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Hadjirul, Hadzlee A.
Samontina, Care G.
On December 19, 1957, PRESIDENT RAMON MAGSAYSYAY issued Proclamation
No. 237, declaring an area of 57,000 hectares of land located in Nueva Ecija with an elevation of
about 33 ft. above sea level bounded by territorial jurisdiction of Cabanatuan of the north, Gen.
Tinio on the south, Laur on the east, and Sta. Rosa on the west, to be a training ground for the
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), particularly the Philippine Army, known as the Fort
Magsaysay, named after its intiator.
Since then, troops from the different Battalion Combat Teams began moving into the camp
to filled-up the authorized strength of the newly organized, Army Division from October 1957 to
October 1958. Some enlisted men brought with them their families and built shanties in the
outskirts of the North Gate.
BRIG. GEN. TIRSO FAJARDO was first in command of the 1st Infantry (TABAK)
Division, the only Combat Ready Division that time. He was followed by BRIG. ANTONIO DE
VERA, who spearheaded the development of Enlisted Men’s (EM’s) Barrio.

In 1959-1960, the South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) Exercise was held
in Fort Magsaysay under the supervision of the US Army which included some personnel from
the newly organized 1st Infantry Division PA. Visitors from the other Asian Countries, including
US Army top Brasses come over to observe the highlights of the Exercise “Strong Black” at
Taclang Damulag area the final phase of the event.
After the SEATO Exercise, there where comments from the visiting officers of the Armed
Forces General Headquarters (GHQ) that the housing area at the North Gate was an eyesore
to the visiting dignitaries from the other countries. BRIG. GEN. DE VERA also caught the
attention of the squatter-like condition of the soldier’s families at North Gate, so he immediately
directed the Commanding Officer of the Post Engineering Detachment (PED) to find a new
site for the relocation of the families. A portion from Fort Magsaysay Military Reservation
situated West of the Calabasa creek with an approximate area of 194 hectares, was designated
site of the NEW BARRIO.
Houses were transported from the squatter area before the approach of the North Gate using
six by six (6x6) trucks while others were carried on the shoulders thru Bayanihan Spirit. On the
other hand, model houses had been erected and were awarded thru a raffle draw costing One Peso
(1.00) per ticket. All constructions were made by the Engineering Combat Battalion (ECB).
Water supply during that time was through a well or “Balon”, dug in beside the Calabasa Creek
used for bathing, washing clothes and other purposes. Other occupants constructed their own deep
wells while potable water was delivered by the ECB water tanks. It was also in the same year when
BRIG. GEN. ANTONIO DE VERA laid a subdivision plan of subdividing the EM’s Barrio to
the different corresponding units, such as the following: Artillery unit now Purok 1, Motor
Transport Battalion and Headquarters Service Company Area now Purok 2, Ordnance now
Purok 3, Medical and Dental Battalion now Purok 4, Quarter Master battalion now Purok
5, Admin, Co. now Purok 6, Signal Battalion now Purok 7, Engineer’s battalion now Purok
8, Battalion Combat Team Area and REPWEC now Purok 9; under the supervision of. COL.
GUADENCIO TOBIAS, Chief of Staff, 1st ID, PA. The first passenger transportation was Amor
and La Mallorca Transits and the school bus was a 6x6 truck of IID. Transporting military residents
and students to Cabanatuan City and vice-versa. Barrio Militar residents had to go on foot to
Concessionaries junction to get a ride to Cabanatuan and vice-versa on foot back to the barrio with
all goods purchased carried over the shoulders and backs.

On March 20, 1960, under the General Orders No. 58, Headquarters 1st Infantry (TABAK)
Division, the Enlisted Men’s Barrio was declared “BARRIO MILITAR”. A Barrio Captain was
appointed by the Commanding General, 1 ID and the first barrio council was organized. An army
officer was also designated as Barrio Supervisor to supervise and help in the barrio administration.

Barrio Captain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MSgt. Marcelo Sotelo

Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MSgt. Epigenio Zabala
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MSgt. Florencio Ordinario

Sgt. Jose Abad Sgt. Benigno
MSgt. Teodoro Mendoza MSgt. Cipriano
MSgt. Serafin Torres SSgt. Victorio Medios
Sgt. Natividad MSgt. Bienvenido Felipe
MSgt. Aquilles Salcedo MSgt. Jesus de Leon Sr.

The first barrio council meeting was held under the acacia tree, located between the
auditorium and the Ecumenical Chapel. One of the important agenda was to locate an area for the
Bo. Plaza and Bo. Auditorium. When the Barrio Auditorium was finally constructed, the barrio
council held a meeting and decided April 5 as the Barrio Fiesta in honor of the Patron Saint
Vincent Ferrer.
Gradually, the establishment of vital facilities like the School Buildings, Barrio Chapel and
Home Economics Building were constructed thru donations from politicians solicited by the Barrio
Council. SEN. FERDINAND E. MARCOS donated the first Elementary School Building in the
Fort Magsaysay Elementary School Compound named Capinpin Building under the command of
BRIG. GEN. ERNESTO MATA. All constructions were made by the Engineering Combat
Battalion (ECB).

In 1965, MSgt. Serafin Torres was appointed the new Barrio Captain. It was during his
term when the Enlisted Personnel Ladies Club was organized with Mrs. Gloria Pajela as the
First President. The Barrio now consisted of Nine (9) Puroks. A Purok Leader was designated by
the Barrio Council and purok Centers were also built. It was also during this year that the
Commanding Gen. BRIG. GEN. GAUDENCIO TOBIAS strictly imposed that every home
must have a Toilet.

In 1967, the Pre-School Education was organized by the Officer’s Ladies Club, with Mrs.
Capinpin as President and under the supervision of Father Vacante of the Post Chaplain. The
first teachers were Mrs. Leonor Savellano and Mrs. Rebecca Bumanag. In the same year, due
to the mandatory educational qualification for the re-enlistment of the soldiers, that they must be
a High School Graduate, the Armed Forces of the Philippines School for Enlisted Men
(AFPSEMP) was introduced. Eventually, it was named Armed Forces of the Philippines Non-
Military School (AFPNOMS) due to the mixed enrolment of the enlisted men and their
dependents. The school was housed in the military buildings that were constructed within the camp
area and adjacent to Barrio Militar. This eased the problems of students studying in Cabanatuan
City. In the middle of 1970, the school was transferred to the Concepcion-Diaz Building at Barrio
Militar. Additional classrooms were also constructed in the Fort Magsaysay Elementary School
compound to accommodate the ever-increasing number of pupils. The newly-constructed Marcos
Type Building near the Barrio Militar quadrangle was also occpupied by the AFPNOMS.

January 1969, a massive beautification campaign launched by the then First Lady Imelda
Marcos was spearheaded by Mrs. Aurora Garcia, Officer’s Ladies Club adviser and wife of the
Commanding Gen. BRIGADIER GENERAL EDUARDO GARCIA. During this period, most
of the men of the IID were deployed to several areas of Luzon to fight the dissidents who had been
threats to peace and order. The EP Ladies had to work day in day out to realize a “Dream”
community inspired the picture of the Paradise of Eden through the encouragement and support of
the First Infantry Tabak Division. This campaign garnered for Barangay Militar, First Pize
winner in Central Luzon and Second Prize winner for the National Beautification Contest. A
tangible prize to these remarkable achievements is the Concepcion-Diaz Building donated by
Congressmen Concepcion and Diaz.
On June 19, 1969, PRESIDENT DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL signed Republic Act
4470 creating Palayan a Component city of Nueva Ecija, and on August 4, 1969 PRESIDENT
FERDINAND MARCOS signed RA 6052 annexing parts of the vast Military Reservation
including Fort Magsaysay to be under the Political Territory of Palayan City.
Year 1970, Barangay Militar Development Committee (BAMILDECOM) was created
by Division Orders to act as policy-governing body to assist the Barrio Council in the development
of Barrio Militar headed by COLONEL QUIMSING with the Barrio Council as members
Serafin Torres as Barrio Captain, Enlistedmen’s Association President Aquilles Salcedo and
the EP’ Ladies Club President Mrs. Eufrocina R. Seranilla. The Committee continued the
beautification campaign activities. Competitions of the different puroks was launched, picket
fences were constructed and painted with different colors that responded to their respective units.
Food production campaign was also added to the contest.
Vocational Courses such as Tailoring, Dressmaking, Cosmetology and Auto-
Mechanics were opened by Mrs. Cynthia P. Zagala. These courses benefited Hundreds of
military dependents. The morale center (Pelota and Basketball courts) and a Mini-Mart were
also built. This mini-mart was transformed to a spiritual edifice so designed to make it available
to all religious groups- the Roman Catholics and the Gospel Churches. It was at this segment of
history that an Ecumenical Chapel was declared through the proper coordination’s done by
Reverend Cesar de Garcia of the United Methodist Church with the wife of GENRAL
VIRGILIO LUGA, the immediate successor of Mrs. Cynthia P. Zagala, who continued to work
for the promotion of the welfare of the enlistedmen and their families. It was during the
administration of Commanding General RAFAEL G. ZAGALA, 1970-1976, when the
development of Barrio Militar was fast and encompassing.

In 1974, MSgt. Pascual Manzanilla (councilman) became the first KAWAL Awardee
of this barangay; followed by MSgt. Felipe Garcia (Barangay Captain) and TSgt. Jose B. dela
Cruz (councilmen) in 1976, then followed by TSgt. Faustino Ignacio in 1977. The above four
KAWAL Awardees added luster to the annals of this barangay. This KAWAL Award has one
in its criteria the historical development of the community where they were involved. Part and
partial behind their success where the efforts of the residents of the barangay.

In 1978, typhoon Kading hit Central Luzon and smashed many houses, crops, electronic
post, trees, and even the Fort Magsaysay barracks were not spared, leaving the Fort Magsaysay
and Barangay Militar in a devastated state. It was then when the Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos visited
the place and distributed relief goods to all affected families.

In March 1979, AFPNOMS Administration was formally transferred to CLPC,

Councilman Jose B. dela Cruz was the acting Barrio Captain because at this time Barrio Captain
MSgt. Felipe Garcia was assigned to Jolo, Sulu.
Subsequently, the Local Code of 1892 declared the First Election of barangay officials in
May 1982, 2LT (RET) Ruperto Mallanao became the first elected Barangay Captain in this
electoral race. Since then, all barangay officials have to be elected as provided by DILG Local

Year 1991, when Barangay Militar was legally separated from the military reservation
as per Presidential Proclamation No. 709 duly signed by Pres. Corazon C. Aquino dated
March 26, 1991. The development of Brgy. Militar have been progressing continually to improve
the quality of life. Former Cong. Rico Fajardo even pronounced this statement, “Ako’y
nagagalak at naipagmamalaki ang Lungsod ng Palayan dahil mayroon din pala tayong
To assist in the maintenance of peace and order in the barangay, a PNP Sub-station was
erected. Facilities for social and sports development activities sech as Brgy. Auditorium,
basketball, and volleyball court, children’s playground a spacious plaza for the populance are made
For the education of the youth, Brgy. Militar has the following institutions:

1. Preschool Education:
- Day Care Center- DSWD with barangay assistance
- Selimian Paraclete School (formerly Fort Magsaysay Pre-school)- Private
- Fort Magsaysay Christian Academy (Formerly FICA)- Private
- St. Vincent Child Formation- Private

2. Elementary Education:
- Fort Magsaysay Elementary School- Public
- Fort Magsaysay Christian Academy (Formerly FICA)- Private
- St. Anthony Center of Science and Technolog, Inc.- Private

3. Seconday Education:
- Fort Magsaysay National High School (Formerly Barangay Militar National High
- Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST)- Public

4. Tertiary Education:
- Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST)- Public

Barangay Militar regained its glory as the Cleanest and Greenest barangay of Palayan City
for three (3) consecutive years 1997, 1998 and 1999 as Hall of Fame Award. In the year 2000, the
Lupon Tagapamayapa was awarded 1st Runner-up for Region III Lupon Tagapamayapa Incentive
award (component city category).

These tangible achievements earned by Barangay Militar, were made possible through the
unity and sincere cooperation of the community and the Barangay Officials. Following is a list of
the succession of barangay captain/chairman since 1995 up to present.


MSgt. Marcelo Sotelo 1958-1965 (Gen. Order No. 58)

MSgt. Serafin Torres 1965-1971 (Gen. Order No. 58)
MSgt. Catalino Regaspi 1971-1975 (Gen. Order No. 58)
MSgt. Felipe Garcia 1975-1978 (Gen. Order No. 58)
MSgt. Jose B. dela Cruz 1978-1980 (Acting Brgy. Captain)
MSgt. Ruperto Mallanao 1980-1965 (Relieved)
MSgt. Mariano Pelovello 1980-1982 (Appointed)
2LT Ruperto Mallanao 1982-1986 (1st Elected Brgy. Captain)
2LT (Ret) Atilano Pecson 1986-1989 (Apt’d by Mayor Fajardo)
2LT (Ret) Felix Pauig 1989-1990 (Elected)
2LT (Ret) Roberto Dimacali 1990-1991 (By succession/resigned)
Mrs. Nenita C. Alingig 1991-1994 (By succession)

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