan.pptx 2-2-5-00 T 225-T-03 T_Project-Approval-plan 2.0

1 10 PM start Task split - T Berghold soft optional template only for SGT? Logo? under development 8/18/2016 PM10 TB_task-split_T.xlsx 2-2-5-00 T 225-T-04 T_Project-task-split 2.0
to be further developed, further examples PM11
1 11 PM start Stakeholder analysis - T N.N. soft optional template under development 8/10/2016 TB-PM_Stakeholder_Analysis_T.xlsx 2-2-5-00 T 225-T-05 T_Project-Stakeholder_Analysis 2.0
to be added
1 12 PM start Cooperative phase planning - T Hofmeister soft optional template completed 6/9/2016 plan template PM12 on IP_Toolbox
to be further developed as per proposal PM13
1 13 PM start Correspondence List - T Hofmeister soft optional template under development 8/18/2016 PM_3rd_party_correspondence_schedule_all 2-2-5-00 T 225-T-06 T_Project-3rd_party-correspondence-schedule 2.0
1 14 PM execution Forecast (SAP) Sikora hard mandatory standard form SAP report for combined forecast open deleted not available on Server/Toolbox
short form (3 pages only) for Stage
1 15 PM execution Project Report + Risk analysis - SF Sikora hard mandatory standard form deleted TB-PM_project-report_SF_rev04.xlsm 2-2-5-00 SF 225-SF-04 SF_Project-report 2.0
1 16 PM execution PPC Activity List - T Hofmeister soft optional template completed 8/10/2016 PM16 TB-PM-PPC_Activity List_T.xlsx 2-2-5-00 SF 225-SF-02 SF_Project-PPC-Activity-List 2.0
Textbausteine / Musterbriefe / text PM17
1 17 PM execution Claim management - T Schökel soft optional template open open not available on Server/Toolbox
elements / template letters - PM relevant
PM18 T
1 18 PM execution Progress report to client - T M. Krieger soft optional template completed completed 8/10/2016 TB-PM_Progress report for client_T.docx 2-2-5-00 225-T-07 T_Project-Progress report for client 2.0
SGT: part of report, SAP report still to be
1 19 PM close out Final cost analysis - SF Breitwieser soft mandatory standard form SAP report to be created open not available on Server/Toolbox PM19
PM20 TB-PM_LL-WS Guidedline_CL.pptx 225-CL-02 CL_Lessons-Learned-WS-Guidedline
1 20 PM close out Lessons learnt workshop - SF N.N. soft optional standard form to be checked completed 8/10/2016 2-2-5-00 C 2.0
TB-PM_LL-WS_Register_SF.xlsx 225-SF-03 SF_Lessons-Learned-WS-Register
1 21 PM close out Project final analysis - T Breitwieser soft mandatory template completed completed 8/31/2016 PM21 TB-PM_final_analysis_T.docm 2-2-5-00 T 225-T-08 T_Project-final-analysis 2.0
Stefan to develop a proposal for the CL
1 22 PM close out Post completion handover - CL N.N soft optional check list to be developed open not available on Server/Toolbox PM22
together with Karina, then to agree with
Stage if applicable with them as well
1 23 PM close out Service handover protocol - SF Raser soft optional/Stage only standard form not yet forwarded; only Stage? completed 8/18/2016 PM23 TB-PM_Handover_Protocoll [stage]_CL.xlsx 2-2-5-00 CL 225-CL-03 CL_Handover_Protocoll 2.0
Schökel (Team: includes Tax & Customs as well as HR CM1
2 1 CM Tender Track Contract Checklist - SF hard mandatory standard form completed 8/3/2016 SF_Contract Checklist 2-2-5-00 CL 225-CL-01 SF_Contract Checklist 2.0
Orthner, Pöschel) issues
CM2 16-xxx Cash Flow & Profit_Single
2 2 CM Prep Tender Cash-flow forecast - T NN (Team NN) soft mandatory template within Project Report + Risk analysis - SF completed 9/12/2014 zu viele Dokumente, sichtung und
Pöschel (Team: SGT template available, Stage to be CM3
2 3 CM Prep Tender Hedging tool - SF soft optional template completed 1/16/2018 SF_hedging_tool
Korbell, Freysz) checked
2 4 CM Prep Tender Tax - CL soft optional check list deleted aus Toolbox entfernt not available on Server/Toolbox

Poeschel (Kasza,
2 5 CM Prep Tender TAX - HR issues - CL Liebmann, soft optional check list open not available on Server/Toolbox

Meeting 07.11.2016 with IT to develop

2 6 CM start monthly Cash-flow forecast - T IT (NN; Team: NN) soft mandatory template SAP Reporting => Rollout Q3/2017 under development not available on Server/Toolbox CM6
planned; 10.03.17-Erinnerung GKL
Poeschel (Team:
2 7 CM start Tax & Customs incl. Permanent Establishment - CL Liebmann, soft optional check list deleted aus Toolbox entfernt zu viele Dokumente, sichtung und Archivierung empfohlen 16-xxx_Invoice Payment_template
2 8 CM start Payment schedule - T NN (Team NN) soft optional template ROR klärt mit Hr. Kerbell deleted not available on Server/Toolbox
Korbell (Team: CM9
2 9 CM execution Variation schedule to client incl. Breakdown - T soft optional template Abgedeckt durch Projekt Reporting NEU completed 3/24/2006 zu viele Dokumente, sichtung und HM_variation schedule_template
Pöschel, Freis)
Hofmeister (Team SGT template available- which one is CM10 16-136_Blavatnik_Rolling account_FC 13 PR
2 10 CM execution Internal rolling account schedule - T soft optional template completed 1/9/2015 zu viele Dokumente, sichtung und
NN) completed? Jan 15
details not yet discussed - to be checkt if
2 11 CM close out Close-out Checklist - CL NN (Team NN) soft optional check list CL for all close out activities for CM necessary! => was checke=> defind as deleted not available on Server/Toolbox
not necessary

3 1D start Design schedule / program - T Lechner soft mandatory template MS Project / SAP (within Stage) still to be developed further under development not available on Server/Toolbox D1
Projects exceeding more than 2000 D2
3 2D start Work Package - Design Hour Management - T Ziegler hard mandatory template Tool developed be A Sikora is available completed not available on Server/Toolbox
Works Procedure to be detailled
3 3D start Requirements Matrix (incl. Change Tracking List) - SF Lechner soft mandatory standard form Requirements Matrix during Sales completed 8/24/2016 D3 TB-D_Requirements-Matrix_SF_04
Handover - forwarded by Design.
3 4D start Environmental Design - SF Stadler hard mandatory standard form completed 12/12/2014 D4 WP_Environmental Design_201241212

3 5D start Document schedule - SF Fink hard mandatory standard form Bridge tries Document Schedule of SGT Key User for Tool is Maria Krieger completed not available on Server/Toolbox D5
Implement Checklist ENG (EN 1090) - D6
3 6D execution Management of external design partners Schmid soft optional check list open not available on Server/Toolbox
maybe with Schökel.
3 7D execution RFI schedule (to client) - T NN (Team NN) soft optional template currently included in document schedule not in CD - needs update under development 7/13/2016 zu viele Dokumente, sichtung und D7 TB-D_RFI-schedule_T

3 8D execution Design review - SF Lechner soft mandatory standard form completed 8/24/2016 D8 TB-D_Design-Review_SF_00 check

3 9D execution FMEA analysis - SF Lechner sot mandatory standard form completed 9/20/2016 D9 update auf /von Enabler check

3 10 D execution QA - Calculation - CL Lechner soft optional check list zur Prüfung einer Berechnung completed 2/12/2016 D10 CL_QA-Calculation check

3 11 D execution QA - Drawings - CL Lechner soft optional check list zur Prüfung eines Planes completed 2/12/2016 D11 CL_QA-Drawing check

3 12 D execution Conformity assesment+CE-marking tags - T Stadler soft optional template completed 1/1/2016 not available on Server/Toolbox D12

3 13 D close out Final design-cost analysis - T Römer soft mandatory template open not available on Server/Toolbox D13

4 1 PR Tender Track Procurement concept - CL RErtl soft optional check list under development not available on Server/Toolbox PR1

4 2 PR start Procurement plan - T RErtl soft mandatory template completed 4/5/2017 MS Office Templates (updated) PR2 SF_Procurement Plan

4 3 PR start Supplier qualification / approval - questionaire - SF RErtl soft optional standard form completed 1/28/2016 PR3 TB-PR_Supplier Questionarie_T

4 4 PR start Logistic concept - T N.N. soft optional template completed 2/29/2016 MS Office Templates PR4 TB_PR_Logistikonzept 1.0_endversion_V0

4 5 PR start Fabrication Supervision concept - T ? soft optional template completed 2/15/2016 Template PR5
if feasible: SAP (eg Stage); Stahlbau /
4 6 PR execution Delivery List - T RErtl soft optional template Bridge: currently separate maps in completed 7/4/2016 PR6 TB_Procurement Plan_SF
Procurementplan File
4 7 PR execution Supplier bonds - T RErtl soft optional template in coordination with H Weissensteiner completed 2/5/2016 available PR7 sev. guarantees
based on Standard clauses from
4 8 PR execution Request for Tender - T RErtl soft optional template Standard Contract; in coordination with A completed 2/3/2016 4 documents in MS Office Template PR8
Standards to be developed for each key PR9
4 9 PR execution Standard contract - T RErtl soft optional template under development not available on Server/Toolbox
price in coordination
comparision with A for
mandatory Schökel
orders >
50.000.- € PR10 TB-PR_Price comparison sheet_Risk
4 10 PR execution Price comparison sheet - T RErtl soft mandatory template completed 2/3/2016
rsik assessment mandatrory for orders > Assessment_V1-en_T
Delivery Documents (incl. Delivery Note, Collilist, Proforma 100.000.-€
4 11 PR execution N.N. soft optional template other names: packing list, bill of deliveries completed 2/29/2016 PR11 TB_PR_Packing List_Kolliliste_V0
Invoice) - T
4 12 PR execution NCR report - SF Stadler hard optional standard form completed 2/5/2016 PR12 TB_PR_NCR_Report_V0

4 13 PR execution Fabrication supervision report - T Stadler soft optional template rework necessary completed 1/1/2014 PR13
entspricht Übersicht NCRs/ PR14
4 14 PR execution Notice of defects schedule - T RErtl soft optional template completed 2/8/2016 TB_Notice of Defects Schedule_T
PR15 TB_PR_Defect notifications_claims_T_
4 15 PR execution Defect notifications / claim - T RErtl soft optional template completed 2/10/2016 MS Office Templates
PR16 TB_PR_Subcontractor payment
4 16 PR execution Subcontractor payment application - T RErtl soft optional template completed 2/5/2016
key user procurement to be nominated for PR17 TB-
4 17 PR execution Rolling account suppliers - T RErtl soft mandatory template completed 2/3/2016
keeping tool up-to date PR_Project_rolling_account_supplier_V0_T
4 18 PR close out Supplier evaluation - T RErtl soft optional template completed 8/23/2016 PR18

4 19 PR close out Final Account Statement - T RErtl soft optional template in Coordination with J Wilson under development not available on Server/Toolbox PR19

5 1I Prep Tender General Method Statement / Construction proposal - T King soft mandatory template completed 1/15/2016 A6 Projectnumber_Method Statement_Rev00

5 2I Prep Tender List of Attendances - T King soft mandatory template completed 8/31/2016 A7 Projectnumber_List of Attendances_Rev00

A8 Projectnumber_Installation
5 3I Prep Tender Installation calculation (quotation) - SF King soft mandatory standard form same as in PM example completed 12/22/2015
5 4I Prep Tender List of Drawings King soft mandatory standard form internal document completed 5/28/2014 A9 Projectnumber_List of Drawings_Rev00

A10 Projectnumber_Environmental
5 5I start Environmental Planing Check List - CL Lorenz soft mandatory check list completed 3/6/2016
Specification of steel/facade installation - inquiry document for supplier orders (Steel, Glass, A11 Projectnumber_Specification for steel
5 6I execution King soft mandatory template completed 5/7/2015
-T Scaffolding, etc) installation_Rev00
dependent on site activities; various E
5 7I execution Site - safety documents [E] - T King soft on demand mandatory template completed 5/3/2016
templates and forms
5 8I execution Daily Report - T Lorenz soft mandatory template completed 12/23/2014 B1 2017xxxx_Daily Site Report

5 9I execution Site Progress Report - T Lorenz soft on demand mandatory template completed 3/10/2015 B9 Progress report_CWxx_Rev00

scope to be adjusted project specific; Org

chart, site layout, installation programme,
5 10 I execution "Control room" output - T Lorenz soft mandatory template 2-week look-ahead, S-Curve, Marked-up completed 5/3/2016 B2 ; B3 ; B4 ; B10 ; B12 ; B15; E1 ; E35
Drawings, Site H&S Policy; Appointment

5 11 I execution NCR schedule - SF Lorenz soft optional standard form completed 9/12/2016 D2 2017xxxx_NCR Overview_Rev00

5 12 I execution NCR report - SF Stadler hard optional standard form see NC from Procurement completed 2/5/2016 PR12 NCR xxx_Rev00

5 13 I execution Daywork Schedule / Time Sheet subcontractor sign-off - T Lorenz soft optional template (if hourly contract - MANDATORY) completed 12/2/2015 B16 projectnumber_Hours list_CWxx

5 14 I execution Petty cash - T Lorenz soft mandatory template completed 4/1/2016 B8 projectnumber_2017xx_Petty Cash Report

5 15 I execution Protocol of subcontractor meeting - site - T Lorenz soft mandatory template completed 5/27/2015 B11 2017xxxx_MoM

5 16 I execution Hand Over sheets / SIR - T Lorenz soft mandatory template unless client provides template completed 2/15/2016 C1 projectnumber_2017xxxx_Handover FTxx

5 17 I execution Snagging list - T Lorenz soft optional template templates provided by client DATUM - Rework recommended completed 10/6/2016 C2 a-938-atrium steel
dependent on site activities; various D
5 18 I execution Site - quality documents [D] - T Lorenz soft optional template completed 12/11/2015
templates and forms
(incl. Welding plan, Cosssh, 99-Plan)
6 1 QA start Inspection & Test Plan - T Stadler soft mandatory template in Bridge / Stahlbau Tool by QA/QC; in completed 8/19/2016 QA1 Enabler Link
Stage by Design
6 2 QA execution PQP (Project Quality Plan) - T Stadler hard mandatory template Template SGT available completed 8/19/2016 QA2 Enabler Link

6 3 QA execution Procedure to be clarified in Works completed QA3

8D-Report - SF Stadler hard on demand mandatory standard form 8/19/2016 Enabler Link
7 1 General all Problem solving tool Ishikawa - T Kiesling soft on demand template Available in Office QM Templates completed 9/15/2016 G1 T_Ishikawa-Diagramm

7 2 General all Description of the Methode, no tool completed G2

Problem Solving tool 5Why - QT Kiesling Info on demand Quality Tool Available on Enabler 8/19/2016 Enabler Link to Method
7 3 General all Problem solving tool Morphologic Box - T Kiesling soft on demand template Available in Office QM Templates completed 9/15/2016 G3 T_Morphological-Box

7 4 General all CIP Submission sheet - SF Kiesling hard on demand mandatory standard form Available in Office QM Templates completed 12/2/2015 G4 QT-CIP Project submission sheet

7 5 General all Office Templates - T Kiesling soft mandatory template available on Office Templates & Enabler completed 1/1/2016 MS Office

Update: M. Kiesling toolbox_overview_rev4.0 ; SF Date: 11/26/2019

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Toolbox Rev 04

TOOLBOX: % of available tools Status according to toolbox integrator input


90% 18%
80 15 08

70% whole documents available documents not available Templates
60% 99
81 75
18 73
Completed 75 73 2 4 differenz ist in den Vorlagen
50% Under Development 15 8 7 Installation 9

Open 9 0
40% deleted
82% 6 0 99 4 81 18
100% 82% whole amount
18% therefor
documents available documents not available
20% Open Under Development Completed


whole amount

missing amount per status






10 7
8 9
0 0
Completed Under Development Open
documents available documents not available

Update: M. Kiesling toolbox_overview_rev4.0 ; SF Date: 11/26/2019

Approved: S. Fröschl, 01.04.2017 Version: 4.0 Page 26/29
Toolbox Rev 04
TOOLBOX how to use

Item Details Responsibility cycle

keeping tools and toolbox up-to-date each user can record proposed changes on the CIP list (enabler) each user

manage CIP list and coordinate activities relating to update of Toolbox QM regularely
between Process Owners and QM;
call attention to the concerned Key User to give feedback to the user
having made the proposal

if applicable - a prompt feedback relating to the proposal for Key User regularely
improvement shall be given to the user having made the proposal

agree major changes of tools between Process Owners PM,CM,D,Pr,I yearly coordinator PM quarterly Process
Owner meetings

manage and coordinate Key User activities in coordination with Process yearly coordinator PM ongoing
Owners PM,CM,D,Pr,I

Key Users of the individual tools have the responsibility for keeping their Key-user as per list 'Tools regularely
tools up-to-date & Key Users'

concept for denotation of files: Key User


each tool has a revision and a tool history - to be kept updated Key User regularely
(also the toolbox overview file)

the 'toolbox overview' has a revision relating to each Enabler launch; yearly coordinator PM max 2x / year
it is envisaged that twice a year a revised toolbox including updated
tools will be put together

at the start of the project the current available toolbox version will be Head of PM for each at start of the project
downloaded from the Enabler; those tools are in principle valid for the division
whole project duration

path for working on revision of tools: H:\GROW\IP_PM Standards - Key User as applicable

provide updated tools and toolbox on the current version of the toolbox overview and the revision of the tools QM
Enabler are available for all Key Users at: H:\GROW

revision of Toolbox (Toolbox overview and tools) to be made available QM max 2x / year
max 2x per year on Enabler
(exception: crucial elements to be adjusted - e.g. formular errors)
information on Toolbox updates on Enabler QM as applicable

manage and update download routines of toolbox onto the project path QM as applicable

path for toolbox for Enabler: H:\GROW\IP_PM Standards - QM


Toolbox filing on project path standard path on project file: HPM for each division




at the start of the project the current available toolbox version will be PM/QM to support start of project
downloaded from the Enabler, the currently valid templates are hence
available under the paths above

the HPM agrees with the PM the templates to be used in the project - HPM for each division start of project
file 'start agreement'
the PM agrees with his core team the templates to be used for CM / D /
PrM / I;
if necessary: HPM coordinates with HCM, HD, HPrM, HIM

the initial agreement between HPM and PM is filed as *_rev00.pdf; any HPM for each division start of project
further updates of the start agreement to be filed with revisions as

the individual tools can be filed in the project structure as necessary; PM regularely
a hyperlink will be set in the start agreement so that the current revision
in use can always be directly accessed via the file 'start agreement'

Update: M. Kiesling toolbox_overview_rev4.0 ; SF Date: 11/26/2019

Approved: S. Fröschl, 01.04.2017 Version: 4.0 Page 27/29
Toolbox Rev 04 how to use

This is a soft tool, information may be added if useful

Steps of application are:
1. Agree with project owner after sales handover meeting tools to be used
2. inform core team members of tools to be applied
3. set hyperlink to document on column 'document name / hyperlink to document'
4. give status update to process owner regularely

How to set a hyperlink

1. Fill in the name of the document in column "I"

2. select cell and choose "Hyperlink" in register "Insert"

3. Finally select the document and confirm

Update: M. Kiesling toolbox_overview_rev4.0 ; SF Date: 11/26/2019

Approved: S. Fröschl, 01.04.2017 Version: 4.0 Page 28/29
Toolbox Rev 04 history

Tool History: Toolbox Overview

Key User
2014 Schläfer development Toolbox: Nusser (AON), Breitwieser, Schläfer, Kiesling
2015 Breitwieser
bis 2016-08 Breitwieser Unterstützung durch S Froeschel

ab 2016-08 Reitgruber

9/29/2016 MKI, SFR content and context checked, reworked and updated by M. Kiesling in cooperation
with S. Fröschl

Tool history
Rev 00 2014-11 Tool was introduced on PM day in 11/2014, toolbox used in first projects: 2015-03

not on enabler 2015-06 various tools updated, layout adjusted, tools added; 'responsibilities' added;

Rev 01 2015-09 various tools updated, Quality Management tools added; 'agreement 2015-11' added

Rev 02 2016-03 tools for design, and performance management added; toolbox commercial
management agreed; toolbox installation and procurement set-up; adjustement of
various tools; 'how to use it' and 'tool history' added
Rev 3.0 2016-09 All tools are checked by Status and availability, the names are checked =>
Overview, start agreement, Tool&Keyuser=> server filing structure; the filing
structure is cleaned and syncronised; links to the server filing is included, statistics
included; "Overview" and "argreement" in one file combined
Rev. 04 2017-04 Overview update of status

Tool History: Start Agreement

Tool history author

9/22/2015 various adapti M Berghold
2/8/2016 adaption to tooAertl
8/10/2016 adaption to tooAertl

10/1/2016 rework MKI

Tool owner
Martin Berghold


Document control data in the QM System Enabler

Do not delete this content! It will be filled in automatically during upload to the QM System Enabler
Process Name Project Management
Document Numb225-SF-01
Document NameSF_Project-report
Document Type [SF] - Standard Form - TOOL
Version 4.0
Author M.Kiesling
Approved S. Fröschl
Released E. Raser
Release date 4/1/2017

Update: M. Kiesling toolbox_overview_rev4.0 ; SF Date: 11/26/2019

Approved: S. Fröschl, 01.04.2017 Version: 4.0 Page 29/29

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