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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

College of Education

Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts of Voice Classification

(Grade 9)

At the end of the lesson, student will able;
a) The students to be knowledgeable when it comes in different classification of voice
b) To analyse different pitches.
c) Help them to recognize their strength in vocal practices.


A. TOPIC: Music
B. SUB-TOPIC: Arts of Voice Classification
C. REFERENCE: Music and Arts Textbook for Grade 9
D. MATERIALS: Laptop, Projector, Power Point Presentation, Piano or organ, Whiteboard,
and Whiteboard Marker

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

Let's stand for our opening prayer
Can you lead the prayer?

Good Morning Class! “Good Morning, Sir!”

Checking of Cleanliness
Before you take your seat, kindly pick up the (Student will pick up pieces of trash under
pieces trash under you chair. their chairs)

You may now take your sit “Thank you, Sir!”

Checking of Attendance
Class monitor, is there any absentees for “Sir, I am very glad that there are no
today? absentees for today.”

Very Good.

Checking of Assignment
Last time I'll give you an assignment right? “Yes Sir, we had an assignment.”
Okay, exchange of assignment, just put your (The student's exchanges their work and put
signature at the bottom of paper if your signature on their classmate paper)
classmate had an assignment.

Okay Class, do you still remember our topic “Yes Sir!”
last meeting?
(The student will raise their hands to answer)

What is it all about? “Our topic last meeting is all about What is
the main elements of Music.”

Very good And what are those elements? Can “The main elements includes pitch, timbre,
you cite some? texture, volume, duration and form.”

Very good, you still remember our topic last (Some students will raise their hands)
meeting. Anyone who would like to add “The elements of music may be compared to
something? the elements of art or design.”

Wow, that's nice. Thank you.

Anyone can add something about our topic “None, Sir”.

last meeting?
Okay, Let’s proceed.

Before we start our discussion I prepared a
short video clip, please watch and get some
ideas from the video because later we had
graded recitation after, no more concern? “None, Sir”.

Okay let’s all watch the clip. (The short clip will play)

Class, anyone of you can share your

observation or insight about the video? “Sir, it’s all about music.”

Thank you, how about the others? “Sir, I think was related to voice.”

Great! that was nice idea, anyone to add? “Sir, I think it’s somehow related of how
music affects our decision or mind.”
Exactly! Thank you, that was a good
observation, okay class, do you agree with
that? (Some student will say no and other is yes)

Okay, for the student saying that it is not

affects our decision and mind, can you please “Sir, people are basing on emotion not to the
state your reason why? music and also if they need to think carefully,
we need rest or total silence of surroundings.”

Right, thank you, how about the others saying

music can affects our decision and mind, why “Sir, it affects our decision and changes our
do you say yes? minds through the melody of the song and the
lyrics itself, specially, when we are drain and
stress we need quality time to think and peace
of mind, sometimes, we play a relaxing music
that pleases our brain and make a good choice
in life.
Oh, that was nice, thank you. And I believe
every one of you experiencing both. Class do
you want to add something before we
“None, Sir.”
Okay let's start discussion for today which is
entitled "Arts of Voices Classifications"

Who wants to read? Voice classification is both the science and art
of determining what voice type an individual
singer is.
Every singer voice is completely unique, but
singers are generally categorized as either
soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone,
or bass, depending on their range.

There are other, more highly specialized voice

types (such as a male countertenor), but this
article will focus only on the main, most
common types.

Let’s start to the soprano, please read. Soprano: The highest female voice. The range
of a well-trained soprano is normally middle
C, to High C (C6).
The highest of the soprano voices, classified
as high soprano (or coloratura soprano) can
often sing in their upper extension to a high F
above high C (F6).
This voice type can have extremes in timbre,
from possessing a “light, airy, angelic
quality”, to a loud, brassy and piercing sound,
depending on different musical styles and the
type of voice needed for that style.

“Thank you, based on description, soprano is

the highest voice among all types. Soprano
normally middle C to high C6. In our country
we had many local singers that we can
classified as soprano, just like for example
Regine Velasquez-Alcasid and Morissete
Amon”. Can you please read the next
classification? Mezzo (or Alto): also known as “middle
voice”, this is the most common voice type
for females.
Typical range is from A3 (below middle C) to
High A (A5).
“The timbre of this voice often possesses a
“warmer, more solid and comforting quality”
and is extremely well suited for the genres of
Jazz and Gospel music, which require a more
mature and nuanced sound for expression. We
had also many female singers can we
classified as Alto like Jaya”.
Okay let’s talk about the classification of
voice of a male. Please read”. Tenor: the highest male voice. The typical
tenor voice has a range between the C one
octaves below middle C, to the C one octave
above middle C (C5).

“The qualities of the tenor voice can range

from “sweet and demure”- common for
romantic songs, to loud and belting, which is
often used in pop music.”

“Thank you, In international music we had

Bruno Mars has many pop songs produced
like “That’s what I Like” and we can identify
him as a tenor because of his wide range. And
in our country we had Gary Valenciano has
many romantic song produced like “Minsan
lang kita Iibigin”. Let's go to the next
classification, anyone please read.” Baritone: a male voice whose range lies
between the Tenor and Bass ranges.
The range for a baritone is usually the second
G below middle C to the G above middle C,
or (G2-G4). In operatic music this range can
be extended on either end.
“Baritones commonly have a deeper sound
than a tenor, but are lacking in the depth and
gruff earthy quality of a true bass. And Ogie
Alcasid is one of the baritone singer in our
country. Let's go to the next classification.” Bass: the lowest male voice, the lowest range
of all the voices.
The typical bass range lies between the
second E below middle C, to the E above
middle C (E4), although the lower extremes
of this voice can reach the low C 2 octaves
below middle C (C2).
“One of the famous bass singer in our country
is Jose Mari Chan.”

“That’s all for our discussion, any questions

regarding to our topic?” “Sir, is it possible the male can turn her voice
in the range of a woman?
That’s a good question, thank you, yes, that’s
possible if a man has a higher range compared
to natural range of a man it is possible to
reach those unusual range. Example of that is
Marcelito Pomoy in Pilipinas Got Talent,
Who wants to enumerate the five common
classifications of voices that we tackled a “In Female, we had Soprano, Alto and in
while ago? male we had Tenor, Baritone and Bass.”

Okay class, can I please all the girls stand up,
I will play the A note and so on, first you
listen to my tune and after you will follow
and try to vocalized. Are we clear? “Yes, Sir”
(The piano will played and all the girls will
try to vocalized and recognized their strength
in vocal practices)
Thank you, let’s proceed to the boys all the
boys please stand up. (The piano will played and all the boys will
try to vocalized and recognized their strength
in vocal practices)
Thank you. Next question, Why pitch does “Because music is such a good expression of
important element for music? feelings through music and soothing voice
that communicate others even if they we're
not same language but it how to express or
emphasis the thoughts through voice other
will get little understanding what music really

Very good, Okay how about the others? “Sir, I think based on our vocalization a while
How you will find out if your voice classifies ago you will classify your voice if you are not
in tenor, bass, baritone, alto or soprano? struggling or it sounds normal to you.
Through that, you will found out your voice.”

That's good observation. How about to the

others that struggling to classify their voices, Sir. I think if we try to classify our voice we
what do you do to classify your voice? need to stand straight listen carefully and
open mouth properly.

That was nice observation and tip. Anyone “None”

who wants to add?

Very good, thank you everyone for sharing

your ideas and thoughts. Let’s proceed, we
had a short quiz, please get one half sheet of
paper crosswise, let me see if everyone
understand and remember our topic today.
Identify the answer of each statement. Write your answer in given space before the
______1. This is both Science and Art of determining what voice type an individual singer
______2. The highest female voice, normally reach middle C to high C (C6).
______3. Mezzo is also known as?
______ 4. This is the common voice type for female.
______5. This is the highest voice for male.
______6. Tenor voice is often used in?
______7. This is the male voice whose range lies between the tenor and bass.
______8. Baritones commonly have _______sound than tenor
______9. This is the lowest male voice, the lowest range of all the voices.
______10. The timbre of this voice often possesses a "warmer, more solid and comforting
Search and list down on your notebook male singers who classify as baritone, bass, and
tenor and female singers who classify as alto and soprano.

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