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3 Lesson 1 Rerum Novarum LEO XIII 1891

The Development of the Social Teaching of the Church Condition of Labor
(Social Encyclicals) Letter to All Bishops of the Catholic Church on Social
Catholic Social Teachings
- The Catholic Christian response to basic modern It was the height of what? The age of What?
social problems - Industrial Revolution
o Principles of action Does it go also with the Age of Enlightenment?
o Guides to social responsibilities - Yes, with those Illustrados
o Not primarily solutions but moral
principles and priorities :There has transition from Feudal System to
o Studies made by: Industrialization. From countryside to cities, from farming
a. Scholars to the use of machineries
b. Social Activists
c. Church Leaders :This dealt with the dreadful situations of workers. Dahil
- Comprise those aspects of the Catholic Doctrine madami nang ginagamit na machineries nagkakaroon ng
which relate to matters dealing with collective surplus and mga worker ang working class. So they only get
aspect of humanity even lower than the minimum wage. Kung ano lang yung
kakarampot na natitira sa capitalist, sa entrepreneur yun
What is the purpose of writing Social encyclicals? lang ang tinatanggap nila at wala silang choice. They have
- They are principles for action but not solutions no choice but to accept it
- They only give proposals and suggestion to a
particular sector even the government itself :This document saw the exploitation the abuses of the
- Like in Rerum Navarum it proposed distributive workers
The Condition of Labor
16 Catholic Social Teachings: 5 Key Issues:
1. Private Property
2. Right of the Church to speak on social

3. Role of the State

4. Worker’s right to a just wage

5. Importance of worker associations

There are 36 Chapters
• Chapter 1-13
- Focus on the Changing Economic Condition that
affected the Nature of Work
- Feudal – Cottages – industrialization
- They get the raw materials and the workers do it
at home
- Paggawa bag and clothes, instead of staying in
Who wrote Rerum Novarum? factories they do it at home and just submit the
- Leo XIII output/product
Latin term Rerum Novarum means? • Chapter 14-27
- On the new things - Focus on the Relationship between the Capital and
Pacem in Terris means? Labor, between Employer and Employee, between
- Peace on earth the Elite and Poor, because there have an extreme
Gaudium Et Spes? gap
- The Joys and Hopes - In the Philippines The Elite does not even belong
The Latest Social Encyclical is? Of? to 1%
- Laudato Si of Pope Francis

• Chapter 28-36 :Father Albert Alejo of Jesuits “If one possess things which
- Give Proposal Solution to the Existing Problem as exceed his needs then the person and keeps his possession
it Propose Distributive Justice. Kapag sinabing there is already a form of stealing.
Distributive Justice what is that? - It goes with
Equality, - Governments obligation to its citizenry
- This supported the rights of labor to form union Discusses the Problems raised by Industrial
and affirmed private rights Revolution
- One of the highlights of this document is Unionism
and Private Property. How does Unionism help the Capitalism Individualism:
condition of workers? How does it protect the Promotes Unrestricted exercise of Individual
condition of workers? – strike is the last resort if Goals and Desire
there is no hope for agreement

:It expounded on Industrial Revolution that the Surplus

•Relationship between employers and Population was given lower than the minimum wage.
• Distribution of wealth :Capitalist look at workers as commodity, as object, as one
• The growing isolation of workers of the means of production but never a stakeholder. So
• The decline in moral values that’s why they get exploited and abused.
What is the Moral Good of the Society?
- The private property becomes an absolute matter,
the Rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer. At the
RN supported the Rights of Labor to Form Unions expense of ordinary workers
and Affirmed Private Property Rights.
Unionism The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
- Is an organization of worker who have bonded
together to achieve common goals such as Socialism
protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving - The focus is the people, the workers themselves.
higher pay, increasing the number of employees They are. Deprived of the right of private property.
and better working conditions Those who work more are not given more than
those who does not exert effort
:model union and UST. Ust gives the best to its faculty in
term of allowances, benefits and salary. Hindi agad agad :Rerum Novarum is balance of the two. It is not for
mapapatalsik kung hindi grave ang mistake. capitalist nor for Socialism. It presented disadvantage of
Private Property
- It is the employment or control ownership or
The abolition of private property constitutes the
ability to dispose of and bequeath land, capital and
other forms of property by legal persons and evil of socialism
privately owned firms.
Bequeath – lending or handing on Beginning of Catholic Social Teaching:
Legal Persons – 18 y/o and above, citizen in the Thomistic Approach Relational Anthropology
Privately owned Firms – Corporations kung saan • Recognized the legitimacy and the need
walang sole owner, may stakeholer, it is a shared
for Participation by all in Private Property
- Is not a solitary matter. Yes it’s an individual right
but it is not meant only for the self, it has to be :When god created everything it is for all. Kung ano kayang
shared with others tanawin ng mata mo sayo yun. Now we are controlled by
this economic system we have to follow such laws in the
title of land.
Relational Anthropology
- we assert the right and dignity of individual
member and at the same time we look into the A Response to the Great Depression
rights and dignity of other members, o he is just an
entity of this cosmic world It calls for the Establishment of a Social Order
based on the Principle of Subsidiarity
Quadragesimo PIUS XI 1931
Anno QA Supported State Intervention to Mediate
Reconstruction of the Social Order Labor-Management Conflicts and Introduced the
On the Reconstruction of the Social Order Concept of Subsidiarity into Catholic Thought

:Commemorates the 40th Anniversary of Rerum Novarum Subsidiarity
:Pope PIUS became pope 1922-1939 (17 years) - An organizing principle stating that a matter ought
In that span of time what happened in the world? to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least
- If was the aftermath of WWI centralized authority capable of addressing that
- Great Depression in America – economic matter affectively
depression. Asia 1990, marami sa Japan ang nag - Ex. May control ang OSA sa FPSC, may authority
hanap iri because of busisnesses that have been sila to approve or disapprove. But as one unit FPSC
closed. Bank closed, bagsak na stock market. can decide and run on their own because of
- Consolidation of russian communist regine existing officers or board members.
- The Nazi started to emerge 40’s - Ex. Different Departments of the Government
follow the order of executive branch but they can
decide on their own.
Deals with:
• Monopoly of production
QA Reiterated RN’s Defence of Private Property
• Massive depression
Rights and Collective Bargaining,
• Economic slavery
And Repeated his Contention that Blind Economic
• Child labor Forces cannot Create a Just Society on their Own
:Pope Pius dealt with these turmoil around the world by
counteracting it with this ‘Reconstruction of the Social Collective Bargaining Agreement
Order’. Like when god created in Genesis, before he put - Mentioned in Rerum Novarum but highlighted in
order there was chaos. Same goes with Pope Pius Qaudragesino Anno

:It highlighted some points of Rerum Novarum like on the What is CBA and how is it related to Unionism and
issue of Private Property. Subsidiarity?
- It is the very heart of all unit or even in union

QA Expanded on Rerum Novarum Subsidiarity
- Process of negotiations between employers and
Notes the positive Effect of the Earlier Document employees which aimed at reaching agreements
but Pointing out that the world had changed that regulate working conditions.
significantly since Pope Leo’s time
Provisions Under CBA
What is the response to this Great Depression? 1. Wage Scale
- We have to establish Social Order based on - MM 530Php Provincial 300Php
Subsidiarity - Hiring rate of UST 40,000
What is Subsidiarity? 2. Working Hours
- Voice of the lowest unit of the society - 8 hours a day
- Example: Kabataan Partylist, TODA, Family. FPSC, - 40 hours a week
Student Council 3. Training and Development
- Meron kayong representative to voice out the - Development for employees
pulse of the student and air it to the administration - Team building / recollection activities
4. Healthcare and Safety
- Healthcard - Wrote Pacem Interis
- Discounts
- HMO hindi lang 100k, maximum of 300k
- Hazardous works, Hazzard pay, Blue collar jobs , • Introduced the concept
Constructions sights, MedTech, Chemist, Police - International economic system
and Armies - Global interdependence
5. Overtime Pay - Responsibility of rich countries
6. Grievance Mechanism • Deals with issues of developed and
- Incase your rights are violated or exploited underdeveloped countries; world
- Grievance committee, provide lawyers for population and resources
7. Rights to Participate in Workplace or Company Affairs Highlights
- Increase profit, kailangan malaman ng employess 1. Socialization
and they have to be given bonuses What is Socialization?
- Multiplication of social relationships
Maternity Leave
- Philippines have law about it
Best Remembered for Insistence on Socialization
Reconstruction of the Social Order based on
Corporatist Principle Interdependence of Citizens and State
Intervention because only the State can deal with
Brings Together Under Broader Corporation: the all embracing issues

Capital, Owners, Workers, Consumers Recognizes the Right to Private Property but
Insists on the Social Dimension of Property
To Work for the Good of the Industry, Thus
Social Dimension of Private Property
overcoming Division between Labor and Capital
- It is the right that is for Individual
What is the reconstruction of Social Order according to - Father Alfred Alejo “When your goods exceed and
Corporatist Principle? you keep it it is already stealing”.
- We are not looked as commodity - Ex. Its an individual matter but the things you have
- When it comes to the neaty greaty thing, the if exceed it need to be shared.
workers have the right to know everything - We cannot demand the Sy siblings to donate what
- Ex. Kailangan may 30 day notices before they exceeds
resign or close the business - We demanded by the church to do this

Mater Et JOHN XXIII 1961 2. Open dialogue with countries and other religions. And
Magistra Bridging the gap between the Rich and the Poor
Christianity and Social Progress

Mater Et Magistra whats the literal translation?
Expanded the Church’s Social Doctrine to Cover
- Mother and Teacher
the Relations Between Rich and Poor Nations,
- It signals New Era in Catholic Social Teaching
- Conforms to the advocacy of UN: Interdependency
of nations Examining the Obligation of Rich Countries to
Assist Poor Countries while Respecting their
Pope Jhon XXIII Particular Cultures
- Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
- He came form poor peasant family Affirming the Role of the Church as a Teacher and
- Elected on October 28, 1958 as a Nurturing Guardian of the Poor and
- Age 77
- Pontificated 4 years and 7 months
- Cancer stricken
- Convened VATICAN II and Pope Paul VI closed it 3. Concrete strategies in Agriculture

• Rural dwellers must receive all essential
4. Pastoral Cycle
public services
- See – Judge – Act
- Gives us the responsibility to discern and adapt the • Farmer should increase output through
churches norms and teaching new technology
- Process by which we look into the existing • Farmers should have capital, social
problems in the world, we interpret we reflect in security and insurance, price protection
light of the gospel message then come up with an and means to strengthen farm income

MM Calls for a Greater Awareness of the Need for Pacem In Terris JOHN XXIII 1963
All People to live as One Community with a Peace on Earth
Common Good. Cover the Entire Spectrum of Relations Between
Individuals, Between the Individual and the
Community, and Between Nations
What is Common Good?
- Progression Pacem In Terris
- It must be for all - Aftermath of vietnam war, cold war, break of
- It goes with minorities the LGBT, PED senior nuclear in Cuba
citizen, indigenous people, women and children - 1962 Berlin Wall went up
- Not just majority - Reaffirm inviolability of human rights, right and
- Very ideal dignity of man
Common good
- Sum total of those conditions of social living • Significant influences on *Second Vatican
whereby men are enabled more fully and more Council
readily to achieve their own perfection • Written amid worldwide concern about
Perfection nuclear war
- Fullness of life • Deals with the rights and duties of people
- All needs are met
and significance of socialism
- It has to be for the common welfare
Second Vatican Council
How do we concretize? - 21st council of Roman Catholic Church
- That we are headed towards common goal - It initiated a new way of thinking in the
Managers, owners and stockholders should
receive earnings in light of the demands of the Pano masasabing may Peace?
common good. Pope John lists these demand as - These is unity in diversity
follows: - Adhere to covenantal law of love
National Level - Obligation of love
• Employment - Love of God and Love of Neighbor
• Prevention of privileged groups - If the things we do are based in love we can never
go wrong, we are open to unity
• Balance between wages and prices
• Accessibility to goods and services Peace, based on Mutual Trust, can be well-
• Reduction of inequalities founded only if based on Unity of Right order in
• Technological progress – adjust means of Human Affairs Arising from a Genuine Respect for
production and Adherence to the Law of God
International Level
• Harmony and cooperation Affirms the Inviolability of Human Rights
• Effective aid

Developments in this Encyclical
A. Human Rights
- It is our duty to protect and preserve human rights • It has the most Authority in the Church’s
Social Teaching Documents
• His Nature is Endowed with Intelligence • Human beings as the source, center and
and Free Will purpose of all economic social life
• Has Rights and Obligations
• Universal and Inviolable Addresses the Real Concern and Problems Faced
B. Dialogue between East and West by Christians Living in the Modern Age
- USA and Soviet Union
And Calls for a Development based on an
• Regulation of Human Affairs Unqualified Acceptance of the Inherent Dignity of
the Human Person
C. Distinguishes False Ideological teaching and
movements and addresses social and economic
issues The Joys and the Hopes, the Grief and the
Anxieties of the People of this Age, Especially
thise who are poor or in any way afflicted, These
• Commonality should Over ride Differences are the Joys and Hopes, The Grief and Anxieties of
• Structural and Social Justice the Followers of Christ
• Serve the Poor

Calls for a New Sense of Service by the Church in

Gaudium Et VATICAN II 1965 a Rapidly Changing World
Church in the Modern World Incorates many Methodological Shifts
Pastoral Construction on the Church in the Modern
• Deals with the Church’s Relationship with
the World

• Lament the split between Faith and Daily
What then is Gaudium Et Spes?
- One of the four constitution of VATICAN II Life
- The Joys and Hopes
- December 7, 1965 The Church has always had the Duty of
- It has the most authority Scrutinizing the Signs of the Times and of
Highlight Interpreting them in the Light of the Gospel
1. Human being as the sole center and purpose of all
economic and social life Thus, in language Intelligible to each generation,
2. Addressing the challenges faced by the church in She can respond to the perennial questions which
the mid 20th century in a way that was above all
men ask about this present life and the life to
come, and about the relationship of one another
Look at Theology not from above but from below
- Looking into the situation and relate it to God
- Makes the situation more relevant
- Professor gives spring board in order for students
to relate

What was the world then in 1965?
- 1979 the first the Ph watch live miss universe
pageant. Gloria Diaz won Miss Universe
- Prior to that there was no livestream yet
- The Church keeps updating herself
Populorum PAUL VI 1967
On the Development of People

• Rich nations are called to help Poor

• Integral development is the new name of
Peace, and Peace means Full Human

Development (Personal and Social): Is the New

Name for Peace

• Universal destiny of the goods of creation
• Growing gap between the rich and poor
• The need for justice to govern world trade

Calling the Attention to worsening

Marginalization of the Poor, Paul VI presents the
various Dimension of an Integral Human
Development and the Necessary Conditions for
growth in the Solidarity of People

Central to Solidarity is the need to be attentive to

the situation of the impoverrished.
All people must make effort to acknowledge the
needs of the poor so that they will also have the
opportunity to contribute to Society

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