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Meggie Tam

Mr. Weinberg

World History 9

2015 September 22

Moldable Minds:

Viewpoints of Human Nature

Do you ever wonder how human nature affects our lives? Human nature are actions and

thoughts that humans unconsciously do and have. The idea of human nature is seen in different

perspectives​ by various people such as the four philosophers--Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques

Rousseau, Augustine, and John Locke/​tabla rasa​ all hold different content to how they see

human nature. I believe that my perspective of human nature is ​biased​ towards Locke’s point of


Locke’s theory, in ​context​, is that “humans are molded into what they are today by

society” have a similarity to what is seen in our current lifestyle. For ​example​, a celebrity might

choose to wear a certain brand of clothing which could lead to a new trend. Today in my

community, there has been a breakthrough with a shoe brand “Birkenstocks” which are sandals

that most girls like to wear now. If we ​analyze​ the people included in our generation, we have the

mindset of wanting more than needing. This evolves a person's inner greed, resulting in an

infinite amount of desires that may not be completely fulfilled. ​Tabla rasa​ is the idea that all

human minds are born like clay--hence the name meaning "blank slate" in Latin. The

significance of ​tabla rasa ​highlights the suggestion that our modern society today complies with

Locke's theory. However, another theory can prove him wrong.

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Thomas Hobbes believes that humans commit crimes unless they are supervised. Hobbes

saw humans as machines rather than people and that peace is only formed through social

contract. I believe Hobbes thinking is incorrect. Hobbes thinks that humans will not do anything

bad unless there is a punishment, yet everyday we see people murdering, stealing and

committing felonies against the law although it is a well known rule. Therefore, even though our

society is under constant surveillance, the government is not enough to encourage improved

behavior from citizens.

Human nature can be seen differently to everyone. Even though perspectives may

change, our current society holds the key to our opinions. To my belief, human nature is a feeling

or action that occurs unconsciously. John Locke’s idea of human minds being molded by society

is an accurate interpretation of our modern lives. To me, it is society that has changed us to who

we are today.

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