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WAR of SUPREMACY - Beginner’s Guide

War of Supremacy (WoS) is a cross server war involving 3 unions from each server. WoS takes place
every 3 weeks. WoS will run concurrently with server war on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Points are tallied for 3 weeks - starting with the server war that runs concurrent with WoS and adding
the 2 subsequent weeks. Each round of war points are awarded based on how your union places in the
round. 1st place gets 9 pts, 2nd gets 8 pts, 3rd gets 7, 4th gets 6 etc….. The 3 unions on the server
that accumulate the most total points from all rounds within those 3 weeks will qualify for WoS.

Day 1: Get to your gate first, keep the gate.

Day 2: Get to the Palace, keep your hold on the palace.

Pre-War Preparations:

1. GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN - Union HP during WoS will determine the speed that union has in
getting to the gate. Grain builds up union HP. The grain that you add for that concurrent
server war will also be the grain that is used for WoS that week.

2. Scrolls - Again, protecting the union HP is crucial. Scrolls on defense help. As many
scrolls as possible to keep your defenses up and maintain union speed. Buy scrolls
ahead of time and build a stash for WoS. WoS scrolls, unlike grain, are separate for WoS
than those used for the server war that week.

3. Diamonds - try to have a stash of diamonds. Not all people can, and that’s
understandable, but diamonds help in acquiring additional hits and reinforcements. (more
on this later)

4. Team Split - Determine your offensive players and defensive players

a. Offense - these are your heavy hitters and your players who are available
throughout the course of the day to hit as the available shots reset. Your offensive
players should for the most part put their heavy hitters (top viziers) in their offense
(top Line)
b. Defense - these are your players who for various reasons are not able to log in
throughout the day but can pop in sporadically. Their top viziers should be placed
in their defense line (bottom line) While they will still be able to hit with weaker
viziers, their strength is far better utilized in defense.

WoS Registration (takes place at the same time as server war registration)

1. Troop decisions - Each union has the option to create 1 large troop or 2 small troops. In
addition, there are 4 gates (North, East, South, West) and each Union can decide to place all
troops at one gate or 2 separate gates. Pros and cons to all decisions.
a. 1 large troop - Your HP will be high, your defense will be high. It will make it more difficult
to zero your troop. However, you have 1 shot. If you are stationed at a gate and have
either a much stronger union attacking you or multiple unions attacking you, once you are
zeroed you are eliminated from that week’s WoS and you receive no rewards (even if you
were first to gate) This is a risk that needs to be weighed. In some situations this will be
your best choice. For instance, if you have multiple teammates out in a WoS round, you
should consider this strategy as your defense will be high.
b. 2 small troops - Having 2 smaller troops give you options. You can have a troop on 2
separate gates giving you double the chance to be on a gate with less competition. Or
you have 2 troops on one gate. Given that a gate only allows for a max of 6 troops,
having 2 troops minimizes the number of enemy troops on that gate to 4 instead of 5.
This may not necessarily matter as you can shoot the field from anywhere you stand (if
you are east, you can shoot a union on west for example) but it will give you an extra
chance at that gate. The negative of 2 troops is that you have 2 weaker troops. But it
increases your chances of securing a gate. If one troop is eliminated but the other troop
makes it through, both troops will move forward to the next round.

2. If someone needs to switch from one troop to the other, click the + sign on the troop you are
trying to join. You will get a pop up that says “You are in troop 1, do you want to join troop 2?”
(or vice versa) Almost all changes will give you a warning message.

3. Troop make up - Defense or Offense ??? When placing your viziers you need to weigh out who
goes where. While you have defensive and offensive players, each player will still have a
defensive line and an offensive line. 6 viziers on top (offense ) and 6 on the bottom (defense).
While an offensive player will want to place their top viziers in offense, they are not necessarily
going to have ALL their best viziers there. They will still want to have some strength in defense.
Remember, HP gets you to the gate and you want to keep HP up. But you need strength in
offense to knock down opposing union HP so you are first to gate. Decide in registration how
you want your troops split (50/50? 60/40? 30/70?) and work with your line up so your total
numbers for the entire troop fits your pre-determined offense/defense split.

4. SCROLL UP - once each player had registered and placed their defensive line they should scroll
on as many of their viziers as possible.

5. Grain - you will be registering for server war at the same time as WoS - GRAIN must be added
to the server registration and will be the same grain that will contribute to WoS

6. Diamonds - the diamond from server war


1. Shields - super important- each player is able to put up # shields. Shields reset every 2 hrs. A
shield will only protect against 1 hit no matter player strength. It is imperative to log in everytime
the shields reset to get your shields up. The more shields, the more you protect union HP. You
also want to knock down other union shields. Again, power does not matter. Weaker players
should hit first to drop shield allowing for stronger players to hit the union and knock down their
Think of it like this - your target troop is a car you need to destroy. Your weaker players are
motorcycles going in to knock out the tires and windows. Your stronger players are monster
trucks coming up behind the motorcycles to crush the car, Both functions are imperative to
taking out your target. You can see the number of shields the troop has up to the right:

2. Attacking - this works just as it does in war. You get 3 free hits that reset hourly. You have 5
coin hits. You can purchase diamond hits. You choose the union you want to hit directly.
Again, you are not limited to your gate! If you have 2 troops on separate group and one needs
help, you can shoot a target at the other gate to help that troop. Equally if another union has a
troop that needs help and you want to help either because they are from your server or you have
a truce with them, you can shoot a target at their gate even if you are not at that gate.

3. Reinforcements - here we have a difference - you have 2 types of reinforcements, One is just
like war, you set off the reinforcements and all unions are hit. The second is a direct
reinforcement - you choose the union you want to directly send reinforcements to. The two
types of reinforcements in WoS are at a cost of 2000 diamonds each.
a. Send Reinforcements: will hit each Troop 6 times.
b. Reinforcement Raid: will hit a selected troop 10 times.
The benefit of using reinforcements is as follows: they are not stopped by shields or scrolls, and
all viziers hit. Bottom line, maximum damage is created via reinforcements.
After you have spent diamonds to get to the 200 diamond hit recharge, the damage from one
reinforcement raid vs. 10 hits at 200 diamonds is night and day, to the tune of billions.

4. Speed - you want to ensure you get to the gate first. Union speed will determine how fast you
get there, so the union with the fastest speed theoretically gets there first. The more a union is
hit, the slower their speed. You want to work to make the gate first so you should be attacking
the unions that are faster than you.

5. You can check the progess of the unions on the menu to the left. Click to open the menu then
click on the gate you are checking - you will be able to see the unions, what place they are in,
what their speed is, how long it will take to get to the gate and how much HP they have left.
6. First one to the gate gets a boost in HP and now they must defend the gate. The remaining
troops line up in the order of how close they were to the gate. You want to attack the union at
the gate to zero them. Once eliminated, the next in line gets the gate etc. IMPORTANT - there
are “first to gate” rewards, however, if you are zeroed and eliminated you will NOT collect these
rewards.At the end of day one, the troop holding the gate moves on to round 2 on Wednesday.
Same for Palace. You are just racing to secure the palace instead of a gate.

7. Encourage - This is where the server helps you. During WoS everyone in the server that is in a
union, whether they are in WoS or not, can “encourage” Player goes into WoS area and clicks
the encourage button. This will boost the union attack power and the player encouraging
(clicking the encourage button) gets rewards. The encourage button refreshes every hour.

1. First to Gate received rewards for that union, however, if you are eliminated you will lose
those rewards
2. Winners of WoS will receive union rewards as well as rewards for the server which
includes a levy boost. The whole server benefits from one of its unions winning. For this
reason it is important the unions work together for a server win. Winners also throw
palace feasts for all the participating servers. Be sure to attend feasts post war for more
This is a basic how to guide for WoS.
Work together for strategy and game play that will work for your union and server. Respect,
communication and cooperation will be your greatest weapons!

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