Philippine Eagle

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Philippine Eagle

Scientific name: Pithecophaga Jefferyi

Habitat: Forest
Symbolize: -The proclamation also states that the characteristics of the Philippine eagle - whose uniqueness, strength,
power, and love for freedom - exemplifies the Filipino people.

Why is the Philippine endangered?

- Habitat destruction and degradation, illegal shooting, and the contamination of its food source, largely as a
consequence of DDT, decimated the eagle population.
How many are left? -Today, only 400 pairs of Philippine eagles are left in the wild. For 2019, its numbers have slowly
dwindled over the decades to the current population of 180 to 600 eagles. A series of floods and mud slides, caused by
deforestation, further devastated the remaining population. The Philippine eagle may soon no longer be found in the
wild, unless direct intervention is taken.

Why we should save?

FOR THE ENVIRONMENT As the species on top of the food chain, the Philippine Eagle has a crucial role to play in keeping
the gentle balance of the ecosystem in check. It helps naturally regulate species population and provide an umbrella of
protection to all other life forms in its territory. An abundant Philippine Eagle population means signifies a healthy
A HERITAGE This rare and majestic bird species can be found nowhere else but in the Philippines. Losing the species to
extinction would also mean the world losing a precious biological heritage.

LIVELIHOOD Ensuring the safety of the Philippine Eagle population in the upland areas can result to additional source of
income for the marginalized communities sharing the forest with the eagles through our biodiversity-friendly initiatives.
These projects are funded to strengthen conservation efforts in areas where Philippine Eagles occur. cultural impact

Conservation efforts also bring positive cultural outcomes to many indigenous communities in the upland areas. The
Philippine Eagle is embedded in the oral histories and other cultural artifacts of several indigenous groups in the
country. This indicates that it performs a role in the human production of unique cultures.

How we can save them? Please ko ani sandra

What happens if you are caught killing one??

Killing a Philippine eagle is punishable under Philippine law up to 12 years in prison and heavy fines.

From Sandra the great:

My source:


As the species on top of the food chain, the Philippine Eagle has a crucial role to play in keeping the gentle balance of
the ecosystem in check. It helps naturally regulate species population and provide an umbrella of protection to all other
life forms in its territory. An abundant Philippine Eagle population means signifies a healthy forest.

This rare and majestic bird species can be found nowhere else but in the Philippines. Losing the species to extinction
would also mean the world losing a precious biological heritage.

Ensuring the safety of the Philippine Eagle population in the upland areas can result to additional source of income for
the marginalized communities sharing the forest with the eagles through our biodiversity-friendly initiatives. These
projects are funded to strengthen conservation efforts in areas where Philippine Eagles occur.

Cultural Impact
Conservation efforts also bring positive cultural outcomes to many indigenous communities in the upland areas. The
Philippine Eagle is embedded in the oral histories and other cultural artifacts of several indigenous groups in the
country. This indicates that it performs a role in the human production of unique cultures.

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