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The City School

Comprehensive Mock Examination

Class 7

Index No: __________________________ Section: _________________________

School / Campus: Prep Boys Darakhshan Date: ___________________________

Maximum Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 2 hours


 Write your index number, section, school/campus and date clearly in the space provided.
 Read and follow the instructions given in the question.
 Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
 Check your answer paper before you hand it in.
 Calculators are not allowed.
 Marks for each section are shown below.
 This paper consists of 16printed pages including the cover page.

_____________For Examiner’s use only______________

Section A Section B (50) Total

Question # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Max. Marks 20 10 10 10 06 05 07 06 10 08 08 100

Marks Obtained



_________________ __________________ __________________


Q1) Encircle the correct option. (20)

1. A boat is floating on still water and it is not moving. Which of the following
describe the forces acting on the boat

a. Downward force on the boat is greater than the upward force of water
b. Downward force on the boat is less than the upward force of water
c. No forces are acting on the boat
d. Downward force on the boat is the same as the upward force of water

2. Which metal is present in the liquid state at room temperature?

a. Helium
b. bromine
c. mercury
d. lithium

3. There will be largestopping distance of a vehicle which is moving

a. Slowly
b. Stationary
c. Steadily
d. Fastly

4. The PH value of lime water is

a. 1
b. 7
c. 11
d. 3

5. Alkalis turn

a. Yellow litmus paper blue

b. Blue litmus paper red
c. Orange litmus paper green
d. Red litmus paper blue

6. A compound contains

a. Different kinds of elements mixed together.

b. The same kind of elements mixed together.
c. Different kinds of elements chemically combined together.
d. The same kind of compounds mixed together.

7. Scheiden and Schwann discovered that

a. All living things are made of cells.

b. All cells have to come from other cells.
c. Cells are the basic units of structure and function of living things.
d. All of the above.
8. Cause of the Day and Night is

a. Revolution of the Earth around the Sun

b. When Moon comes in between the Sun and Earth
c. The tilt of the Earth’s axis
d. Rotation of the Earth on its axis

9. Mass of a substance per unit volume is called its

a. Weight
b. Volume
c. Density
d. Gravity

10. Solubility depends on

a. Amount of solute
b. pH
c. Amount of solution
d. Temperature

11. During a solar eclipse it is partially or totally blocked

a. Moon
b. Sun
c. Earth
d. All of the above

12. Iron Sulphide cannot be further subdivided into simpler substances by physical
means therefore it is a
a. Compound
b. Mixture
c. Element
d. None of the above

13. To reduce air and water resistance, objects are shaped in

a. Streamline
b. Conical
c. Rectangular
d. Oblongata

14. Thread like structure in the nucleus is called

a. DNA
b. Cells
c. Chromosomes
d. Red blood cells
15. The tilt of the Earth on its axis causes

e. Days
f. Nights
g. Seasons
h. All of the above

16. When a ball is thrown in the air, it comes back to the ground due to

a. Frictional force
b. Air resistance
c. Gravitational force
d. Magnetic force

17. When acid reacts with reactive metal it gives out which gas

a. Nitrogen
b. Helium
c. Hydrogen
d. Carbon dioxide

18. Large storage for food, water and waste is present in

a. Vacuole
b. Tissue
c. Organ
d. Cellulose

19. Structures too small to be easily seen with the naked eye are

a. Heteroscopic
b. Microscopic
c. Macroscopic
d. Endoscopic

20. Chemical symbol of chlorine is

a. Cu
b. Ca
c. Cl
d. Ag

Q2.Determine if the given statements are true or false. Rewrite the correct statement if
it’s false. (10)
a. Parachutes are streamlined to help increase air friction

b. Lime is added to soils to neutralize the soils which have become too acidic


c. The SI unit of volume is Newton.

d. Indigestion tablets contain an acid.

e. Electronic microscope is used to observe tiny discrete particles.

f. There is more friction between two rough surfaces than two smooth surfaces.

g. Heart is the main organ of the Digestive system

h. Atmosphere is a thick layer of gases around the Earth.

i. Stars are made of hydrogen or helium

j. Mass changes with the location.


Q3. Fill in the blanks. (10)

a. _______________ tissues refer to xylem and the phloem.

b. An object floats when the _______________ is equal to the weight of the object.

c. ______________ gas is used in filling light bulbs.

d. _____________ involves boiling and condensation.

e. To increase friction tires and shoes have _______________on them.

f. The pure water has pH of 7; therefore it is said to be___________________.

g. The _____________ gravity pulls the planets to orbit it.

h. A nerve cell is also called __________________

i. In a multi cellular organism all the cells are specialized for different functions, this is

called division of____________________

j. Earth takes __________ days to make one revolution.

Q4.Match the Columns, and write the answer in column C. (10)


1. Indicator a. Insoluble solid


2. Oxygen b. Acts when objects are in contact or far from each


3. Non – luminous c. Revolution of Moon around the Earth


4. Carbon dioxide d. Push or pull acting on an object


5. Gravitational Force e. Transport water and minerals


6. Stage f. Objects which do not give out light


7. Filtration g. An element present both in air and water


8. Force h. Used to test whether a liquid is acidic or not


9. Cause of a lunar i. Specimen slide is placed on it


10. Root hair cell j. A Compound used in photosynthesis


Q5.The solubility of common salt in water is 36 gram per 100 gram of water at 20 degree
(a) (3)

(i) If 30 gram of common salt dissolves in 100 grams of water, what is the mass of
the salt solution formed?___________________________________________
(ii) What is the maximum mass of common salt which will dissolve in 20 gram of
water at 20 dgeree centigrade?______________________________________
(iii) If 50 gram of common salt is added to 150 gram of water at 20 degree
centigrade how many grams of common salt will remain undisolved in the
water? _________________________________________________________

(b) Chris poured some of the salt water from the flask into a dish.
He put the dish on a balance and left it in a warm room for a week. (3)

(i) Work out the decrease in mass:


(ii) After one week there was a white solid but no liquid in the dish.
What had happened to the water in the dish?


(iii) What was the white solid left in the dish?

Q6.a. When copper carbonate is heated copper oxide and a gas are formed. The gas when
passed through lime water turns it milky as shown in the diagram below. (2)

i) Which gas is produced that turns lime water milky?


ii) Write a word equation for the above reaction.


Q6b.Below is the first 36 elements in the periodic table with their atomic numbers. (3)

Give the symbol for one example of each of the following:

i. A metal __________________
ii. An inert gas ___________________
iii. A non-metal in liquid state______________________
iv. ____________ chlorine in the table above.
v. What is the atomic number of Chlorine? __________
vi. What is the group number of chlorine_______________?

Q7a. Differentiate between Compound and Mixture. (4)

Q7b. Find out the mass of a block of osmium when its density is 22.6 g/cm3 and volume is
5 cm3. (3)

Density = 22.6 g/cm3

Volume = 5 cm3
Mass =?

Block of osmium

Q8a. Alkalis are used in alkaline batteries, which property of alkalis makes them suitable
for use in batteries. (4)


Q8b. From the list separate Acids and alkalis and write in the respective columns. (2)

Hydrochloric Acid Lemon Juice tooth paste vinegar Detergents Antacids

Acids Alkalis (base)

Q9a. Refer to the diagram given below: (10)




Name the structures labeled:

A: ___________________________________

B: ___________________________________

C: ___________________________________

D: ___________________________________

E: ___________________________________

b) The heart is an organ in the human body.

1. Which system does the heart belong to?

2. State the function of this system.
3.What are the main types of tissues which make up the heart?
4. What are these tissues in turn made up off?

Q10 (8)

a. Name two celestial bodies in the Universe. (1)



b. Name two optical instruments which can be used to help us observe

Celestial bodies. (2)



c. Why is the Earth able to support a diversity of life forms (1)




(d) Differentiate between the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. (4)

Solar eclipse Lunar eclipse

Q11a. Give reasons. (2)

i.Why is it easy to float in Dead Sea?



ii.When pages of two books overlap each other. Why is it difficult to pull them apart?



Q11b. Find out the direction and force acting on the object given below. (2)

30 N 50 N

25 N

60 N 15 N
Q11c. Identify the following types of forces. (4)

a. The force which stops a moving swing.


b. The force which changes the direction of a compass needle.


c. The force which keeps a swimmer afloat.


d. The force which makes water falls from a height.


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