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Annotated Bibliography

The benefits/drawbacks of technological advancement report

By: Jasmine Inthavong

Date- 10/21/19

Cutler, David M., and Mark McClellan. "Is Technological Change in Medicine Worth it?"​ Health Affairs​,

vol. 20, no. 5, 2001, pp. 11-29​. ProQuest,​

ountid=10163, doi:​​.

This source by Cutler focuses on technological advancements in relation to healthcare and

medicine. This article in particular highlights the benefits to technological advancement in the

healthcare field when looking at these advancements in relation to cost. The question arises if it is

worth it when costs and benefits are weighed together. Cutler has come to the conclusion that

technological advances have proved to be worth far more than their costs. It is due to

technological changes over recent years that this has accounted for the bulk of medical care cost

increases over time. It is through a report of a series of studies that Cutler examines that helps to

explain the relationship between the cost and benefits of medical technology changes. These

studies measure cost and benefits at the disease level and not the level of medical spending as a

whole. There are five specific conditions that are considered within this study: heart attacks;

low-birthweight babies; depression; cataracts; and breast cancer. The results given in this article

gives both aspects of benefits and drawbacks, but it mainly focuses on how it positively affects

healthcare in relation to the five conditions.

Fazel, Shokoofeh. "Advances in Technology and Global Welfare."​ Humanomics​, vol. 19, no. 3,

2003, pp. 36-40​. ProQuest,​

countid=10163, doi:​​.

This article by Fazel focuses on technological advancements in relation to global welfare.

Globalization based on technological advances in information technology has not had a

positive impact on the economies of developing countries according to a recent Human

Development report. Although it is true that advances in technology have helped to improve

the standard of living in industrialized countries, most people don’t realize that this causes

developing countries to lag further behind. One thing that Fazel does really well in this

article is addressing other studies that have had a different view about this topic. Other

studies have concluded that the investment of technology is a critical factor in improving the

economic welfare of all countries. However, one important factor about these studies is that

they have treated technology investment as an independent variable explaining growth in

economic welfare. This article argues about elements of other studies, presents logical

reasons as to why technology fails to create a better standard of living, and a result of Fazel

own empirical study.

Hernandez, Christina. ​The Evidentiary Findings and Conclusions Illustrating that the use of

Robotic-Assisted Sugeries is Beneficial in Hospitals​, Utica College, Ann Arbor, 2015​. ProQuest​,


This article by Hernandez focuses on the findings and conclusions that show that the use of

robotic-assisted surgeries as being beneficial to the healthcare field. This topic would add on to

my information about the benefits of technological advancements in relation to healthcare. With

robotic assisted surgery, it has improved surgical outcomes in this profession. This has resulted in
a high demand for this type of technology and provides an increase to the hospital's market

growth worldwide.Through this technological advancement it has ensured that there is high

quality care for patients, enhanced surgeon’s precision and accuracy, assistance in surgeon’s

physical and mental state during surgery, and allows institutions to stay in its competitive industry

by reducing its costs.

Jagyasi, Prem. "Are the Innnovative Technological Advancements Making Us Smart Or Lazy?"​ProQuest​,

Oct 18, 2017,


Although this article is somewhat short, it provides a good amount of information. Jagyasi

includes both benefits and drawbacks, however, my main focus for this article is the drawbacks.

One of the drawbacks of technological advancements today is that it is impossible to get lost

because satellite technology aids us every step of the way and GPS is available in far-flung

places. The days of looking at physical maps and stopping to ask for directions are long gone as

people are becoming way too dependent on technology. Today many young folks have a hard

time even figuring out basic maps or terrains. Another drawback is that technology has made

people lazier. Online shopping and home automation has resulted in more people leaving

everything to their machines and unknowingly becoming lazier with each passing year. Speed and

efficiency has come at the cost of a loss of natural abilities and it is getting worse. A benefit of

technological advancement is that education has been transformed with the internet. There is

more knowledge available online than ever before, it is now easier to have information available

at command. Kids are smarter than ever before and it is due to technological innovation and

progress made in the information sector and computing.

Kilaz, Ilker, Akif Onder, and Murat Yanik. ​Manpower Planning and Management in Cyber Defense.

Academic Conferences International Limited, Reading, 2014​. ProQuest​,


This article focuses on technological advancements in relation to how it affects governments and

corporations. The topic of this article is something that people usually don’t think about when

they hear technological advancement, so this would be beneficial for my paper. In today’s

society, cyber threats are risks to governments, corporations and many other institutions as well

as individuals. An important part in cyber defense is manpower, since it takes longer to train

cyber defense personnel compared to conventional military branches and there is a scarcity of

cyber human resources. Everyday on a global scale military, energy, and many other sensitive

government networks, websites and critical IT infrastructures are being attacked through

cyberspace, which is a network system where data is exchanged, modified, and stored.This paper

analyzes areas an effective cyber manpower management needs to focus: recruiting, training and

retaining cyber workforce as well as challenges and risks involved.

Leflar, Jennifer. "Health Care Providers and Patients Benefit from Technological Advancements: 1]."

Leader Post, May 07, 2012. ProQuest,


This article by Leflar goes along with my first reason of my outline: benefits of technological

advancements in health care. In this article it explains how technology continues to impact all

aspects of our life. Technological advancements are impacting the nursing profession and in this

article it specifically talks about the impact of technological advancements in relation to a

providence in Canada, Saskatchewan. Nursing processes were mainly paper-based, requests for

tests were made via paper requisitions and charting was done on paper in the past. Now, nurses

are usually involved in using a computer before, during and after one-on-one interaction with a

patient. Technological advancements in the medical field in Saskatchewan include the recent

implementation of the Electronic Medical Records (EMR).

Petraşuc, Ana-Maria G., and Daniela Popescul. ​The Dark Side of Digitalization: Information and

Communication Technology Influence on Human Learning Processes. v​ ol. 2, "Carol I" National

Defence University, Bucharest, 2019​. ProQuest​,

countid=10163, doi:​​.

This article focuses on the drawbacks of technological advancements, specifically how it affects people

cognitively. Digitalization comes with some challenges, both individual and in communities. In

our school system technology is prevalent with students and teachers having computers, which

aim to improve the learning process or make it more attractive. This leads to the traditional way

of learning is rapidly replaced by the new technology approaches. Students now speak less, they

type more; they don't remember things as well, they have their browser where they can find all

the needed answers or solutions for all their work. This paper reviews the effect of digitalization

on human thinking, trying to elucidate the ways in which trends like big data, information

overload, and fake news are affecting humans' intellect, understanding capacity, attention span,

active presence in learning communities and magnifying cognitive biases like exposure problem,

backfire effect, and strawman fallacy.

Saving, Jason L. "The Effect of Welfare Reform and Technological Change on Unemployment."

Economic & Financial Review​, 2000, pp. 26-34​. ProQuest,​


This article by Saving focuses on unemployment based on technological advancements and the effects of

welfare reform in relation to this. Technological advancement has been a defining feature of the

industrial economy, while this advancement is commonly portrayed as a process in which

tech-savvy individuals prosper while low-skilled people are left behind. This article discusses the

effects of each of these types of technological advances on workers. These advancements have

played a key role in helping people overcome their disadvantages. Those who lack strength or

mobility can use machines to lift objects or move from one location to another, those who lack

dexterity can operate machines that perform manual labor, and people who can’t read can

perform tasks by touching pictures on a computer screen rather than typing. There are many other

ways in which technology has helped reduce the need for physical skills, and people who

previously lacked the requisite qualifications to work became employable. This article is really

helpful in showing a different side of unemployment and technological advancements.

"W'Bank - Benefits of Technological Advancement Still Low in Developing Countries."​​,

Jan 15, 2016​. ProQuest​,


This passage by W’Bank would work well as a counter argument for my explanation of one of the

drawbacks of technological advancements in my paper. I had previously mentioned that​ from the

article by Fazel it focuses on technological advancements in relation to global welfare.

Globalization based on technological advances in information technology has not had a positive
impact on the economies of developing countries according to a recent Human Development

report. This article by W’Bank addresses these issues that Fazel’s article brings up as well as

mention beneficial aspects of technological advancements in relation to global welfare of

developing countries. This article also mentions ways in which we can combat the disadvantages

that are created when technology is placed in developing countries.

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