Test 2

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LISTENING (30 minutes)

1. What was in the woman’s bag?

A √B C
Man: Were there anything valuable in the bag that was stolen, Madam?
Woman: Yes. It has my purse in it and my keys.
Man: Anything else?
Woman: Well, luckily I was wearing my glasses, so no, nothing else.

2. Which film is the man talking about?

A √B C
Man: I’m sure I’ve seen this film before. That bit where she’s standing on the
bridge watching the sunset reminded me.
3. What should the woman do first?

A B √C
Woman 1: Well, you put the washing powder in the machine.
Woman 2: Is that before or after you put the clothes in?
Woman1: Oh, it’s after you put them in, and then remember to switch it on at
the wall when you are ready.
4. What is David going to do this weekend?

√A B C
Man: Could you help me paint my flat this weekend, David?
David: Oh, sorry, I’m going sailing. I decide to enjoy myself for a change. I spent
last weekend helping my mum do her garden and I need to repair the car next
5. How did the man get to work today?

√A B C
Man: Sorry I’m late. I never know whether to take the underground or drive, I
was held up in a traffic jam for half an hour, and then when I got to work the
car park was full!. I think I’ll have to move nearer so I can walk or use my
6. Which tie does the man choose?

A B √C
Man: Which tie shall I wear for the interview? Do you think my blue silk one
would look all right?
Woman: A bit boring ! I’d wear something with a small pattern – squares or
spots, something like that.
Man: Oh, I don’t know. I think I’ll wear the plain one.(vải trơn/ không họa tiết)
7. What time is the appointment?

A B √C
Woman: Dr Brown’s Clinic. Can I help you?
Man: Yes. Can I have an appointment to see the doctor, please?
Woman: Well, he’s free at quarter past eleven today or tomorrow at quarter
past ten or five to two.
Man: I’ll come tomorrow afternoon. Thank you.
You will hear a radio interview with a man called Harry Park, who is talking
about the adventure travel company he runs.
1. Harry first became interested in adventure travel because his father
A. gave him adventure stories to read.
B. worked in a travel company.
√C. talked a lot about the places he’d been to
2. Harry decided to start an adventure travel company because he
√A. wanted to share his experience with others.
B. thought he could make a lot of money.
C. hoped to do more travelling himself.
3. Who suggested the name for Harry’s company?
A. a friend
√B. a customer
C. his wife
4. When Harry visits a place, he tries to
A. give the local people jobs.
B. take modern equipment.
√C. avoid damaging the area.
5. What does Harry say about doing dangerous things?
√A. It’s part of his job.
B. It’s frightening.
C. It’s enjoyable.
6. What is Harry’s favourite place?
A. a mountain
√B. a building
C. a river
You will hear a telephone message that Sue has left for her friend Polly.
Next weekend – camping with Sue !

Campsite near (1) ……….. in Wales.

That’s a (2) ……….. over the border in Wales.

Transport (3) ……….. and then (4) ………..

Remember to bring (5) ……… and (6) ………… for dinks.

Meet Sue outside the mall at (7) …………. On Friday.

A. Guilfield
B. Guilsfield
C. Groundfield
A. village
B. villa
C. villager
A. train
B. bus
C. taxi
A. work
B. go
C. walk
A. tin
B. tent
C. tennis
A. saucepan
B. sausage
C. frying pan
A. quarter to two
B. quarter to five
C. quarter to four
READING (35 minutes)
PART 1 (giống test 7)
A. It will be 20 minutes before a
city centre bus leaves from this stop.
B. You can get buses to the
centre from here every 20 minutes.
C. It takes 20 minutes to get to
the city centre by bus from here.

A. tell him to provide some music
for tonight.
B. invite him to Harry’s house
C. ask him to take food with
him tonight.
A. warn him he’ll be late for the
B. ask him to contact her about
the film.
C. confirm the time the film

A. make sandwiches for his lunch
B. take his lunchbox out of the
√C. add his sandwiches to his
A. Pupils are late paying for the
school trip on Friday.
B. Pupils have until Friday to
pay for the school trip.
C. Pupils should bring money to
spend during Friday’s school trip.

Read the text and look at the sentences below about a hot-air balloon festival to
decide if each sentence is correct (A) or incorrect (B).
1. The Albuquerque Balloon Festival lasts over a week.
2. The first festival took place at the opening of the local radio station.
The pilots use hand signals to communicate with each other.
The “balloon glow” happens before sunrise and after sunset.
5. Members of the public are forbidden to enter the balloon take-off area.
Some advertising balloons join in the festival.
7. You can take a balloon ride to the top of the nearby mountains.
You can watch a firework show every evening of the festival.
9. The geography of the area around Albuquerque makes it particularly suitable for
10. Visitors should be prepared for a range of temperatures.
In 2005, Cliff Jones began a journey round Britain on a unicycle, a bike with
only one wheel. He had already made a documentary film about his experiences
travelling round Europe in a 50-year-old car. He was mad about motor sport and
had a job building racing car engines. To save money, Cliff rode to work in London
on an old bicycle, which he also used to go to France on holiday. “That trip opened
my eyes”, he says. “I decided to do a tour of Britain by bike”.
Cliff didn’t want a normal tour bike, and he knew he wanted to build one himself.
“The craziest bicycle I could think of was a unicycle, so I went to a factory to see
how they are made”. After one false start in 2004, when he had to turn back because
of a knee injury, he finally set out in 2005. He was away for four months, and
travelled over 8,500 km.
The best bit of the trip was arriving in Wales and seeing Mount a Snowdon.
“Although I met cyclists who could easily ride up mountains on their bikes,
which I couldn’t do, I never regretted my unicycle. The further away from
London I got, the more amazed people seemed by it”. His worst moment came when
he had to drink some dirty water from a stream. A serious fever kept him in bed in
hospital for five long days. He was determined not to give up and go back home
before he had completed his challenge, but found it hard to carry on because he felt
so weak. Yet despite all this, Cliff now says, “If I could affort it, I would like to do
something similar again”.

1. Cliff traveled around Britain on his

A. old bicycle
B. unicycle
C. 50-year-old car
D. motorbike
2. What made Cliff realise he wanted to cycle round Britain?
A. touring Europe in an old car
B. visiting a unicycle factory
C. attending motor races abroad
D. taking his bike to another country
3. When Cliff met other cyclists in the mountains, he was
A. anxious to get away from them (lo lắng)
B. satisfied with his own type of bicycle (hài lòng)
C. jealous of what they were able to (ghen tỵ với)
D. surprised by their attitude towards him (ngạc nhiên bởi)
4. What was Cliff’s biggest problem during the trip?
A. He fell ill for nearly a week.
B. He had to go home to rest.
C. He wanted to finish his trip early.
D. He took too long to get to one place.
5. The word “their” in the last paragraph replaces for
A. mountains
B. amazed people
C. cyclists
D. unicycles

Everyone loves to (0)…visit…….. different places and for most of us the journey
between places is also exciting. But (1)……….. people hate travelling in any kind
of vehicle because it (2)……….. them ill. It happens most often when travelling in
cars along roads (3)……….. go up and down a lot or have many bends, or on boats
when the sea is (4)………… With travel sickness, people feel dizzy and sick and
may (5) ……….. their balance, but they usually feel better as (6) ……….. as the
vehicle stops moving and they can (7) ……….. out on to firm ground. The
(8)……….. of the sickness is a small problem in the ear. There are pills you can
take to (9) ……….. the sickness, but you (10) ……….. to be careful because after
taking these you sometimes feel sleepy.

A. any
B. some
C. one
D. another
A. turns
B. puts
C. does
D. makes
A. whose
B. which
C. who
D. what
A. sharp (sắc nhọn, đột ngột)
B. hard
C. strong
D. rough (dữ dội/ (biển) động)
A. fail
B. forget
C. lose
D. drop
√A. soon
B. quickly
C. well
D. often
A. depart (khởi hành)
B. change
C. step (bước)
D. leave
A. purpose
B. reason
C. cause
D. birth
A. defend (bảo vệ ai/ ủng hộ)
B. prevent (ngăn/ngừa)
C. pass
D. mend (sửa/ vá)
A. have
B. should
C. will
D. must
WRITING (25 minutes)
S + have/has + not + V_ed/c3 + O + before.
= This is the first time + S + have/has + V_ed/c3 + O.

1. We haven’t tried this seafood before.

This is the first time we have tried this seafood.
2. I haven’t visited an Internet café before.
This is the first time I have visited an Internet café.
S + have/has + never + V_ed/c3 + “…” before.
= This is the first time + S + have/has + V_ed/c3 + “...” .
3. They have never been to the Caribbean islands before.
This is the first time they have been to the Caribbean Islands.
4. I have never seen a science fiction film before.
This is the first time I have seen a science fiction film.
S + have/has + already + V_ed/c3 + “…”.
= This is not the first time + S + have/has + V_ed/c3 + “…”.

5. We have already been to a rock concert.

This is not the first time we have been to a rock concert.
Despite/Inspite of + Noun/ Noun phrase, “clause”.
= Although/Though + clause, “clause”. (chia theo thì của “clause”)
= “clause” + although/though + clause (chia theo thì của “clause”)
6. Despite the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.
Although it rained, we enjoyed our holiday.
7. Despite his English name, he is in fact German.
Though he has an English name, he is in fact German.
8. Despite her injured foot, she managed to walk to the village.
Though she had an injured foot, she managed to walk to the village.
= Though her foot was injured, she managed to walk to the village.
9. We lost the match despite being the better team.
We lost the match though / although we were the better team.
10. Despite of the wind, our boat came to the shore safely.
Although the wind was strong, our boat came to the shore safely.
= Although it was windy, our boat came to the shore safely.
1. You are going to adopt a new pet. (nhận nuôi)
Write an email to your English friend Alice. In your email, you should:
• tell her what pet you are going to adopt
• say why you choose to adopt it
• suggest when you could meet for coffee.
Write 35 - 45 words on your answer sheet.
Dear Alice,
I am going to adopt a new pet. It is a little cute dog. I choose to adopt it
because my uncle has many dogs , so he can’t look after all of them. Would
you like to go PET coffee-shop with me tomorrow? I will bring it.
2. You have had an accident and can’t go to Tom - your friend’s party.
Write a message to him. In your message, you should:
• describe how the accident happened
• say how you are now
• suggest when you could meet again.
Write 35 - 45 words on your answer sheet.
Dear Tom,
I am sorry because I can’t go to your party. My feet had been gotten pain
because of my motorbike’s accident. Now, It is not really better than before.
Could we meet again next weekend?
SPEAKING (15 minutes)
Part 1
1. Do you find it interesting to study English?
(yes. I do/ yeah. Of course)
2. What are some benefits of studying English?
(Studying English can help me learn more knowledge and communicate
with other people, especially foreigners who use English like their mother
3. What kind of food is good for your health?
(I think eating fruits, vegetable, red-meat and eggs are good for my health)
Part 2: Talk about the importance of film in your daily life:
- What kind of film you often watch
(I often watch cartoon films, romantic films and science fiction films.)
- How often you watch films
(I watch films 3 times per week. I usually relax and watch films when I
have free time. Sometimes, when I get some trouble or sadness, I find it
comfortable to watch my favourite films.)
- What the positive effects of films are
(Watching films can help people forget the sadness and troubles. Also, it
is the good way to relax. When you have free time, you can enjoy the
great moment with your films’ world. It is the place where you feel
comfortable and have full shapes of emotions.)
Part 3
1. What is your favourite kind of film (for example: comedy, drama or action
film)? Why?
(My favourite kind of film is science fiction film because each film uses
many visual effects and beautiful scenses which people just only see in their
2. Do you think children should spend much time watching films? Why?
(I think children shouldn’t spend much time watching films because instead
of spending time studying, they waste time in watching films. They will
become lazier and lazier. Moreover, There are many kind of films that aren’t
good for them to watch.)

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