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Music Analysis: There Must Be More To Life Than This

by: Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury

The classic song entitled ‘There Must Be More To Life Than This’ sung by Michael Jackson and
Freddie Mercury that is being analyzed is a good song that explains the better thing than the current life
of people.

The analysis is based on the content and ten elements of a song or music which are the melody
that refers to the tune of the song; chords or the part of rhythm that shows the progress on the
instruments’ chords that are being played; beat and rhythm, in which beat is the element that drives the
listener to feel the song and rhythm which is the various beat or sound produced by the instruments;
genre and style that shows the purpose of the song; concept or the story line and theme of a song; hook
or the part of song that stick to the listeners’ mind; lyrics or the words used in a song; song section or the
parts of the song; arrangement that refers to the order of the parts of the song; and its length.

This song is an interesting, catchy, and a mind exerciser, I said it so due to the way how it was
delivered. It’s melody or tune is catchy, it is not hard to master or memorize, also, the beat and rhythm of
the instruments is not fast or too loud, just enough to blend with the singer while singing its lyrics. The
chords in the chorus part and ending part of also made the song more pleasing in the ears. Every lyric of
the song in each section, and the arrangement of its parts are somehow confusing at first because it was
written logically but when you listen to it again, you’ll come to realize its point, that’s why it is a mind
exerciser. The concept which is about life, its genre and style which is being smooth and slow, and its
length suited well to the song, the message of the song was appreciated well. Every verse or part has its
deep meaning that may hook or catch the listeners’ heart.

For me, this song is beautiful, its message about life which has a better part or better way of living
is such an interesting topic, it make the listeners realize what kind of life we have now and what we can
have if we change. It is true that now a days, we are showing that we lack of love for our fellows, we let
our greed to be more powerful and being on top drive us to ruin each other, we fight for our rights but
we are setting aside the rights of others around us, simple example for this is we don’t want others to
gossip about us but we gossip about others. We don’t want to have a bad image but we let others to have
a ruined image. We are ruining our own peacefulness, our own race. If we start to let go of our greed,
start understanding each other and help each other, we will achieve peaceful living and a batter life.

This song is talking to people, trying to wake us up about our current state, and letting us know
that we can make a way to have a better life than what we have now, this message is well delivered and
felt due to the beautiful construction of the song.

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