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9/4/2019 LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni

April 26, 2019 4 minute read

LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process

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Dear All,

When We are Implementing SAP S/4HANA solution, We can migrate our master data and business data from
SAP systems or non-SAP systems to SAP S/4HANA. By using  SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit.

The SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit uses migration objects to identify and transfer the relevant data. A
migration object describes how to migrate data for a speci c business object to SAP S/4HANA. It contains
information about the relevant source and target structures, as well as the relationships between these
structures. It also contains mapping information for the relevant elds, as well as any rules used to convert
values that are migrated from source elds to target elds. SAP provides prede ned migration objects that you
can use to transfer your data.

The Tool used to perform Migration is LTMC – (Legacy Transfer Migration Cockpit) 1/24
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You can access the SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit by using transaction LTMC.

Note the following considerations when deciding on the most suitable approach for your project:

Consideration Files Staging Tables

Size Limit 200MB limit for SAP S/4HANA No Limit.

Migration Cockpit .*

System Considerations None. Staging system uses an SAP

HANA database.

Data Provisioning Enter data manually in each Fill tables manually or by using
Microsoft Excel XML le. preferred tools (for example SAP
Agile Data Preparation).

* For on-premise systems, parameter icm/HTTP/max_request_size_KB controls the size of the http request.

The value of this parameter is the maximum size (in KB) of an HTTP request. This parameter has the standard
value 102400 kb (100MB) but can be changed if required. For more information, see

Steps to Use LTMC

1. Enter LTMC T.Code

2. LTMC Web page / Fiori App will get opened 2/24
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3. Click on Create for Starting New Migration Project

4. Provide Project Title & Data Retention Time and hit Create

5. In the Search bar, we can look for an object which we want to use and upload data 3/24
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6. Select Required Object and click open

It’s just an information  and press ok 4/24
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7.  Click on Download Template so XML le will be downloaded

8. A pre- lled Template with detailed of each eld and business is available 5/24
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9. In Field, List Sheet will nd each sheet which and all are mandatory  based on that we will ll data and upload

10. In Basic Data Sheet highlighted column is mandatory and ll the remaining elds and sheets as per
requirement. 6/24
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11. In the last Sheet, “Maintenance Status Settings” Sheet will be activating which screens are required as per

12. Once the template is ready with all required data need to follow below Steps

A. Upload File 7/24
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B. Activate
C. Start Transfer
D. Data Validate
E. Convert values
F. Simulate
G. Execute Import

13. Click Activate

14. Click Start Transfer

15. Data will get Transferred once its done Close button will get enabled 8/24
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16. If any error or data is missing will get error hear if all data in templet is good we can proceed further

17. Click next

18. When we are executing for the rst time particular object in a project we need to Map elds. 9/24
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19. Click  each line item and do Mapping  of Values

20. Select Line Item and Click check once status turns in to Green Light click save so next time system will do
the mapping automatically 10/24
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21. Once all the mapping is completed and no open items click next to simulate Import

22. Similar to upload once its completed click close to proceeding further 11/24
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23. Backed  Program  will execute and data gets simulated if any missing data of mandatory elds and elds
Mapping is wrong

24. If any error go back and x and  repeat same if no error click Next

25. If all the steps are completed without any error will get above message then click nish.

Migration Status is now Finish


1. Now Check whether Material is created or not

2. Go to Display Material Fiori App and Search with the Material Number which you created 12/24
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3. Select required Fields 13/24
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4. Material with all the elds got updated with Screens.

For uploading data without any error try with one material and will get a lot of errors when doing initially do trial
and error so will get masters in LTMC. 14/24
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SAP S/4HANA migration cockpit | MAN Production Planning (PP) | MM (Materials Management) | SAP ERP | SAP
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Michelle Crapo

April 28, 2019 at 2:29 pm 15/24
9/4/2019 LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs

A couple quick notes.  LTMC goes hand and hand with LTMOM.   Keep in mind that if you move between clients
– you’ll have to activate your source code in both.

If you’ve already uploaded a material master but there is an error.  I would go and delete the material however
it is still contained in the LTMC Logs.  You have to run FM_RESTART_COPY_DELETE to be able to run LTMC for
that material.

If you are a developer using LTMOM, it can be interesting to debug it.  When you activate it, it will create a
function module.  Go to that function module and set a breakpoint.

I thought I’d add a couple of my frustration points.

Nice overview – I love pictures,


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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

April 30, 2019 at 4:16 am

Hi Michelle,

Yes, what you mentioned are correct, thank you for sharing your Experience of LTMC & LTMOM

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Gustavo Vazquez

April 28, 2019 at 2:59 pm

nice blog

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

April 30, 2019 at 4:11 am

Thank you, Gustavo 16/24
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Sophia Scott

May 1, 2019 at 6:22 am

Nice Blog!!

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Cindy Willis

May 2, 2019 at 4:59 am

Very Nice Blog!!

With Detail steps.

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

May 3, 2019 at 3:36 am

Thank you!! Cindy

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Vignesh Veerasamy

May 2, 2019 at 5:26 am

Very Nicely Explianed on new concepts.

Keep Going.

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author 17/24
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May 3, 2019 at 3:37 am

Thank you Very Much, Vignesh!!


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MA Aleem

May 14, 2019 at 6:58 pm

Good one Ruthvik, thanks for sharing.

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

May 15, 2019 at 9:04 am

Thank You Aleem

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Sanjay Shah

May 15, 2019 at 4:42 am

Hi Ruthvik

Great blog !!!

Is is possible to nd potential duplicates during data transfer using HANA search capability and merge in best
or golden record it we found potential duplicates?

Also is it possible to download template for mapping Values as well?

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

May 15, 2019 at 9:13 am

Hello Sanjay, 18/24
9/4/2019 LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs

Yes its Possible & If Data already exists in System while using LTMC will get error data already exist

LTMC at the moment having some limitations so at this point of time 1809 FPS01 there is no download
Template of Mapping values, but we can expect this functionality in upcoming versions

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Rama Shankar

June 26, 2019 at 3:49 pm

Awesome Blog!  – Thanks.

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

July 7, 2019 at 5:38 am

Thank you Rama Shankar

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Mopuri Nageswara Rao

July 7, 2019 at 4:08 am

Very useful Blog.


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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

July 7, 2019 at 5:39 am

Thank you, Mr. Nag 19/24
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July 15, 2019 at 12:07 pm

Dear Ruthvik

How to make mandatory led into optional led and also can you please explain about LTMOM T-code?

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dario bueno

July 20, 2019 at 12:54 pm

I have problems with decimals

In Excel the number is 0.58, but the XML is 0.5799999996

LTMC, do not truncate decimals. This generates error in the import by incorrect eld length

Could you help me?

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

July 20, 2019 at 12:59 pm


1. Try to enter in excel ‘0.58 then it won’t convert with extra decimals

2. Select the line where your facing this issue and keep decimal format to 2 numbers so extra numbers won’t
be coming.

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Prashant Meshram 20/24
9/4/2019 LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs
July 30, 2019 at 12:08 pm


With the help of your blog, I am doing LTMC- Equipment Master ( PM module ) and its working ne.

The only concern is valid from Date ( Field ) I am putting as old date in equipment template

examples 01.01.2019 but after LTMC successful run, System taking as today date as valid from

Date. ( 30.07.2019). When I am doing manual master dada entry system taking old date as valid

from date,

Please guide me on how to make changes (LTMOM ) or other so that system will take whatever date

we mention in the template.


Prashant Meshram

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

July 30, 2019 at 12:19 pm


In Data mapping step maintain the date which you want to have as a valid date and try it, if still having the
same issue, in mass change make the correction,

LTMOM is used to make changes to Upload program like adding new Z elds etc

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Prabhat Kumar

August 12, 2019 at 4:46 am 21/24
9/4/2019 LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs

Thanks Rithvik for such details on the concept. Also to Michelle for sharing some useful tips. Just wanted to
know how to move the codes from client to client. During LSMW days we used to export and import between
clients. Can we do the same for LTMC too ? Do you have any steps for the export/import ?

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

August 12, 2019 at 4:52 am

Hello Prabhat Kumar,

LTMC is a Migration Cockpit and it’s a Clint Speci c no need to Transport from Clint to Clint.

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Sindhuja Selvapandian

August 23, 2019 at 4:22 am

Hello Ruthvik,

Great e ort!

i am just trying to create the BP (Customer master) by referring to your blog, and i am facing an error at the
stage of data import on the eld external address number. Can u please help me on this topic.

“Address with external number xxxxxx for partner xxxxx already exist” but when i go and check the table the
BP does not exist.

is this external address number eld to be maintained compulsorily in the template?

Thank you, please revert back

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

August 23, 2019 at 4:39 am

Please re er to

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Sindhuja Selvapandian

August 23, 2019 at 8:43 am

HI Thank  you, it works, and i have other question like if we maintain di erent external address number in
general data and additional address sheet, it creates two line items in the address data. it is correct or wrong?

Based on the point mentioned in your blog followed the same lines for Customer.

“12. In Additional Address, Sheet maintain All Mandatory elds along with Address elds

Please make sure in General Sheet and in Additional Address sheets maintain External Address Number
di erently it’s just for identi cation purpose”

Thank you, Please revert back.

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Erdem Bulbul

August 24, 2019 at 8:49 am

Hi Ruthvik,

Can I create retail material master with ltmc?

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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

August 30, 2019 at 9:49 am

Retail I dont have Idea

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Jörg Schäfer

August 30, 2019 at 8:58 am

Hi Ruthvik,

I am also interested in uploading articles for retail.

All Tools I tried are not working or are nor able. 23/24
9/4/2019 LTMC for Master Data Step by Step Process | SAP Blogs

Do you have an idea?



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Ruthvik Chowdary Vennamaneni | Post author

August 30, 2019 at 9:50 am

Retail I dont have Idea

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