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[This story is all about a great circle of friends that was established since year 2000.

[Noah, he's the eldest. He likes to play basketball. He's always willing to teach his friends to play the
sport. He also loves playing chess. He's good with that.]

[The next one is, Chester.

He loves punk rock music.
He's a very loud person.
Black is his favorite color & loves eating.]

[The third one is, Jake.

Unlike Chester, he's a quiet one.
He often tells stories. He loves playing with his acoustic guitar. ]

[And the last one, and also the youngest, Caesar.

He loves to draw, he's good with it. And also loves to dance.
He's the most stubborn of them all. ]

[Despite of all those differences, they're still tightly tied up together, for all the good times and bad times.
It's them against everything.]

[Caesar is on the 1st year of college, while Jake and Chester is on the 2nd year, Noah is on the 4th year.
They always help each other in every way.
They met because of their parents, all their moms were besties. That's why their friendship started.]

[They love traveling around.]

[They're always visiting beaches, river sides, lakes, or even underground caves and go for swimming.]

[They also like to go on mountain hiking, or go roam around forests]

[It was Caesar's birthday, they celebrated it on their favorite restaurant.]

CHESTER: **satisfied with the meal**

"Ohh I wish it was Caesar's birthday everyday so I could eat food like this!"

ALL: **laughs**

CAESAR: "silly!"

NOAH: **taps Chester's shoulder**

"Hey bro, look at that lady on the other table, she's been staring at me the whole time, isn't she pretty?"

CHESTER: "Pfft! That's not true, It was just your imagination! She's looking at me."

JAKE: "you guys are being too loud, come on, just eat!"

CAESAR: **holds jake's arm**

"Hahaha Just let them enjoy the moment." **smiles**

JAKE: "ye right hahaha"

NOAH AND CHESTER: **still talking about the girl**

CAESAR: "I'm beyond happy to have you guys. I know it's my birthday and it will not be complete if my
brothers are not here. Thank you so much."

NOAH: "oh don't mention it. We're always here and will always be here."

JAKE: "yes, you're our youngest brother, of course we're always here for you."

CHESTER: "even if you're so stubborn"

ALL: **laughs**

NOAH: "hey, what about, I'll search for a new place so that we can celebrate our friendship?! Where we
can enjoy all the way"

ALL: yea yea that would be great!

**[finished eating]**

[after that day, Noah surfs on the internet and discovered a great spot to come over. It was perfect for
them because they love traveling and swimming.]

NOAH: "Hey! I heard there's a great spot for cliff jumping at the end of the Arizona Mountains!"

CHESTER: "oohh the place's too far but I wanna go there!"

JAKE: "ohh I don't think that's a good idea, we could get our head smashed into the hard rocks while

NOAH: "hahaha come on, everything will be fine."

CAESAR: "ooohhh I wanna try that one!"

CHESTER: "Come on let's plan our trip!"

[They have immediately planned the trip. And it may took 16hrs of driving to the northern part of the

NOAH: "We will use my car for the trip but hey chester! Don't vomit on the back side of the car!"

CHESTER: "HAHAHA I can't promise you that."

Jake: "make sure you have your first aid kits on your bags in case of emergency, okay?"

CAESAR: "Yeah yeah professor Jake. It's just a trip, okayy? We'll be fine."

CHESTER: "Okayy! Let's do this!"

[And they buckled up.]

**[at this point, you guys will arrange the chair and pretend you're all inside of the car]**

[while on the trip, Jake played a guitar and everyone sang along]


[after half of the song, Chester hold the guitar strings and played his favorite rock song on the car radio..
And it was so loud]


NOAH: [shouts] "YOU LIKE IT UH?"


JAKE: [Smiling]

[They were all enjoying the moment.. But all of a sudden, a bunch of sheep have crossed the road and
Noah didn't even had the chance to hit the brakes because the car was running so fast]

**Everyone will lay down**

**after 3 seconds, you guys will leave the front, Caesar will stay there**

CAESAR: **lying in hospital bed**

NOAH, CHESTER, JAKE: "hey bro, are you okay?"

CAESAR: "uh wh-what happened?"

NOAH: "Oh we were driving but I hit the bunch of sheep on the road.."

CHESTER: "Ye but we're doing fine now.. Although there's a little bit of pain here."

JAKE: "I hope you're doing fine, I heard that you can't use your legs for a while because of the bone

NOAH: "oh but everything will be alright." **smiles**

CAESAR: "Oh." **confused**

CHESTER: "Go on take some rest. We'll be just right here, we will not leave until you get over those

CAESAR: **will close his eyes for like 3seconds**

**Caesar will sit on the chair, pretend it is a wheel chair**
**another scene, at their house**

CAESAR: "mom? can you please cook for us? My friends will come to see me. We will watch series on
MOM: **terrified look, then smiles**
"Alright my son"

[the boys are chattering at the couch, they're all laughing]

**Mom will see them, she will wipe her tears from her eyes**

**[the next day]**

CAESAR: "Dad, will you please do me a favor?"

DAD: "sure son, what is it?"

CAESAR: "dad will you please clean my art studio? My friends will come here, I told them I will make a
painting of them so that we will remember these good times when we're old and gray.

DAD: **terrified look then smiles**

"oh sure my son"

**art studio scene**

**The boys are there laughing, and Caesar is doing the art portrait**

CAESAR: **laughs**
"just stay still! I can't paint you guys with a move like that!"

**Caesar's parents are watching from the door**

DAD: "do you think he's just doing fine?"

MOM: "ye I think so, he'll be fine. maybe he's just remembering how it feels like to be with his friends
when they're still alive."

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