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I, Alfonso Sáez, Venezuelan, of legal age, of this

domicile, holder of Venezuelan identity card Nº
12711460, public interpreter, in the English language in
and for The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as appears
of a License dated on July 13, 2004, published in the
Official Gazette, of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela, Nº 38040, dated on 10/08/2004, duly
registered with the Main Public Registry Office of the
Capital District, on July 14, 2004, under Nº 169, Folio
169, Volume 01, and with the 6th Court of First Instance
for Civil, Mercantile, and Traffic Matters of The
Judicial Circuit of The Metropolitan Area of Caracas, on
September 1, 2004, under Nº 05, Folio 12. Registered in
the embassies of the United Kingdom and Canada. Do
hereby certify: That a document on the Spanish Language
has been submitted to me, whose faithful translation
into the English Language reads as follows:


Movimiento Prociudadanos a Venezuelan Non-Profit Organization

and Leocenis Garcia, individually,



Nicolas Maduro

Juan Guaido Marquez




Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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Research in which appears especially, NICOLAS MADURO AND JUAN

GUAIDO, in accordance with state and federal regulation of

the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, RICO

Act, the USA Patriot Act, as well as the Anti-Money

Laundering Act of the United States of America, claiming

"extraterritorial jurisdiction" to be investigated and

prosecuted under the US justice system.

Claim jurisdiction and, alternatively, prosecution. In

support of this, LEOCENIS GARCIA and the MOVIMIENTO

PROCIUDADANOS declare the following:


This is an action for fraud, violations of the state and

federal statutes of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt

Organizations Act, also known as RICO, the Universal USA

Patriot Act, Securities Act, and its various amendments, as

well as the United States Anti-Money Laundering Act that has

"extraterritorial jurisdiction."


PROCIUDADANOS, a liberal center-right movement, defender of

free capitalism, the free market economy and non-intervention

of the state in individual rights, which operates in

Venezuela, against two Venezuelans in public functions -

NICOLAS MADURO and JUAN GUAIDO - who, as part of their

duties, used the American financial system at different times

to issue fraudulent public debt bonds, called PDVSA 2020

Bonds1 and, then pay their interests, supposedly in safeguard

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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of the asset that served as collateral for them, a Venezuelan

company, called Citgo.

This operation used the US financial system to pay for an

illegal operation, thus sentenced by those who would then

order the payment.

Therefore, in presenting this legal action, LEOCENIS GARCIA

and the MOVIMIENTO PROCIUDADANOS - recognize that the US

justice system has jurisdiction over the matter, due to the

defendants' use of laws and financial institutions in the

United States for the design and application of a program of

financing to the company Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A.

(PDVSA), and the receipt of financial resources from

commissions for the execution of this financial operation.


Mr. GUAIDO and Mr. MADURO are citizens and residents of

Venezuela. The first serves for the time of the events as

President of the National Assembly, and the second as head of

the socialist regime of Venezuela.


1.-Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,

article 150 and article 151, establishes that the holding of

See Annex 1: Public Offer of PDVSA 2020 Bonds (Compendium)_Public communication dated
October 12th, 2016, which presents the extension of the Early Expiration Date and the
Expiration Date of the exchange offers (the “Offers of Exchange”) of up to US$ 5,325 million
of the total amount of the capital of the Senior Bonds of 5,250% with expiration in 2017 (
(the “April 2017 bonds”) and Senior Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in 2017 (the “November
2017 bonds”) and, in conjunction with the April 2017 bonds, the “Existing Bonds”) for new
Senior Guaranteed Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in the year 2020.

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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“contracts” of public national interest requires the approval

of the National Assembly (see current constitution).

2.-The PDVSA 2020 Bonds, as a financing mechanism of the

Government of NICOLAS MADURO, assume for the Venezuelan

nation an obligation - illegally - contracted by the

Executive Power (Nicolas Maduro) in contempt of the current

Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( Art.

313), which required him to request authorization from the

National Assembly (Art. 187, Number 12), in 2016.

3.-From the origin, and applying Venezuelan law, the bonds

are illegal, for which they are responsible who participated

in their issuance, that is, the regime of Nicolas Maduro and

the different representatives of PDVSA.

4.-These bonds did not receive the legal approval required by

the National Assembly when they were issued in 2016, but

their interest was paid by the board designated by the

President of the National Assembly, engineer JUAN GUAIDO -

elected for that position in January 2019 -. The holders of

the PDVSA 2020 Bonds include Wall Street institutions such as

the British Emerging Markets Investment Fund, Ashmore, 6.52%

of the Blackrock Fund, 4.14% of the T. Rowe Fund and the

remaining 38.33% individual investors.

5.-PDVSA did not need the authorization of the National

Assembly (AN in Spanish acronym) to issue bonds. It never

needed it because it operates as an autonomous entity

supervised by the executive and with regular accountability

to the AN. However, it was needed it to issue bonds that put

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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as guarantees actives; such is the case of the shares of

CITGO, whose owner is the State.

6.-The PDVSA 2020 bond for an amount of $ 3.4 billion placed

50.1% of the shares of Citgo-company that operates in

Houston, belonging to Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. - as a

guarantee. The remaining 49.9% guarantees Rosneft financing.

The Guaido government paid $ 71 million in interest to

prevent bondholders from seizing Citgo.


The debtor (PDVSA - Venezuela) could default on alleging

force majeure, as it is quite obvious that it follows from

the situation in Venezuela, where to date there was the

deputy of two presidents in the supposed exercise of the


Additionally, nonexistent bonds had not to be paid2. Unless,

as seems to be the case, an accounting maneuver was answered

to pay more than 70 million dollars of the United States of

America, with the use of privileged information by those

close to the claim to obtain a gain in the purchase of bonds

in the secondary market. Explanation as follows:

1. Perhaps, the most revealing fact is that, the director of

CITGO ANDRES ELOY PADILLA (designated by Guaido and the

AN in the direction of the PDVSA subsidiary in the US),

conveniently concealed that in 2007 he was a title broker

values in the Caracas Stock Exchange and, is brother of


See Annex N 2: Exchange Offer of each and every one of the Senior Bonds of 5,250% with
expiration in 2017 and Senior Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in November in 2017, for new
Senior Bonds of 8.50% due in 2020.

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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the deputy of the National Assembly LUIS CARLOS PADILLA

VILLALBA, who is the Vice President of the Energy and

Petroleum Commission where the nominations for those

positions were defined (including that of Mr. ANDRES ELOY


2. It was that Board of Directors Ad Hoc of PDVSA (ANDRES

ELOY PADILLA, among others) that recommended to President

GUAIDO to pay the interest of the 2020 bond with money

from the escrow account because it is collateralized with

CITGO shares3. Days before payment LUISA PALACIOS,

president of the board of directors of Citgo appointed by

the Interim Government of JUAN GUAIDO, said about the

payment of PDVSA 2020 bonds at an event in Washington

that Citgo was controlled by the authority of GUAIDO

instead of MADURO4.

What was appropriate was to ask the US Department of the

Treasury for an Executive Order, similar to Executive Order

13303 of 2003, issued by the then PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH,

to protect the Iraq Development Fund, from any demand or

attempt of confiscation of its assets. Executive orders are

decrees issued by the President of the United States, which

in this case could have blocked any attempt to confiscate


It was not done

The executive order could never arrive because the interim

government itself had requested more sanctions against the

See Annex N 3: Press Release of the Administrative Board of Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A.,
dated October 28th, 2019.
See annex N 4: Economic Bulletin: The Monstrous Venezuelan Debt, May 2019.

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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MADURO regime and, they had arrived on February 1st, 2019,

introduced by the Office of the Department of Foreign Assets

Control (OFAC) of the Department of the Treasury, where the

purchase of Venezuelan bonds was prohibited.

Well, that order did not extend to the 2020 Bonds. Because

the order provided that, by accepting that dispensation,

Maduro could legally excuse himself from paying such bonds,

based on the Treasury Department's own order. Why the

President of the National Assembly, it is worth asking, was

so interested that MADURO could not excuse himself from

paying ILLEGAL bonds?

It seems absurd.

While the Treasury Department assumed that Maduro was the

beneficiary of a payment ban issued by it, the State

Department and the White House recognized Juan Guaido as

President and administrator of that same debt. It seems that

the US had been confused about the status of GUAIDO (and

MADURO) as the bondholders could be. However, this argument

was never used.

The National Assembly ended up paying a debt that it never

authorized in the first place. At last, it ended up paying

90% of the value of a debt that, by means of the Executive

Order, would not reach 35% of its current market value, given

the price of these bonds internationally and the different

financial risk ratings that qualify PDVSA as high risk for


Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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1. The right thing was to ask the US government an

Executive Order to reduce drastically the price of these

2020 Bonds.

2. Second, offer to buy back the outstanding debt that we

would buy with that discount at the auction price. That

would eliminate the risk of CITGO being auctioned at the

request of the holders of the PDVSA 2020 Bonds.

3. Third, alternatively, renegotiate the collateral

(CITGO), given that more than half of the debt of these

bonds has already been paid.


1.- The Anti-Money Laundering Act of the United States

establishes that it has “extraterritorial jurisdiction” if

the “prohibited conduct… is by a US citizen, or in case it is

not a US citizen, the conduct occurs partially in the United

States” and involves more of US$ 10,000.

2.- Law, known as the "Victory Act" makes revisions and

serves as a guide for the application of the Congressional

package as the laws referring to money and asset laundering,

white-collar crime, and corporate fraud, for example; clearly

establishes the mechanism for the confiscation of property,

(extinction of ownership), investigation procedures, such as

interception of communications, extra-jurisdictionality and

extraterritoriality, is the interlace, between the Patriotic

law and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the frontal fight against

drug trafficking and the financing of terrorism.

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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3.- The Patriot Act whose regulations when dealing with the

issue of the Bank Reserve, allows interceptions and searches

even outside the state limits. The law with its “longa

manus”, establishes in Subtitle C that regulates the topic of

Crimes and Protection, in Section 377, the Jurisdiction of

Extraterritoriality that supposes the power of the North

American authorities to persecute any foreigner in any place

of the world that carry out any action constituting terrorism

or money laundering that is at the expense of the United

States. Thus, the Patriotic Act is considered as a normative

and economic example of globalization that arises as an

exception to the principle of territoriality of the law in

each State and, on the contrary, it tends towards

international collaboration in the fight against

transnational crimes such as terrorism and money laundering

by sacrificing individual freedoms to restrict them under an

outright defense of world security.

4.- The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act,

also known as RICO. This federal regulation, the corrupt

organizations, was approved in 1970 by the United States

Congress and allows prosecution and civil penalties for

certain criminal acts performed in a company. The RICO Act

defines a "company" as any natural person, business entity,

association, union or group of individuals. It is codified

under Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code, which

deals with federal crimes and criminal proceedings. The

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act aims to

dismantle illicit "organizations" such as the mafia and

criminal cartels that commit acts of bribery, forgery, theft,

embezzlement, fraud, trafficking in obscene material,

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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obstruction of Justice, slavery, extortion, gambling, money

laundering, embezzlement of union funds, bankruptcy fraud or

securities fraud; Money laundering and related crimes;

The facts


With the purpose of having broad powers to capture financial

and economic resources, the Venezuelan State under the

socialist regime that imposed since 1999 repealed and

implemented, a series of decrees and regulations stipulated

in Venezuelan legislation that exempts the obligatory nature

of the companies of the Venezuelan State, autonomous

institutes, as well as, PDVSA is accountable to the

legislative authorities of the Nation, as it is reflected in

the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Nº 5.891 Extraordinary, of July 31st, 2008, where the

Presidential Decree was published Nº 6.233, with Rank, Value

and Force of Organic Law of the Financial Administration of

the Public Sector. The Decree-Law is part of the last 26

Decree-Laws issued in the framework of the Enabling Law,

published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic

of Venezuela Nº 38.617, dated February 1st, 20075.

This legislative reform was aimed at a single article,

article number 90, in the sense of allowing autonomous

institutes, public institutes whose main purpose is financial

activity and commercial companies owned by the State

(Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A.) access to carry out public

credit operations without the need for authorization by the


Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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See Annex N 5: Enabling Law on the Reform of the Organic Law of the Financial
Administration of the Public Sector.

Public Indebtedness Law better known as the “Umbrella Law”,

but only the permission of the President of the Republic in

the Council of Ministers. In any case, this law allowed these

public entities to obtain indebtedness for double their

patrimony or social capital, unless their respective special

law provides a greater amount.


Within the framework of these financial laws and regulations,

Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. announced on October 12th, 2016

the extension of the Early Expiration Date and the Expiration

Date of the exchange offers (the “Exchange Offers”) of up to

US$ 5,325 million of the total capital amount of the Senior

Bonds of 5.250% due in 2017 (the “April 2017 bonds”) and

Senior Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in 2017 (the “November

2017 bonds”) and, in conjunction with the April 2017 bonds,

the “Existing Bonds”) for new Senior Guaranteed Bonds of

8.50% with expiration in the year 2020 (the “New Bonds”)6,

financial instruments that were negotiated in the North

American stock markets and commercialized by companies of

North American capital and British as: DF King & Co., Inc.,

Torino Capital, Blackrock Fund, T. Rowe Fund and the British

Emerging Markets Investment Fund, Ashmore, thereby violating

rules and regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC), which establishes that all investments

marketed in US soil must have the proper authorizations from

See Annex N 1: Public Offer of PDVSA 2020 Bonds (Compendium)_Public communication dated
October 12th, 2016, which presents the extension of the Early Expiration Date and the
Expiration Date of the exchange offers (the “Offers of Exchange”) of up to US$ 5,325 million
of the total amount of the capital of the Senior Bonds of 5,250% with expiration in 2017 (
(the “April 2017 bonds”) and Senior Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in 2017 (the “November
2017 bonds”) and, in conjunction with the April 2017 bonds, the “Existing Bonds”) for new
Senior Guaranteed Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in the year 2020.

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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the highest authorities of the company that issues the

instrument to be negotiated, which does not comply with the

PDVSA 2020 Bonds.

This financial instrument maintains as main guarantee 50.1%

of the shares of the company CITGO, guarantee that exceeds

the value of the financing collected by the bonds issued at

the time, as well as, did not have the relevant approvals to

be considered as a collateral of the debt operation of PDVSA,

which has caused large economic and financial coalitions to

take control of this Venezuelan asset in North American


It is important to note that 51.01% of the PDVSA 2020 Bonds

issue is in the hands of the British Emerging Market

Investment Fund, Ashmore, 6.52% of the Blackrock Fund, 4.14%

of the T. Rowe Fund and the remaining 38.33% individual

investors. Ashmore helped the Administration of NICOLAS

MADURO in the refinancing of public debt and the issuance of

PDVSA 2020, which could indicate that these international

financial institutions had important and strategic privileged

information at the time of purchase and sale of these

financial instruments, which infringes the laws of the stock

markets, given that these actions generate unfair advantages

over other actors in the capital market.


In 2016, the National Assembly of Venezuela, through an

Agreement, questioned the rationality of the indebtedness and

the constitution of the pledge, although it is true that

PDVSA did not require legislative authorization for the

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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issuance of the aforementioned Bond, the prior authorization

was necessary to put in guarantee some good of the Nation, as

is the present case. Likewise, the Venezuelan parliament

warned that PDVSA operations were under risk because there

was excessive indebtedness for going from US$ 5 billion of

the United States of America to US$ 43 billion of the United

States of America in 2012, amount to which must be added the

US$ 20 billion of the United States of America to the

suppliers”, a warning that was given to the holders of these

financial instruments. The PDVSA 2020 Bonds arises in a

context of over-indebtedness during the largest oil boom in

Venezuelan history, between 1999 and 2017, about US$ 1,034

billion of the United States of America entered the country

(US$ 1.20 billion dollars of the United States of America of

2017), more than it had entered during the whole period

between 1970 and 19987.

Although there are doubts about the legality of the issuance

contract and the guarantee contract, the bond issue was made

and generated a false offer to the different international

investors who bought these financial instruments through

institutions in the North American financial system, using

the American and world financial market to make a

multimillion-dollar scam to the Venezuelan State, and cause

hundreds of investors to be involved in a legal proceeding

for the replacement of their assets and the interest accrued

by these instruments, given that said bonds were quoted in

these stock markets and marketed by companies of American


See Annex N 6: PDVSA announces the expiration and final results of its Senior Bond Exchange
offers of 5,250% with expiration in 2017 and Senior of 8.50% Bonds with expiration in
November 2017, for new Senior Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in 2020.
Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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In 2019, by means of a communication addressed to the

Presidency of the National Assembly dated April 15th, 2019,

the citizen President of the Ad Hoc Administrative Board of

Petroleos de Venezuela S.A., LUIS A. PACHECO, requested

authorization for “the payment of Interest on the 8.50%

Senior Secured Notes due 2020” bond, known as the “2020

Bond”. On that same date, the Special Prosecutor of the

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Dr. JOSE IGNACIO HERNANDEZ

issued an opinion in which he recommended “that the payment

of interest, under the terms set forth in the following

section, be made under protest”, while determines the

legality of such contracts. In this regard, it is appropriate

to ask, Who are the true holders of these PDVSA 2020 Bonds?,

given that the president of the Ad Hoc Administrative Board

of Petroleos de Venezuela S.A., LUIS A. PACHECO, has publicly

declared that they are negotiating with the holders of the

Bonds in question, Why this Administrative Board does not

inform who the buyers of these worth securities were ninety

days before the date of payment of the interest authorized by

the National Assembly of Venezuela in the hands of JUAN

GUAIDO?, Who bought these PDVSA 2020 Bonds knowing that the

National Assembly had declared them void in 2016 just because

they were sure they were going to be paid?

This conclusion is not consistent with the provision approved

by the National Assembly on September 27th, 2016, in which it

objected to the conditions of issuance of the 2020 Bond and,

in particular, categorically rejected that within the

exchange operation it is offered as a guarantee with priority

of 50.1% of the shares that make up the capital stock of

Citgo Holding, Inc., or that a guarantee is constituted over

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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any other good of the Nation without the approval of the

National Assembly”. As a result, the Sub Commission of Debt

and Public Credit attached to the Permanent Committee on

Finance and Economic Development of the National Assembly

issued a report dated April 24th of this year, in which it

proposes to the Plenary of the National Assembly authorize

the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Administrative Board of Petroleos

de Venezuela, S.A. to proceed to pay “under protest” the

interest due on April 27th, with a grace period until May

29th, as an exceptional measure called to protect CITGO and

the necessary assets to address the complex humanitarian

emergency, also taking into account the odious conditions

under which the 2020 Bond was issued, creating a

disproportionately favorable guarantee to the interests of

the holders; initiate research aimed at determining the

legality of the 2020 Bond issue.

This aspect is fundamental in order to determine if PDVSA had

effective payment capacity, as required by the current

legislation; and initiate the investigation on the legal and

financial conditions of the Venezuelan public debt, in order

to establish the legal framework for its renegotiation, in

accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the

applicable Laws, which was approved in plenary of the

National Assembly of Venezuela as of May 8th, 2019.

In this sense, the holders of these bonds obtained the amount

corresponding to the agreed interests, US$ 71.6 million of

the United States of America, in the fear of the members of

the National Assembly that generate that the non-payment of

these instruments on CITGO. Those who at all times seek to

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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extend the expiration period for the recalculation of

interest and thus be able to obtain half of the shares of

CITGO after this October 27th to execute the ownership of the


It is important to note that many of the beneficiaries of the

bonds are linked to the Blackrock investment funds, T. Rowe

and the British Emerging Markets Investment Fund, Ashmore,

which is closely linked to the dictatorial regime of MADURO

and others opposition people8, who have as a north a policy

of cohabitation, for personal interests, and who at all times

seek to extend the expiration period for the recalculation of

interests and thus be able to obtain half of the shares of

CITGO after this 27th October to execute the ownership of the

bonds. The legal battle over CITGO begins to generate great

analysis scenarios. The auction of the shares, in addition to

catapulting the loss of this strategic subsidiary in the

United States, would require PDVSA to immediately pay the

PDVSA 2020 8.5% Bonds and the Rosfnet credit9.

Similarly, it should be noted that the action to pay the

interest of the PDVSA 2020 Bonds, generated an immense

economic commission to the people who approved the payment

operation, since this financial instrument had already been

declared illegal by the opposition National Assembly in 2016,

thus provoking great questions about the true purposes and

objectives when approving the cancellation of the interest of

See Annex N 7:
bono-pdvsa-2020-sera-con-ashmore-un-fondo-aliado-de -maduro.html
See Annex N 8:

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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these financial instruments. It would be necessary to ask

then, who benefited from these commissions from the payment

of bonds that the opposition says are illegal and that the

Venezuelan government refuses to pay? This economic operation

used the US financial system to pay an illegal operation,

sentenced by those who would then order the payment,

violating the provisions established by the U.S. Securities

and Exchange Commission (SEC).

In this regard, the National Assembly alleged that the

contract for the issuance of the PDVSA 2020 Bond violated

Articles 150, 311 and 312 of the Constitution of the

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as in its opinion it was a

contract of public national interest, signed with foreign

mercantile companies, which was not authorized by the

National Assembly.

The National Assembly also pointed out that this bond commits

50.1% of the shares of CITGO, a US-based company, which

represents the main asset of the nation outside Venezuela.

They also declared that in 2016 the National Assembly

declared the illegality of the operation, not only because it

was not approved by the Legislative Power, as ordered by

Venezuelan legislation, but also because it offers an

internal rate of return of 19.8 % and generates an over-

indebtedness of the assets of PDVSA and its subsidiaries.

This declaration of the National Assembly contradicts its

position and disposition to cancel the interests in May of

this year, generating in this way greater questions about

what are the interests that this institution really defends,

since declaring these bonds illegal would cause different

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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legal and financial repercussions for PDVSA and the Republic,

because on October 27th a quota of these 2020 Bonds for an

amount of US$ 913 million of the United States of America

expires, which leaves without effect a possible restructuring

of the debt for this financial instrument.


The process of awarding and redeeming of the PDVSA 2020 Bonds

was carried out through a public offer published on September

16th, 2016 in the main national and international newspapers,

markets and international stock exchanges, through which,

Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. set out the legal and economic

conditions for the redemption process of the PDVSA 2017 Bonds

for the PDVSA 2020 Bonds. This public offer established10:

The total value of the issuance of the PDVSA 2020 Bonds

for US$ 7.1 Million. In addition, the face value of each

bond issued for the operation. It is important to note

that this financial instrument was negotiated by national

banking institutions in Bolivars but quoted in US

Dollars, which limits the possibility that ordinary

Venezuelans can access the acquisition of this financial

instrument, since there was a control of change since

2003 by the National Executive, for the acquisition of

foreign currency in Venezuela requires express

authorization from the Central Bank of Venezuela and the

See Annex N 1: Public Offer of PDVSA 2020 Bonds (Compendium)_Public communication dated
October 12th, 2016, which presents the extension of the Early Expiration Date and the
Expiration Date of the exchange offers (the “Offers of Exchange”) of up to US$ 5,325
million of the total amount of the capital of the Senior Bonds of 5,250% with expiration
in 2017 ( (the “April 2017 bonds”) and Senior Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in 2017 (the
“November 2017 bonds”) and, in conjunction with the April 2017 bonds, the “Existing
Bonds”) for new Senior Guaranteed Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in the year 2020.

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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Floating Market Exchange Rate (DICOM in Spanish acronym).

Given this fact, it can be assumed that only individuals,

businesspersons or institutions with large economic

and/or social ties with the Government of Nicolas Maduro

can obtain the necessary foreign currency to carry out

investment operations in US Dollars within the national

territory. Likewise, only people, businesspersons or

institutions with great economic and/or social ties with

the Venezuelan Government could be sure of the repayment

of the capital of these bonds as the risk rating of PDVSA

and the Republic of Venezuela at the time of issuance of

these securities value had fallen dramatically during


 The collateral associated with the security title is made

up of a first degree security guarantee on 50.1% of the

shares that make up the capital stock of CITGO Holding

Inc. and, guaranteed unconditionally and irrevocably by

PDVSA Petroleos S.A.; pledge that was not authorized by

the National Assembly, given that CITGO Holding Inc. is a

company composed of Venezuelan public social capital11.

 The regulatory legal framework for the repurchase

operation of the PDVSA 2020 Bonds, as well as cases of

legal and/or financial disputes in the execution of the

financial operation for these bonds, was established

based on the provisions of the Securities Act of the

United States of America and its different amendments

in force
See Annex N 1: Public Offer of PDVSA 2020 Bonds (Compendium)_Public communication dated
October 12th, 2016, which presents the extension of the Early Expiration Date and the
Expiration Date of the exchange offers (the “Offers of Exchange”) of up to US$ 5,325
million of the total amount of the capital of the Senior Bonds of 5,250% with expiration
in 2017 (the “April 2017 bonds”) and Senior Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in 2017 (the
“November 2017 bonds”) and, in conjunction with the April 2017 bonds, the “Existing
Bonds”) for new Senior Guaranteed Bonds of 8.50% with expiration in the year 2020.

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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for the date of issuance of these financial instruments,

which limits their purchase and resale under the rules

established in the aforementioned law. In this sense, the

North American legal framework was used for the

regulation of PDVSA financing operations, as well as,

American institutions for the commercialization of these

financial instruments.

 Entrepreneurs and/or economic brokers awarded with these

securities are an integral part of the North American

financial system since their regular operations are

carried out on American soil.

 The debt was issued with expiration in 2017 and then was

exchanged for the 2020 bond. The PDVSA 2017 bond was

issued 10 years earlier (in 2007) under the modality that

combined bolivar and the dollar, that is, it was a

security that was issued in dollars but the creditor paid

it in bolivars and in that process, the holders of titles

made a profit. When the first bond was made, the PDVSA

2017, the parallel exchange rate was at 5.70 bolivars per

dollar and the implicit cost of the operation was 2.70

dollars per barrel, that is, it was guaranteed to people

who bought those titles a profit of 100%. In other words,

the Republic lost 1.3 million dollars because it issued

debt that was equivalent to selling dollars at half of

what the dollars cost in the parallel market. This

specifies the fraudulent origin of the debt because it

was an operation issued in dollars but payable in

bolivars in which there was very important participation

of Venezuelan investors because those bonds were bought

with bolivars.

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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 That initial placement was handled in VENEZUELA by the

Econoinvest Exchange. The main director of Econoinvest

was Herman Sifontes Tovar, who is married to Diana Lopez

Mendoza, who is the sister of the leader Leopoldo Lopez,

party to which Juan Guaido belongs (irrelevant data for

the present case, but necessary to clarify context)

 The 2020 bonds, really have their origin in that debt,

and in 2016, the state oil company collapsed the cash

flow and was unable to make payments that had $ 7.1

million of bonds that were due in 2017. It had no way to

pay them and to avoid a default (nonattendance) they made

a debt operation through a voluntary exchange of bonds,

which were due by others in 2020 and that are guaranteed

by Citgo.

Through the aforementioned legal and economic conditions, the

process of commercialization of the PDVSA 2020 Bonds was

established, generating a disadvantageous scenario for

Venezuela in the following years, since the Venezuelan

government did not honor the different payments for the

amortization of capital and interest of these titles, as well

as the application of economic sanctions without the

ecumenical study of their relevance and purpose, have

resulted in a perfect scenario for the realization of a scam

to the Republic of Venezuela through the American financial

and legal system.



Organization, and LEOCENIS GARCIA, individually, requests

that federal agencies be instructed to investigate these

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
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facts, accepting the jurisdiction, without committing

omission to federal crimes, committed under the American

financial system for Venezuelan citizens NICOLAS MADURO and




I attest that the above is a true and correct

translation of the document in Spanish presented to me.
In Witness Whereof, I set my hand and affix my seal, in
Caracas. On this 05th day of November 2019.

Alfonso Sáez R.
Public Interpreter
Official Gazette Nº 38040

Translation Nº 11051903.010125esin

Avenida Urdaneta, Candilito a Urapal, Edif. Dilcan, piso 2, OficD. La Candelaria. Caracas, Venezuela.
577.23.84 /// 0414.155.59.60 :

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