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LMR31 – Strategic Management of Railway Operation 4.

Characteristics of Tram, Train, Tram-train and Guided

1. High Reliability Organization (HRO)
Train - Advantages Train -
i. Characteristics Disadvantages
• Well / segregated routes
• Management of complex technology reduce the safety risk • Low adhesion
• Success and survival require high performance, • Comfort due to smooth rail- • Low braking effort
safety and reliability wheel interface • Overhead line
• Error source are dynamic • Low noise make affect the
• Need high complex integrated organization • Low emission at point of use visual environment
• Operating environment is constant threat • Efficient • Heavily regulated
• Consequences of unreliable operation are • Massive transport for large mode of transport
catastrophic number of passengers or • High operating cost
ii. Example – Aviation, Nuclear Power, Railway, Space amount of goods with • High infrastructure
exploration relatively low environmental cost
iii. Five key characteristics of human behaviour impact • Low flexibility on
• Preoccupation with Failure • No congestion problem changing route
• Reluctance to Simplify Interpretations • Higher crashworthiness
• Sensitivity to Operations compared with bus
• Commitment to Resilience 5. Complex and Complicated
• Under-Specification of Structure i. Complex
2. Customer Demand • Getting children to succeed in school
i. Reveal Preference ii. Complicated
• Access the changes to railway services using the data • Sending a rocket to the moon
from previous experiencewith similar background 6. Freight train operation and characteristics
• Dis: Not always possible to obtain data since some i. Customer-Focused Model
proposed changes are outside the experience of • Variable train length
current passengers • Deliver based on customer need
ii. Stated Preference • Higher operating cost but better customer service
• Use individual respondents’ statements about their ii. Operation-Based Model
preferences in a set of transport options to estimate • Scheduled trains
utility functions • Fixed train length
iii. Gravity Model • Delivery according to timetable
• Based on the characteristics of major and • Yield management of available capacity on a given
intermediate traffic originators and destinations and train
population concentrations • Relatively low operation cost
• strongly reliant on the existence of good data 7. PTL and NTL Structure of Freight Train
𝑘𝑘𝑃𝑃𝑖𝑖 𝑃𝑃𝑗𝑗
• 𝑇𝑇𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 = � � i. Pull Time Location (PTL) – where all yard activity has
𝐷𝐷𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 2 been completed
Where ii. Network Time Location (NTL) – generally time at the
Tij is the no. of trips signal onto network. Booked departure time is always
k is constant NTL.
Pi is the population of city I
Pj is the no. of jobs in city j
Dij is the Distance between cities I and j
3. Generalized Cost
i. GC = Fare/VOT + A1Tj + A2Ta + A3Tw + A4Td + A5n,
Fare = ticket fares £
VoT = Value of Time or money per time [£min] iii. Offset Time – time to transverse between PTL and
A1= weighting factor, normally = 1 NTL. Vary from nil to 10 minutes or more.
A2, A3 = weighting factors, normally = 1.5 - 2 8. Yield Management
A4 = weighting factor, normally = 3 i. A variable pricing strategy based on understanding
A5 = inconvenience allowance [min] and influencing consumer behaviour in order to
Tj = journey time [min] maximize the revenue
Ta = access time [min] ii. Strategic control of inventory to sell it to the right
Tw = waiting time [min] customer at the right time for the right price.
Td = delay time [min] 9. Five determinants – Variability, Dispersion, Diversity,
n = no. of changes Interdependence
Page 1
i. Variability (Complexity)–Affects extent to which 10. Fare System
tasks must depart from simple recurring patterns i. Complex Fare System in UK, due to:
• Physical: Weather and adhesion, Wear, Ground • Privatization of TOC in 1993
Stability • Fare price is unsustainable for operation
• Organizational:Staff • Government Subsidy is required
Performance,Stakeholder,Client Demand • Commuters has no other choice, not fair competition
ii. Dispersion (Complexity and Complication) – extent
• Advance booking
to which assets, resources and people contributing to
• Peak hour ticket or season tickets
the correct operation of system are distributed over a
• Any train types and operator
large area
• No. of changes
• Physical: Staff locations, asset locations, customer
• Dedicated train at specific time only.
• Organizational: Information,skills, route knowledge 11. Elasticity = %change in demand/ % change in sth
iii. Diversity (Complication) – Relates to number of i. Egc = % change in demand / % change in GC
distinct and different sub-activities that must be ii. Ef = % change in demand / % change in fares
performed within an integrated system of tasks 12. Fixed and Variable Cost of Road vs Rail
• Physical: different assets, materials, systems
• Organizational: skills, needs, passenger
iv. Coupling(Complex and Complicated)
• Physical: Track & Trains, Platform & Trains, OHLE &
• Organizational:Time Table/Roster/Schedule
Tight Coupling Loose Coupling
- Time-dependent - Processing delays
behaviour, delay is not possible
possible - Sequence & order can be
- Invariant sequencing changed
- Only one method to - Alternative methods
achieve goal available
- Little slack available - Slack in resources
- Buffer and redundancies possible
must be designed in as - Buffers and redundancies
part of the system are fortuitously always
v. Interactions
• Physical: Wheel-Rail operations and maintenance
• Organizational: Regulations & Standards
Linear Interactions Complex Interactions
- Segregated subsystem - Parts and units not in a
- Easy substitutions production sequence are 13. No. of Trains or Train Capacity
- Few feedback loops close together i. N = 2(Tj + Tt) / H, where
- Single purpose, - unfamiliar or unintended Tj = average journey time
separate controls feedback loops Tt = average turnaround time
- Direct information - indirect or inferential H = headway
- Extensive information sources
Example Soln
understanding - Limited understanding of
Station A 00 15 30 45 Tj = 30 mins, H = 15 mins,
some processes
Station B 30 45 00 15 Tt = (20+25)/2 = 22.5 min
No. of Train required =
Station B 05 20 35 50 2(30+22.5)/15 = 7 units.
Station A 35 50 05 20
14. Terminal and Through Station layout

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i. Type A: Double reversing tracks around terminal iv. Reduction of rubbish on track
platform v. Reduce the train noise
• Adv: High flexible for operation, allows use of both vi. Improve visual impact of platform area
platforms, in either direction, space for full speed ATP 17. Distance-time Diagram
overrun, space to stable trains 18. Research Method
• Dis: Expensive trackwork, high maintenance, requires i. Stated reference and Reveal reference
additional space, could be expensive in land take or ii. Aggregate and Disaggregate Method
tunnelling, requires complex information system for 19. Accident Investigation
passenger management i. Railway Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB)
ii. Type B: Double reversing tracks beyond terminal ii. Her Majesty’s Railway Inspectorate
platform iii. Operator / Infrastructure Manager
• Adv: All trains arrive at one platform, reversing trains iv. Health and Safety Executive
clear of station, space for full ATP overrun, simple v. British Transport Police
passenger interface, arrangement can accommodate 20. Tram-train ***
one defective train i. Characteristics
• Dis: Inflexible platform use, no spare space to hold • More frequent services than mainline railway
multiple trains, medium recovery opportunity after • Able to run on unmodified main line and tram
disruptions, moderately expensive in construction infrastructures
terms, additional train required for short headway • Relatively light-weight rolling stock
service • Generally use of conventional tram technology
iii. Type C: Single reversing tracks around terminal • Body shells about 2.4m wide
platform • Possibly higher proportion of seats compared to
• Adv: Simple trackwork, separate platform faces for ordinary tram because of the longer journeys
arrival and departure, opportunity for low • High level of traction power per unit of mass
construction costs, simple passenger interface • Often hybrid dc and ac for street and mainline
• Dis: inflexible in operations, no spare space for trains, running
poor recovery opportunity after disruptions, • Some systems diesel only and some dc and diesel
additional train required for short headway service ii. Particular Technical Requirement
iv. Type D: Single direction (tramway) turning loop • Fitted with magnetic track brakes to ensure rapid
• Adv:Simple trackwork without turnouts, low deceleration for line of sight operation
maintenance, separate platform faces for arrival and • fitted with mainline ATP or train stop system to
departure, opportunity for low construction costs ensure similar level of safety
• Dis:Inflexible operations, no spare space for trains, • able to cope with tram and mainline rail profiles
poor recovery opportunity after disruptions, loop • EMC compatibility with mainline rolling stock and
could require large space, extra train required for mainline infrastructure
short headway service. • Significant level of crashworthiness or a railway
control system offering a very high safety level
through train separation
iii. Reasons for adoption
• Existing heavy rail expensive to run due to high first
cost for track, stations, rolling stock
Side Platform Island Platform
• High infrastructure maintenance cost due to heavy
• Mainline railway stations in Britain often some way
from commercial centre, leading to long access
/egress time and the needfor bus links
• main line trains are not compatible with street
Evaluated Station with Side Platform running
15. Health Safety Environment Model • tram-trains can run on conventional tramway tracks
i. HSE Time Model • train-trains can use different types of power supply
ii. Culture Ladder • tram trains can be built to be much quieter than
iii. Swiss Cheese Model mainline trains
16. Platform Edge / Screen Door • buses are not comfortable for long distance journey
i. Safety • private cars require large areas for parking
ii. Climate Control iv. Benefits and Drawbacks
iii. Reduction of cost for station heating and cooling Benefits Drawbacks

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• Light weight construction • Special measures • Goods are protected throughout the transit from
reduce energy use necessary to reduce environmental influences and from pilfering.
• Higher speed than buses risk of collision with iii. What prompted the European Commission to issue
thanks to own right of way mainline passenger Directives 91/440 EC, 2001/12 EC and 2004/51 EC, in
• Not affected by congestion and freight trains the context of freight operations
• Can cope with frequent • Potential less • High cost and subsidy needs of nationally owned
stops thanks to good optimal use of
European railway undertakings
acceleration mainline capacity
• Excessive transit times
• Excellent braking capability • Different
maintenance • Long delays at borders
allows line of sight operation
at relatively high speed and facilities required • Lack of transparency of infrastructure and operations
reduces risk when sharing • Lower capacity than costs
road with other road users mainline train • Cross-subsidising of dumping prices between
• Suited to wide range of • Relatively high first passenger and freight operations
passenger numbers per cost • High barriers to the entry of new operators into the
hour European railway freight market
21. Health Safety Environment (HSE) • Unfairness in capacity allocation
• Differences in requirements for licensing between
• Safety and rolling stock certification
• Setting of safety standards and rules
• Fairness in setting access charges and charges for
electric power
iv. Nature of metronomic freight services
• Effectively, bulk operations in sectors such as coal,
aggregate and other minerals, where a customer has
contracted very regular deliveries using standardised
22. Swiss Cheese Model
• Container operations may be metronomic where they
are strictly timetabled
• There will be specialist terminal equipment to ensure
rapid loading and unloading and good rolling stock
• Regular flows allow robust planning and ensure a
regular income for the operator, although unit prices
may well be low.
23. Freight Trains Operations ***
• Customers can tie the railway operation into its
i. Problem of conventional freight trains in UK and
supply chain processes
• Risks arise if the railway is not able to run the
• Expensive to operate because of the need to load
operation reliably, if the cost of the operation is
the wagons by hand or basic equipment
greater than the income or if a long term market
• Space required for loading is large
suddenly disappears
• Requirement for marshalling and re-marshalling
v. Why do rail freight operators find it difficult to
compete with road haulage in Europe but the freight
• relatively low utilisation of wagons railroads in USA are profitable?
• requirement to maintain industrial sidings for • Production/points of importation and markets are
limited flows. often separated by 2000 km or more
• There is still strong demand for this type of service • Railways generally operated over much longer
in USA, Russia and China because of the long trunk distances and Class I railways generally leave the
hauls where staff and equipment can be used costly trip working/local collection and delivery to
economically local operators
ii. Advantages of container and swap body operation vi. What are the main difference btw passenger rail
in freight trains service and modern freight services involving major
• Containers and swap bodies can be loaded onto and bulk and container flows
unload from the trains quickly and using • Freight trains have few stops and usually travel
standardised equipment. terminal to terminal
• The loads can then be conveyed easily to the
customerby means of road transfer.
Page 4
• Speeds tend to be relatively low while container and
other intermodal flows achieve high average end-to-
end speeds.
vii. Describe some of the technical and people interface
issues involved in running freight trains between
London and Seville in Spain
• Axle load differences, wheel –profile difference, track
gauge difference at the Spanish border requiring
wheelset-swaps, several different signalling systems
and at least two structure gauge
• People: languages are difference (English, French and 25. Guided Bus **
Spanish), the many different rule system, diverse i. Characteristics
training requirement for train staff • Double doors would be installed to speed up the
viii. Why are freight customers keen on the tracking alighting and boarding time
of their shipments and what method of train and
• Guide-wheels system installed on the bus wheel to
cargo tracking are being used worldwide
run along concrete guided tracks
• Check whether the raw-materials and components
• Low floors
will arrive on time
• Diesel hybrid car, maximum speed = 129km/h
• Cargo values are increasing avoid being at risk of
• Double deck is possible
• Passenger capacity = 90
• Barcode, QR Code or RFID tag
• Crashworthiness of bus is incompatible with trains
• GPS or DGPS for location and GSM-R for position
and tram
• Track circuits and train describers to identify train
• Braking capacity and adhesion is very good
• Car trap could be installed in the junction points of
• Database with location of every cargo
Busway and regular roads to prevent other vehicles
• Clients can check via the internet or mobile apps
using the guided bus track
ix. Obstacles that are faced by new freight service
ii. Advantage and Disadvantage
operators want to enter British market
Advantages Disadvantages
• Availability of train paths • Flexible to access to the • Per passenger emission
• Ability to get the company’s safety management ordinary road system is higher than train and
system approved • Vibration, noise and tram solution
• Ability to recruit trained staff and to source reliable dust during construction • Less comfort
locomotives of sufficient power and tractive effort is less • Not possible to install
and to find wagons at reasonable cost • Lower infrastructure catering and toilet
• Availability of fuelling and servicing facilities construction cost facilities
x. Rail is more attractive for the trunk haulage • Lower infrastructure • Lower carriage capacity
• Comparatively high average speed allows short maintenance cost • Lower speed
journey times and good swap body/container • Low rolling stock • Higher pollution at point
utilisation development cost of use
• Delivery schedules are not affected by road • Low rolling stock • Less luggage space
congestion and drivers can be allocated to do maintenance cost • Low crashworthiness
relatively short delivery journey
• Good adhesion
• Railway freight operators have to improve their
punctuality because delivery slots in logistics chains
tend to be very tight
• Tracking quality must be improved so that the
location of any goods is monitored in real time.
24. Relationship between different stakeholders of
railway in UK

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LMR32 – Rolling Stock Systems Design

2. Cant
i. Cant is raising of outer rail in a curveto reduce the
lateral forces experienced by passengers and the
lateral track forces on the track
ii. Passenger like to feel some lateral acceleration 8. Secondary Suspension
(Centrifugal force) when going around the curve. i. Characteristics
iii. Cant Deficiency is the additional amount that the • Remove LOW frequency vibration
track would need to be canted to achieve balancing • Yaw dampers reduce bodyshell and bogie rotations
speed. and raise critical speed
𝑣𝑣 2 • Air suspension most popular
iv. 𝑎𝑎 = cos(𝛼𝛼) − 𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔(𝛼𝛼)
𝑟𝑟 ii. Air suspension
• Automatic height level adjustment
• Good damping
• Requires backup system in case of failure (rubber
3. Bogie Vehicles • Small in size and light weighted compared with spring
i. Frame holds wheel parallel coil
ii. Carries braking and possibly traction equipment 9. Body Shell
iii. Contains suspension components i. Steel and aluminium for heavy rail
4. 3 piece bogie ii. Carbon steel vs stainless steel
i. Cheap iii. Aluminium for light rail and high speed trains
ii. Easy to maintain iv. Composites, while strong and light lack the stiffness
iii. High unsprung mass as no primary suspension to be used as bodyshells
iv. Flies to pieces in derailment 10. Air System
5. Shared bogie (Jacobs Bogie) i. Compressed air is used for:
Advantages Disadvantage • Brake system
• Lower unsprung mass • Reduced flexibility • Door
• Lower rolling resistance • Complicated connections • Hooters and wipers
• Reduce end throw • Heavier axle load • Air suspension
6. Suspension Systems • Pantograph
i. Primary Suspension • Freight unloading equipment
• Located between axle and bogie ii. Air must be dried to remove moistness
• Remove HIGH frequency vibration iii. Air is piped along the train through pipes and flexible
• Reduce unsprung mass hoses at couplings
7. Characteristics of different suspension systems iv. Each Vehicle has reservoir or two
i. Leaf springs v. Single pipe systems must not have too high auxiliary
• Use of friction between surface of leafs air requirement as the brake may come on
• Intensive maintenance vi. Increasing use of electric kit reduces air requirements
• Heavy 11. Couplers
• Load sensitive i. Characteristics
• Good inherent damping • Connect vehicles together to form a train
ii. Rubber Element • Transfer traction load
• Light weighted • Need to connect air and electrical systems
• Compact • Provide longitudinal suspension
• Shear forces predominate • Manual and automatic
• Poor lateral stability • Permanent and semi-permanent connections
iii. Coil spring& Damper ii. Manual couplers
• Light weight • like the hook and shackle
• Compact • Buffer are required to absorb compressive loads
• Spring has low damping • A person must get btw vehicles and manually lift
• Viscous dampers are used to dissipate energy shackle into position & connect air hoses
(velocity dependent) iii. Automatic couplers
• Suspensions are tuned to give optimum ride quality • Connect vehicle electrically and pneumatically
iv. Friction Damping (3 piece bogie) • Caused compatibility problem
• Scharfenberg is popular type
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• But two vehicles may have couplers at different • When load applied, stress causes the wheel and
height rail material deform into an area of contact, i.e.
• Buckeye (knuckle) coupler is a compromise btw contact patch
manual and automatic • Typically the size of region 100 – 150mm2
12. Power Collection • Elliptical shape contact surface in theory
i. Overhead line and pantograph • Shape and size of real contact area depends on
• Pantograph contact force local geometry of the two bodies at the point of
• High speed train pantograph can have wings to contact
control contact force • The stress distribution in contact patch under
• Tilting trains need to keep the pantograph upright Hertzian Contact is ideally parabolic
• Contact strip made from carbon • Contact Stress depends on: dynamic wheel load,
• Loss of pressure lowers the pantograph to prevent diameter of wheel, shape of wheel and rail,
demage to the OLE by worn or damaged contact wheelset lateral position
surface iv. Dynamic Loading and Forces
ii. 3rd and 4th rails • Dynamic forces increase with speed
• Pick up shoes are used • Crossings, rail joints and wheel flats produce high
• Increases unsprung mass and pick up shoes are impact forces
subject to vibration • Out of round wheels and track twist increase
13. Wheel-Rail Interface dynamic force
i. Curve behaviour

v. Vertical Impact Force

• Bad weld or dipped rail joints
• Even small vertical deviation in geometry cause
big dynamic forces
• P0 force - static
• P1 force – high frequency and amplitude
• P2 force – relatively lower frequency and produce
most damage to the track.
• P2 = 0.7𝛼𝛼𝛼𝛼�𝑘𝑘𝑡𝑡 𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑢 , 𝛼𝛼 = irregularity angle (mrad),
V = speed (m/s), kt = track stiffness (N/m), Mu =
• r0 = rolling radius,λ = effective conicity, y =
unsprung mass of vehicle (kg)
lateral offset, I0 = ½ of track gauge
vi. Rolling Contact
(1435mm/2), R = radius of curve
• Microcreepage(small amount of slippage)causes
• for no slip, the ratios of rolling radii of the left
adhesion to vary over the area of the contact
and right wheels must equal the radii of the
curvature of the left and right rails patch
𝒓𝒓𝟎𝟎 −𝝀𝝀𝝀𝝀 𝑹𝑹−𝒍𝒍𝟎𝟎
= ;
𝒓𝒓𝟎𝟎 +𝝀𝝀𝝀𝝀 𝑹𝑹+𝒍𝒍𝟎𝟎
All variable r0, y, R, l0 should be inmeter or
ii. Kinematic Oscillation and Hunting
• At low speed, kinematic oscillation die away. vii. Creepage and Creep force
• At high speed, the oscillations can increase to the • Creepage - Action where a wheel turns at a
point where flange contact occurs speedthat isdifferent from the train speed with
• Eventually, the lateral force become so large and respect to the track.
the vehicle derail (flange climb) • (𝒗𝒗 − 𝝎𝝎𝝎𝝎)/𝒗𝒗; where v = speed of train, ω =
• Hunting – wheelset display kinematic oscillation rotational speed of wheel, R = radius of wheel
and become unstable above a critical speed. • Occur in three directions: lateral, longitudinal, spin
iii. Contact Patch about the axis perpendicular to the rail
• When a wheel & rail are contact under no load, a • Creep force– forces transmitted between wheel
point of contact results and rail

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• Creep Force F = μN; where μ = coefficient of sliding Increase Adhesion Decrease Adhesion
friction, N = the normal force btw wheel and rail • Sanding • Flange Lubricants applies to
Creep Force – longitudinal direction to carry • Autumn timetable the wheel flange to reduce
traction and braking forces and lateral to carry • Driver training – the wear at sharp curve
braking technique • metro high adhesion result in
guidance forces
• Vegetation high rail wear rates
management • Friction Modifier – maintain
reasonable frictionto
prevent excessive rail wear
and wheel slip, spin or slide.
15. Derailment
i. Plain Line
• Track Buckle–lateral shift of track position, Failure
of ballast to hold the track in position. Popular in
hot weather, tends to happen when train is passing
viii. Conicity
• Flange Climb–flange of wheel rides up the gauge
• Determine running stability of vehicles
side of the rail and climb over the rail head.
• All vehicle have a Vcritical above which they will
Common at lower speed
suffer from hunting
- Nadal Formula: Y/Q = (tan(δ) – μ)/(1+μtan(δ))
• Vcritical depends on conicity and primary
suspension stiffness
• Higher the conicity, lower the Vcritical
14. Adhesion Management
i. F = μR
ii. Traction or braking demand is greater than the • Gauge spread– wheels falls into the four foot. Fixing
available adhesion, wheel slip occur of rail is not secure, more common in wood
• Wheel slide in braking – damage wheels sleepers.
• Wheel spin in traction – damage rails • Collision – with trains, infrastructure or items on
iii. Measuring Adhesion of rail the line
• Special train to measure the coefficient of • Component Failure – Nuts & bolts can fail causing
friction – Tribometer Train component detach
• Brake pressure on the instrument wheel was • Dynamic reaction of Track Geometry
increased until it began to slip - Cyclic top: sink of track
• By measuring the brake force (F) and vertical load - track twist: sudden change of height in one track
on the axle (R), the coefficient of friction is found. ii. S&C
iv. Effect of Speed • Farringdon Edge – type of flange climb.Wear of
• As speed increases, wheelset tends to move switch blade side create a sharp edge which cut into
around on the railhead due to vehicle dynamics. the flange
This movement used up some of the available
friction, so less is available for traction and

• Split Switch– Wheel passes between closed switch

blade and stock rail
– thin flange, damaged point end lead to both
wheel move into their respective stock rails. As the
stock rail diverge, the train derails.

v. Wheel Slide Protection • Switch reversal –Points change from through route
• Measurement device on the train measure the to diverging route, or vice versa, when the train
rotational speed of each axle passing over them.
• Signal sent to WSP and calculate whether the • Crossing derailment–Damagedcrossing nosescause
wheels are slipping excessively or not a wheel take a wrong path. Improperly adjust check
• If yes, brake pressure released on wheelset rails can cause a wheel take a wrong path.

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iii. Other Reasons 17. Crashworthiness
• Shifted Load i. High level safety system – rules and procedures,
• Wind conflict free timetable
16. Incident Investigation ii. Low level safety system– interlockings and block
i. Roles and responsibility of Railway Accident system, good and thorough maintenance
Investigation Branch (RAIB) iii. Backup safety system – ATP, tripcocks,
• Improve railway safety and prevent further emergency communications systems, emergency
occurrence braking system.
• Does not blame or liability, nor enforce laws or
iv. Why crashworthiness is needed?
carry out prosecutions (ORR role)
• To reduce passenger injuries caused by
• Invest all serious rail accidents involving a
derailment which result in or could result in >= 1
collision with seatings
death, >= 5 serious injury, extensive damage to • Items in the overhead luggage rack falling
rolling stock, infra, or environment, or any other • Dimensionally enhanced person opposite may
accident which could have same consequence fall on you
ii. Evidence v. Over-riding
• Perishable – brake temperature, rail marks, control • Anti-climbers lock together in a crash and
positions prevent over-riding
• Non-perishable – vehicle positions, broken vi. Crashworthiness Strategies
components, records and documents
• Traditional approach- Very strong vehicles,
iii. Access to site – emergency services, police and RAIB
iv. On site details
collision energy is expended in few vehicles
Point of derail Track Vehicle
• Plain line or • Twist • Wheel profile
S&C • Cyclic top • Brake status • Collision energy management approach –
• Climb Marks • Rail Profile • Suspensionstatus Crumple zones are designed into ends of
• Rail breaks • Gauge • Controls vehicles, Collision energy is spread out along
• Over the rail • Switch • On Train Monitoring the train.
or into the 4 damage Recorder(OTMR) data
• Signs of track vii.Driver Protection
distress or
• Crumple zone provide survival space
distress • Modern cabs have fewer knobs and softer
v. Off site details surfaces
Operational Track Maint Vehicle records 18. Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF)
records Record • Maintenance i. Wear and RCF are caused by high levels of force in
• Signal box • Patrols and history the Wheel/rail contact patch
registers and Inspections • Modification ii. Contact Patch Energy (T-Gamma) – Energy
tapes • Maintenance history dissipation on contact patch
• Assessment of Records • Wheel turning iii. TGamma = creep force x creepagein contact patch
crossings • Track recording • Fault log book
vi. Other evidence
• Detached components
• CCTV Tapes
• Data logger records
• Mobile phone call details
• Staff histories – performance , medical, disciplinary,
iv. Whole life rail model (WLRM) damage function
drugs and alcohol testing
vii. Process
• Gather all physical evidence
• Take witness statements
• Carry out causal analysis
• Consult industry and individuals involved
• Publish report
• ORR follows through implementation

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• Min radius = 25m • Min radius = 185m
• Groove rail • Flat bottom rail
• Steel grade R200 no • Steel grade R260 alloyed
alloyed and no heat and heat treated rails to
treated rails can be reduce RCF and wear
repair welded
ii. Other difference from mainline
• Curves are sharper, • Floor heights
more frequent, have • High performance
poor transitions and vehicles
poor superelevation • Need to have
• Gradients are steeper deceleration similar to
v. RCF damage condition • Poorer railhead road vehicle
• High contact stress – smaller contact patch due to conditions • Few (if any) track
greater curvature of rail and wheel • More frequent stops circuits
• High shear forces–only in traction direction • High frequency services • Simplified signalling
• Wear – consequence of very high shear forces • Shorter trains • Line-of-sight operation
andcounteracts RCF crack growth • Short system lengths
vi. RCF Mechanism iii. 100% Low floor vehicles
• Steady State Curving Advantages Disadvantages
- leading wheelset of bogie • Larger Windows • High wheel load
- shear forces in traction direction on high rail • Larger space in vehicle • Small wheel diameter
- moderate radius curves (wear dominates in tight • Easily accessible by • No natural sine run of the
radius curves) people with reduced wheelset high flange wear
mobility, such as poor ride quality
vii. Difference between rail and wheel
wheelchair users, • Doubtful seat comfort,
Rail Wheel
elderly, etc. restricted passenger flow
•Surface is driven in •Surface is driven in
• Good visibility of • Higher maint cost of
traction braking
person standing in vehicle due to no axle
•Water get into cracks •Centrifugal force clears front of the vehicle bogie
easily water
• Smooth front design • Higher maint cost of track
viii. RCF Risk factors that hits a pedestrian • Absence of bogies means
Rail Wheel below the centre of vehicle is slow over curves
•Traction forces •Braking forces gravity and turnouts
•Curving forces on leading •Curving forces on leading • No interior steps – • Wheel intrusion into
wheelset on high rail wheelset on the low rail safe saloon and large number
•Track irregularities •Track irregularities • More politically of articulations limits
ix. TGamma and RCF increase with curvature, primary acceptable choice of interior layout
yaw stiffness, cant surplus, vehicle weight 21. Freight Train Design and Performance
x. RCF Mitigation i. Advantage of Freight Rail
• Rail Grinding • Can carry more loads for long distance with
• Track lateral alignment improvement minimum staff
• Lower conicity wheel profile • Ability to control the system performance within
- Any change inrail or wheel profilewhich reduces reason (avoid congestion)
RCF will give increased flange wear. • Efficient wheel/rail interface with low rolling
• Reduce primary yaw stiffness resistance & better aerodynamics
• Hydrodynamic bush • Low pollution at point of use for electrified
• Cross-bracing vehicles
• Steering Bogie – reduce curving forces ii. Requirements and
19. Mode of vibration • Different types of goods
i. Yaw • Max speed is 120 kph, no need to go faster since
ii. Pitch waste energy.
iii. Bounce iii. Restriction or Difficulties
iv. Upper sway • Loading Gauge – UK loading gauge runs from W6
v. Lower sway (smallest) to W12 (largest) and W6 available over
20. Tramway majority of UK.
i. Tramway vs Mainline • Route Availability – depends on axle load, each
Tramway Mainline route and rolling stock are given an RA number.
• Gradient = 5% • Gradient = 3-4%
Page 10
The RA number of vehicle should be less than vii. Loading / Unloading
route’s RA number. • Need to ensure even distribution of load
• Value for Money – Designs have to be cheap to • Covers & discharge door manual of pneumatic
build. viii. Protection of Goods
• Track Quality – Track standards for freight lines • Vertical shock due to crude suspension & poor
not as high as for passenger. Vehicle need to cope track quality
with significant track twist • Impacts during shunting movements
22. Wagon Design • Poorly performing brakes and brake application
i. Two axle Design delays cause frequent shocks during transit
• Cheap and simple • Heat and cold during transits – perishables and
• track twist derailment is easy livestock badly affected
ii. Bogied ix. Protection of Environment
• Bogies copes better with poor track geometry • Many dangerous goods carried by rail
• Typically 4 axle • Generally safer than road transport
• Need to maintain acceptable yaw stiffness 23. Freight Locomotives Design
• Better payload to tare ratio i. Freight is commonly hauled by locomotives
iii. Brakes • Lower operating cost then powering individual
• Tread & disc brakes common payload carrying vehicles
• Air brakes with reservoir on each vehicle • Highly variable train length and loads
• Brake pressure depends on load • Keeps wagon simple
• Air supplied by compressor on loco, connected by • Maximises utilization of expensive asset
hoses 24. Heavy Haul Freight
• Manual parking brake i. What is Heavy Haul Freight?
iv. Suspension • Operates with maximum allowable vehicle weight
• Leaf springs (Axle load) andmaximum length allowed on a
-basic but effective railway
- provide stiffness & damping (friction btw each ii. Advantages and Drawbacks
leaf) Advantages/Reasons Drawback
- stiffness & damping increase with load, but • Natural resources and • Higher infrastructure
difficult to control crop growing conditions cost
• Coil springs are not uniformly - more ballast
distributed - more sleeper
- basic but effective
• Large demand centres - larger rail & harder rail
- use nested coils for laden / tare loading
tend to be in one - stronger bridges
conditions location (Power plant) - bigger tunnels
- intermediate loads cause problems • Import – export • More track maintenance
• Rubber / elastomeric • Increase capacity needed
- provide stiffness plus a degree of damping • Fewer staff • More vehicle
-can also provide shear as shown on TF25 • Less rolling stock maintenance
• Friction required • More locomotives
- common on freight • More revenue and profit required
- rubbing surfaces used to provide damping iii. Intermodal transport
v. Derailment risk • Trailers on Flat Car (TOFC)
• Derailment risk and track damage are key – not • Container on Flat Car (COFC)
ride comfort • Unit Train – single commodity from one origin to
• Freight derailments far more common than one destination (Minerals, petroleum, etc.)
passenger due to poor track geometry, poorly iv. Increase Axle Load – problem and mitigation
maintained vehicle, poorly loaded vehicles Problem Mitigation
(uneven loading) • Increase damage on • Increase the ballast depth
• Bogie Rotation and Torsion Testto ensure track • Swing nose crossings
acceptable derailment risk of freight vehicle • Increase wear and RCF • Strengthen the bridge
vi. Couplers • Reduce the braking • Ballast gluing and sleeper
• Buffers and chain – cheap and simple rate spades
• Limits train length • Structure gauge • Ballast tamping
• Bridge strength • Preventive and corrective
• Staff need to be btw wagon to connect and
• Sub-grade strength rail grinding
• Suspension • Increase the brake effort
• Can suffer buffer locking on reverse curves
Page 11
characteristics • Tunnel enlargement - steering provided passively
v. Long Trains Challenges - much faster speed of response required
• Distributed power • Combined steering and stability control
• Electronically controlled pneumatic brakes (no
electrical power on freight)
• Couplers are the weakest link by design
vi. Mountain Railways
• Heavy weight
• Acceleration, tractive effort increase to overcome
• Brake force increase during down hill
vi. Advantages
• Geometry
• Lower the tare mass due to removal of axle
• Drawbars strength critical to prevent decoupling
• Improved performance
• Freight train may have to be divided into a
• Reduce vehicle maintenance at wheel and rail
number of small group carriages
• Much reduce impact on the infrastructure
• Employ in-train and end-of-train pusher instead of
• Towards independently rotating wheels
using one loco in the head end
26. Tilting Trains
25. Active Suspension
i. Basic Concept
i. Active primary suspension and secondary
ii. General Schematic

ii. Design Issue

• Lateral Track force – careful bogie design
iii. Design Issue necessary to meet track standards
• Response to random input (track roughness) • Overturning – Increase the chance in high cross
• Response to deterministic inputs (curves, gradient, winds
etc.) • Gauging – profiled body essential, particularly
• Use of improved performance (better ride quality, restrictive in
higher speed, worse track) • Tilt Mechanism
iv. Secondary active suspension - Skyhook damper iii. Passive Scheme
• Maintain the vehicle at stable posture if it is • Pendular
travelling suspended by an imaginary straight line Advantage
in the sky - No actuators, transducers and
• Heavily damp the vertical acceleration and vertical electronics
vibration at natural frequency, such as pitch and Disadvantages
- Mechanically cumbersome
bounce mode.
• Large suspension deflections on gradients
- Transition response may be slow
• Actuators: servo-hydraulic, pneumatic, electro-
mechanical, electro-magnetic iv. Active tilt
• Sensors: inertial – accelerometers and gyroscopes, • Active tilt, below 2nd Suspension
displacement – potentiometers, other – force, Advantage
- lateral secondary suspension
does not have to react the
v. Primary active suspension – Active Wheelset
increased curving force
• Active Steering control Disadvantages
-stability provided passively, active control - bogie weight/complexity
provided steering on curves increase
- relatively slow speed of response required - increased actuator force
• Active stability control • Active tilt, above 2nd Suspension
- stabilise a wheelset with soft yaw suspension
through active control

Page 12
- possibly simpler bogie
- lateral secondary suspension
must cope with increased
curving force

• Active tilt, across 2nd Suspension

- simpler bogie no tilt pivot
• Track database tilt controller
- lateral secondary suspension
must cope with increased
curving force
- possibly restricted tilt angle
v. Transition Performance
• Lateral acceleration
• Body roll velocity
• Lateral jerk
vi. Straight track performance
• Tilt may interact with lateral secondary viii. Tilt Authorization and Speed Supervision (TASS)
suspension • Assumes tilt system may fail
• Tilt action will normally make ride quality worse • Safety assured by high-integrity system to enable
tilt where safe to do so
• Tilt disabled where a tilt system failure might
cause structure gauge infringement
• Full benefits of tilting operation not realised
• Cost of TASS
27. ExternalAerodynamics
i. Aerodynamic resistance
• Arises from work by the train on the air, including
vii. Tilt control strategies pressure drag on nose and tail, pantographs,
• Partial Nulling tilt controller– measure the lateral intercar gaps, underframe equipment, bogies, etc
acceleration by body mounted accelerometerand • Skin friction drag from shear forces along surfaces
used as a feedback for tilt compensation paraleel to the air flow
• From Davis Equation, Train Resistance = A + Bv +
A represents mechanical rolling resistance,
B is bearing friction and
• Command tilt controller– measure the bogie C is Aerodynamic drag which consist of skin friction
acceleration by accelerometer, passing thru’ Low and the pressure drag.
Pass filterto compare with tilt strategies and 1
• 𝐶𝐶 = 𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌𝐶𝐶𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 ; where ρ is the air density, A is the
control the tilt angle required.
cross sectional area in m2 and CMX is the mean
pressure drag coefficient
• Power = Train Resistance x Speed
ii. Train Passing Pressure
• Lateral air displacements, [articularly around train
nose are accompanied by rapid changes in static
pressure which propagate laterally
• Precedence tilt controller–the acceleration of
• Major effect at train nose, smaller at tail
leading bogie of the leading vehicle pass thru’ a
• Thump effect on passed train, rapid deformations
LPF and compare with the tilting strategies.
of the train bodyside
- Overcome transition delay that the filter would
• Load on passed structure
• Peak to Peak Pressure change depends on:
- tilting effect on first vehicle is low
- design of train nose and tail

Page 13
- train speed squared • Leads to increased power requirement, greater heat
- Distance from train deposition in the tunnel
• Mitigation: by rounding train nose corner • Cross-passages between twin bore tunnel can
radii,lengthening the nose. reduce the resistance but increase the heat
iii. Slipstream effects problem
• Train produce strong, mainly longitudinal airflows • Cooling system, ventilation
due to viscous shearing of the train through the air. 29. Aerodynamics Theoretical and Testing Techniques
• Gust components and turbulence caused by • Full scale testing – measure the airflow on tracks in
discontinuities, e.g. intercar gaps, bogies open air or tunnels
• Strong 3-D flow at nose and tail • Wind Tunnel Testing –mount the model train in the
• Freight trains generally worse than streamlined middle of the tubular passage. Air is made to move
passenger trains past the object by a powerful fan system to
• May cause hazardous conditions for trackside measure the aerodynamic forces, pressure
workers and passengers on platforms distribution and other related characteristics of the
iv. Cross-wind effects train.
• Pantograph and vehicle design needs to consider • Moving model testing (MM Rig)–measure the
cross winds. Pantograph shroud help ensure the transient aerodynamics of train using 1:25 scale
current-collection quality model train.Tunnel aerodynamics, open air
• Overturning–Protection: wind fences and wind pressures and slipstreams.
detection and warning system • Theoretical methods– by Computation Fluid
28. Tunnel Aerodynamics Dynamics (CFD) and other method to solve the
i. Pressure waves in tunnels fundamental flow equations.
• Rapid pressure changes induced by entry and exit of 30. Rolling Stock Maintenance
nose and tail of trains i. Reason for Maintenance
• Pressures above and below atmospheric generated, • Maintenance preserve the state or condition of
moving at sonic speed asset
• Train travels through the complex superposition of • Ensure safe, reliability and efficient operation of the
waves rolling stock
• Rapid changes over 4 seconds can cause discomfort • Ensure that faults are identified before train cause a
• Some pressure variations for the whole transit time risk to both public and staff.
could be a safety issue ii. Rail Vehicle Maintenance in UK
• Critical parameters: train speed, blockage ratio, • RGS GM/RT 2000 – Engineering Acceptance of Rail
tunnel length, train length & type, train roughness, Vehicles must be complied with. To gain
tunnel roughness, presence of another train, entry engineering acceptance, a maintenance plan is
time of second train required.
• Mitigations: improve aerodynamic design of train, • RGS GM/RT 2004 – Rail Vehcile Maintenance
reduce speeds, pressure seal trains, increase tunnel mandates general requirements and some specific
area, include airshafts, modify entrances (flares and requirements
porous), active pressure control • Certificate of engineering acceptance is issued by a
ii. Tunnel Sonic Boom Conformance Certification Body (CCB) or Vehicle
• Entry pressure wave steepens in certain tunnels Acceptance Body (VAB)
• Emitted energy in audible spectrum • An operator must have a safety management
• Environmentally unacceptable system according to ROGS of ORR
• Solution: tunnel entrance hood or design the nose • Entity in Charge of Maintenance (ECM) in place for
of train to reduce the gradient of the nose entry each vehicle
wave • An ECM is not necessarily the operator of the train
iii. Induced airflows • The ECM should demonstrate that the maintenance
• Safety problem for personnel in tunnel policy and management system satisfies the
• Niches and handholds increased resistance requirement of Railway Groups Standards (RGS) for
• Airshafts, high velocities, acoustics that type of rail vehicle, Legislative requirements,
iv. Aerodynamic resistance in tunnel TSI compliance, competence management system.
• Increased significantly compared with opened air iii. Maintenance Procedure
• Maybe 2 – 20 times greater than open air • Vehicle Maintenance Instructions (VMI) -
coefficient, with increased energy consumption Inspection method and procedures of all trains
• Depends upon train speed and design, tunnel length,

Page 14
• VMI also contains specification for repairs and • Includes both mileage and time exams
maintenance and the periodicity at which the x. Undertaking maintenance
maintenance should be carried out. • People must be trained and competent
• VMI system must have a user interface to keep it • To be competent, staff must be assess on regular
up to date and controlled. basis
• Document controller was responsible for the VMI • Not all tasks require competency, those that do are
update  Risky! safety critical
• Nowadays, electronic control of documents and • Safety critical works include brakes, doors, wheels,
centralized the document update process so that bogies.
one person can update documents for many depots xi. Performance
and fleets at once. • In UK, performance is measured by Public
iv. Maintenance Plan Performance Measure (PPM)
• Most vehicles own by ROSCOs • Train performance is measured in mile per
• ROSCOs are interested in maintain their assets technical incident (MTIN) = Mileage run / number
• Any change in maintenance plan, ROCOs will have of incidents
comment which is considered an engineering xii. Facilities
change. • Depot Near the railway • Train lifting equipment
• Change to maintenance could be: mileage • Fuel point • Pits or raised track
extensions, task changes or removal based on • Hazardous material • Wheel lathes and Wheel
condition assessments, modification to vehicles, storage drops
economics reasons • Place to store parts • Cranes
• Modifications due to: • Information and notice • Chemical storage
- Health & Safety requirements boards for staff • Traction electricity
- obsolescence • Welfare facilities for • Shore supply
staff • Bogie drop
- component or system unreliability
• Train Cleaning • Paint shop
- design deficiencies
v. Who will undertake the maintenance? • Scaffold or roof access
• TOC, ROSCOs, Manufacturer, Independent
xiii. Maintenance Planning
Maintenance Company
• Trains are maintained to the planned periodicity
vi. Preventive
that is specified in VMI
• Exams & overhauls
• When a train is planned for maintenance repairs,
• Time or mileage based
modifications, cleaning and all other activities need
• Interval are determined statistically or from past
to be undertaken
• Only limited time could be used for each train so
• Components replaced before failure so
management system is always useful
• Depot managers must manage planned
vii. Corrective
• Component replace after failure
• Staff must be competence
• Low value non safety critical components (light
• Trains that require repair between planned
maintenance cause problems
• Only acceptable if safety is not compromised or
• Parts must be available
failure does not leave a train stranded
• Tools must be calibrated
viii. Condition Base Monitoring
xiv. Maintenance Output
• Sensor measure important parameters
• The train will be reliable if maintenance is right
• Automation determines current condition of
• Available trains earning revenue and not in the
components and orders replacement when
components has deteriorated to critical point
• Depots maintain to a plan not reactively correct
• Maximise use of components
problems they didn’t plan for
• Complexity due to nature of systems
• Customer get what they expect for.
ix. Reliability Centre Maintenance
31. Acceptance of Rolling Stock **
• Statistical based maintenance programme
i. Acronyms
• Uses probability to assess likelihood of failure
AsBo Assessment Body
• Analysis the reliability of different components and
NoBo Notified Body
sub-system via statistical approach to determine DeBo Designated Body
the maintenance programme. (such as MTTF, MTTR, CP Competent Person
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), etc) NRAP Network Rail Assessment Panel
Page 15
LONO Letter of No Objection
ROGS Railways and Other Guided Transport
Systems Regulations
CSM-RA Common Safety Method for Risk
Evaluation and Assessment
NSA National Safety Authority
Approve the SMS, in UK, that is ORR
RIR Railway Interoperability Regulation
SMS Safety Management System
LONO Letter of No Objection
ii. Four Approval Cert Required 34. VAMPIRE software
i. Vehicle Dynamic Modelling Package In a Railway
• Safety Verification Certificate – Design, Testing,
ii. Eigenvalue Analysis – linear calculation of the natural
- Assessed by AsBo according to ROGSand CSM
frequencies and vibration modes of the vehicle
Regulation 352/2009
dynamics, such as yaw, pitch, bounce, upper sway,
- AsBo: checks the explicit risk analysis if required
lower sway.
by TSI or if applicant decided to apply it within the
iii. Static Analysis –recreate vehicle tests carried out on
static vehicle in a workshop.
• Certificate of Verification – Intermediate, Final
iv. Transient Analysis – apply the movement of track to
- Accessed byNoBo, DeBoand CP
output vehicle response or wheel /rail forces
- NoBo: A third party who assess the
v. Curving Analysis – calculate steady state position and
interoperability and other technical requirement of
forces of vehicle passing a curves of specified radius
rolling stock against the TSI
and cant deficiency
- DeBo: Checks against Notified National Technical
35. Technical Requirement for Bogie**
Rules (NNTR) relating to open points and specific
i. Low Price – to keep vehicle price down
ii. Fast – to allow trains to operate at maximum speed
- CP:works with a railway undertaking under ROGS
iii. Safe: to reduce damage to infrastructure
to verify the safety of a new system. CP must be
iv. Long life: To reduce the need for replacement
certified as an expert in their field and must not be
v. Flexible in Use: to allow bogie to be used with various
involved in the project
vehicle and service types
• NRAP Certificate – Compatibility (EMC, gauging,
vi. Comfortable: to give good ride quality
vii. Quiet: To reduce environmental impact
- Accessed by NRAP
viii. Easy to maintain – to reduce maintenance costs
- Technical and Safety acceptance relating mainly to
ix. Reliable: to improve fleet availability
x. Robust/Strong: to withstand forces imparted to bogie
• Product Acceptance Certificate – Fit for Purpose,
without causing damage
Proof of Safety
iii. Approval of Rolling Stock
• If new project does not introduce any new
technology or processes, it can be verified under
railway company’s own SMS
• If change does introduce new technology or
processes, an Independent Competent Person is
appointed to work with the railway company to
ensure that no additional risk is introduced
32. Mass Control of Rolling Stock
i. Factors that reduce the mass
• Use of electrification with no diesel tank
• Use of aluminium hollow body design for body
shell of train
• Use of disc brake instead of tread brake
• Hollow axles for wheelsets
ii. Factors that increase the mass
• Air-conditioning unit on the train
• Crashworthiness of the driving cab
• Complex suspension system?
33. Bathtub curve for components life
Page 16
LMR33 – Railway Traction System Design • Dis: Carbon dust from brushes can short out the
1. Basic Electrical Principles
3. 3 phase inductionAC Motor
i. Capacitor: current leads voltage by 90o,
i. Operating Principle
Xc = 1/2πfC;
• 3 phase electrical supplies
• Nature of windings setup a rotating magnetic
• Constant magnetic field created if the phases
are balanced
ii. Inductor: current lags voltage by 90o, • Magnet field induce voltage in the rotor bars
XL = 2πfL; which are connected through shorting rings
(Faraday’s Law and Len’z Law)
• Current induced in the rotor create a rotor
field (Ampere’s Law)
• Interaction between stator and rotor field
produce a torque in the machine (Lorentz
X = |Z|sinθ, where |Z| = (R2 + X2)1/2θ = tan-1(X/R) Force)
iii. Power Factor–ratio of real power to apparent ii. Asynchronous Motor
power. Caused by phase shift of current and • Heat Management is not an issue
voltage or the harmonics • Generally maintenance free
iv. Power Electronics • Have slip between stator field speed and
• Thyristor – continuous on until gate is armature speed
deenergized. highest current carrying iii. Synchronous Motor
capacity, hot when operating, heat sink • Have coils in the armature power by DC
required • Armature turns at same speed as field
• Gate Turn Off Thyristor (GTO)– high current • Better power factor than asynchoronous
carrying capacity, require large –ve current to motor
the gate to turn off • Best power to weight ratio
• Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) – • More complicated and more maintenance
can switch at very high frequency iv. Permanent Magnet Motor
v. 3 Phase Power Supplies • Very efficient
• Very high power to weight ratio
• Can be DC, Asynchronous, Synchronous
• Expensive due to rare earth magnets
• Need to be kept cool

2. DC Motor

4. Traction Motor Control

i. Resistance Control – DC Motor
• Resistor are big and heavy
• Waste Energy – hot resistors
• Fine speed control is impossible without the
addition of more notches
i. Advantages and Disadvantages • Need a lots of maintenance
• Lowest power to weight ratio
• Excellent low speed characteristics
• Dis: Heat management is important
• Dis: Brushes wear out and maintenance required

Page 17
v. Curve Drag
• Curve drag = mK/R;
where m = mass of train in the curve
R = curve radius
K is an experimentally determined constant
(roughly 23000 m2s-2)
vi. Effective Mass:
ii. Chopper Control – DC Motor
• Total Mass = Tare Mass + payload
• Changing the length of pulses changes the amount
• Effective Mass: Me = Mt * (1 + λ) + payload;
of current flowing through the motor
where Mt = Tare Mass, λ = rotatory allowance
• AC ripple can cause EMI (5% - 15%)
• FT = μMgp; where p = proportion of motored axles

iii. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) – AC Motor

Example:25t axle load, 6 Axle Loco, 50 wagons@100t,
• IGBT best suit to PWM inverters due to high
Initial acceleration 0.6 ms-2, Adhesion=30% for loco, how
switching frequency
many locos required for pulling the wagons? Assume tare
• 3 PWM can create 3 phase supply
mass = 30t, payload = 70t, RA = 10%.
• PWM can easily create different frequencies of AC
For Wagon:
which is required for AC motor control
Effective mass = Mt(1 + RA) + payload = 30(1.1)+70 = 103t.
5. Basic Traction Equation
Total Eff. Mass of wagons = 103t x 50 = 5150t
i. Tractive Effort = urMDg;ur = adhesion coefficient;
Total TE required = F = ma = 5150k x 0.6 = 3090kN
MD = mass on powered wheels (kg); g = gravity
For Loco:
force (10N/kg)
Eff. Mass = Mt(1+RA) + payload = (6x25t)(1.1) + 0 = 165t
ii. Tractive Effort Curves
Total Eff. Mass of Locos = 165t x NL
Total TE delivered by Locos = uMg = (0.3)(150)(10) x NL=
Total TE generated by Locos should be larger than Total
TE required by mass of Locos and Wagons, therefore, by
F=ma, (165t)NLx (0.6) + 3090k ≤450kNL
NL ≥ 8.84. i.e. 9 locos are required.
Overall, the equation of T.E.:
[m(1+RA)+payload]*a = FT – FR – Mgsinα;

Balancing speed: acceleration = 0 ms-2 6. AC/DC Machine Types

iii. Davis Equation – Train Resistance i. Requirement of railway traction
• Train Resistance FR = A + Bv + Cv2, where • Good Torque Performance
A = Rolling resistance • Robust and reliable
B = Bearing Friction • Efficient
C = Aerodynamic Drag • Compatibility with other equipment
• Used for braking
• Low maintenance
• Low cost
• Able to control speed
• Quiet
ii. Torque

iv. Gradient Effect

• Linear force = Mgsinα= Mg/X, where X is the
gradient as 1 in X.

Page 18
iii. Squirrel Cage Rotor
iv. Methods of Excitation – Series, Shunt and Separate
• Torque = 𝒌𝒌𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 𝑰𝑰𝒇𝒇 , where in series, 𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 = 𝑰𝑰𝒇𝒇 , Torque =
𝑘𝑘𝑰𝑰𝒂𝒂 𝟐𝟐 , E = 𝒌𝒌′𝝎𝝎𝒓𝒓 𝑰𝑰𝒇𝒇 = 𝒌𝒌𝝎𝝎𝒓𝒓 ∅, whereE is back EMF,𝝎𝝎𝒓𝒓 is
machine speed,Ia is armature current and If is field

9. Electric Traction with Infrastructure Base Supply

i. Advantages ii. Drawbacks
• No pollution at point of • Infrastructure setup cost
use • Infrastructure
• Separate source of armature is not recommended • “Unlimited” power maintenance cost
since when Vf fail, back EMF = 0V and the current Ia supply • Infrastructure reliability
become very large and burns the armature. • High overload capability • Environmental
• High Instantaneous influences
power • Dependence on single
• Controllability power supplier
• Lower Tare load (no • Transmission losses
fuel) • Potential for
• Low Cost Energy electromagnetic
• Lower accident critically interference
• Lower rolling stock • Risk of Electrocution
maintenance cost
• Longer rolling stock life
Third Rail Fourth Rail
• Advantages • Advantages
- Low Cost solution - Minimised Stay
- Reduce Infrastructure current
Cost for tunnel - Segregation between
• Drawbacks track circuit and traction
- Limit power capability supply
- Safety of passengers • Drawbacks
v. Definition of slip and maintenance staff - Expensive in first and
- difficult evacuation of maintenance cost
• 𝑠𝑠 = (𝜔𝜔𝑠𝑠 − 𝜔𝜔𝑟𝑟 )/𝜔𝜔𝑠𝑠 ;
passengers - Complex junction
where ws = w/p - Ice problem arrangement
ws = synchronous speed - Ice problem
wr = rotor speed OHLE • Drawbacks
w = supply angular frequency • Advantages - Bigger tunnels and
p = number of pole pairs - Higher Voltage, lower greater clearances are
7. Inverter (DC to 3 phase AC) loss required
- potential for more
powerful vehicles
10. Autonomous Traction System
i. Advantages ii. Drawbacks
• Simplified and • Greater Complexity of system
cheaper • On board source of energy or
infrastructure power
• Little emission - increase the tare load
8. PWM Converter losses - increase the risk factor
• Flexibility and ease - limit the operating distance

Page 19
of interoperability due to refuelling
• Easier limitation of - more restricted timetable
electro-magnetic • Environmental hazard of
interference spillage
• Variety of fuel • Price dependence on fuel
sources supplier
• Possibility for • Reduced or non-existent
stored energy regeneration capability
11. Hybrid System
i. Use more than one power source to drive the
vehicle and usually include an energy storage device
x. Four Stroke CI cycle
ii. ESD provide short bursts of power for acceleration
and steep grades, etc.
iii. Able to recovering energy from regenerative
iv. Fuel cell / diesel is the most common type.
v. Neither the fuel cell nor diesel generator can
provide sufficient power for train’s peak power
vi. Diesel generate electricity to charge the fuel cell
vii. When the cell fully charged, the generator shut
down and the train run by fuel cell power.
xi. Comparison of Two and Four Stroke
Advantages Disadvantages
i. 2-Stroke ii. 4-Stroke
- reduced fuel - expensive technology
• Inlet controlled by • Inlet of air and outlet of
consumption - battery performance issue
piston movements, exhaust gases controlled
- quieter - battery life issue
outlet of exhaust gases by cam operated valves
operation - battery charge state is important
by valves • Suitable for low,
(too full when braking and too empty
• Cannot go to high speed medium and high speed
when full power required)
• Incomplete combustion engine
due to early start of • Complete combustion
exhaust achievable
• High temperature cycle • Some loss of power
• Every stroke is a working during non-working
stroke stroke
• Good power to weight • More parts, more
ratio maintenance
• Use less fuel would • More complicate design
achieve complete • Large in size and not
12. Diesel Traction System combustion but extra O2 easy to fit in the train
viii.Types of Ignition : Spark Ignition and Compression will combine with N2 and
Ignition rust the engine
Spark Ignition (SI) Compression Ignition (CI) xii. Forced Air Induction
• Otto Cycle and • Diesel cycle • Supercharger
stationary diesels • High compression ratio - mechanically connected to the engine
• Low compression ratio • Ignition due to injection - compressor driven by enginecrankshaft
• Ignition due to spark in of fuel into hot gas - use some energy
petrol/air mixture • Heat input at constant - no lag which increase in power demand
• Heat input at constant pressure during • Turbocharger
volume until mixture injection - compressor driven by exhaust gases
has burnt completely • Ignition control by - uses waste heat
• Ignition control by spark timing of fuel injection - time delay between engine increase in speed and
timing point turbo increase in boost pressure
ix. Method of Operation: Two Stroke CI cycle – xiii. Hydrostatic and Hydrodynamic Systems
Induction (Suck), Compression (Squeeze), • Hydrostatic – fluid pressure based, light weight and
Combustion(Bang), Exhaust(Blow) high power ratings, variable displacement pump,
• Suck and blow happen at the same time. fixed displacement motors

Page 20
• Hydrodynamic – Fluid flow based transmission, iii. Inexhaustible– sufficient braking energy stored on
Torque converters allow engine to run at optimal each and every vehicle of the train to ensure that
speed. vehicle can be safely stopped
xiv. Exhaust Gas Recirculation iv. Graduable– facilitate progressive variation of the
• Some of the exhaust is returned to the engine to be brake force during both brake application and
reburned release
• Reduce pollution but also engine power and 17. Brake Functions
efficiency i. Stop the train from all speeds
• Exhaust gas temperature and pressure must be ii. Maintain the static train condition, parking and
holding brake
• Increase particulates requiring exhaust filters
iii. Regulate the train speed with loads and in all
• Unburned carbon particulates can end up in the oil
and reduce engine life
xv. Bio-fuel 18. Braking Types
i. Tread Brake
• Sustainability Concerns:Food competition,
biodiversity (forest clearance), Water and soil • Brake block forced against wheel tread
resources, Greenhouse gas balance • Complicated and heavy linkage
• Fungus Concerns:some lifeforms still find bio-diesel • Tread is cleaned thus improving adhesion
edible. This fungus consumes the bio-diesel, grows • Brake blocks traditionally cast iron and friction
and reproduces in fuel tanks and gets sucked into reduce when it heats up
the engine where it blocks the fuel filters. ii. Disc Brake
13. AC Feeding Circuit • Caliper forces brake pad against a disc
• Lighter, simpler installation
• Adhesion can suffer if wheel gets covered in
• Discs on wheel and Discs on axle
iii. Axle Mount Disc
• Discs must dissipate a lot of heat
• Needs good airflow around the bogies
• Conflicts with the works of aerodynamicists
14. Booster Transformer • Vent discsgive better heat dissipation
i. Use 1:1 ratio transformers to draw return current • Sinteredbrake pads are made from secret
into a special return conductor formulae
ii. Reduce the ground leakage current at considerable iv. Dynamic Brake
depth (several hundred meters) 19. Braking Energy Types
i. Straight Air & Vacuum Brakes
• Air from the main reservoir is used directly to apply
• Mainly used as locomotive brakes
• Not fail safe
ii. Vacuum brake
• Brakes release when air is exhausted from cylinder
15. Autotransformer System • Limited brake force
• Heavy due to large piston area
iii. Single and Two pipe automatic air brake
• Completely mechanical System
• Charging train pipe applies brakes and reducing
pressure in train pipe applies brakes
• Relies on an auxiliary reservoir and a ‘triple valve’
on each wagon
• Infinitely graduable application but requires skill to
get the right reduction on long freight trains
16. Brake Requirements • Release can only be complete
i. Continuous–available throughout each and every • Mostly fail safe
vehicle of the train • Two pipe automatic air brake system keep the
auxiliary reservoir charge to allow graduated
ii. Automatic – automatically apply in the event that
release and prevent runaways
the continuous element of the brake system has
been interrupted

Page 21
• Reasonably common for special applications
• Some metros use spring actuated brakes which are
released hydraulically
• Very light and compact installation
• Problems connecting vehicles: messy train line,
each vehicle has its own hydraulic pump
vii. Eddy-current brakes
• Electromagnet is held just above rail
• Energising magnet causes eddy current in rail,
resulting in retarding force
• Large power requirement and rail heating problems
viii. Track Brakes
• Used mainly on trams and metros
• Energised and brought into contact with rail
• Friction between brake and rail slows vehicle
• Increasing magnet strength increases brake rate;
• For parking and emergency braking
• Quite heavy
• Can be powered by energy from dynamic brakes or
iv. Flashing Rear End Device (FRED)
• Rear end devices monitor the brake pipe pressure ix. Electro-dynamic (ED and hydro-dynamic) (HD)
and transmit to head end
• Cannot initiate service brake but can initiate
• Dynamic braking uses traction motor as a generator
emergency brake.
• Only works when the axles are rotating, hence
v. Electro-pneumatic (EP) brake
called “dynamic”
• EP electrically controlled valves to control the air in
• Regenerative braking: feed energy back to supply
the brake system
system. (But waveform is bad and with many
• Two types: infinitely graduable and stepped
harmonics. Only suitable for infrastructure based
• Infinitely graduable supply)
- like two pipe system
• Rheostatic braking: dissipate energy using resistors.
- application valve is installed between the main
• Suitable for all electric drive
reservoir pipe and the brake cylinder
• Regeneration only works if there are other trains on
- holding valve is installed between the triple valve
the network using power or substation has
and the exhaust
expensive equipment to send power back to the
- opening and closing these valves in conjunction
with main brake pipe reduction controls the brakes
• Traction motors do not generate same amount of
electricity at different speeds
• Friction brakes will need  keep total brake force
constant (Blending)

• Stepped system
- the driver’s brake handle has a number of discrete
steps, each one corresponding to a different brake
rate 20. Managing Poor Adhesion
- each brake demand step energizes or not a i. Drive Slower
number of wires ii. Railhead friction modifier
- The wires run the length of the train and control a iii. Wheel Slip and Wheel Slide Protection (WSP)
multistep relay valve iv. Sand
- each step of the relay valve varies the pressure in • Single Shot by driver in emergency
the brake system • Manual – driver has a button to apply sand
• EP brake demand is transmitted along the train • Automatic – detectors notice wheel slide and apply
instantaneously automatically.
• graduated release is also possible • Sand can interfere with track circuit and S&C
vi. Electro-hydraulic brake 21. Conventional DEMU Engine
• Little used in mainline since fail to safety issue on
mainline railways
Page 22
22. Freight Train normally use autonomous traction:
i. Freight train may cross boarder which may have
interoperability issue of electric traction.
ii. Yard and unloading facilities are normally un-
iii. Freight operates over longer distances where stable
electrification may not be available.

Page 23
LMR34 – System Engineering

1. What is system engineering**

i. An interdisciplinary process to help ensure that a
project is successful in terms of performance
requirements, management,timescales, budget,
maintenance, etc.
ii. Why it is important for railway?
because railway is complex system which has many
stakeholders with different background and
iii. System Engineering Lifecycle Model

5. Requirement***
i. Successful Project: a project that satisfy all
requirements, including technical requirement,
time and cost. (e.g. HS1)
ii. Failure project: a project that cannot meet all
requirements. (e.g. Jubilee Extension line)
iii. Traceability**
• Provides a linkage betweenrequirements,
functions and physical decomposition.
• Rich traceability also capture the reasoning for
iv. The Cost Influence Curve (McNulty 2011)
the decisionbeing made and provide decision
history for future reference.
iv. Requirement Management: the process of
documenting, analysing, tracing, prioritizing and
agreeing on requirements and then controlling
changes and communicating to relevant
v. Requirement Management Activities

2. RM tool - Systems Engineering Environments (SEE)

i. Store and maintain requirements and functional vi. Writing Good Requirements – CCTT ***
and physical modelling. • Clarity–(Requirements should be) clear and
ii. SEE can provide a requirement database and record understandable
how they change during the project • Consistency – should notcontradictthemselves or
iii. Useful for configuration management other requirements of systems
iv. Support traceability • Traceability –meet the parent requirement or
v. E.g. DOORS, CORE, etc. higher level requirements or missions
3. System Integration** • Testability–should be verifiable to facilitate the
i. The consideration of how a set of components specifications of test criteria
interact with one another during the entire life 6. Project Management ***
cycle of a system. i. Time and Scope management.
ii. Why it is important for railway? • Limit Programme and technology risk
because there are many subsystems and critical ii. Cost Management
interface in railway system • Human, financial equipment resource
4. Vee Process Model*** management
iii. Quality Management
iv. Safety Risk
• Management of technical and operational risk

Page 24
• Assurance and documentation of safety risk iii. Type of relationship
containment • Generalisation– Object A is a type of Object
v. Change Management B(CAR – 4 x 4)
• Provision and control of asset information • Composition– Object A is composed of Object B
• Configuration Management (Human – Emotion)
7. System Engineering *** • Aggregation– Object A is an aggregate of Object B
i. Requirement Management (Mug of Coffee – Milk)
• Requirement elicitation and requirement iv. Requirement Modelling
management • Use Case diagram – define functional and
• Definition of system and subsystem specification operational requirements in user’s language by
ii. Performance and Technical Risk defining the scenarios by which value is delivered
• Modelling of operational performance to the users
• Evaluation of robustness of technical options
iii. Cost and Capability
• Development of optimised system options
• Human, equipment and operations integration
iv. Quality System Design
• Creation of quality management system
v. Configuration Management
• Provision and control of asset information
• Development of configuration management
8. Configuration Management
i. To ensure that changes to a subsystem are
controlled such that the consideration is given to v. Functional Decomposition Modelling
the interfaces with other systems • Sequence Diagram
ii. It also ensures that changes to designs and
subsystems in the course of a major project are
checked for consistency and conformance
throughout the development process
9. Functional Decomposition***
i. Contains only functions and is used to decide
whatneeds to be achieved to satisfy the client/
ii. IDEF0, Functional Flow Block Diagram (FFBD), Data • Functional Flow Block Diagram (FFBD)
Flow Diagram (DFD), State-chart Diagram, Sequence • Interconnects blocks (which represent
10. Physical Decomposition *** functions) using arcs and logic (AND, OR,
i. Carried out after functional decomposition. Iterate)
ii. Shows how the system is to be achieved
iii. Mapping between functional and physical domains
is needed.
iv. Physical hierarchy
11. Swiss Cheese Model

12. What is Modelling ***

i. Definition – a simplified description, especially a • Integrated Definition Language 0 (IDEF0) – an
mathematical one, of a system or process, to assist input is transformed into an output by the
calculations and predications. activity using mechanism under the control
ii. Descriptive text, diagrams and technical drawings
are all models.

Page 25
13. System Safety Activities
i. Understand system of interest
ii. Identify&evaluate safety risks
iii. Develop means of controlling safety risks
iv. Verify effectiveness of controls
v. Provide evidenceof acceptable safety
vi. Repeat activities& maintain safety throughout
system life
vii. Hazard risk = severity x likelihood
viii.Failure is an event, Fault is a state
ix. Systematic failure – failures due to flaws in design,
manufacture, installation, maintenance
x. Random failure – failures due to physical causes
14. What is System of System (SoS)? ***
• Data Flow Diagram(DFD) – combine elements of i. System – A collection of different elements that
enhanced FFBDs and IDEF0 together produce results not obtainable by the
elements alone.
ii. System of System – is the viewing of multiple,
dispersed, independent systems in context as part
of a large, more complex system
iii. Characteristics of SOS
• Managerial, development and operational
• Rapid requirement development
• Multiple stakeholder with conflicting needs and
little incentive to work together
• Emergence resulting from the inter-system
• Often the system are geographically dispersed
and are connected through a network.
15. Risk Control Process - IACMMR

• Statechart Diagrams show the transition of one

even to the next in a process

16. Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM)

i. Reliability - the probability that a system perform
its defined functionover a given time period.(MTBF
= 1/failure rate) (system failure rate = sum of
component failure rates)
ii. Availability –the percentage of timea system is
available for use.(Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime) or
vi. Physical Decomposition Modelling iii. Maintainability – probability that a system can be
• Hierarchy restored to its required function in a specific time
iv. Dependability – a combination of Reliability,
Availability and Safety

Page 26
iv. Antisocial hour work
v. Dangerous work place
vi. High levels of responsibility, little authority
vii. Need for high reliability organisations
viii.Regulator y influences must be managed
21. Level of Automation
i. Parasuraman and Sheridan stage model for task
E.g. Availability = (t1+t3+t5)/T; MTBF =(t1+t3+t5)/2;MTTR that could be automated
=(t2 + t4)/2
v. Reliability Block Diagram (RBD)

System Availability = Am x Ap,where Ap = [1 – (1-An)(1-

17. Event Tree Analysis *** ii. Automation and System Performance (Onnasch et
• Routine Performance improves; failure
performance declines; Workload reduce
progressively;Loss of SA grows steadily.

18. Fault Tree Analysis ***

iii. Advantages of Fully Automation Operation (FAO)

• Provide more regular and predictable run times,
more uniform ride quality and reduce wear-and-
AND = A*B, P(A)*P(B); OR = A+B; P(A) + P(B) – P(A)*P(B) tear of train propulsion and braking
19. Seven Dimensions of Railway Complexity – Variability, • Driverless reduce the variations in line operations
Diversity, Dispersion, Coupling, Interaction, Asset Life, • Reduce operating staff cost
Regulation & Standard • Optimize the energy consumption by controlling
the train acceleration, coasting and braking
• Elimination of human error
iv. Grade of Automation (GOA)
• GoA0 – no automatic protection or control
• GoA1 – manual driving with ATP
• GoA2 – ATP + driver initiated ATO (Driver control
the door close and open)
• GoA3 –ATP + ATO initiated by non-driving on
board staff
• GoA4 – Full ATO without staff on board
v. Perrow’s view of organization**

20. Ergonomics in Railway are challenging

i. Large numbers of very distributed staff
ii. Complex and legally binding hierarchies
iii. Many repetitive job

Page 27
LMR35 – Infrastructure System Design ii. Source: Rain, runs off nearby hills, rises from
1. Rail Infrastructure beneath (water table can rise and fall over the time),
water from tunnel wall, nearby watercourses can
burst their banks, water drip from trains.
4. Jerk Rates – rate of change of acceleration
5. Sleepers
i. Wood Sleeper
• Lightweight
• Flexible and better load spreading
• Less ballast attrition
• Shorter lifespan
• Rails/chairs can be spiked, bolted or screwed
2. Route Selection ii. Concrete Sleeper
i. Geographic Features – hills, valley, rivers, urban • Heavy – 300kg
environment • Very stiff, poor load spreading, susceptible to
ii. Gradients- Cuttings, Embankments, Bridges, poorly regulated ballast
Tunnels, Viaducts • No damping but high mass increases track overall
iii. Underlying Geology - rock, sand, clay, gravel, etc. damping
• Affect the stability of cuttings and embankments • Hard on the ballast
• Affect the tunnelling by depth, direction and • Pre-cast-in fixings reduce the track gauge options
method • Cheaper than steel and wood sleepers
• Affect the surface track by service performance, iii. Steel Sleeper
stability, durability • Lighter than concrete
• Ground investigations are essential before design. • Easy to transport
iv. Environment • Spade ends resist later movement
• Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) • Rust
• Airborne Noise and Ground borne noise (vibration) • Expensive than concrete but cheaper than wood
• People and animals living nearby • Low trackform height
v. Non-infrastructure considerations– • Difficult to tamp ballast underneath them
• Passenger considerations – limit acceleration • Rail pads are required to insulate rails
from stop / to stop, limit lateral accelerations, • Not practical for 3rd and 4th rail electrification
limit vertical accelerations, limit jerk rate iv. Twin / Double Block Sleeper
• Politicalconsiderations – NIMBYs, politicians may • Used for light rail, trams and on high speed lines
want to build route through the middle of their • Excellent lateral stability due to additional faces
home town. • Still requires a proportion of normal sleepers to
• Environmental – archaeology and rare species resist traction and braking forces
• Vehicle Characteristics –minimum radius • Tamping needs to be done with care due to low
requirements, high speed operations require large stiffness
radii, heavy haul operation require minimum • Could be used in slab track
gradient (< 1%), traction and braking 6. Jointed Track
characteristics i. Track is laid with short rails (60ft)
• Utilities and Underground services – pipes, gas ii. Rail ends bolted together with fishplates
mains, water supplies, electricity cables, iii. Rail can crack from boltholes
communication cables. Electric railways cause iv. Over time, the joint dips give rise to P1 and P2
corrosion of metal pipe. forces
3. Drainage v. Require bonding for signalling or traction currents
7. Continuously Welded Rail (CWR)
i. Rail surface is under compression due to rolling. The
interior is under tension due to reaction force of
surface tension.
ii. Rail comes in quarter mile lengths
iii. Laid and welded together
iv. Rail is tensioned to allow for thermal changes in
i. Proper drainage in Track bed for long term stability, v. Need insulated joints for track circuit
less maintenance and cheaper infrastructure.

Page 28
vi. Stress free temperature is 27oC (Thermal Stress vibration problem • Upgrade or renewal is
present whenever T <> 27oC) • Difficult to get to buried difficult compare with
8. Ballasted Track services ballasted track
i. Function of Ballast • Cheap alternative is • High capital costs
• Drains water from base of sleepers (bearers in ballast gluing • Not reusable and
S&C) • Low whole life cycle cost renewable materials
• Spreads load of passing trains • Tunnel construction cost
for slab track is lower
• Provides resilient support
than ballast track
• Holds track in position
iv. Floating Slab Track
• Allow easy repositioning of track
• Track slab laid on resilient bearings, such as bearing
• Equi-axedangular shape and hard material pad or spring for vibration absorption, and the
(granite) foundation slab
• Good bearing capability and high frictional • Provides advantages of slab track with increased
resistance. resilience. Greatly reduce the noise and vibration
• Good abrasion resistance, non-conducting and generated to the structures.
relatively constant electrical resistance • But it is complex to construct, difficult to maintain the
ii. Tamping bearings, difficult to seal between slabs
• adjust the vertical profile and lateral alignment
geometry of the rails.
• Tamping machine – raise the track to the desired
level and create a void. Inserts tines into ballast
and squeeze the ballast to move to the void.
• The frequency of intervention may change when
tamping causes damage to ballast.
v. Direct Fixation

iii. Cleaning
iv. Ballast Memory • The track slab of direct fixation with baseplates

• The resultant track profile after tamping rapidly bolted to the concrete slab directly
• Difficult to construct since required a deep, heavily
assumes its original pre-tamp condition.
v. Regulating reinforced slab.
• Reinforcing needs to be accurately positioned to
vi. Renewal
vii. Stoneblowing – lift up the rail and sleeper. Use allow space to drill holes to affix baseplates to slab.
small ballast injected to ballast. Reduce the ballast vi. Embedded Sleeper
memory • Widely adopted in metro tunnels
viii. Ballast Glue – stick the ballast on the surface of • Like standard track form which replaces the ballast
the ballasted profile to prevent the aerodynamics layer with concrete.
effect of high speed rail. • Rail-sleeper is well understood  accurately
9. Slab Track or Ballastless track – Ballast layer is modelled
replaced by a “bound layer”*** • pre-casted in factory and embedded into concrete
i. Why slab track is considered? slab in the tunnels or viaducts
• Track Access • sleepers are manufactured in factory to accurate
• Metro systems or LRTs tolerance
• Tunnels, Bridges and Viaducts where access for • The site concrete can be low specification provided
maintenance is restricted. that the foundation is suitable.
• Ground condition are unable to support ballast • Dis: The reinforcement is difficult to fix
track. • Dis: Cold joints between the sleeper and slab
ii. Advantages iii. Disadvantage • Dis: void underneath sleepers can form if concrete is
• Low Maintenance • Less flexible not properly poured.
• Very Rigid Track Bed adjustments ballasted • Embedded Sleeper - Low Vibration Track (LVT)
may cause noise and track • Construction quick and simple

Page 29
• High accuracy track tolerances • Effectively, the dynamic envelope is a virtual
• Dis: Maintenance of rubber boot is difficult ‘tunnel’ along the alignment
• Dis: water ingress into the rubber boot area can • Key elements: Centre and end throws, Track
be a problem movement
vii. Embedded Rail 14. Track Gauge Measurement
• Rails embedded directly into concrete slab or other i. Simple method – pole and tape
material (Edilon). • A group of workers go along the track armed with
• Insulated from surroundings  prevent stray current a tape measure and a adjustable pole.
issues • Measure the location of structures relative to the
• can also been used for vehicle crossing areas rails
• Rail is continuously supported and has been used for • Accuracy is low (+/- 10mm)
Tramway and Light Rapid Transit (LRT) many years • Speed is very low (15 min / measurement)
• System only suitable for low speed • Low Cost
• Dis: no resilience • Do not provide continuous measurement
• Dis: no adjustment ii. Accurate Method (Laser Profilers, Scanner)
• Dis: difficult to align rail accurately during • Could be vehicle or trolley based systems
construction • Laser devices are pulled along a trolley at slow
• Dis: destroy the expensive embedment material speed
when maintenance is required • Laser device measures the distance to nearby
10. Frequency of track inspection depends on: structures
i. Traffic • Accuracy is very good (+/- 3mm)
ii. Tonnage • Speed is slow to medium (up to 30km/h)
iii. Normally every 2 weeks in UK • High cost
11. Switching and Crossing iii. Fast Method (measuring trains)
i. Swing Nose Crossing • Measuring trains can be equipped with scanning
ii. Single Slip devices
iii. Double Slip • Use light source and cameras to determine the
iv. Turnouts structure position
v. Diamond Crossing • Accuracy is poor (+/- 30mm)
12. Embankment and Cuttings • Speed is high (70 km/h)
13. Gauging and Kinematic Envelop (KE) • Cost is medium
i. Purpose • Structure gauging train is upgraded to use laser
• Assessing whether rail vehicle will infringe on the scanners which will increase the speed to 110
infrastructure along the rail track km/h. Only work at night
• Assessment of opportunity to maximise the 15. Vehicle Gauging
carrying capacity of the railway infrastructure i. When new trains are procured or old trains need
• Traditionally: check if the rolling stock fits to run new routes
designed infrastructure corridor. ii. Comparative Gauging (Shadow Gauging)
• Increasingly: a tool for route development, • Reference vehicles (which is larger than new
allowing faster, wider, taller and longer vehicles vehicle) used to provide a shadow in which new
ii. Loading Gauge*** train may run
• Maximum permitted cross-sectional dimensions • Not necessary to know clearances of reference
of vehicles vehicle but no longer allowed.
iii. Structure Gauge iii. Absolute Gauging
• A set of measurements referenced to the rails • Compare the K.E. of a vehicle with the measured
which defines the minimum cross-section to be size of the infrastructure
left clear of any structure • Old days calculated by hand, now done on
iv. Kinematic Envelop computer
• Developed from vehicle’s cross section allowing • Allows maximum use of the available space
for maximum suspension travel • Reduces the cost of expanding the structure
• Cross section of the vehicle chosen at the point gauge but increase the cost on analysis.
where maximum deflection(movement) occurs 16. Interoperability
v. Dynamic Envelop i. EU decreed that all high speed and most
• Space taken up by a rail vehicle as it travels along conventional rail vehicles from one member
a route with minimum radius curves and reverse country should be able to operate on the rail
curves while using the full kinematic envelope system of another country

Page 30
ii. Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) • Wood– light weight, cheap, flexible, readily
define platform, train control power and similar accessible, easy to replace individual pieces, good
interfaces. (High Speed Interoperability and for covering soft ground, not very durable, okay in
Conventional Interoperability) compression and tension
iii. Not only the loading gauges different size, the • Metal (Iron and Steel)–steel isgood in
structure gauge also. compression and tension, used mostly in arches,
iv. European platofrms are much lower easy to mass produce pieces, noisy, subject to
v. Eurostars have a complicated mechanism to allow corrosion
them to operate at both UK and European • Reinforced concrete– composite material made
platforms up of steel strands/rods/cables in concrete matrix,
17. Train to platform interface steel carries tensile load, good in compression,
18. Culverts reinforced good in tensionexcellent for piers and
i. A culvert is part of the embankment. abutments, subject to concrete decalcification,
ii. Culverts are passages through the embankments for cheap
drainage, canals, roads or footpaths. • Pre-stressed concrete– same composition,
iii. Could be made of stone, brick, steel, cast iron, reinforcing is tensioned before concrete is poured,
concrete or plastic once concrete is set, tensioning is released,
iv. Culvert for water courses must be designed to be residual compressive stresses in concrete increase
able to handle the peak flows through it without strength
backing up. • Post stressed concrete– same composition, first
v. It must be able to withstand the load from passing pour the concrete, tensioning is applied once
trains concrete is set, residual compressive stresses in
vi. New culverts can be installed by jacking concrete increase strength
vii. Load and Forces Acting on the Bridges
• Tare weight of bridge
• Weight of railway infrastructure
• Wind, rain, ice and snow
• Forces due to temperature changes
• Bridge strikes (road, ship)
• During construction
• Static Weight of trains
• Dynamic force of trains (Vertical, Lateral
viii. Beam
19. Bridges • Load is carried by opposing forces in bridge
i. Underbridge (bridge under the rail) and overbridge • Steel girder bridge
(bridge over the rail) • Pre-stressed and post stressed concrete now
ii. Superstructure – spanning part of the bridge popular
iii. Abutment – support weight of bridge and loads ix. Arch
iv. Bridge Bearing – Support superstructure and • Load is supported in compression
transfer load to abutment Allow thermal expansion • Suited in masonry, brick, cast iron and steel
of bridge x. Truss
v. Pier –Intermediate supports for superstructure • Uses material in both tension and compression
• Many different design
• Light weight
xi. Cantilever
• A balanced structure
• Turning moment required at pier
xii. Cable Stay
• Load is carried by cables up to a tower
• Tower needs to resist bending
vi. Standard Bridge Materials • Spans > 1000m
• Stone/masonry/brick – cheap and readily xiii. Suspension
accessible. Heavy, very durable, good in • Load is carried by cable in tension
compression, very poor in tension, labour • Light weight
intensive construction, very long life if waterproof • Span now measured in km
is maintained. • Not many railway only bridges due to high cost
Page 31
• Requires huge cable anchors on each shore • Detailed inspection every 6 years
• Changed circumstances (traffic or speed) or
intermediate result can bring forward assessment
• RT/CE/P/019 “Prioritisation of bridge assessments”
concentrates resources on high risk bridges
xxi. Route Availability = means of ensuring trains do
not overload the bridge.
• Used to decide whether or not it is safe for a train
to travel over a particular route
• 2 part system expresses the max load a bridge can
xiv. Ballasted Track on bridge support and the load a vehicle imposes on a bridge
• Allows independent control of line and top • Haphazard development based on LNER
• Better distributes train forces classification of all vehicles into 10 groups (RA1 to
• Much added weight RA10)
• Make assessment difficult • Bridge can have more than one RA number, e.g.
• Can promote corrosion in steel bridges RA6 at 100 mph and RA10 at 60 mph.
xv. Direct fixation on bridge • Vehicle Route Availability – varies with bridge span
• Light weight (short spans give a higher RA number)
• Good line and top geometry • Train cannot run over a route unless vehicle RA is
• Direct fixation on bridge may transmit more less or equal to route RA. To run vehicle with
vibration to bridge higher RA, further calculations need to be done to
• Noise determine speed restriction.
xvi. Slab Track on bridge xxii. Maintenance and Repair
• Very rigid trackbed and quite heavy • 120 year design life specified in BS5400 is attempt
• Quick to install to quantify a realistic life for a structure, assuming
• Economical in terms of whole life costs PM is in place.
xvii. Problem of Bridge • Live of bridge depends on original design and
• Fatigue and corrosion– deflection is usually limiting detailed properly, workmanship was of required
factor thusbridges are usually resistant to fatigue, standard during construction, environment
protection for corrosion is needed. (corrosion), foundation scour, maintenance, actual
• Noise and vibration–Train produce wide spectrum load compared with design assumptions, being
of forces, different types of bridges have different struck, material used (masonry is very long life) and
frequency responses. Thus, bridge are noisy and type of bridge.
produce ground-borne vibration. Keep the natural • If structure is not fit to carry present traffic or want
frequencies of different modes far enough apart so to increase load or speed, the major maintenance,
that they don’t excite each other. strengthening or reconstruction should be carried
• Falling ice out.
• Derailment of trains – guard rails are put in to 20. Tunnelling
lower the risk of bridge being struck by the train i. Cut and Cover
and help stop the train from falling off • Construct from surface  create trench tunnel is
xviii. Bridge Construction Site Choice constructed from concrete trench is backfilled
• Close to proposed route • Removing uncertainties associated with the ground
• Ground condition survey – how big the abutment • Difficult in urban areas since very disruptive
should be • Often cheapest but extremely expensive for depths
• Where you put the bridge may constrain type > 30m
• A big work site for materials and fabrication ii. Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)
• As part of an overall route selection process that • Objective: Remove Material, Balance Water
includes tunnels, curves and gradients Pressure, Manage face pressure (prevent
xix. Bridge Erection and Pre-cast span Method over/under pressure and blow out / collapse), Max
xx. Bridge Assessment Advance rate, Max safety.
• Bridge deteriorate due to age, wear and tear • Earth Pressure Balancing(EPB)TBM
• Reduce load carrying capabilities • Slurry TBM
• Higher stresses are used than in design(+20%) iii. Sprayed Concrete Construction
• RT/CE/P/016 “Assessment of bridge capacity” • Hard Rock
states that bridge must be assessed every 18 years • Balance flexible support and ground movement
• Visual inspection every year

Page 32
• Early installation of support leads to high lining • Accuracy depends on number of satellites in view
loads and can be affected when in cuttings and in cities
• Evaluate deformation vs lining stiffness with tall buildings.
• Soft Ground • Completely useless in tunnels
• Requires support asap after exaction • within 3 meters accuracy
• In urban areas, settlement limitations can govern • costly
iv. New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) 22. Switching and Crossing
v. Spray Concrete Lining (SCL)
21. Track Geometry Measurement
i. Twist – ballast under one track sink more than
another track
ii. Cyclic top -
iii. Top deterioration and Line deterioration – tamping
iv. 3 point smoothing–reference chord is drawn
between A & B.Point C is raised till it lies on
reference chord. If used on curve, the radius is
needed to calculate the required slew. Error is
introduced since A and B is not on plane.

i. Swing Nose Crossing

v. 4 point smoothing–reference chord is drawn ii. Actuation, Locking and Detection (ALD)
between A & B. Measuring point D allows greater iii. Key parameters GLD: guidance, load transfer,
accuracy. Point C is raised till it lies above reference derailment risk, size and speed
chord by amount determined by distance D. If used iv. Types of S&C
on curve, the calculation of required slew is no • In Street – Urban transportation system,Routes
longer needed. Error is introduced since reference share with cars, grooved rails embedded in
chord is not lie in plane of restored track. roadway, small radius turnouts and wide-angle
diamonds, Flange-running wheels
• Light Rail–localised railway system with light axle
loads, small radius turnouts and wide angle
diamonds, flange-running wheels
vi. Normal Distribution– the track geometry follow the
• Rapid Transit – urban high speed service,
normal distribution. The lower the standard
elevated , ground level and underground,
deviation, the better the track geometry and match
ballasted and non-ballasted
the alignment of the route map.
vii. New Measurement Train (NMT) • Mixed Traffic– country-wide network, carries
both passenger and freight traffic, wide variety of
• Track recording trainwith instrument
S&C applications
• Measures line, top, twist and gauge variations
• High Speed Mixed Traffic – Passenger & freight,
• Speed at 100 mph (160 km/h)
Heavy section rail, robust high-tolerance S&C,
• Data can downloaded into tamper / stoneblower
Swing Nose crossings, regular maintenance,
for track geometry restoring. But initial
reliable system
positioning should be synchronised.
• Passenger Dedicated High Speed – Optimised
viii. Design lining
geometry and fine tolerances, swing nose
• Track position is measured relative to off track
reference points.
• Heavy Haul – Freight trains only, heavy axle loads,
• Datum plates are placed on platform faces, OHLE
robust S&C, Heavy section rail, Remote locations,
masts, tunnel walls, etc.
Swing nose crossings
• Can remove very long wavelength faults.
• Novel Forms – rubber tyred vehicle systems,
• Can be used where unconstrained track
centre-guide switch for Taipei, Angular movement
movement is not possible.
joints for bridges
ix. Differential GPS Lining
23. Dynamic Vehicle/Track Forces
• Use DGPS to determine track position
i. P0 force - static
• Quicker than design lining method but not as
ii. P1 force – high frequency and amplitude
iii. P2 force – relatively lower frequency and produce
most damage to the track.
Page 33
iv. P2 = 0.7𝛼𝛼𝛼𝛼�𝑘𝑘𝑡𝑡 𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑢 , 𝛼𝛼 = irregularity angle (mrad), V iii. TacheOvale – internal circular crack in rail head
= speed (m/s), kt = track stiffness (N/m), Mu = perpendicular to rail head
unsprung mass of vehicle (kg) iv. Corrugations– constant wavelengths are produced
are produced even under varying traffic
v. Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF)***
• Spalling
• Squats – Widened running band
• Head checks & gauge corner cracking
vi. Wheel Burns–easy to distinguish from squats
because occur in pairs.
30. Detection of Wear and Crack
i. Detect wear is relatively easy – by gauges or
24. Point Machine
computerised measuring equipment.
25. Bulk Forces
ii. Crack – ultrasonic detection is not effective in some
i. Surface in compression
situations. E.g. where there are a multitude of crack
ii. Interior under tension
26. Hertzian Contact
i. When there is no load, the area of point contact = 0
ii. When load is applied, the stress is infinite (=F/A)
and material deforms until stress = 1300MPa
iii. Create contact area in elliptical shape
iv. The area of contact patch is 100 – 150mm2
iii. Control measures: small defects can be cut out and
v. Stress distribution in this contact patch is ideally
replaced with a wide gap weld (<80mm). Large
defects: re-railing which is costly and requires
27. Wear Processes
possession time.
i. Sliding wear – relative movement of two surfaces
31. Climate Change
ii. Abrasive wear – involves third material which is
i. High temperature summer – affect track due to
harder than rail or wheel
thermal stress and track buckling.
iii. Lubrication reduces friction resulting in a lower
ii. High rainfall on earthworks
wear rate but improperly applied can reduce
iii. Extreme precipitation level on current drainage
systems – land slip
28. Crack
iv. Extreme winds on overhead system
i. Initiate by a process involving slip plane motion or
v. Sea level rise
by impurities of metal.
32. Maintenance
ii. Can also initiate by thermal gradient
i. Key requirement: to avoid spontaneous failures and
iii. Two types of cracks: totally internal and surface
derailments, minimize the cost and minimize the
risk of workers exposure to hazard for no good
iv. Crack propagation: opening, tearing, sliding
reasons. Must not introduce new faults
v. When crack rate > wear rate, crack growth faster
ii. Create safe environment – Robel Mobile
than wear and crack increase in length – adopt the
Maintenance Train (MMT)
Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
33. 24/7 Railway
i. Achieving a balance between possession access,
cost and revenue generated by greater availability
of the network for running trains.
34. Geotechnical Engineering
35. Environmental Impact Assessment
29. Rail Defects 36. Station Design
i. Sliding and Abrasive Wear i. 4 conditions (DEAN)
• Sidewear occur on gauge side of rail, particularly Normal operating conditions(1 hour/15 mins/5
in curves, due to high creepage between rail and mins in peak), Degraded conditions(system
flange component failure), Abnormal conditions(adverse
• Lipping occurs on rail head due to migration of weather, power cut, special event), Emergency
metal across the rail head conditions(evacuation due to fire, flood, terrorists,
ii. Split Rails etc)
ii. Forecourt

Page 34
• Directional signage  vehicular and pedestrian • Train Crew management offices
access  pole identification Sign & double arrow • TOC station management offices
 approach road  forecourtstation entrance vi. Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI) –
• Forecourt –refuse collection bay, emergency Persons with Reduce Mobility (PRM)
vehicle parking, rail replacement bus space, car 37. Possession Management
and taxi drop off/pick up spaces, cycle parking, i. What is possession? The process that engineers
bus interchange take occupancy of part of the existing railway
• Station Entrance – station clock, station name, infrastructure for the purpose of undertaking
public telephone, local information (such as map) maintenance or renewal work.
• Approach Road - Electrical, water, & telecoms ii. Why Possessions are need?
connections, Foul Drainage connection, surface • Modification, renewal, upgrade of a portion of an
water drainage connection, commercial tenancies, existing railway although it is in everyday use.
CCTV capture, car park, staff car parking • Normally, it is not possible to stop running train
iii. Ticket Hall /concourse for a long period.
• Station entrance  Ticket hall/concourse  • Access to the railway for short time periods
Automatic Ticket Gates  Departure Lounge  subject to specific safety procedures and integrity
Platform entrance of railway operations.
• Ticket hall / concourse – timetable information, iii. When to use possession?
customer information, station clock, ticket • Component failure which affect the safety
purchase queen space, ticket machines, ticket operation of trains
windows, ticket office, seating and waiting area, • Track is to be made physically unsafe for train
local map information, public telephone, operations
directional signage, advertising, vending machines, • When extended periods of track access are
statutory notices required
• Automatic Ticket Gate – pass gate, excess fare • When one or more engineer’s trains will be
windows working on the same track in a worksite
• Departure lounge – public toilet, seating and • When uncertificated staff will be on the track with
waiting area, advertising, retail tenancy, vending no trains moving
machines • Traction current will switched off and on, other
• Platform entrance than at the published or amended time or in an
iv. Platform emergency
• Train process at platform: full stop  doors open iv. Responsibility
 alighting  boarding  train path assigned, • Person In Charge of Possession (PICOP) –
signal set  doors close  last door closed  responsible for the possession
departure • Engineering Supervisor (ES) – responsible for the
• Activity Zone, Circulation Zone, Waiting Zone, Site Work
Danger Zone (Yellow Line Zone) • Controller of Site Safety (COSS) – responsible for
• Screen doors: not possible for mainline in UK “Site of Work”
because different trains types • Block Road Man–the person who apply the
• Objects: seating, directional signs, clock, customer protection under the instruction of PICOP
information, retail shops, advertising, vending • Any other players depending on situation
machines, waiting accommodation, v. Determine the duration of Works– some work
• Staircases, escalators, ramps and lifts capacity need to be completed in single phase but most can
• Location of exit be divided into no. of possessions. Determine the
v. Station Management Office length of any possession necessary to do the work.
• Mess room & locker room, Meeting room, staff vi. Determine What the Work is–activities that
toilets, store, customer care point, train catering prevent normal train operations, such as work on
depot track and signalling system.
• Station control room –CCTV monitoring point, vii. Determine the Scope of Works–What the work is,
security control, alarm panels, customer where the work take place, how long it will take,
information controls, PA control / station when it needs to be undertaken, heavy on track
announcements, maintenance management plant and resources needed for the possession.
offices, refuse compactor, maintenance stores, viii. Consider the impact on the track, both foreseen
cleaners office, cleaners dry store and wet store. and unforeseen
• Station Reception ix. Planning the possession
• NR Management offices • PM and engineer plan the possession.

Page 35
• Designs need to be approved whether to delay hand back to allow completion
• Workflow needs to be determined of the works
• Method statements should be produced and xiv. Handing back
approved • Return the railway to operational status after
• Materials and need to be ordered and arranged completion of work
• Effect on train services must be determined • Through inspection is required to ensure that the
(Temporary Speed Restrictions TSR) and suitable railway is safe for operation
alternative routes or bus replacement should be • If things go wrong, possession will be handed back
planned. on time but incomplete or complete but late.
• Detailed plan of work must be specified and • Incomplete works:the safe to run trains but with
adhered to, to ensure that work is completed on an emergency speed restriction in force should be
time determined
• Risk Assessment • The controller need to be informed so that all
• Contingency plan should be prepared with drivers are aware of it.
defined intervention points. Other contingency • ATO/ATP/ETCS trains will need to be told
such as spare plant, workers, fitters, etc. should • The work will probably be finished in an
be prepared, if needed. emergency possession.
• Provide worker with amenities, such as toilets, • Complete work but late: the Infra Company needs
mess facilities and kettle, etc. to be informed of this and the controller given a
x. Preparing for the possession new hand back time. Any changes to the
• Appoint possession protection staff possession plan will need approval
• Hold meeting with key staff xv. Debriefing
• Site Survey 38. Acoustics
• Publish possession details
• Licenses and permits for things like storage of
materials, etc.
• Operational Assurance
• Staff Briefing
• Pre-possession site preparations
xi. Briefings and gaining authority
• Ensure the possession master and protection
support managers and SPICs have the correct
documentation and are going to close the correct
piece of railway
• Communicate with the controller to ensure that
you’re in the right place at the right time.
i. Source
• Get permission to take possession from the
• The surface of wheel and rails are not perfectly
xii. Establishing the possession and worksites
• Dynamic forces as the unsprung mass of the
• Setup protection
wheel is excited vertically as it moves on the
• Test to ensure that traction is off
irregular profile of the track. (>4-6 Hz)
• Worksites can be established once these actions
• The quasi-static displacement caused by
have been confirmed
successive axle loads as they pass over a point in
xiii. Managing the possession
the track (the rise and fall of the axle over the rail
• Required good communications between the
support (< 4-6 Hz)
engineer in charge and all the other key staff
ii. Noise mitigation
• Particularly important during shift changes and
• at the track and train interface (track bed, train
things start to go wrong
• Command and Control Concept
• Between train and property (noise barriers, bunds)
• Continuous monitoring of activities during each
• At property (acoustic glazing)
possession and measures progress against
• Maintaining high performance
expected performance
• Maintenance of wheel and rail profiles and
• Trained person can make decision ofwhen to
ensuring a smooth running surface since most
implement contingency plan, when to escalate
noise are from rail-wheel interface.
responsibility, how to achieve hand back on time,

Page 36
• Aerodynamic design of trains – aerodynamic • Abatement notice that is served by the Local
pantograph, inter-car seals, aerodynamic nose, Authority that can specify measures to be taken
bogieshrouds, spoiler to control noise
• Green Tunnel • Restrict hours of work
iii. Vibration mitigation • Specify type of plant
• Damage to property during construction • Set maximum noise levels from site
• Main issues is ground-borne noise (GBN) or feel- • Often a result of noise nuisance complaint
able vibration instead of structural damage • Can cost a lot of time and money
• Alignment – rail or baseplate pads, sleeper pads, • Can result in legal proceedings
ballast mats, floating slab track ix. S61 Prior Consent
iv. Elevated Structure Noise • Contractor approaches local authority informally
• Direct air borne noise from train itself prior to work to discuss the intended works
• Reradiated noise due to the vibration from the • Submits a formal application detailing- Works and
train exciting the structure work methods, hours of operations, noise
• Mitigation: Low level barrier, baseplate pads, rail mitigation
pads • If the application is accepted the LA commits itself
v. Curve / Rail Squeal to accept noise limits prior to works
• What:Intense tonal noise that occur as train travel
over small radius curves or S&C.
• Why: when the train wheelset cannot go around a
curve purely using the forces generated by the
rolling radius difference, an “angle of attack” is
created on the wheelsetWheel flange usually
contact the outer rail and sometimes the inner rail
which excite vibration in the wheelWheel
resonates and radiates “squeal” noise
• Mitigation
• rail lubrication – reduce the flange excitation
• water sprays (reduce flange and rail head
• Friction modifiers (rail head excitation)
• Wheel constrained layer dampers
• Wheel ring dampers
• Wheel tuned absorbers
• Barriers – noise level reduced but the ‘squeal’
character remains
vi. Vehicle Noise Sources

vii. Routes

viii. Section 60
Page 37
LMR36 – Signalling and Control System ii. GoA1–manual train operation where train driver
controls start, stop, open and close of doors.
1. What is Railway Control?TES*** iii. GoA2 – Driver accompanied - Driver in leading cab
x. Ensure the railway operations is timely, economic monitors system performance, observes the line
and safe. ahead and controls door opening/closure during
xi. Four Core Objectives for control system
station stops (Hong Kong Metro)
• Should allocate resources to trains as late as iv. GoA3 – Train Captain operated – a staff member
practicable. is on-board, but not necessarily in a driving cab.
• Should release resources as soon as possible. They are given other duties, such as checking
• Must not allocate resources to more than one tickets. (HK Disney Line)
train at a time. v. GoA4 – Unaccompanied where trains travel with
• Must ensure trains cannot endanger themselves no staff member on-board (people mover in HK
or others airport)
2. Automatic Warning System (AWS) 8. Moving Block Signalling
Use of a permanent magnet and electro-magnet 9. Properties of Waves
i. Clear Aspect (Green): i. Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction, Interference
• sunflower display shows black face, ii. c = fλ, where c = 3 x 108
• bell sound in the cab and no actions for driver is iii. Attenuation: PowerDensity = Power/4πd2
needed. iv. Propagation loss = 20 log(4πd/λ), longer
• Timer on the train start when passing through the wavelength, lower frequency can travel
permanent magnet and timer stop when passing longer distance. Travel distance doubled if
though the electro-magnet connecting to line side frequency reduced by ½.
signal v. Effect of Terrain cuttings diffraction and
ii. Restrictive Aspect(Yellow): reflection create interference.
• Timer start when passing thru’ permanent magnet. vi. Signal Power – LossdB=10log(Pstart/Pend)
• Horn sound in the cab 10. Analogue Modulation
• Sunflower display shows black and yellow face i. Amplitude Modulation (AM)
• Driver need to press acknowledge button within ii. Frequency Modulation (FM)
2s otherwise the train brakes are applied. iii. Phase Modulation (PM)
iii. Problems: 11. Digital Modulation
• No speed control i. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
ii. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
• Driver can ignore the signal after pressing the
iii. Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
acknowledge button
iv. Bandwidth efficiency = bitrate / bandwidth =
• Driver get used to acknowledging warnings.
• Won’t stop at high speed SPADs
12. Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA)
3. Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS)
i. 380 – 400MHz, 410 – 430MHz
i. Using two pairs of inductive loops,
ii. TDMA (4 timeslots per 25 kHz)
ii. one pair is placed 400m before the signal to
13. Global System for Mobile Communication – Rail
detect whether the train speed is too high.
iii. Another pair is place just before the line side
i. 900MHz
signal to detect whether the stop location of the
ii. TDMA (8 timeslots per 200 kHz)
train is correct.
14. Communication Based Train Control (CBTC)
iv. Brakes applied when train is passing the speed
i. Used for metro and suburban rail applications
detection loop at over speed or when the train
ii. Improves safety and allow increase in capacity
passing the stop detection loop.
iii. Possibility to have driverless trains
4. Automatic Train Protection (ATP)–safety system
15. European Train Control System (ETCS)
protecting train movement.
i. ETCS Level 0 – Train fitted with ETCS but running
5. Automatic Train Operation (ATO) – performs the
on trackside signal and train protection by existing
driving function which makes the train driverless.
6. Automatic Train Supervision (ATS)– normally run
ii. ETCS Level National Train Control (NTC):train
from the line’s control centre to monitor operation in
equipped with ETCS operating on the track
relation to the timetable and alter train movements
equipped with national system, e.g. TPWS.
iii. ETCS Level 1– Movement authority is passed to
7. ATO - Grades of Automation (GoA)
the train via balises. Communication occurs
i. GoA0–on sight train operation (e.g. tram in Hong
intermittently when the train passes a balise

Page 38
20. Occupation Time for Block Section***

iv. ETCS Level 2 –

• Movement authority is passed by radio from
Radio Block Centre (RBC) to the train.
• ETCS data is transmitted continuously via GSM-R.
• Train location and integrity supervision no longer
rely on trackside signal equipment. 21. Visual Detection by hand signals or by telegraph
• Fixed block section is maintained 22. Track circuits***
i. Length can vary from <20m to >5000m
ii. Can transmit information from track to train.
iii. Detect small portion of broken rail
iv. Can fail to detect trains because of leaf mulch or rust
v. Can fail to detect trains due to false signal produced
by interference on electrified lines
vi. Easy to ‘safe’ failures through insulation or
connection failures of insulated rail joints, sleepers,
impedance bonds, cables, etc.
vii. May fail due to weather or wet ballast which change
v. ETCS Level 3 – builds on level 2, but enforce safe the resistance and current of the TC.
train separation using safety critical data from the viii.May fail if the light vehicles with poor shunt
train characteristics is passing through.
• Train Integrity is proved onboard. ix. Expensive to install and maintain
x. DC Track Circuit
• Moving block system is employed
• GSM-R is still used. • Fail Safe system, if battery fails, rail broken and
something drop on the rail, the track circuit red
16. European Railway Traffic Control System (ERTMS) =
ETCS + GSM-R aspect on.
17. Long Term Evolution (LTE) • Cannot be used on DC electrified railways
18. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) • Variable resistance of ballast could be a potential
19. Dynamic Signal problem.
i. Two Aspect Signalling • May have problem with traction return current on
• Absolute Minimum Headway Distance = 2 x the rail.
(sighting allowance +braking distance + overlap) + • Block Joints required in rails which create weak,
train length failure locations.

ii. Three Aspect Signalling

• Headway Distance = 2 x BD + SD + Overlap + Train

iii. Four Aspect Signalling

• Headway Distance = 1.5 x BD + SD + Overlap + train

Page 39
xi. AC Track Circuit iii. Two Aspect Signalling with Stations
• Can be mains frequency (50 Hz)
• More commonly audio-frequency (1000 to 3000 Hz)
• Same operating principle and problems with DC
track circuit.
• Cannot be used on AC electrified railways.
xii. Jointless Track Circuit
• Operate at Audio Frequencies (1700 to 8500 Hz)
• Adjacent Track use different frequencies
• Can be used in AC or DC electrified railway
• Allow using in Continuous Welded Rail 28. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
23. Axle Counter
i. Not easy to reboot after power failure
ii. Adjustment accuracy problematic
iii. No rail break detection
iv. Immune to the effects of weather
v. Not affected by light vehicle with poor shunt
characteristics 29. Interlocking
i. Mechanical Interlocking– pull signal levers in signal
box, metal bars dropped into place to lock any
other levers that would conflicts.
ii. Electro-Mechanical Interlocking –using output of
track circuit to control electric lever locks
iii. Relay Interlocking –
iv. Hardware redundancy:***
• Individual random failures revealed by
24. Train Navigation and Train Detection comparison with other computations in separate
i. Detection - position and velocity are calculated hardware
outside the vehicle • Minimal safe hardware
ii. Navigation – position and velocity are measured and • Availability by additional replication and voting
calculated on board. (e.g. 2 out of 3)
25. Theoretical Headway– Minimum time or distance v. Diversity:***
between trains so that the following trains is not • Hardware dissimilarity
affected by the train ahead. • Software dissimilarity
26. Operational Headway –actual headway based on the • Different coding between channels
operational needs and timetable. • System-level checks on plausibility of operation
27. Metro System*** • Diversity may also protect against common-mode
i. Main functions of a signalling system failures (e.g. specification errors)
• Lock– set up a safe route for passage of each train • Redundancy offers protection against downtime
over the track that it is to traverse and preserve and human errors when operating according to
that route in front of the train whilst it is making its rule-book.
• Block– maintain safe separation between trains
following each other over the same route
• Interlock– prevent conflicting moves at junctions,
when crossing a route that could be taken by
another train and at level crossing
• Issue (and withdraw) authority to proceed–
Indicate by some means to the train whether the
train is authorised to proceed
• Unlock – release the route/assets after the passage
of train
ii. Two Aspect Signalling for Metro System 30. Computer Based Interlocking - Safe Computing
31. 1 out of 1 (with checker)

Page 40
ii. Error Detection
32. 2out of 2(2oo2)
iii. Hamming Weighting – number of ones in a binary
iv. Parity
Even– make the whole code become even number
of 1s.

v. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

33. Safe Computing 2oo3–If 1 channel disagrees, the • Consider 4 bit message 1001, I(x) = x3 + 1, with 3 bit
other 2 shut it down and carry on as 2oo2. CRC G(x) = x3 + x + 1
• Shift the I(x)xn-k, i.e. x6 + x3
• I(x) divided by G(x) and the remainder is x2 + x, 110.
• Transmit 1001110to receiver.
• At receiver, divided by G(x) again.
• If there is no error, the remainder = 0, if there is an
error, the remainder not equal 0.
37. Transmission Voie-Machine (TVM)
i. In cab signalling deployed in France on high-speed
railway lines
ii. TVM300 and TVM430

34. Safe Computing 2oo2 x 2

38. Reliability and Maintainability

i. Reliability = ‘the ability of an item to function at a
35. Signal Processing specified period under specific operating conditions.
i. Nyquist sampling rate – a continuous time signal that ii. Availability = Uptime / (Uptime + Downtime)
is band-limited and up to some maximum frequency f iii. Intrinsic Availability = MTBF / (MTBF + MART)
Hz may be completely represented by regularly iv. Operational Availability = MTBF / (MTBF + MART +
spaced samples taken at a rate of at least 2f Hz. LDT)
E.g. spectrum of speech can extend up to 10kHz, the v. Reliability Improvement checklist
sampling frequency to avoid aliasing = 2ωmax = • Elimination
2(2π)(10k) = 40πk rad/s = 20kHz (50us interval) • Reduction
ii. Aliasing – distortion of sampled signal due to • Detection
sampling rate too low or coincides with high • Mitigation
frequencies in the signal. Use of low pass filter before
sampling to remove the higher frequencies can help.
36. Coding and Error Detection in Data Communication
i. Generic Digital Communication System

Page 41
LMR37 – Railway Business Management iv. Ensure good ride quality
v. Make good journey environment
1. Money – Medium of Exchange vi. Ensure real and perceived during journey
2. Gold Standard – the note that can directly exchange vii. Ensure an acceptable standard of safety
for equivalent amount of gold viii.Service reliability / punctuality
3. Fiat Money – the money that by the order of ix. Minimize asset utilization to cope with fixed cost
government. x. Profit or high social benefit
4. Monetary Policy – Control the supply of money by xi. cashflow
nation’s centre bank 21. Critical Success Factors – must be measurable by
5. Fiscal Policy – Control the taxation and expenditure of means of KPI to control the company progress
the government 22. Business Qualifier and Winners
6. Public Limited Company – have thousands of owner
(shareholders) limited company
7. Limited Company – owned by several partners with
limited liability
8. Partnership – owned by several partners with
unlimited liability
9. Sole trader – owned by one person with unlimited
10. Fix cost and Variable Cost
i. Fixed Cost – costs that regardless of output volume
ii. Variable Cost – costs which may increase / decrease 23. KPI – Key performance Indicators**
regarding the change in output volume i. KPI are formed by a bundle of measurements that
iii. Marginal cost – the extra cost of producing the last assess the business progress in adapting to market
unit of output. requirements.
iv. Sunk Cost –cannot be recovered when you close. ii. Railway Paradigm– FQQS
E.g. cost of an access road built for the council.
11. RPI – Retail Price Index
A basket that includes housing costs
12. CPI – Consumer Price Index
A basket that excludes housing costs
13. Assets
i. Fixed / Tangible Asset –physical assets, such as iii. KPI example: passenger death per million passenger
machinery, rolling stock, infrastructures, lands, etc. km, operating cost per passenger km, Fare revenue
ii. Intangible Assets– not physical assets, such as per passenger km, Total energy consumption per
trademark, license, copyright, patents, franchise, passenger km, % passenger journeys on time,
etc. capacity km per route km, public performance
iii. Current Asset–any asset that expected to be sold, measure (PPM)
consumed or exhausted with the current financial 24. Strategic Business Process**
14. Liability – the things the business owes, including any
type of borrowing.
15. Insolvency - Accounting insolvency - unable to meet
the financial obligations.
i. Accounting insolvency – total liabilities exceed total
ii. Cash-flow insolvency – involves a lack of liquidity to
pay debts as they fall due.
16. CAPEX – Capital Expenditure
17. OPEX – Operating Expenditure
18. EBIT – Earning Before Interest & Tax
19. EBITA – Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation
25. Organizational Culture
and Amortization
i. Culture – the customary and traditional way of
20. Success Factor of Railway
thinking and doing of things. The way that people
i. Competitive D2D journey / transit
see and do things in the organization. The sum of
ii. Create perception of competitive fare
values, customs, traditions that make a firm unique.
iii. Minimize complexity of D2D transit
ii. Beliefs, Attitudes, Psychology, Experiences (BAPE)

Page 42
iii. Norms–Don’t challenge the boss, profit is main iii. Gap 3 – Operations Planning / design
thing, good people don’t stay here, working longer iv. Gap 4 – Marketing accuracy / honesty
means we are recognised. 33. 6-sigma***
iv. Values–safety, staff engagement, fair, justice, i. A set of techniques and tools for process
ethical, quality, excellent, innovative, collaborative, improvement.
secure, efficient, continuous development, self ii. Moving the average performance closer to the
sustainable. target and reducing the variability around the target.
26. Law of Demand – other factor being constant, the iii. How to apply? Setting up six sigma workshops of
higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. staff from business area concerned to look at issues
27. Elasticity such as fare collection and rolling stock reliability.
%𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄 𝒊𝒊𝒊𝒊 𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒 𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅𝒅 iv. Statistical data on a per-service basis
% 𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄 𝒊𝒊𝒊𝒊 𝒑𝒑𝒑𝒑𝒑𝒑𝒑𝒑𝒑𝒑 v. Standardised the fleet service on the basis of Six
i. |Elasticity|> 1, demand elastic Sigma study of failures and maintenance activity.
|Elasticity|< 1, demand inelastic vi. 6 std dev above the mean = 99.99966% defect free
|Elasticity| = 1, unit elastic
output. The Defects Per Million Opportunities
ii. Commuter, η= -0.3, Leisure = -0.6
(DPMO) = 3.4.
28. Impact of Sales Tax
34. Project Management
i. The role of Project Manager - maintain the
equilibrium of Time, Cost and Quality
ii. Competence of PM: Technical Competence,
Organisation and Planning, Commercial Awareness,
People Management, Drive and Commitment
iii. Six Steps to PM

29. Proportion of tax paid by buyer = Elasticity of Supply /

(Elasticity of Supply + |Elasticity of Demand|)
30. GDP and GNP
i. Gross Domestic Product - measures the total output
produced within the country, whether produced by
that country’s own local firms or by foreign firms.
ii. Gross National Product – measures output
generated by a country’s enterprises whether
physically located in the country or abroad. 35. Delegation
i. Provide Necessary Information
ii. Describe expect results
iii. Assign a level of delegation
iv. Set up methods of control

Households Government


36. Change Management***

Where C = Consumption, I = Investment, G = i. Recognize impact of change
Government spending, X = Export, Z = M = Import, B = • Programme Delays
Benefit, Y = GDP, Td = direct Tax, S = Saving, Te = • Re-work
indirect tax • Affect the quality of work done
31. Business Process Control • Affect the availability of resources
i. Productivity = output/input • Team may need to work long hours to mitigate
ii. Performance = output/target(or expectation) the impact of change
32. Quality Gap • Causes confusion within the team
i. Gap 1 – Good operations management • May lead to mistakes being made
ii. Gap 2 – Interpretation of Market research, • Causes tension
Understanding customer need • Demoralise the team
Page 43
• Increase costs Project 4: Very Good - BCWP > BCWS > ACWP, very good
ii. Implementing Change project progress. Ahead of schedule and spend less than
• Recognise the change planned.
• Assess the impact of change – Time, Cost,
CSI value < 1: the less likely project recovery to the
baseline cost and duration.
• Document it – Change Form (record reason,
CSI value > 1: recovery is possible.
before and after, date of completion, resources
38. Models of Competition
required, etc)
i. Perfect Competition – Homogeneous products and
• Process it – Reject, Defer, Accept, Communicate
perfect knowledge. Only one price for the product.
37. Project Control – Earned Value Management ***
Many firms and consumers so everyone take the price
i. Definition:
as given. Firms produce until marginal cost = price. Free
• a project management technique for measuring entry and exit. Firms just break even in the long (price =
project progress in an objective manner. average cost)
• EVM has the unique ability to combine ii. Monopoly – Firm can sell more by reducing price but
measurements of scope, schedule, and cost in a this cuts the margins on existing sales. Maximise profits
single integrated system. by setting marginal revenue to equal marginal cost.
• EVM can also provide early warning of Natural Monopoly - a single firm can serve a market at
performance problem. significant low cost than two or more firms would.
ii. Planned Value = Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled Economy of scale, Railway networks are a major
(BCWS) example. Postal service and electricity / gas supply also.
iii. Earned Value = Budgeted Cost for Work iii. Oligopoly –Small number of firms in the market. Some
Performed(BCWP) barriers to entry or exit. Need to predict rivals reactions.
iv. Actual Cost = Actual Cost for Work Performed 39. Railway Industry structure
(ACWP) i. Vertically integrated - Publicly owned (China, India)
v. Cost Variance (CV) for performance analysis ii. Vertically Integrated – Privately owned (USA, Japan)
= BCWP – ACWP iii. Vertically Separated - Publicly Owned (France,
vi. Schedule Variance (SV) for schedule analysis Germany)
= BCWP – BCWS iv. Vertically Separated – Hybrid (Great Britain)
vii. Cost Performance Index (CPI) = BCWP/ACWP v. HLOS – High Level Output Specification.
viii.Schedule Performance Index (SPI) = BCWP/BCWS
ix. Cost Schedule Index(CSI) = CPI x SPI

vi. Role of ORR

• Regulate safety of railway.
• License TOCs and Network Rail.
• Decide the funding to NR should receive every 5
• Determine track access charge
vii. Role of Rail Safety and Standard Board (RSSB)
viii.Role of Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB)
Project 1: Bad - ACWP > BCWP but BCWP > BCWS, cash ix. Safety Regulation
flow problem and ahead of schedule. • EU Directives
• Health and Safety at Work Act
Project 2: Very Bad - BCWP < BCWS = behind schedule, • Regulations to support / implement EU safety
BCWP M ACWP = over budget. Refine the project. directive
Project 3: Good - BCWP > ACWP > BCWS, good project • ORR as enforcing body
progress but actual cost > budget cost. Slower the project • RAIB investigates accidents
progress to reduce the actual cost. • Self regulation – GB standard set by industry and

Page 44
• Safety management system involve self assurance • Understand where the costs are adopted
x. Franchise efficiently on maintenance, operations and
• DfT specifies a level of service for a particular part renewal.
of the country and usually the rolling stock. Invites • Optimise the performance, costs and risk using
bids. whole life cycle cost.
• Private sector competes on both quality and cost • Asset Register can assist in defining depreciation
and the best bid is awarded the Franchise – may to help reduce tax bill.
be subsidy or premium.
• Franchise take on:
- Track Access Contract with NR
- Rolling Stock Contracts
- Staff
- Station Leases
• Franchises are not quite exclusive – open access
40. Rolling Stock Leasing Companies
41. Business Operation Models of Freight Train
i. Customer-Focused Model
• Variable Train length
• combined containers
• Deliver goods according to customer needs
• Operates carload trains
• Higher operating cost but better customer
services which may lead to more shipments.
ii. Operation Based Model
• Scheduled Trains
• Fixed train length
• Deliver goods according to timetable
• Yield Management
• Reduces operating costs
42. How Freight Train increase profit
i. Reduce the cost of Equipment
• Locomotive instead of multiple units
ii. Increase cargo carrying volume or reduce tare
mass of equipment for a given carrying capacity
• Longer or heavier trains or both
• Stacking of containers
• New lighter wagons (aluminium vs steel)
• Articulation
iii. Convenient end-to-end solution
• Trailer on flatcar
• Quick unloading of mines and ores
• Flexibility of distribution
iv. Minimise empty runs
43. Asset Management– RPV***
i. Risk, Performance, Value
ii. Why Manage Asset?
• Safety Risk – failure of asset lead to incident
• Reputation Risk – badly affect the reputation
when incident or service interruption occur.
• Financial Risk – lost of money due to poor
planning of replacement, maintenance, etc.
iii. How to manage?
• Asset Information and database
• Inspect and monitor the conditions of critical
assets. Understand why it would fail and plan for
maintenance and replacement if needed.
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LMR38 – Ergonomics iv. So designed that the size and shape facilities good
fits and reasonable comfort for the user.
1. Ergonomics definition v. Present no undue risk to users
i. Ergonomics is a science-based discipline vi. Present no undue risk to other people who interact
ii. Bring together knowledge from other subjects with it.
iii. To ensure that designs complement the strengths
vii. Allows for reasonably foreseeable misuse
and abilities of people viii.Operates satisfactorily throughout its life cycle.
iv. minimize the effects of their limitation.
9. 3 Key Aspects of Ergonomics
2. Ergonomics integrates 4 things i. Be precise – define aim and objectives
i. Who does it? ii. Involve consider primary, secondary, tertiary users
ii. What they do? iii. Establish a timetable which includes
iii. What they use? implementation and evaluation periods
iv. Where they do it?
10. Human Variability
3. People can adaptable and sometimes compensate i. Age, Gender, Cultural Difference, Ability Difference,
the poor design
Behavioural Difference
4. Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HIPPO) 11. Design for all Concept
i. Ergonomics is about engaging with end user and
i. Accessible Design–design to accommodate specific
their needs
individuals or group of individuals with disabilities.
ii. Reduce risk of inappropriate decisions based on
ii. Inclusive Design–design to accommodate everyone,
those with loudest voice or whoever is available at
regardless of age, gender or circumstance by
the eleventh hour
working with users to remove barriers in the social,
5. Basic Ergonomics Approach
technical, political and economic processes
i. Determine Users Needs
underpinning building and design.
• Observe Activities iii. Barriers of design for all or inclusive design -
• Consult AACPPS
• Use Anthropometry • Aging – acquired disabilities
ii. Understand Task Factor • Attitudinal – ignorance, complacency, prejudice
• Task Analysis • Cognitive – perception, reasoning, intuition
• Risk Assessment • Physical – mobility, dexterity, size, shape
• Review Provision • Psyche – mental stat
iii. Identify Improvements
• Sensory – visual, aural, olfactory, haptic
• ‘Off-the-shelf’ iv. Ergonomists are encouraged to work toward
• Evaluate with Trials design-for-all and overcome the below barriers:
• Fit for Purpose • Ageing – acquired disabilities
iv. Provide Support • Attitudinal – ignorance, complacency, prejudice
• Information • Cognitive – perception, reasoning, intuition
• Training • Physical – mobility, dexterity, size, shape
• Monitoring • Psyche – mental state
6. Task Analysis
• Sensory – visual, aural, olfactory, haptic
i. Collection and interpretation of the manner in
12. Task Analysis Process – Hierarchical Task Analysis
which activities are performed.
ii. Evaluation of jobs to identify risk.
iii. Evaluate working method.
iv. Help determine the optimum allocation of activities
between people and automation.
7. Evaluate with Trials
i. Evaluate the designs via trials and ensure they are
fit for purpose
ii. Fitting Trials – full size mock-ups to help determine
the position element of the design.
iii. User Trials – sophisticated mock-ups or even 13. Interview and Discussion Group
finished articles to evaluate their suitability for use i. Why need interview and consultation?
by their targeted users. • Not possible to observe people all the time.
8. Fit for Purpose • People may not perform all activities they do during
i. Performs in a manner intended by designer observation period.
ii. Performs in a manner expected by user ii. Individuals –
iii. Accessible and useable for target users Advantages
Page 46
• one to one discussion provide opportunities to the least possible extent and able to deliver their
explore issue in depth and privately. greatest force. The posture that minimize static
• Flexibility – the interviewer can adjust the questions muscular loading.
as interview is taking place. 17. Fixed Posture
• Respondent are able to answer more due to Holding a fixed posture increase the load on muscles
informal atmosphere. and contribute to fatigue due to static muscular
Disadvantages loading.
• May select wrong representative and make 18. Adjustability of workstation
incorrect conclusion. i. Accessible controls
• Time and cost consuming in interview process. ii. Sensible adjustments
• Limit sample size since each interview may last for a iii. Easy to use controls
long time. iv. Worthwhile increments
• Difficult to draw conclusion of the problem since v. Information and training
everyone have their own ideas which may have high 19. Basic Hazard Factor Groups – UPET
diversity. i. User Factors (Who they are?)
iii. Group discussions – ii. Task Factors (What they do?)
Advantages iii. Equipment Factors (What they use?)
• More efficient to get the required information than iv. Place Factors (Where they do it?)
the individual interview. 20. 3 Types of Users
• can create discussion, conflicts and generate i. Primary – frequent contact and have the greatest
conclusions. demand of the equipment.
ii. Secondary – less contact but still important
• Help to combine individual strengths of group
interaction with the equipment.
iii. Tertiary – others who make less use of the
• May affect individual thinking due to peer pressure.
21. 3 Types of Hazard – P,S,D
• One member can dominate the discussion
i. Physical: Things of a physical nature such as sharp
• Shy people may refuse to participate
edges, hot surfaces, trip conditions etc.
• Challenging for the organizer if group members do
ii. System: Things which may cause users to act
not interact easily.
• Easy to digress from the topic.
iii. Design:Can arguably be described as physical or
14. Surveys system hazards, but it is useful to check for aspects
i. Can collect a lot of information within short time
which look or seem appropriate but because of
ii. Can be conducted face-to-face, online and on the their very design will not work.
22. Ergonomics Response– Triangulation (WAM)
iii. Important to pilot the questionnaires and ensure all To look for agreement between information collected,
questions are understandable.
particularly to substantiate subjective feedback.
iv. Make the data collection material useable for i. Watching – Task Analysis
respondents. (large front size, sufficient space)
ii. Asking – Interview and Survey
v. Cannot control the returns
iii. Measuring - Anthropometry
vi. Good Survey form:
iv. Advantages
• Short questionnaire is preferred.
• Makes sense of opinions and perceptions
• Avoid monotony
• Comparing objective and subject information which
• Provide introduction is more convincing than from a single source
• Make the first question interesting • The very process of triangulation causes the
• Put sensitive questions in later part of survey investigation to slow down
• Avoid jargon • By considering the different aspects of an
• Visuals can enhance the experience ergonomics investigation it is possible to under
• Don’t use emotive or leading languages to avoid 23. MAT Assessment – Musculoskeletal Disorder risk
bias answers. Assessment for Train driver tool
15. Question Types 24. MAC – Manual handling Assessment Chart
i. Open Questions – request respondents to answer i. Determine the level of risk for manual handling
the question in whatever way they want. ii. Consider the factors involved in the manual
ii. Close Questions – request respondents to answer handling process such as load / frequency of lifting
the question in some predefined answers. per hour chart, handed distance, vertical lift region,
16. Neutral Posture – Posture constraint, grip on the load, Floor Surface,
posture that muscles and ligaments are stretched to Other Environmental Factors.
Page 47
iii. Low risk – vulnerability of special risk groups should • Environment – context is important, so the
be considered where appropriate. setting in which the solution will be deployed
iv. Medium risk – examine tasks closely can be influential.
v. High risk – prompt action needed – significant • Pleasurability – extension to desirability
proportion of workers may be at risk of injury • Usability – ensuring it works in the manner that
vi. Very high risk – stop the task immediately and make users expect.
improvement measures.
25. Manual Handling - TILE
i. Task – twisting the body, lifting from floor, lifting
above shoulder, poor workplace layout, repetition,
insufficient rest or recovery.
ii. Individual – gender, age, size difference, pregnancy,
iii. Load – weight, bulk, grasp, stability, predictably.
iv. Environment – postural constraints, slippery floors,
contaminated floors, variations in levels, lighting,
temperature, air movement, PPE.
26. Fitting Trials
i. Used to determine whether the fit of design is
ii. Usually done early as a one-off process to
determine the design parameters.
iii. How to Conduct Fitting Trials
• Select a group of representative; consider the
sizes of key dimensions and age, gender,
experience and disabilities. 12 participants is
• Build a crude mock-up which can be adjusted in
all dimensions. Ask the participants to position
the items to his/her preferred, minimum and
maximum acceptable positions.
• Perform psychophysical experiments - each
participant is asked to state the positions twice
by being tested in both directions.
• Plot all the positions for each design aspect and
finding a dimension which falls between as
many ‘acceptable’ results as possible.
• Analyze the results to determine the acceptable
27. User Trials
i. Used to determine whether the design performs as
the user expects, does what users need it to do.
ii. May be done several times with increasingly
sophisticated mock-ups as the design develops.
iii. Once all dimensions are sorted, user trials are
conducted. These trials are to test opinion about
the design; its feel usability and acceptability.
iv. The process of user trials can be iterative.
28. Desirability
i. If users want to make life much easier when trying
to implement a new solution.
ii. Examples issues to consider:
• Abandonment – user reject the solution even it
is technically okay (colour not good)
• Acceptance– important when creating change;
best achieved through user participation.

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