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Transition UAT Instructions

“pre-UAT checks” to confirm your account is

Act as if in BAU functioning correctly before you start.

The tests being run will mimic real support Are you available during testing
scenarios and should be executed as such. Try to
act in the same way you would for a real request, Please follow the test schedule provided to make
but avoid actually resetting passwords and sure you are available to perform your part in the
performing actual support tasks. Remember we are testing.
only testing the process! If you are unable to take part in the testing or need
Follow the support procedures as you do today or as more information or help, please make the Test
outlined in the Help file. Manager aware.
Remember to use Test numbers
If you are an End User make the Service Desk Record your results
Analysts taking your call aware this is a test call and
state which test number you are running. This can Record you results on the test script provided for
be found on the test sheet. feed back to the Test Coordinator who will contact
you directly to collect them. At the end of the days
Clearly label tickets testing the Test Coordinator will bring all the results
to a meeting for discussion. Any problems will be
When you record the Incident or Request in ITSM investigated by the Test Manager who will arrange
include the words “TESTING PLEASE IGNORE + fixing and re-testing
“Test Case ID”” to ensure we do not generate
responses from resolvers or End Users.
This also enables us to clean up the environment
and reports after testing has completed.
Familiarize yourself with the tests
Make yourself familiar with the test scenario being
run so you know what to do.

Can you access the tools

If your role involves you accessing any tools before
the scheduled test days, ensure you have run the

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