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16 Zile în Cluj • 16 Days in Cluj.

[English below]

Campania “16 Zile in Cluj” se va desfasura in Cluj-Napoca in perioada 25 Noiembrie – 10 Decembrie,

aduce in prim-plan prin intermediul mai multor evenimente necesitatea combaterii violentei impotriva
femeilor, lupta pentru drepturile femeilor, cat si teme legate de siguranta de gen, egalitate si
oportunitate, emanciparea femeilor. In cadrul campaniei “16 Zile” va avea loc si un mini-festival de film in
cadrul caruia participa activ si asociatia noastra, S.A.I.L, invitand publicul sa urmareasca impreuna cu noi
si toti cei implicati in campanie filmul “The Color Purple” in data de 8 Decembrie.

The “16 Days in Cluj” campaign which is going to take place in Cluj-Napoca between the 25 th of
November to 10th of December, brings to the forefront the need to combat the violence against women,
the fight for women’s rights, important topics related gender safety, equality and opportunity and
women’s emancipation. Within the campaign, a mini-film festival is also going to take place. Our
association has involved in the mini-film festival by presenting you the movie “The Color Purple”. You are
free to join us watching the movie on the 8 th of December.

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