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At the end of the student family relationship, the adopted family will be able to improve their
health status and become self-reliant in maintaining their health through appropriate interventions in a
given time frame.
A. Family Structure, Characteristics and Dynamics
B. Socio-Economic and Cultural Characteristics
C. Home and Environment
D. Health Assessment
1. Past and Present History of Illness
2. Health Assessment of Each Member of the Family
3. Family Assessment Based on 11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns (Adult) &
Cephalocaudal Health Assessment (Infants & Children)
Family Assessment Based:

11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns (Adult)

Mrs. Maritez Gannod

a. Health Perception Health Management Pattern

1. History

- Eat vegetable crops like eggplant, ridge gourd and bottle gourd.
- Uses herbal medicines such as oregano, and ginger
- When sick, goes to manghihilot or just waits for the sickness to heal

b. Nutritional-metabolic pattern

1. History

- Eat meals 3x a day

- Eats more vegetable and fish rather than meat
- Can drink 5-6 glasses of water a day
- Drinks coffee in the morning
- Weight: 53 kg
- Height: 5’1 tall
- BMI: 22.06 kg/m²

c. Elimination pattern

1. History

- She voids 4-5 times a day

- Her urine color is yellow
- Sometimes she usually moves her bowel in the morning
- Sometimes she is having difficulty in defecating

d. Activity-exercise pattern

1. History

- She does household chores

- She takes a walk to buy at the store
- She does simple exercise like stretching and shaking her upper and lower extremeties
- PR: 70 bpm
- RR: 18 cpm
- BP: 110/70
- Steady and in deep sleep for 5 hours

e. Sleep-rest pattern

1. History

- Can sleep for 6-7 hours per night

- Her earliest time in going to sleep is at 7:00 pm
- Waking up is at 5:30 am
- She sometimes takes a nap at noon for about 1-3 hours with her baby
- No difficulties in going to sleep
- Doesn’t use any medication just to sleep
- Sometimes, she is distracted and sleep is interrupted due to her baby when crying

f. Cognitive-perceptual pattern

1. History

- Responds to stimuli verbally and physically

g. Self-perception-self-concept pattern

a. How describe self? Most of the time, feel good (not so good) about self?
b. Changes body or things you can’t do? Problem to you?
c. Changes in way you feel about self or body (since ill-ness started)?
d. Things frequently make you angry? Annoyed? Fearful? Anxious?
e. Even feel you lose hope?

h. Roles-relationship pattern

- Live in partner
- With 9 children
- Lives with her second husband
- Close to her family
- Well – supported by the family
- Still plays the role of a mother despite condition by means of reminding important matters especially to
her husband

i. Sexuality-reproductive pattern

- Married
- A mother of 8 children and a one menopause baby
- Menarche was on the year 1886 when she was 14 years old
- She has no history of Sexually transmitted disease or any disease affecting her genitals

j. Coping-stress tolerance pattern

- Copes up with stress by taking a nap or sleep

- Copes up with problems by talking about it with her husband
- Take a nap and rests when tired
- No traumatic events experienced before

k. Values-beliefs pattern

- A Roman Catholic
- Have strong faith in God
- Sometimes going to church

E. Values, Habits, Practices on Health Promotion, Maintenance and Disease Prevention

The family has adequate rest and sleep. They usually sleep at around 7 pm and wake up at 5:30 am.
The father is a farmer but he is temporarily not working because his job is seasonal, he is taking care of his
child with her wife. The father is sometimes the one who performs all the household works for the family.

The father recognizes the importance of health of the individual member of the family, however, they
tend to ignore some major health problems due to financial constraints. Furthermore, they don’t have any
savings that is allotted for emergency purposes. They use herbal medicines when they get sick. According to
Mrs. Gannod her child is fully immunized.

Cues/data Family nursing problem

Subjective data:
“may kanal doon kaya siguro maraming Presence of breeding sites

“minsan hindi ko na naasikasong Poor environmental sanitation

magwalis-walis kasi liliparin lang din yung
mga kalat sa sobrang hangin dito”

Objective data:
“the size of their window is not enough to Poor ventilation
have a good ventilation”

“their house was messy and small” Lack of skill to improve home environment


Accident Hazards: Sharp Objects

Computation Actual Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x1 0.67 It is a health threat because
Problem the family is at risk to be
2. Modifiability of 1/ 2 x 2 1 The resources and
the Problem interventions needed to
solve the problem is quite
3. Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Reduced the possibility of
Potential accident
4. Salience of the 1/2 x 1 0.5 They perceived it as a
Problem problem but not require
immediate action
Total: 3.17

Improper Drainage system

Computation Actual Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 It is a health threat
2. Modifiability of 2/2 x 2 1.33 Replacing the drainage
the Problem system will require quite
financial expenditure
3. Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Susceptibility to other
Potential diseases and infections can
be prevented if proper
drainage is implemented
4. Salience of the 2/2 x 1 1 They felt it as a problem and
Problem need immediate action
Total: 4.67
Poor lightning and ventilation
Computation Actual Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 Poor Lighting and
Problem Ventilation as a
Health Threat.

2. Modifiability of 2/2 x 2 2 It is partially modifiable

the Problem because it requires quite
resources to solve the
3. Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 By increasing the lightning
Potential and ventilation, family will
experience better home
conducive for individual
comfort and growth
4. Salience of the 0/2 x 1 0 They do not felt it as a
Problem problem
Total: 3.67

Inadequate living Space

Computation Actual Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 it is a health threat that does
Problem not need or demand
immediate action
2. Modifiability of 1/2 x 2 1 Increasing the living space
the Problem will require quite a financial
expenditure. The family’s
resources are presently not
3. Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Increasing the living space
Potential will provide bigger space to
allow adequate movements
when performing house work
4. Salience of the 0/2 x 1 0 They perceived it as a
Problem problem but not require
immediate action
Total: 2.67

Presence of breeding sites

Computation Actual Justification
1. Nature of the 2/3 x 1 0.67 It is a health threat that
Problem demand immediate action
2. Modifiability of 2/2 x 2 2 The resources and
the Problem interventions needed to solve
the problem is available to
the family
3. Preventive 3/3 x 1 1 Occurrence of dengue and
Potential malaria and other
communicable diseases can
be reduced or minimized
4. Salience of the 2/2 x 1 1 The family is aware of the
Problem existing problem. But they do
not give attention to it
because they think it’s
normal to have it in their
Total: 4
1. Improper Drainage System 4.67
2. Presence of Breeding Sites 4
3. Poor lightning and Ventilation 3.67
4. Accident Hazards
5. Inadequate Living Space


The family Gannod is a nuclear type of Family which compose of the father, mother and child. They are
living in the “makeshift” type of house at Purok 7 Batang-Batang Victoria Tarlac. Their house contains only one
(1) window and can’t sustain the adequate ventilation needed by the family. The mother is responsible in doing
household chores and caring for their child. The father is the one who temporarily provides source of income in
their everyday needs. The family is living together and shows no problem with their relationship and with their
neighbor’s. We identified some problems which can affect their health which are improper drainage system,
presence of Breeding Sites of vectors of diseases, accident hazards and inadequate living space, poor
environmental sanitation. And with the help of the family members we provided intervention which helps them
solve these problems.

We recommend for the family that:

- They use mosquito net to prevent mosquito bites

- They should clean their yard and the drainage system
- Should request for the toilet bowl for their convenience
- They should also know how to properly segregate waste
- They should be aware that the organization in the community are open and present for
everyone for their problems


Almost Always Some of the Time Hardly Ever

I am satisfied that I can turn my 2
A family for help when something is
troubling me
I am satisfied with the way my 1
P family talks on things with me
and shares problems with me
I am satisfied that my family 2
accepts and supports my wishes
to take on new activities or
I am satisfied with the way my 1
family expresses affection and
r5esponds to emotion such as
anger, sorrow and love
I am satisfied with the way my 2
family and I share time together

Total 8 (highly functional)



Maglaya, Araceli. Nursing Practice in the Community. 4th Ed. Argonauta Corporation. Philippines. 2004



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