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Institute of technology Mechanical &


Design Project
Design of Vertical Pressure Vessel

Prepared by:
1. Yeabsira Giragn ----- 01214/09
2. Wassie Tadesse ----- 01170/09
1 Submitted to: Instructor Misganaw Abebaw (MSc)
Date: May 22, 2019 G.C
Foremost of all, we would like to give all the glory to our almighty God on his blessings on every
aspect and progress to finish this project. Secondly, we would like to express our deepest gratitude
to all those who provided us the possibility to complete this project. A special gratitude we give
to our Instructor MR. Misganaw Abebaw, whose influence in stimulating suggestions and
advice during progress of this report which helped us to coordinate our project especially in writing
this report, furthermore we would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role
of our Machine Element I Instructor MR. Biniyam T. and Machine Element two Instructor
MR. Andebet T. and Institute of Technology, which gave us the permission to use all
required equipment and the necessary materials to complete this Project. Finally, a special thanks
goes to our class mates, who helped us to collect samples and another necessary guide material for
the project.

A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids which has a pressure
difference inside it by atmospheric pressure, area of application of pressure vessels is a very wide
and cannot be limited in such condition we can find them in brewery, in small components of
containing tankers and even in cooking vessels. Shapes and sizes of pressure vessels might be
classified according to end construction, geometry of the vessel, dimension and position or
orientation of the vessel. The main objective of this designing project is to design a pressure vessel
that can work under the specified working conditions such as: pressure, temperature and to analyze
each components of the vessel geometrical and theoretical analytical data and at the end to design
with Auto-Cad. In this project we have designed a pressure vessel that can store an alcohol as
working fluid with 6.7 Mpa of internal pressure and 0.6m3 of storing capacity as it’s specified by
our client, the overall design procedures, limiting conditions and consideration were made while
designing. Many ASME standard tables are used as a reference to select a standard element for the
pressure vessel. a pressure vessel has been designed according to ASME section VIII and Division
2, designed a closed container and found the required thickness of the shell, head, nozzle, flange,
bolts and the skirt support. Uniform thickness has been assigned to the entire vessel, 2D and 3D
Modelling of the pressure vessel components were carried out using CAD-2013, and used online
pressure vessel calculator to proof the diameter, thickness, volume and length of the pressure
vessel. During this deign the selected allowable stress was 240 Mpa and an internal diameter of
the shell was found to be 579.2 mm, thickness of 10.1mm and the total height of the shell was
found to be 2100mm.As we have made a calculation for the cost of each components and guessed
the labor payment and found a total cost of 20,012.323 birr. Finally, it was a complete successful
in finding the values of all calculated types of stress and were able to decide that the theoretical
validation was carried out for the entire model, and the results were within the limit.

Chapter One ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Definition of Pressure vessel..................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Background of the study ........................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Classification of Pressure Vessel .............................................................................................. 6
1.3.1. According to the end construction ................................................................................... 6 Open end construction pressure vessel ........................................................................ 6 Closed end construction pressure vessel ...................................................................... 6
1.3.2. According to dimension .................................................................................................... 6 Thin-walled pressure vessel .......................................................................................... 6 Thick-walled pressure vessel......................................................................................... 6
1.3.3. According to geometrical shape ....................................................................................... 7
1.3.4. According to position of arrangement .............................................................................. 7
1.4. Practical use of pressure vessels ............................................................................................... 7
1.5. Application area of pressure vessels ......................................................................................... 8
1.6. Components of pressure vessels ............................................................................................... 8
1.6.1. Head .................................................................................................................................. 8
1.6.2. Shell .................................................................................................................................. 9
1.6.3. Nozzle ............................................................................................................................. 10
1.6.4. Support ............................................................................................................................ 10 Skirt Support ............................................................................................................... 10 Leg .............................................................................................................................. 11 Saddle support ............................................................................................................. 11 Lug support ................................................................................................................. 12
1.7. Problem Statement .................................................................................................................. 12
1.8. Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 13
1.8.1. General Objective ........................................................................................................... 13
1.8.2. Specific Objective ........................................................................................................... 13
Chapter Two .............................................................................................................................................. 14
2. Literature Review............................................................................................................................ 14
Chapter Three ........................................................................................................................................... 19

3. Detail Design Analysis.................................................................................................................... 19
3.1. General Design Considerations ............................................................................................... 19
3.1.1. Design Pressure ............................................................................................................... 19
3.1.2. Design Temperature ........................................................................................................ 19
3.1.3. Corrosion Allowance ...................................................................................................... 20
3.1.4. Material Selection ........................................................................................................... 20
3.1.5. Welding Joint efficiency and construction categories..................................................... 21
3.2. Design of Shell ........................................................................................................................ 21
3.2.1. Stress analyses of cylindrical shell.................................................................................. 26
3.3. Design of Head........................................................................................................................ 27
3.3.1. Design of Elliptical Head ................................................................................................ 27
3.3.2. Stress analysis on head.................................................................................................... 29
3.3.3. Stress in Head Due to Internal Pressure .......................................................................... 30
3.4. Design of Opening .................................................................................................................. 33
3.4.1. Design of nozzle.............................................................................................................. 34
3.4.2. Design of bolted flange joints ......................................................................................... 37
3.4.3. Stress analysis of bolt ...................................................................................................... 41
3.5. Design of Nut .......................................................................................................................... 41
3.6. Design of Flange ..................................................................................................................... 43
3.6.1. Standard flanges .............................................................................................................. 44
3.7. Design of circular Handhold ................................................................................................... 46
3.7.1. Stress analysis for hand hole ........................................................................................... 47
3.8. Design of vessel support ......................................................................................................... 47
3.8.1. Design of Skirt Support................................................................................................... 48 Skirt thickness ............................................................................................................. 49
3.9. Dead weight analysis .............................................................................................................. 51
3.9.1. Weight of shell ................................................................................................................ 51 Weight of shell material .............................................................................................. 51 Weight of shell fluid ................................................................................................... 52
3.9.2. Weight of head ................................................................................................................ 52 Weight of head material ............................................................................................. 52 Weight of head fluid ................................................................................................... 53
3.10. Weight of Nozzle ............................................................................................................ 53

3.10.1. Weight of nozzle material ........................................................................................... 53
3.10.2. Weight of nozzle fluid................................................................................................. 55
3.11. Weight of Wind............................................................................................................... 56
3.12. Skirt thickness ................................................................................................................. 58
3.12.1. Stress analysis of skirt support .................................................................................... 58
3.13. Base Ring and Anchor Bolt ............................................................................................ 60
3.14. Design of welded joint .................................................................................................... 62
3.15. Cost Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 64
3.15.1. Cost analysis of shell....................................................................................................... 64
3.15.2. Cost analysis of head....................................................................................................... 65
3.15.3. Cost analysis of nozzle .................................................................................................... 65
3.15.4. Cost analysis of support .................................................................................................. 66
3.15.5. Cost of other material ...................................................................................................... 66
3.16. Manufacturing Process ........................................................................................................ 67
3.16.1. Steps (procedures) for Manufacturing Pressure vessels .................................................. 68
3.16.2. Preparation for Shipment ................................................................................................ 69
3.16.3. Safety Procedures of Pressure Vessels Assembly and Transportation ........................... 70
3.16.4. Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 70
3.16.5. Inspection of Pressure Vessel ......................................................................................... 71 Purpose of Inspection ................................................................................................ 71 Inspection of Unfired Pressure Vessels..................................................................... 71 Frequency of Inspections .......................................................................................... 72 Pre-Inspection Activities ........................................................................................... 72 Inspection Procedure ................................................................................................. 72 External Inspections .................................................................................................. 74 Internal Inspection..................................................................................................... 75 Non-Destructive Testing ........................................................................................... 76 Inspection of Piping Systems .................................................................................... 76
3.17. Piping Defects ................................................................................................................. 77
Chapter Four ............................................................................................................................................. 79
4. Result .............................................................................................................................................. 79
4.1. Discussion ................................................................................................................................... 80
Chapter Five .............................................................................................................................................. 81

5. Bill of Materials .................................................................................................................................. 81
Chapter Six ................................................................................................................................................ 82
6. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 82
6.1. Recommendation ......................................................................................................................... 82
Refference ................................................................................................................................................... 83
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 84

List of figures
Figure 1 types of head of pv.......................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2 shell of pv ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 3 skirt support of pv ......................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4 leg support of pv ........................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5 saddle support of pv ..................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6 lug support of pv ........................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7 L/D ratio with respect to F2 .......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 8 hoop and longitudinal stress on cylindrical shell .......................................................................... 26
Figure 9 stress in head due to internal pressure ........................................................................................ 30
Figure 10 stress analysis of any point X ...................................................................................................... 31
Figure 11 bolt dimension ............................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 12 nut dimension ............................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 13 standard flange dimensions ........................................................................................................ 44
Figure 14 weld flush with the shell ............................................................................................................. 49
Figure 15 skirt analysis dimension ............................................................................................................. 50
Figure 16 bending moment diagram .......................................................................................................... 57
Figure 17 base ring and anchor bolt ........................................................................................................... 60
List of tables
Table 1 design specification for vertical layout pv ...................................................................................... 19
Table 2 material standards ......................................................................................................................... 20
Table 3 joint factor ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Table 4 material standards for shell ........................................................................................................... 22
Table 5 stress analysis on head ................................................................................................................... 29
Table 6 material selection for nozzle .......................................................................................................... 34
Table 7 material selection table for bolted joint flange ............................................................................. 38
Table 8 material selection table for design of nut ...................................................................................... 42
Table 9 flange selection standard table ...................................................................................................... 45
Table 10 material selection for shell ........................................................................................................... 48
Table 11 stress for welded joint .................................................................................................................. 63
Table 12 overall geometry of pv components ............................................................................................ 79

Table 13 Bill of materials............................................................................................................................. 81

Chapter One
1. Introduction
1.1. Definition of Pressure vessel

A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids which has a pressure
difference inside it by atmospheric pressure, It also defined as a container with a pressure
differential between inside and outside. The inside pressure is usually higher than the outside,
except for some isolated situations. As high operating pressures are a danger, utmost care should
be taken while designing the pressure vessels. Any mechanical structure fails if there are stresses
induced in them. The pressure vessel life under cyclic load is related to the number of cycles it is
exposed to and to the intensity of the stress. The pressure vessel is assumed to be a thin cylinder,
and therefore the analysis follows the thin cylinder formulae. The modeling was done on a
modeling software pro-e, and a finite element analysis was carried out to highlight the various
points of stress concentration. As anticipated the highest stress value occurs at the junction of the
nozzle attachment, to analyze the aspects of stress concentration which may develop when the end
closure of a high-pressure vessel is attached to a conically shaped nozzle. The main reason for this
occurrence is that the conical nozzle must be connected separately. This process would result in
geometrical discontinuities between the pressure vessel and the nozzle at the point of attachment.
The solution for the value of stress at the connection of a cylindrical nozzle to an ellipsoidal shape
pressure vessel. The stress calculations were carried out using finite element method, and a
parametric model was developed Tests were carried out for various positions of the cylindrical
nozzle on the pressure vessel along with multiple orientations of the connection instead of a central
radial hole. The tests carried out confirmed that the actual stress value of the maximum allowable
internal pressure is different for various orientations of the attachment and states that further
investigation is necessary to determine the most efficient connection.
The legal definition of pressure vessel varies from country to country, but often involves the
maximum safe pressure (may need to be above half a bar) that a vessel is designed for.

1.2. Background of the study

The earliest documented design of pressure vessels was described in 1495 in the book by Leonardo
da Vinci, the Codex Madrid I, in which containers of pressurized air were theorized to lift heavy
weights underwater. However, vessels resembling those used today did not come about until the
1800s, when steam was generated in boilers helping to spur the industrial revolution. However,
with poor material quality and manufacturing techniques along with improper knowledge of
design, operation and maintenance there was a large number of damaging and often fatal
explosions associated with these boilers and pressure vessels, with a death occurring on a nearly
daily basis in the United States. Local providences and states in the US began enacting rules for
constructing these vessels after some particularly devastating vessel failures occurred killing
dozens of people at a time, which made it difficult for manufacturers to keep up with the varied
rules from one location to another and the first pressure vessel code was developed starting in 1911
and released in 1914, starting the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). In an early
effort to design a tank capable of withstanding pressures up to 10,000 psi (69 MPa), a 6-inch (150
mm) diameter tank was developed in 1919 that was spirally-wound with two layers of high tensile
strength steel wire to prevent sidewall rupture, and the end caps longitudinally reinforced with
lengthwise high-tensile rods. The need for high pressure and temperature vessels for petroleum
refineries and chemical plants gave rise to vessels joined with welding instead of rivets (which
were unsuitable for the pressures and temperatures required) and in the 1920s and 1930s the BPVC
included welding as an acceptable means of construction, and welding is the main means of joining
metal vessels today.

There have been many advancements in the field of pressure vessel engineering such as advanced
non-destructive examination, phased array ultrasonic testing and radiography, new material grades
with increased corrosion resistance and stronger materials, and new ways to join materials such as
explosion welding (to attach one metal sheet to another, usually a thin corrosion resistant metal
like stainless steel to a stronger metal like carbon steel), friction stir welding (which attaches the
metals together without melting the metal), advanced theories and means of more accurately
assessing the stresses encountered in vessels such as with the use of Finite Element Analysis,
allowing the vessels to be built safer and more efficiently. Today vessels in the USA require BPVC
stamping but the BPVC is not just a domestic code, many other countries have adopted the BPVC

as their official code. There are, however, other official codes in some countries (some of which
rely on portions of and reference the BPVC), Japan, Australia, Canada, Britain, and Europe have
their own codes. Regardless of the country nearly all recognize the inherent potential hazards of
pressure vessels and the need for standards and codes regulating their design and construction.

Perhaps numerous boiler explosions took place through the late 1800s and early 1900s. This led
to the enactment of the first code for construction of steam boilers by the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts in 1907. This subsequently resulted in the development and publication of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in 1914, which sought to standardize the design,
manufacturing, and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels. In 1921 the National Board of Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Inspectors was organized to promote consistent inspection and testing. The
publication of the section on locomotive boilers also appeared in 1921. The ASME and the AST
(American Society for Testing and Materials) material specification merged in 1924. The first
publication of Section VIII ‘‘Unfired Pressure Vessels,’’ appeared in 1925. This document was
referred to as one of a theoretical factor of safety of 5. The petroleum industry did not consider it
to be adequate for their purposes and also desired better utilization of available materials. The year
1928 saw the advent of welded pressure vessels. For higher pressures the welded shells were made
thicker than 70 mm. These required nondestructive examination (NDE) before service. In 1934, a
joint API–ASME Committee published the first edition of an unfired pressure vessel code
specifically for the petroleum industry. In 1952 these two separate codes merged into a single code
– the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII. The ASME Pressure Vessel Code,
Section VIII Division 2: ‘‘Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessels,’’ was published in 1968 and the
original code became Section VIII Division 1: ‘‘Pressure Vessels.’’ A considerable boost was
provided to the understanding of the basic behavior of pressure vessel components following the
development of the nuclear power program in the U.S. and Europe in the late 1950s and early
1960s. Similar developments can be found in the British, French, German and Japanese codes, to
name but a few. By 1960 the need for a code for pressure vessels for commercial nuclear plants
became imperative. This resulted in publication of the 1963 Edition, Section III: ‘‘Nuclear Pressure
Vessels.’’ This was a design by analysis code with a theoretical safety factor of 3. After the
publication of Section III: ‘‘Nuclear Pressure Vessels’’ in 1963, it was necessary to modify Section
VIII for general pressure vessels. ASME Code Section VIII Division 2:

‘‘Alternate Rules for Pressure Vessels’’ appeared as a result and provided a theoretical factor of
safety of 3. In 1971, Section III: ‘‘Nuclear Power Components’’ were classified as pumps, valves,
and piping. The stress limits for emergency and faulted conditions were introduced. In addition,
the addenda of 1971 added storage tanks. The addenda of summer 1972 introduced Appendix G
on non-ductile failure. The Appendix F On evaluation of faulted conditions was included in the
addenda of winter 1972. The design of component supports and core support structures appeared
in the addenda of winter 1973. ASME Section III Division 1 is devoted entirely to nuclear power
components and also contains the rules for the design of nuclear pumps and valves.
The recognition of concrete reactor and containment vessels led to the publication of the Section
II Division 2 code in 1975. Three subsections (NB, NC and ND) of ASME Section III Division 1
cover the design and construction of equipment of Classes 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The most
stringent is Class 1, which requires design by analysis. Class 2 permits design by analysis as well
as the use of formulas. Class 3 prescribes design by formula, and is equivalent to Section VIII
Division 1. The designer evaluates the safety function of each pressure vessel and applies the
appropriate code class. Design of supports for Section III Division 1 vessels are not prescribed in
the ASME Code. Section III has a subsection NF, which prescribes the design of supports for Class
1, 2, and 3 pressure vessels. The addenda of winter 1976 changed the nomenclature of design,
normal, upset, testing and faulted conditions to level A, B, C and D service conditions. In the 1982
addenda, the fatigue curves were extended to 1011 cycles. In the 1996 addenda, the design rules
for high-temperature service were incorporated. In 1976, Division 3 was published which
contained rules on transport of irradiated materials. The need for uniform rules for in-service
inspection of nuclear power plants led to the issuance of the 1970 edition of Section XI: ‘‘Rules
for In-service Inspection of Nuclear Plant Components.’’

The organization of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is as follows:

1. Section I: Power Boilers

2. Section II: Material Specification:
i. Ferrous Material Specifications – Part A
ii. Non-ferrous Material Specifications – Part B
iii. Specifications for Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals –Part C
iv. Properties – Part D

3. Section III Subsection NCA: General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2
i. Section III Division 1:
ii. Subsection NA: General Requirements
iii. Subsection NB: Class 1 Component
iv. Subsection NC: Class 2 Components
v. Subsection ND: Class 3 Components
vi. Subsection NE: Class MC Components
vii. Subsection NF: Component Supports
4. Section IV: Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers
5. Section V: Nondestructive Examinations
6. Section VI: Recommended Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers
7. Section VII: Recommended Guidelines for Care of Power Boilers
8. Section VIII
i. Division 1: Pressure Vessels – Rules for Construction
ii. Division 2: Pressure Vessels – Alternative Rules
9. Section IX: Welding and Brazing Qualifications
10. Section X: Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels
11. Section XI: Rules for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Component

The rules for design, fabrication and inspection of pressure vessels are provided by codes that have
been developed by industry and government in various countries. The design and construction
codes all have established rules of safety governing design, fabrication and inspection of boilers,
pressure vessels and nuclear components. These codes are intended to provide reasonable
protection of life and property and also provide for margin for deterioration in service. Some of
the significant features of the latest version of the ASME Code Section III are:

 Explicit consideration of thermal stress

 Recognition of fatigue as a possible mode of failure
 The use of plastic limit analysis
 Reliable prediction of ductile failure after some plastic action.

In addition, there is a continuous attempt to understand all failure modes, and provide rational
margins of safety against each type of failure. These margins are generally consistent with the
consequence of the specific mode of failure. A word or two about the impact of technological
advances in pressure vessel design should be mentioned. The last three decades have seen great

1.3. Classification of Pressure Vessel

Pressure vessels can be classified in different categories as follows: -

1.3.1. According to the end construction: - and in this sub group will be further classified into
two groups as: Open end construction pressure vessel: - in this case, the hoop stress is
induced by the fluid pressure. Example- a simple cylinder with piston,
such as cylinders of press. Closed end construction pressure vessel: - for the closed end construction
types, longitudinal stress in addition to hoop stress are induced.

1.3.2. According to dimension: - for this sub group the pressure vessels are going to be
classified according to their wall thickness as: Thin-walled pressure vessel: - this type of pressure vessels can be

𝑡 1
categorized if the ratio of 𝑑 is less than 10 , then the pressure vessel is

called thin-walled pressure vessel. In this case, the radial stress is

small and it can be neglected and the longitudinal and the
circumferential stress are constant.
𝑡 Thick-walled pressure vessel: - if the ratio of is greater than or equal to
, then it is called thick-walled pressure vessel. In this case the radial

stress can’t be neglected and the other two stress are not constant.
Thick-walled pressure vessels are mostly used in case of high pressure
such as guns, barrels, high pressure cylinders etc.

NOTE: - The majority of the pressure vessels used in the chemical and allied industries are
classified as thin-walled pressure vessel.

1.3.3. According to geometrical shape: - for this classification the pressure vessels can be
classified based on the vessel shapes, as follows: -
i. Cylindrical shaped
ii. Conical shaped
iii. Spherical shaped with one or two cones

1.3.4. According to position of arrangement: - under this classification the pressure vessel types
will be grouped based on their arrangement shape or position as:
i. Horizontal pressure vessel
ii. Vertical pressure vessel
iii. Spherical pressure vessel

1.4. Practical use of pressure vessels

Pressure vessels have variety of applications. Which will include the industrial and the private
sector. Their practical usage in these sectors can be seen as-

 Industrial compressed air reservoirs

 Domestic hot water storage tank (Boilers)
 Autoclave
 Distillation tower
 Recompression chamber
 Diving cylinder
 Oil refineries and petrochemical plants
 Nuclear reactor vessels
 Submarine and space ship habitats
 Pneumatic reservoirs
 Hydraulic reservoirs under pressure
 Rail vehicle airbrake reservoirs
 Road vehicle airbrake reservoirs

 Storage vessels for liquefied gases such as ammonia, chlorine, propane,
butane, and LPG

NOTE – this are not the only scope where pressure vessel is practically playing major role
in this day, rather they are getting the attention from those tiny compressors to those
enormous vessel thanks of industrial and home appliances.

1.5. Application area of pressure vessels

 In brewery and soft drink factories

 power generation industry for fossil and nuclear power
 In pharmaceutical factories
 In oil refineries plant
 In dye factories

1.6. Components of pressure vessels

 The major components of pressure vessel are listed below:

I. Head
II. Shell
III. Nozzle
IV. Support
1.6.1. Head
All pressure vessel shells must be closed at the ends by heads (or another shell section). Heads is
typically curved rather than flat.
There are four types of head:
 Flat Plates and Formed Flat Heads.
 Hemispherical Heads.
 Ellipsoidal Heads.
 Tori-spherical Heads.
- Flat plates are used as covers for access ports or manholes, and as the channel covers of
heat exchangers.

Figure 1 types of head of pv

- Standard Tori-spherical heads are the most commonly used end closures for vessels up to
operating pressures of 15 bars. They can be used for higher pressures, but above 10 bars,
their cost should be compared with that of an Ellipsoidal head. Above 15 bars, an
Ellipsoidal head will usually prove to be the most economical closure to use.
- A Hemispherical head is the strongest shape, capable of resisting about twice the pressure
of a Tori-spherical head of the same thickness. The cost of forming a hemispherical head
will, however, be higher than for a shallow Tori-spherical head. Hemispherical heads are
used for high pressures.
1.6.2. Shell
The shell is the primary component that contains the pressure. Pressure vessel shells are welded
together to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel shells are
cylindrical, spherical, or conical in shape. Horizontal drums have cylindrical shells and are
fabricated in a wide range of diameters and lengths.

Figure 2 shell of pv

1.6.3. Nozzle
A nozzle is a cylindrical component that penetrates the shell or heads of a pressure Vessel. The
nozzle ends are usually flanged to allow for the necessary connections and to permit easy
disassembly for maintenance or access. Nozzles are used for the following applications: -
 Attach piping for flow into or out of the vessel.
 Attach instrument connections, (e.g., level gauges, thermo wells, or pressure gauges).
 Provide access to the vessel interior at man-holes.
 Provide for direct attachment of other equipment items, (e.g., a heat exchanger or

1.6.4. Support
The method used to support a vessel will depend on the size, shape, and weight of the vessel; the
design temperature and pressure; the vessel location and arrangement; and the internal and external
fittings and attachments. Horizontal vessels are usually mounted on two saddle supports. Skirt
supports are used for tall, vertical columns. Brackets, or lugs, are used for all types of vessel. The
supports must be designed to carry the weight of the vessel and contents, and any superimposed
loads, such as wind loads. Supports will impose localized loads on the vessel wall, and the design
must be checked to ensure that the resulting stress concentrations are below the maximum
allowable design stress. Supports should be designed to allow easy access to the vessel and fittings
for inspection and maintenance.
Typical kinds of supports are as follow: -
I. Skirt Support
II. Leg support
III. Saddle support
IV. Lug support Skirt Support
Tall, vertical, cylindrical pressure vessels are typically supported by skirts. A support skirt is a
cylindrical shell section that is welded either to the lower portion of the vessel shell or to the bottom
head (for cylindrical vessels). Skirts for spherical vessels are welded to the vessel near the mid-
plane of the shell. The skirt is normally long enough to provide enough flexibility so that radial
thermal expansion of the shell does not cause high thermal stresses at its junction with the skirt.

Figure 3 skirt support of pressure vessel Leg
Small vertical drums are typically supported on legs that are welded to the lower portion of the
shell. The maximum ratio of support leg length to drum diameter is typically 2:1. The number of
legs needed depends on the drum size and the loads to be carried. Support legs are also typically
used for spherical pressurized storage vessels. The support legs for small vertical drums and
spherical pressurized Storage vessels may be made from structural steel columns or pipe sections,
whichever provides a more efficient design.

Figure 4 leg support of pressure vessel Saddle support

Horizontal drums are typically supported at two locations by saddle supports. A saddle Support
spreads the weight load over a large area of the shell to prevent an excessive local stress in the
shell at the support points. The width of the saddle, among other design details, is determined by

the specific size and design conditions of the pressure vessel. One saddle support is normally fixed
or anchored to its foundation.

Figure 5 saddle support of pressure vessel Lug support

Lugs that are welded to the pressure vessel shell, which are shown on, may also be used to support
vertical pressure vessels. The use of lugs is typically limited to vessels of small to medium diameter
(1 to 10 ft.) and moderate height-to diameter ratios in the range of 2:1 to 5:1. Lug supports are
often used for vessels of this size that are located above grade within structural steel. The lugs are
typically bolted to horizontal structural members to provide stability against overturning loads;
however, the bolt holes are often slotted to permit free radial thermal expansion of the drum.

Figure 6 lug support of pressure vessel

1.7. Problem Statement

Pressure vessel failures arise by different reasons and can be categorized into four major reasons
as material, design, fabrication and service which can be further defined as improper selection of
material that can lead to defects in material, incorrect design data, poor quality control and change
of service condition by the user respectively. But here in this design report we’ll focus basically
on material selection and incorrect design data.

1.8. Objectives

1.8.1. General Objective

The general objective of this project is intended to get knowledge about the general and basic
process and procedures of designing any mechanical machine component, the different types of
machine design methodologies, Design procedures of machinery and equipment, Specifications of
machineries and equipment, the consideration and design limitation while designing different
machine component and it also enables us how to make Documentation of machine design reports.

1.8.2. Specific Objective

 To design of cylindrical shell,

 To design of ellipsoidal head,
 To design inlet and outlet nozzles,
 To design skirt support,
 To design bolted flange joint,
 To design standard flanges,
 To design hand hole,
 To design welding,
 To analyze cost of the components,
 To compute geometrical and stress analysis for each component,
 To draw 2D and 3D drawing of the components assembly,
 To draw the assembly drawing of the 2D and 3D

Chapter Two
2. Literature Review

Pravin Naral and P S Kachare (2012) [1]

Presented work on structural analysis of nozzle attachment on pressure vessel design, they said if
the nozzle is kept on peak of the dished end it does not disturb the symmetry of the vessel, but if
it is placed on the placed on the periphery of the vessel, it might disturb the symmetry of the vessel
Size, diameter, angle, etc. of nozzle connection may significantly vary even in one pressure vessel,
these nozzle cause geometric discontinuity of vessel wall, so a stress concentration created around
an opening, the junction may fail due to high stress ,so detailed analysis is must be required, in this
paper conduct a study analysis, what will be the effect of the nozzle angle and increase number of
nozzle on the periphery of pressure vessel until the symmetry is achieved, and find out optimum
angle such that the stress are maintained within limits. in this paper first one nozzle placed on top
on shell and calculated stresses with finite element analysis, then two nozzle placed with angle 60
degree from each other, then again two nozzle placed at angle 90 degree from each other, then also
again two nozzle placed at angle 180 degree from each other ,then three nozzle placed at angle 60
degree from each other, then again three nozzle placed at angle 90 degree from each other, then
four nozzle placed at angle 60 degree and again four nozzle placed at 90 degree from each other
and calculated stress from ANSYS software ,from this study they found the result that peak stresses
for symmetrical nozzle attachment is lowest than the others and stress increment factor for
symmetric nozzle attachment is lower than other, here the stress value is minimum at two nozzle
which is placed at angle 180 degree and four nozzle placed at angle 90 degree from each other,
this state that the symmetry nozzle attachment had always lower stress than others.

Vikram V. Mane, Vinayak H. Khatawate (2012) [2]

Done their work on stress analysis of Ellipsoidal head pressure vessel with the help of finite
element analysis and experimental work, they used electrical strain gauges for strain measurement
and compared result with ANSYS software .and they found the results of the stress analysis by
classical methods are more than the actual stresses measured by strain gauges and less than the
finite element analysis.

Ug˘ur Gu¨ven (2007 ) [3]

Obtained the failure pressures of thick and thin walled cylindrical pressure vessels considering the
Voce hardening law and plastic orthotropic effect. The solution presented is used to compare the
failure pressures of copper and brass cylindrical pressure vessels. The failure pressures of thick
and thin walled cylindrical vessels are solved by numerical and closed form solutions. The
solutions presented are used to compare the failure pressures copper and brass cylindrical vessels.

Nishant M. Tandel, Jignesh M parmar (2013) [4]

Had presented work on A review on pressure vessel design and analysis, this paper deal with vessel
are subjected to various applied forces acting in combination with internal or external pressure and
some design principle, design of pressure vessel is governed by ASME pressure vessel code,
design of different pressure vessel concerned with element such as shell, dish end, operating man
hole, support leg, based on standard and code and evaluation of shell and dish end analyzed by
means of analysis, and this paper they concluded that finite element analysis is an extremely
powerful tool foe pressure vessel and also concluded the design method to be used in pressure
vessel are depend upon stresses and internal or external pressure.

Bandarupalli Praneeth, T.B.S.Rao (2012) [5]

Compared the theoretical values and ANSYS value for both solid wall and multilayer pressure
vessels. And they concluded that multi layered pressure vessels are superior for high pressures and
high temperature operating conditions over the conventional mono block pressure vessel.
Theoretical calculated values by using Different formulas are very close to that of the values
obtained from ANSYS analysis is suitable for multilayer pressure vessels.

Drazan Kozak [6]

Presented worked on Overloading Effect on the Carrying Capacity of Cylindrical Tank with Tori
spherical Heads for the Underground Storage of Petrol, Horizontal cylindrical double skin steel
tank with tori spherical heads for the underground storage of petrol has been manufactured, before
exploitation it has to be tested with pressure of 2 bars according EN 12285-1 norm. During the
pressurization uncontrolled pressure increasing happens. Effects on this overloading have been
analyzed by using of finite element method.

Josip Kacmarcik, Nedelijko Vukojevic And Fuad Hadzikadunic (2011) [7]

Concluded that comparison show good agreement between the stress concentration factor
determined with two different method, here two different method strain gauge with experimental
set-up and finite element analysis with ABAQUS software are used for two different nozzle
geometries investigation, here two stress concentration factor defined by maximum principal stress
and maximum von- Mises stress are calculated by strain gauge measurement and compared with
ABAQUS software, in this paper nozzle external radius are different C1 Nozzle has higher radius
then C2 nozzle, but both nozzle have same thickness of vessel wall and external radius of a vessel,
in this paper only 1/8 of the vessel part and ¼ of nozzle part is modeled because it is possible to
defined three symmetry planes and here as a mesh generation 3D tetragonal elements are
implemented, stress concentration factor is obtained by the value of stress(principal and von
Mises) obtained via FEM analysis and strain gauge measurement, when compared both method it
is shown that the maximum deviation of 15.5% is acceptable for engineering application of stress
concentration factor and FEM analysis is very reliable enough for determining stress concentration
factor in pressure vessel design. And this research also shows advantages of FEM analysis in
possibility to determine stresses on vessel internal side that can be greater than external stresses
which is very difficult for strain gauge measurement.

V.N. Skopinsky, A.B. SMETANKIN (2006) [8]

Presented work on modeling and stress analysis of nozzle connection in Ellipsoidal head of
pressure vessel under external loading, in this paper he used Timoshenko shell theory and the finite
element method, the effect of stress concentration in external loading has more effect than in the
internal pressure, there is an appreciable increase of the maximum stress for shell in the interaction
region even at the small level of nominal stress, non-radial and offset connection have non-uniform
distribution of stress on the interaction curve between the nozzle and the head, the influence of
angular parameter α for non-radial nozzle connection is shown in this paper, a decrease of
maximum effective stress as an angle α increase is more significant for non-central connection,
and in case of torsional moment loading, the angle affects the stress in opposite manner, the stress
in the shell increase as alpha angle increase.B.S.

Thakkar and S.A. Thakkar (2012) [9]

Did a case study and put efforts to design the pressure vessel using ASME codes & standards to
legalize the design. The performance of a pressure vessel under pressure can be determined by
conducting a series of tests to the relevant ASME standard in future scope they have mentioned
Design of pressure vessel in PVELITE software can be accrue. Further FEA analysis can be done
to verify the above design procedure, they concluded that the design of pressure vessel is more of
a selection procedure, selection of its components to be more precise rather designing of every
component, pressure vessel components are selected on the basis of available ASME standard and
the manufactures also follow the ASME standard while manufacturing the components so that
leaves designer free from designing the components. This aspect of design greatly reduces the
development time of new pressure vessel, it also allows the designer to keep free from multiple
prototype for pressure vessel before finalizing the design, here standard part is used so it reduces
time for replacement so less overall cost.

Shaik Abdul Lathuef and K. Chandra Sekhar (2012) [10]

Discusses some of the potential unintended consequences related to Governing Thickness of shell
as per ASME. Here has a scope to change the code values by take the minimum governing
thickness of pressure vessel shell to the desired requirements and also relocate of nozzle location
to minimize the stresses in the shell. In this paper nozzle located at five places and analysis with
ANSYS here nozzle locates at shell left end, at the shell middle, at the shell right end, at dished
end of both side and calculate stress. And they found from result that the stress would be Minimum
at the dished end with hillside orientation. A low value of the factor of safety results in economy
of material this will lead to thinner and more flexible and economical vessels. Here we evaluated
the stress in the vessel by Zick analysis approach.

M J Mungla (2013) [11]

Had conducted design and analysis of various components of pressure vessels like shell, heads,
flanges, and nozzle and support structures along using ASME code. Design of base ring and skirt
sections has not been covered under ASME code and their dimensions are calculated with general
design principles. Stress analysis of these components has been carried out with combined load

P balicevic, D Kozak, D. Karlievic (2007) [12]

presented work on ANLYTICAL and NUMERICAL solution of internal forces by cylindrical

pressure vessel with semielliptical heads, in this paper the solution for internal forces and
displacement in the thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel with ellipsoidal head using general
theory of thin walled shell of resolution have been proposed, distribution of the forces and
displacement in thin walled shell are given in mathematical form, finite element analysis of the
cylindrical vessel with semi-elliptical head has been done by using ANSYS 10 code for to confirms
analytical solution, here ellipsoidal head model made as axis-symmetric problem to avoid bending
effect on the contact between heads and cylinders and author concluded principal stresses
calculated analytically are very close to the finite element result( the difference is less than 3%)

Chapter Three
3. Detail Design Analysis
3.1. General Design Considerations
Table 1 design specification for vertical layout pressure vessel

Design Specifications of Column (Vertical Layout) Pressure


Parameters Value Unit

Design pressure 6.7 mpa

Design temperature 94 °C

Total inside volume 0.6 m3

Corrosion allowance 1.8 mm

Working fluid Propylene glycol -

Vessel orientation Vertical -

3.1.1. Design Pressure

A vessel must be designed to withstand the maximum pressure to which it is likely to be subjected
in operation. For vessels under internal pressure, the design pressure is normally taken as the
pressure at which the relief device is set. This will normally be 5 to 10 per cent above the normal
Working pressure, to avoid spurious operation during minor process upsets
PD = 6.7MPa
Pd = pi+(Pi*10/100)
Pd =1.1Pi
Pi = 6.09Mpa
3.1.2. Design Temperature
The strength of metals decreases with increasing temperature so the maximum allowable design
stress will depend on the material temperature. The design temperature at which the design stress
is evaluated should be taken as the maximum working temperature of the material, with due
allowance for any uncertainty involved in predicting vessel wall temperatures.

- TD = 94°c

3.1.3. Corrosion Allowance
The corrosion allowance is the additional thickness of metal added to allow for material lost by
corrosion and erosion, or scaling. The allowance to be used should be agreed between the customer
and manufacturer. Corrosion is a complex phenomenon, and it is not possible to give specific rules
for the estimation of the corrosion allowance required for all circumstances. The allowance should
be based on experience with the material of construction under similar service conditions to those
for the proposed design.
- Corrosion allowance (C) = 1.8mm
3.1.4. Material Selection
Selection of suitable material must be considered the suitability of the material for fabrication
(particularly for welding) as well as the compatibility of the materials with the environment. We
use low alloy steel because it has low cost and better strength.

Table 2 material standards

By using design temperature and material type we read the design stress and tensile Strength from
the above typical design stress table, the selected low alloy steel having:
- Tensile strength: 550MPa
- Design stress at 94℃ = 240MPa

3.1.5. Welding Joint efficiency and construction categories
The strength of a welded joint will depend on the type of joint and the quality of the welding. The
soundness of welds is checked by visual inspection and by non-destructive testing (Radiography).
The possible lower strength of a welded joint compared with the virgin plate is usually allowed for
in design by multiplying the allowable design stress for the material by a Welded joint factor J.
The value of the joint factor used in design will depend on the type of joint and amount of
radiography required by the design code.

Table 3 joint factor

The above table is above the maximum allowable joint efficiency. Taking the factor as 1.0 implies
that joint is equally as strong as a virgin plate. This is achieved by radiographing complete weld
length. Cutting out and remarking any defects. The use of lower joint factor factors in design
through saving cost in radiography will result in any cost saving on inspection and fabrication
against the increased cost of materials.

- Joint efficiency value (E)=1

3.2. Design of Shell

The shell is the primary component that contains the pressure. Pressure vessel shells are welded
together to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel shells are
cylindrical, spherical, or conical in shape. Horizontal drums have cylindrical shells and are
fabricated in a wide range of diameters and lengths.

For this design the selected material was low alloy steel to design the shell because it has high
working stress compared to others, has high atmospheric corrosion resistance capacity, suitable to
Table 4 material standards for shell

The design procedures in pressure vessel codes for cylindrical shells are mostly based on linear
elastic assumption, occupationally allowing for limited in elastic behavior over a localized region.
The shell the thickness is the major design parameter and usually controlled by internal pressure
and sometimes by external pressure which can be produce bucking. Now to determine the
thickness and diameter of shell first categorized our pressure vessel according to its design pressure
compared to standard. Therefore, check for which non-opposition that our pressure is safe.

If PD > 0.385ᵟd * E ……………………… uset s =R i (√ᵟd∗E−PD -1) …equation 1
PD < 0.385ᵟd * E …………………………. uset s = ……equation 2

Where ᵟd= design stress
-E = joint factor
- ts = thickness of shell
-R i = internal reading of shell
-PD = design pressure
 For this reason (0.385*240N/mm)2 * 1= 92.4N/mm2

Therefore; 6.7 N/mm2 < 92.4N/mm2 then, the pressure vessel was categorized under thin
cylindrical shell then we are using equation 2;
 Calculated pressure vessel ratio (L/D) using the formulae
F2= C∗ ( – 0.6)

where c= corrosion allowance

ᵟd = Design stress
E= joint factor
240 MPa ∗1
F2= 1.8∗ ( – 0.6)
6.7 𝑀𝑃𝑎

= 63.39761 mm

Then to use the graph it was required to change the “mm” into “inch” and can be red from the
graph and again the volume should have to be converted from cubic meters into cubic feet in order
to meet the requirement for reading the optimal L/D ratio to the vessel volume.

1 inch = 25.4 mm 1 m3 = 35.31467 ft3

F2 = 63.39761 mm 0.6 m3 = v
= 2.49597-inch = 21.1888 ft3

Figure 7 L/D ratio with respect to F2

 As it is indicated on the above graph the value of the optimal L/D ratio was found to be:
L/D = 3.6
 So, length of the vessel in terms of diameter was expressed;
- L = 3.6 Di
𝜋Di3 𝜋Di 2 L
- V= + , but L=3.6Di
12 4
𝜋Di3 𝜋Di 2 3.6 Di
- 0.6 = +
12 4

- Di = 0.5792 m
579.2 mm
- R= 2
= 289.607mm

 Calculated thickness of the shell;

- ts = ᵟd∗E−0.6PD
(6.7 ∗ 289.607)
= (240 ∗ 1 − 0.6 ∗ 6.7)

= 8.22259 mm ~ 8.3 mm
 But, for the design to be safe total thickness should contain corrosion allowance;
- t total = t s + c
= 8.3mm + 1.8mm
- where: - c = corrosion allowance
- t s = thickness of the shell
 Outer diameter was calculated as follows;
- Do =DI + 2 * t total
= [579.2 + (2 * 10.1)] mm
= 599.4mm
 Mean diameter was calculated as;
- Dm =Di + t
= 579.2mm + 10.1mm
= 589.3mm
 Length of the cylinder was calculated using the following;
- L = 3.6 * Di
= 3.6 * 579.2mm
= 2,085.12 mm ~ 2.1 m

3.2.1. Stress analyses of cylindrical shell
In finding stress analysis hoop stress and longitudinal stress are calculated.

Figure 8 hoop and longitudinal stress on cylindrical shell

 Both the hoop stress (𝜎𝐻 ) and longitudinal stress (𝜎𝐿 ) had been found by using the
following formulas:
P∗ Dm 6.7 ∗ 589.3
-𝜎𝐻 = = = 97.73N/mm2 < 240N/mm2 and,
4∗T𝑡 4 ∗ 10.1

P∗Dm 6.7 ∗589.3

-𝜎𝐿 = = = 195.46N/mm2 < 240 N/mm2
2𝑡 2 ∗ 10.1

 Since both hoop and longitudinal stress are less than the allowable (Design) stress the
design is safe.

Then length of the cylinder was calculated and found to be:

From this length of the shell can be calculated by:

2∗Hi Di
-Ls = L- ( ) but Hi= , where Hi is inner head for ellipsoidal head
3 4
-Hi= = 144.8mm
-Ls = L- ( )
-Ls = 2100mm - ( )

-Ls =2003.467mm
-Vs =Ls ( )

-Vs = 2.003467 ( )

-Vs = 0.5276m3

3.3. Design of Head

All the pressure vessels must be closed at the ends by heads (or another shell section). Heads are
typically curved rather than flat. The reason is that curved configurations are stronger and allow
the heads to be thinner, lighter and less expensive than flat heads. Heads can also be used inside a
vessel and are known as intermediate heads. These intermediate heads are separate sections of the
pressure vessels to permit different design conditions.

The ends of a cylindrical vessel are closed by heads of various shapes. The principal types used
 Flat plates and formed flat heads
 Hemispherical heads
 Ellipsoidal heads
 Tori spherical heads

The end of pressure vessel that confine the shell from below, above, and the sides. The ends of the
vessels are closed by means of head before putting them in to operation. In our design the head is
normally made from the same material as the shell and welded to the shell itself.
The head geometry design is dependent up on the geometry of the shell as well as other designs
parameter such as operating temperature and the pressure. The geometry of the head is selected
based on the function as well as an economic consideration and methods of forming and space

For our design we’ve select an elliptical cylindrical head because they are thinner than cylindrical
shell to which they are attached and require a smooth transition to avoid stress concentration effect.

3.3.1. Design of Elliptical Head

For an internal pressure “P” the thickness t h of elliptical head is given by:
(𝑃∗ D ∗𝐾)
-t h = (2∗ᵟd∗E−0.2∗P) ,where P= internal pressure

-Di = diameter of the shell

-E = joint efficiency
-ᵟd = allowable/ design stress
-K= stress intensity factor
Where “K” is given by the following expression:
1 𝑎
-K= 6(2 +(𝑏) 2 ), where a and b are semi-major and semi-minor axis of the elliptical which is
1 2
a 2:1 ratio So that K= 6 (2 +(1) 2)=1

Now let us calculate head thickness (th) as follows:

(𝑃∗D ∗𝐾)
- t h = (2∗ᵟd∗E−0.2∗P)


= 8.107mm ~ 8.11mm

, but for safe design t total= t h + C, where C= corrosion allowance

- t total= 8.11mm+1.8mm

= 9.91mm

The outer head diameter was calculated as follows:

- Hi = , where Hi is inner head for ellipsoidal head
= 4

= 144.8mm and
-Ho= , but Do = Di + 2 * t total

-Do = 579.2mm + 2*9.91mm

= 599.02mm

∴ Ho = 4

= 149.755mm

Total volume of the ellipsoidal head was calculated as follows:

π∗Di2 ∗Sf π∗Di2 2∗hi Di hi Di
-Vh = 2* ( + * ) but Hi= and Sf= =12
4 4 3 4 3

πDi2 ∗Di π∗Di2 2∗Di

-Vh = 2* ( + * )
4∗12 4 3∗4

πDi3 π∗Di3
-Vh = 2* ( + )
48 24

𝜋Di3 +2∗𝜋Di3
-Vh = 2*( )

-Vh = 2*( )

-Vh = , but Di= 0.5792m

-Vh = 8

-Vh = 0.076265m3

Then, the total volume of the vessel or cylinder was checked and found to be:

-Vt = Vs + Vh

-Vt = 0.5276m3 + 0.076265m3

-Vt = = 0.603865m3 ~ 0.6mm3

∴ our design is safe

3.3.2. Stress analysis on head

The stresses are considered in to three parts as shown below

Table 5 stress analysis on head

At any point x At center At tangent

(𝑃∗𝑅𝑙) (𝑃∗R2 ) (𝑃∗𝑅)

ᵟx= ᵟx= (2∗𝑡ℎ) ᵟx= (2∗𝑡)

(1 − 2∗𝑅𝑚)
𝑅𝑙 ᵟ𝜃= ᵟx ᵟ𝜃=
𝑃∗𝑅 R2
(1 − 2∗h2 )
𝑡 𝑡

Notations: RL = latitudinal radius of curvature, in mm.

R m = meridional radius of curvature, in mm.

P = internal pressure, MPa

h = depth of head, mm.

R = inside radius of head.

In heads due to internal pressure two type of stress

Longitudinal stress (ᵟ∅)

Meridional stress (ᵟx)

3.3.3. Stress in Head Due to Internal Pressure

Figure 9 stress in head due to internal pressure

Figure 10 stress analysis of any point X

1. Method 1: - The stress analysis of any point x:

ᵟx = ᵟ∅ = (1 − 2Rm)
2t t

 Before the above formula was used these variables RL, Rm and h had been

-h= 4

= 4

= 149.755mm

-R= 289.607mm

Since h≤ X≤ R

let X= 200 mm

R4 R2
-RL= √h2 + X 2 (1 − h2 )

289.6074 289.6072
=√ + 2002 (1 − 149.7552 )

= 451.7477mm

RL3 ∗h2
-Rm= R4

(451.7477)3 ∗(149.755)2
= (289.607)4

= 293.91mm

∴ ᵟx = 2t

= 2∗9.91

= 152.71Mpa

∴ ᵟ∅ = (1 − 2Rm)

6.7∗451.7477 451.7477
= (1 − )
9.91 2∗293.91

= 70.70564Mpa

Latitudinal (hoop) stresses in the knuckle become compressive when the R/h ratio exceeds 1.42.
Since the design R/h ratio exceeds 1.42 therefore as we observe from the above table the negative
sign shows the presence of compressive stress.
2. Method 2: - stress analysis at center:
ᵟx = = ᵟ∅

= 2∗9.91∗149.755

∴ ᵟx = ᵟ∅ = 189.3249N/mm2

3. Method 3: - stress analysis at tangent:

ᵟx = 2t

= 2∗9.91

=97.899N/mm2 and

ᵟ∅ = (1 − 2∗h2 )

6.7∗289.607 289.6072
= (1 − 2∗149.7552 )

= -170.3314N/mm2

As observed from the result the negative sign showed the presence of compressive stress. When
observed from the above three methods maximum stress was found at the center of head. The
maximum stress to the allowable or design stress were compered and the design found to be safe.
189.3249N/mm2< 240N/mm2

∴ our design of head is safe.

3.4.Design of Opening
Openings in pressure vessels in the regions of shells or heads are required to serve the following
 Many ways for letting personnel in and out of the vessel to perform routine maintenance
and repair
 Holes for draining or cleaning the vessel
 Hand hole openings for inspecting the vessel from outside
 Nozzles attached to pipes to convey the working fluid inside and outside of the vessel

Vessel components are weakened when material is removed to provide opening for nozzles or
access. High stress concentrations exist at the opening edge and require extra care to keep
loadings. Two methods for examining the acceptability of opening in the pressure boundary for
pressure loading only:
 Reinforced opening or area replacement method: is used when that area which was to
carry the primary membrane stress is missing due to the opening; to replace this area,
close in substitute areas are called upon to carry the stress.
 Ligament efficiency method: the area of metal remaining between adjacent openings
compared with the area of metal that was there before the opening existed.

3.4.1. Design of nozzle

Table 6 material selection for nozzle

In the design was taken the inlet pipe diameter [di=79mm]

Di 78mm
-ri = = =39.5mm
2 2

The inlet opening pipe was assumed to be placed on the cylindrical shell.

The minimum thickness of the nozzle for inlet pipe was given by: -

𝑃𝐷∗r i
- t n = 𝐸∗δd−0.4PD

= 1∗240𝑀𝑝𝑎−0.4∗6.7𝑀𝑃𝑎

 But for safe design t n = 1.11516mm + c where c= corrosion allowance

= 1.11516mm + 1.8mm

= 2.91516mm

 The outer diameter of nozzle was found by: -

-d𝑜 =d+2𝑡𝑛 ………. but

-d = 𝑑𝑖 +2C


= 82.6mm

-d𝑜 = [82.6+(2*2.91516)] mm


 The required minimum thickness of nozzle for inlet pipe was found by: -

-t n = 𝐸δd−0.6PD……………………. but

-R n = 2


-t mn = 1∗240𝑀𝑝𝑎−0.6∗6.7𝑀𝑃𝑎


 The required minimum thickness of shell was found by: -

-t r = 𝐸∗δd−0.6PD………. but

- Ri = 2

= 2

= 144.8035mm

-t r = 1∗240𝑀𝑃𝑎−0.6∗6.7

= 4.11295mm

In the design the thickness of reinforcing pad was taken 4mm for good welding.

 Area of reinforcement required

A = dt r Where t r = 4.11295mm

A = 53.6mm ∗ 4.11295mm

= 220.45mm2

 Area available in the cylindrical shell

𝐴1 = (𝑡 − 𝑡𝑟 )𝑑 or A1=2(t+t n )(t-t r )

= (10.1 − 4.11295)53.6 𝑜𝑟 𝐴1 =2(10.1+2.91516) (10.1-4.11295)

=320.91mm2 =155.8448 mm2

 For safe design we take the largest value 𝐴1 =320.91mm2

Area available in outward nozzle wall

-𝐴2 = 5𝑡(𝑡𝑛 − 𝑡𝑚𝑛 ),

-𝐴2 = 5𝑡𝑛 (𝑡𝑛 − 𝑡𝑚𝑛 )

𝐴2 = 5 ∗ 10.1(2.91516 − 1.1726) 0𝑟 𝐴2 = 5 ∗ 2.91516(2.91516 − 1.1726)

𝐴2 =88mm2 or 𝐴2 = 25.4mm2

∴ We take the smaller value that is 𝐴2 = 25.4mm2

Area available in inward nozzle

𝐴3 = 5𝑡𝑛 (𝑡𝑛 − 𝑐)

𝐴3 = 5 ∗ 2.91516(2.91516 − 1.8)

𝐴3 = 16.25mm2

Area of outward weld

𝐴4 = t e 2 Wheret e = thickness of reinforcing pad

𝐴4 = 42

𝐴4 = 16mm2

Area of inward weld

𝐴5 = t e 2 Where=t e thickness of reinforcing pad

𝐴5 = 42

𝐴5 = 16mm2

∴ At = 𝐴1 + 𝐴2 + 𝐴3 + 𝐴4 +𝐴5

At = 320.91mm2 + 25.4mm2 + 16.25mm2 + 16mm2 +16mm2

At = 394.56mm2

Since At > A that is 394.56mm2 > 220.45mm2 therefore the opening is adequately reinforced for
that reason our design is safe.

3.4.2. Design of bolted flange joints

Joints Bolt joints are one of the most common elements in construction and machine design.
They consist of fasteners that a capture and join other part and are secure with the mating of bolt
designs or screw threads.

There are two main type of bolted joint design:

1) Tension joint
2) Shear joint

In the tension joint the bolt and clamped component at the joint are designed to transfer the
external tension load through the joint by away of clamped component through the design of
proper balance of joint and bolt stiffness. The second type of bolted joint transfer the applied
load in a shear on the bolt shank and relies on shear strength of the bolt, tension loads on such
joints are only identically.

We select mild steel material to design bolted flange joints because of easily workable, very
hard, yet malleable, good for construction, easy to shape and machine and very flexible and can
be harden.

Table 7 material selection table for bolted joint flange

Steel grade Measured Yield strength Tensile strength

( MPa) ( MPa)

HT50 A 542 591

HT80 A 693 830

Mild steel A 452 497

HT50 B 501 562

HT80 B 657 799

Mild steel B 439 471

HT50 C 531 587

HT80 C 665 811

Mild steel C 447 478

The following formulae was used to find the number of bolts.

Let Di = internal diameter of cylinder

Dp = design pressure in the cylinder

dc = core diameter of the bolt

σtb = permissible tensile stress of the bolt

n = number of bolts

Here it was known that the upward force acting on the cylinder cover is:

πDi 2 ∗Dp
F= ………………………………. (1)

This force resisted by n number of bolt and the resisting force offered by n number of bolts is
πdc2 ∗σ𝑡𝑏∗n
Fp = …………………………………………. (2)

From equation (1) the upward force acting on cylinder cover is

πDi 2 ∗Pd
F= 4

π∗579.22 ∗6.7
= 4


From equation (2) the resisting force by the bolt

πdc2 ∗σ𝑡𝑏∗n
FR = 4

In our design we select the material for the bolt is mild steel. So,σtb = 497N/mm2the core
diameter is from the table by taking standard M16size.

From the table it was taken dc= 13.546mm

πdc2 ∗σ𝑡𝑏∗n
FR = 4

π∗13.5462 ∗497∗n
FR = 4

F𝑅 =71,589.31189nN since F=FR

∴ n= 71,589N = 24.646 ≈ 25

Nominal or major diameter of nut and bolt (d=D) =16mm

Figure 11 bolt dimension

The total length of bolt and thread length of bolt can be calculated as follows:

Let us take L < 125mm, d < 48mm

Lt = 2𝑑 + 6𝑚𝑚

Lt = 2 ∗ 16 + 6mm

Lt =38mm

𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 𝐿 − 𝐿𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑

𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 = (60 − 38)mm

𝐿𝑢𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 =22 mm

3.4.3. Stress analysis of bolt
F=1,764.41835kN is the total force acted in the whole 25 bolts. Then the total force that will act
on single bolt can be calculated as follow,

𝐹𝑇 1,764.41835𝑘𝑁
𝐹𝑖 = = = 70,576.734N
𝑛 25 𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑠

Then we will proceed to analyze stress on the bolts. As we have taken the standard bolt size on
the above section as to be M16

Stress on a bolt = 𝐴𝑖 𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡 but,

𝜋𝐷𝑖2 𝜋(16)2
𝐴𝑏𝑜𝑙𝑡 = = = 200.96𝑚𝑚2 ,
4 4

σb = = 351.19792𝑀𝑃𝑎

The tensile strength of each M16 bolts was found to be:

σtb = 497N/mm2

Since 351.19792Mpa < 497MPa hence the stress that will act on each bolt is less than that of
tensile strength of each bolt our design is safe.

3.5. Design of Nut

We selected mild steel material to design the nut as well as the bolt, for flange joint because of
easily workable, very hard, malleable, good for construction, easy to shape, machine and can be

Table 8 material selection table for design of nut

Steel grade Measured Yield strength Tensile strength

( MPa) ( MPa)

HT50 A 542 591

HT80 A 693 830

Mild steel A 452 497

HT50 B 501 562

HT80 B 657 799

Mild steel B 439 471

HT50 C 531 587

HT80 C 665 811

Mild steel C 447 478

By reading from the above standard table we get:

 minor or core diameter of nut (dc ) = 13.835mm

 effective or pitch diameter of nut (dp ) = 14.701mm
 nominal or major diameter of nut and bolt (d=D) = 16mm

Figure 12 nut dimension

3.6. Design of Flange

Flanged joints are used for connecting pipes and instruments to vessels, for manhole covers, and
for removable vessel heads when ease of access is required. Flanges may also be used on the
vessel body, when it is necessary to divide the vessel into sections for transport or maintenance.
Flanged joints are also used to connect pipes to other equipment, such as pumps and valves.
Standard flanges will be specified for most applications. Special designs would be used only if
no suitable standard flange were available; or for large flanges, such as the body flanges of
vessels, where it may be cheaper to size a flange specifically for the duty required rather than to
accept the nearest standard flange, which of necessity would be over-sized.

3.6.1. Standard flanges
Standard flanges are available in a range of types, sizes and materials; and are used extensively
for pipes, nozzles and other attachments to pressure vessels. The proportions of standard flanges
are set out in the various codes and standards. A typical example of a standard flange design is
shown below. The relevant British Standards are BS 1560, Part 3 and BS 4504, Part 3, which
cover flanges for pipes, valves and fittings; in carbon and alloy steels.

Figure 13 standard flange dimensions

Table 9 flange selection standard table

As we’re designing nut and the bolt and we have selected M16 from standard size, and our flange
design parameters are categorized under the 9th row of the table above that means



d3= 110mm



b= 16mm

D= 190mm

f= 3mm

K= 150mm

Bolt M16

3.7.Design of circular Handhold

Since in our design we get smaller shell diameter the hand hole should be used in order to do
some operations on the pressure vessel. We take the diameter of hand hole as 0.2m.
Then the wall thickness of the handhold can be calculated as follows:
t handhole = (PD *𝑅handhole )/(ᵟd E-0.6PD)

Where PD =deign pressure (6.7Mpa)

R handhole = D/2
R= 0.1m
ᵟd = Design stress for the materials of hand hole

E =Joint efficiency factor (E =1)

t handhole = (PD *R handhole )/ (ᵟd E-0.6PD)

t handhole = (6.7*100)/ (240*1 - 0.6*6.7)

= 2.8392mm
Total thickness of the hand hole including the corrosion allowance
calculated as follows:
t handhole = t handhole + C
where C=corrosion allowance
t handhole = 2.8392mm + 1.8mm
Area for the hand hole will be:
πDhandhole 2
Ahandhole = 4
= 4


3.7.1. Stress analysis for hand hole

 Longitudinal stress (𝜎L ):

𝜎L = (PD *Dhandhole )/ (4*t handhole )

= (6.7Mpa*200mm)/ (4*4.6392mm)
= 72.21N/mm2

 The hoop (circumferential stress) or (𝜎H )

𝜎H = (PD *Dhandhole )/ (2*t handhole )

= (6.7Mpa*200mm) /(2*4.6392mm)
Since both longitudinal and circumferential stress less than the allowable or design stress
therefore our design is safe.

3.8.Design of vessel support

The vessel support is intended to support the pressure vessel on the support base. The support
has to be designed with stand the dead weight from the pressure vessel and to limit the heat flow
from the vessel walls to the base. The pressure vessel support should be able to with stand the
dead weight of the vessel and internals and the contained fluid without experiencing permanent

In our case the support of the pressure vessel is straight skirt and we choose a 5.8(carbon
manganese steel) material to design because of it has excellent fatigue resistance, good
temperature resistance it is tougher and has high strength.

Table 10 material selection for shell

Material Tensile strength in 0.2% yield strength in

(N/mm2) (N/mm2)

4.6 (carbon steel) 414 248

5.8 (carbon steel) 510 393

8.8 (alloy steel) 828 635

10.9 (alloy steel) 1035 897

A2-70 (stainless steel) 700 450

A4-80 (stainless steel) 800 600

It carries all the loads at the pressure vessel. In order to design these three legs, support we
consider the dead weight.

3.8.1. Design of Skirt Support

A skirt support consists of a cylindrical or conical shell welded to the base of the vessel. A flange
at the bottom of the skirt transmits the load to the foundations. Openings must be provided in the
skirt for access and for any connecting pipes; the openings are normally reinforced. The skirt may
be welded to the bottom head of the vessel. Skirt supports are recommended for vertical vessels as
they do not impose concentrated loads on the vessel shell; they are particularly suitable for use
with tall columns subject to wind loading.

Figure 14 weld flush with the shell

In the specification, it is given that the support type is a skirt support, and we choose the
arrangement of the skirt to be conical because it has a large surface contact to the ground as a
result it transmits a load perfectly.
Firstly, Considered assumptions:
 Support material- grade 5.58 carbon steel
 Yield strength of material- 240 MPa
 Geometry of support - Conical
 Base angle of conical support - 80⁰
 Factor of safety –
 Weld joint factor - 1 Skirt thickness

The skirt thickness must be sufficient to withstand the dead weight loads and bending moments
that are imposed on it by the vessel, it will not be under the vessel pressure.

The over all stress on the skirt will be:

 σs (tensile) = σbs − σwe


 σs (compressive) = σbs + σwe
where σbs – is bending stress on the skirt
= 𝜋(𝐷𝑠 + 𝑡𝑠)𝑡𝑠𝐷𝑠
σwe – the dead weight stress in the skirt
= 𝜋(𝐷𝑠 + 𝑡𝑠)𝑡𝑠
Ms – maximum bending moment
w- total weight of the vessel
Ds – inside diameter of the skirt
Ts – skirt thickness

Figure 15 skirt analysis dimension

 First let’s determine the skirt diameter at the base:

Tan 80⁰=
X = 0.17633m ~ 0.176m
 To determine the diameter of the skirt at the base:
Ds = Di + (2x) + (2tshell)

= 0.5792m + (2*0.176m) + (2* 0.0101m)
= 0.9514m

3.9.Dead weight analysis

The major sources of dead weight loads are:
 The vessel shells
 The vessel heads
 The vessel fitting, manhole and nozzle
 Wind load
 Weight of fluid

3.9.1. Weight of shell

Can be taken as the sum of the weight of the shell material and the fluid that was stored on it of shell material

Material taken was low alloy steel and density was taken

𝜌 = 7850kg/m3

- ws =π Dm t𝑠 𝜌 L g, where -Dm = mean diameter of shell

-g= acceleration due to gravity taken as 9.81m/s2

-t s =thickness of shell

-L= vessel length, tangent to tangent

But L = (Ls + 2 Ho)

-L = Ls + 2 but Do= outside diameter of the shell

= 2003.467 + 2 * 4

= 2.303167m

- Dmean = Di + t, where Dmean = mean diameter of shell

= 579.2mm + 10.1mm

= 589.3mm
- Wshell = πDm t𝑠𝜌 L g

= π*0.5893 *0.0101* 7850 ∗ 2.303167 ∗ 9.81

=3,314.755931N of shell fluid

In this particular case, the fluid medium is alcohol (propylene glycol) the properties of this
medium are selected from a table take from the textbook Coulson & Richardson’s chemical
engineering, third edition volume 6, R.K. Sinnot, from table, density of propylene glycol to be
equal to:

𝜌=1036kg/ m3

Ws f=mf*g but mf= 𝜌*Vf

where -Vf=volume of the fluid on the shell

-Vf = 2.003 ( )

= 0.5275m3
-ms f = 1036 ∗5.275*10−10


-Ws f = ms f *g

Ws f = 5.465*10−7*9.81

= 0.0000053557N

3.9.2. Weight of head

The weight of is the weight of head material and the fluid that is stored on it. Weight of head material

 The material is low alloy steel we take 𝜌 = 7850kg/m3

Whead = 1.084Dm2 *th* 𝜌*g

where -Dm = mean diameter of ellipsoidal head

-g= acceleration due to gravity taken as 9.81m/s2

-ts=thickness of head

-Whead = 1.084Dm2 *th* 𝜌*g

= (1.084*0.58932 ) ∗ (0.00991* 7850*9.81)

=287.286N of head fluid

Vhead = 8

where Vh=volume of the fluid on the head but Di= 0.5793m

-Vhead = 8

= 0.0763m3

-mfluid= 𝜌*vf

= 1036*5.275 ∗ 10−10

=5.464 ∗ 10−7kg

-Whead,fluid =mf *g

=5.464 ∗ 10−7* 9.81

= 0.000005361N

3.10. Weight of Nozzle

Is the sum of the weight of nozzle material and the fluid stored on it.

3.10.1. Weight of nozzle material

 The material is low alloy we take 𝜌 = 7850kg/m3

Wn = mn *g

where - mn = mass of nozzle

But -mn = 𝜌*Vn

where -Vn = volume of nozzle material

𝜋(𝑑𝑜 2 − 𝑑𝑖 2 )𝐿
-Vn = ,

Where do = outlet nozzle diameter

= inlet nozzle diameter

L= length of nozzle

𝑑𝑖 79𝑚𝑚
𝑟𝑖 = 2 = 2

= 39.5mm

𝐷𝑖 195.441𝑚𝑚
and Ri= =
2 2


C=𝑅𝑖 -√𝑅𝑖 2 − 𝑟𝑖 2

where C=length of part of the nozzle entering to shell

=289.607 -√289.6072 − 39.52


L= C+ t s + length of part of the nozzle leaving the shell

= 2.71mm+ 10.1mm + 40mm


𝜋(𝑑𝑜 2 − 𝑑𝑖 2 )𝐿
-Vn = 4

𝜋(88.42 − 792 )∗52.81

Vn = 4

Vn = 65,233.267 mm3

−mn = 𝜌*Vn

mn = 7850*0.000065


-Wn = mn * g

= 0.5121*9.81

= 5N

3.10.2. Weight of nozzle fluid

Wnf = mf * g but mf = 𝜌*Vf

where -Vf = volume of the fluid on the nozzle

𝜋𝑑𝑖 2 𝐿
-Vf = 4

𝜋792 ∗52.81
= 4

= 258,725.96mm3

We take 𝜌 of propylene glycol =1036kg/m3

-mf = 𝜌*Vf

= 1036*0.00025872596m3

= 0.268kg

-Wfn =mf *g

= 0.268 Kg * 9.81

= 2.629N

3.11. Weight of Wind
The atmospheric pressure is varying from place to place then we take the mean atmospheric
pressure in Gondar as:

Patm = 1022N/m2.

Wwn = Patm *Af where -Patm = mean atmospheric pressure

-Af = projected area

But Af = D0 *Htotal

But Htotal= Lshell + 2(Lhead ) + Lskirt we take length of the skirt (Lskirt ) = 1000mm

Htotal = 2100mm +(2 * 149.755mm) + 1000mm


Af = D0 * Htotal

= (0.2994m * 3.39951m)

= 1.0178103m2

Wwind = 1022N/m2 * 1.0178103m2

= 1040.20N

The wind effect has its own role in pressure vessel design. When we design pressure vessel with
greater height, we have to consider this effect on the vessel. The moment on the vessel due to wind
is calculated as:

Mx = w 2 ;

Where -Mx - moment due to wind

-X- is the distance measured from the free end and

w- the load per unit length (Newton Per meter) and calculated as follows:

Dm =Di + t where Dm = mean diameter of vessel

-Dm = 579.2 + 10.1mm
= 589.3mm = 0.5893m

-w = Dm*Patm

= (0.5893m * 1022N/m2)

= 602.2646N/m


-Mx = w 2

= 602.26464* 2

= 1734.52Nm

Figure 16 bending moment diagram

 Now total weight can be calculated as follows:

-Wt material = Wshell + Whead + Wnozzel

Wt material = (31,314.755931) N + (287.286) N + (5) N


-Wt fluid =Wsf + Whf + Wnf

Wt fluid =0. 0000053557N +0. 000005361N +2.629N


∴ Wnet =Wt material +Wt fluid + Wwind

Wnet = (31,314.755931) N + (2.629) N + (1040.20) N

= 32,357.585 N

3.12. Skirt thickness

The skirt thickness must be sufficient to withstand the dead-weight loads and bending moments
imposed on it by the vessel; it will not be under the vessel pressure.
We can give the thickness and diameter of skirt by its standard:

Internal diameter of skirt (𝐷𝑠 ) = 1,000mm = 1m

Thickness of skirt (𝑡𝑠 ) = 10.1mm = 0.0101m

3.12.1. Stress analysis of skirt support

σs (Tensile) = σ𝑏𝑠 – σ𝑤𝑠 And σs (compressive) = σ𝑏𝑠 + σ𝑤𝑠

σ𝑏𝑠 = Bending stress on the skirt

= π (Ds +t but, ( Ms = 1,734.52N.m)
s ) Ds ts

σ𝑏𝑠 = π (1m + 0.0101m)∗1m∗0.0101m

= 216,582.77318N/m2

 The Dead weight stress in the skirt (σ𝑤𝑠 ) is calculated as:

−σ𝑤𝑠 = π (Ds +𝑡
𝑠 )𝑡𝑠

𝑀𝑠 = Maximum bending moment evaluated at the base of the skirt (Due to wind loading)

-Ds =Inside diameter of the skirt at the base

-t s = Skirt thickness

𝑊𝑇 = Total weight of the vessel and contents (WT =32,646.151N)

-σ𝑤𝑠 = π (Ds +𝑡
𝑠 )𝑡𝑠

= π(0.9514m +0.0101m)∗0.0101m


 To calculate the resultant tensile stress on the skirt:

- σs (Tensile) = σ𝑏𝑠 – σ𝑤𝑠

σs (Tensile) = 216,582.7732N/m2 – 934,961.332N/m2

718,378.6= N/m2

 To calculate the resultant compressive stress on the skirt:

σs (Compressive) = σ𝑏𝑠 + σ𝑤𝑠

= 23,016,454.35N/m2+6,467,585.788N/m2

= 29,484,040.14N/m2

Since both σs (Tensile) and σs (Compressive) are less than the allowable or design stress that is
ᵟd= 240 * 106 N/m2 therefore our design is safe.

3.13. Base Ring and Anchor Bolt
The loads carried by the skirt are transmitted to the foundation slab by the skirt base ring (bearing
plate). The moment produced by wind and other lateral loads will tend to overturn the vessel; this
will be opposed by the couple set up by the weight of the vessel and the tensile load in the anchor
bolts. A variety of base ring designs is used with skirt supports. The simplest types, suitable for
small vessels, are the rolled angle and plain flange rings shown in Figure 2.14a and b. For larger
columns a double ring stiffened by gussets, Figure

Figure 17 base ring and anchor bolt

(a) Rolled-angle
The anchor bolts are assumed to share the overturning load equally, and the bolt area required is
given by:

Where Ab – Area of one bolt at the root of the thread, mm2

Nb – Number of bolts
fb – Maximum allowable bolt stress, N/mm2;

typical design value 125 N/mm2 (18,000 psi)
Ms – Bending (overturning) moment at the base, Nm
W – Weight of the vessel, N
Db – Bolt circle diameter, m

The base ring must be sufficiently wide to distribute the load to the foundation. The total
compressive load on the base ring is given by:

where Fb = the compressive load on the base ring, Newton per linear meter
Ds = skirt diameter, m

The minimum width of the base ring is given by:

Where Lb = base ring width, mm

fc = the maximum allowable bearing pressure on the concrete foundation
pad, which will depend on the mix used, and will typically range
from 3.5 to 7 N/mm2 (500 to 1000 psi).
So now, we can do the analysis. The approximated pitch circle diameter of the base ring will be:
= 1400 mm
Then, the circumference of the bolt circle will be:
= πW
= 1400π
So now, we can calculate the number of bolts; which is:
Nbolts= (1400π) / (600)
= 7.33
~ 8 Bolts
As mentioned above, the design stress of the bolt is considered to be equal to 125 N/mm2. Now,
we can calculate the total bolt area required, which is:

Where Nbolts – 8
fb – 125 N/mm2
Ms – 2138.625 Nm
W – 30.95 KN
Calculating the above equation for Ab by substituting the above values, we get: Ab =
607.74 mm2

 The bolt diameter will be equal to:

Dbolt= [(607.74 * 4) / π]1/2

= 27.817 mm ~ M30

 Total compressive load on the base ring per unit length will be:

Fb = [ (4Ms) / (πD2)] + [(W) / (πD)]

= [(4 * 2138.625 * 103) / (π * 1.42)] + [(30.95 * 103) / (π * 1.4)]
= [(138.27 * 103) + (7036.9)]
= 145.3 KN/m
 Taking the bearing pressure to be equal to 5 N/mm2.

Lb = [145.3 * 103] / [5 * 103]


3.14. Design of welded joint

A welded joint is a permanent joint which is obtained by the fusion of edge of two parts to be
joined together with or without the application of pressure and filler material. Electric arc
welding is extensively used because of greater speed of welding.

The main considerations involved in the selection of weld type are:

 The shape of welded component required

 The thickness of the plates to be welded
 The direction of force to be applied

We Select butt joint especially square butt joint for the connection of both head and shell but for
the connection of nozzle to the shell part select corner joint.

Stresses for Welded Joints

The stresses in welded joints are difficult to determine because of the variable and unpredictable
Parameters like homogeneity of the weld metal, thermal stresses in the welds, changes of physical
Properties due to high rate of cooling etc. The stresses are obtained, on the following assumptions:

 The load is distributed uniformly along the entire length of the weld, and
 The stress is spread uniformly over its effective section.

The following table shows the stresses for welded joints for joining ferrous metals with mild steel
electrode under steady and fatigue or reversed load.

Table 11 stress for welded joint

Since the stress in the weld material is to be 81Mpa our electrode is mild steel electrode. The
recommended minimum size of weld is 14mm size of weld between 25mm- 55mm.

π(d𝑜 2 − di 2 )∗ᵟm
F= , where d𝑜 = outside diameter of the nozzle

di = inside diameter of the nozzle

π(d𝑜 2 − di 2 )∗ᵟm
F= 4

π(58.611582 − 502 )∗ᵟm

= 4

F= 734.224ᵟm …………………… (1)


P𝐷∗π ∗di 2
FR = 4

= 4

FR =13,148.75N …………………… (2)

By equating equation 1 and 2 we calculate ᵟm as follows:

Since FR = F

∴ ᵟm = 576.83

= 17.91 N/mm2

3.15. Cost Analysis

Any design when he or she design a new material the cost analysis is the basic objective in the
design. The cost material most the of the packing is pound on dollar prices is an indication of the
cost of the some commonly used material is the table

 Our material selected is as follow

 Shell- low allow steel
 Head-low alloy steel
 Support-carbon steel

3.15.1. Cost analysis of shell

-Since W= m*g
M = 337.896kg

1ton = 1000kg
m=337.896kg m=0.377896ton
1ton=800 USD

 Cost of the shell = 0.377896 ton * 800

= (302.31682 USD * 29.0068 ETB)

= 8,769.243 birr

3.15.2. Cost analysis of head

-Since W= m*g
m=29.285kg m=0.029285 ton
-1ton=800 USD

 Cost of head = (800 USD * 0.029285 ton)

= 23.428 USD

 Cost We have two head of head =2 * 23.428

= (46.856 USD * 29.0068 ETB)

= 1360 birr

3.15.3. Cost analysis of nozzle

Since W= m*g

m=0.51kg m=0.00051ton
price of 1ton of low alloy steel = 800 USD
0.00051 ton * price of 1 ton of HSLA = cost of nozzle

 Cost nozzle = 0.00051 * 800 USD

= 0.408 USD

We have two nozzles
Cost of nozzle = (2 * 0.408) $
= 0.816USD * 29.0068 ETB
= 23.67 ETB birr

3.15.4. Cost analysis of support

ρ carbon steel=8300kg/m3
m= (ρ*v) = (8300*0.00961) = 79.763kg

 As the current currency – (1USD= 29.0068 ETB)

39.877$ * 29.0068 birr = cost of support

 Cost of support =1,156.731 birr

We have one skirt

So total cost for our support = 1,156.731
=1,156.731 ETB birr

3.15.5. Cost of other material

Cost of other material is like welding, labor, ladder and other assistants to o be pressure vessel be
Cost of other material=8,702.68 birr
The total cost of the pressure vessel is the summation of all the above value.

 Cost of pressure vessel = (cost of shell) + (cost of head) + (cost of nozzle) + (cost
of support) + (cost of other material)
 Cost of pressure vessel = (8,769.243 + 1360 + 23.67 + 1,156.731 + 8,702.68) birr

Total cost of pressure vessel =20,012.323 birr

3.16. Manufacturing Process
Process equipment is fabricated(produced) by a number of well-established methods such as fusion
welding, casting, forging, machining, brazing and soldering and sheet metal forming. Each method
has certain advantages for particular types of equipment. However, fusion welding is the most
important method. The size, shape, service and material properties of the equipment all may
influence the selection of the fabrication method.

Gray iron casting has been widely used for the mass production of small pipe fittings and
are used to a considerable extent for large items such as cast-iron pipe, heat exchanger shells and
evaporator bodies because of the superior corrosion resistance of cast iron as compared with steel.
Large diameter vessels cannot be easily cast, and the strength of gray iron is not reliable for
pressure vessels service. Cast steel may be used £>r small diameter thick walled vessels.
Furthermore, because of its higher strength and greater reliability as compared with cast iron; it is
more suitable for high-pressure service where metal porosity is not a problem. The vessel diameter
is still limiting because of a problem in casting. Alloy cast steel vessels can be used for high-
temperature and high-pressure installation.

→We can see some example how to manufacture.

 Forging is a method of shaping metal that is commonly used for certain vessel parts such
as closures, flanges and fittings. Vessels with wall thickness greater than 10cm ire often
forged. Other special methods of shaping metal such as pressing, spinning and rolling of
plates are used for forming closures for vessel shells.

 Riveting was widely used prior to the improvement of modern welding techniques, for
many different kinds of vessels, such as storage tanks, boilers and verity pressure vessels.
It is still used for fabrication of non-ferrous vessels such as copper and aluminum.
However, welding techniques have become so advanced, that even these materials are often
welded today.

 Machining is the only method other than cold forming that can be used to exact tenure
tolerances. Close tolerances are required for the mating parts of the equipment. Flange

faces, bushings, and bearing surfaces are usually machined in order to provide satisfactory
alignment. Laboratory and pilot plant equipment for very high-pressure service is
sometimes machined for solid stock, pierced ingots and forgings.
 Rolling is the process of plastically deforming metals by passing it between rolls. It is the
most widely used forming process, which provides high production and close control of
final product.

 Fusion welding is the most widely used method of fabrication for the construction of steel
vessels. This method of construction is virtually unlimited with regard to size and is
extensively used for the fabrication and erection of large size product equipment in the
field. There are two types of fusion welding that are extensively used for fabrication of
welds. These are:
1. The gas welding process in which a combustible, mixture of acetylene and oxygen
supply the necessary heat for fusion
2. The electric arc welding process, in which the heat of fusion is supplied by an electric
arc. Arc welding is preferred because of the reduction of heat in the weld material,
reduces the oxidation and better control of deposited weld metal.

3.16.1. Steps (procedures) for Manufacturing Pressure vessels

 Materials shall be specified by purchaser and their designation indicated on the
shop drawings. Materials shall not be substituted for those specified without
prior written approval of purchaser.
 The thickness of plate used for shell and heads shall be 1/4-inch minimum
 Pressure vessel which is design here is fabricated or manufactured through
different processes. Pressure vessel shell and head is fabricated and welded
together using titanium coat. Shell of vessel can be manufactured using rolling
and head of shell is manufactured using extrusion process. And forming is the
type of manufacturing process in which the size or shape of the part is cluttered
by the application of force that forms stresses in the part that is greater the yield
strength and less than the fracture strength.

 Manufacturer’s welding procedure and qualification records shall be submitted
for approval upon receipt of purchase order. Welding shall not be performed
prior to purchaser’s approval of welding procedure and qualification.
 All welding shall be done by the metallic shielded arc or the submerged arc
welding process. Permanently installed backing strips shall not be used without
written approval of purchaser. When used, backing strip s shall be the same
composition steel as that which they are attached to.
 Longitudinal seams in cylindrical or conical shells, all seams in spherical shells
and built-up heads shall be located to clear openings, their reinforcing pad and
saddle wear plates. Circumferential seams of shell shall be located to clear open
their reinforcing pads, tray and insulation support rings, and saddle wear plates
When the covering of circumferential seam by reinforcing pad is unavoidable at
seam shall be ground flush and examined prior to welding the reinforcing pad in

No longitudinal joints shall be allowed with in the down comer area or at any other place where
proper visual inspection of the weld is impossible. The minimum size of fillet weld serving as
strength weld for internals shall be 1/ 4 inch.

3.16.2. Preparation for Shipment

1. After final hydrostatic test, vessel shall be dried and cleaned thoroughly inside and outside
to remove grease, loose scale, rust and dirt.
2. All finished surfaces which are not protected by blind flanges shall be coated with rust
3. All flanged openings which are not provided with covers shall be protected by suitable
steel plates.
4. Threaded openings shall be plugged.
5. For internal parts, suitable supports shall be provided to avoid damage during shipment.
6. Bolts and nuts shall be coated with water proof lubricant.
7. Vessels shall be clearly identified by painting the order and item number in a conspicuous
location on the vessel.

8. Small parts which are to be shipped loose shall be bagged or boxed and marked with the
order and item number of the vessel.
9. Vessel fabricator shall take all necessary precautions in loading by blocking and bracing
the vessel and furnishing all necessary material to prevent damage.

3.16.3. Safety Procedures of Pressure Vessels Assembly and

1. If pressure vessels are being stored prior to installation, leave them in their protective
shipping skid until ready to install.
2. Never roll or slide a pressure vessel on its side.
3. Never drop a pressure vessel or allow hard impact or abrasion of the pressure vessel from
contact with walls partitions, tools or equipment.
4. Lift the crane or forklift.
5. Operators of hoist equipment must follow proper rigging procedures.
6. Avoid use of hooks or equipment on the inside of the pressure vessel.
7. Set rigging to lift the outside, otherwise the lining could be damaged.
8. Never fasten cables or chains around pressure vessel. Use canvas or nylon straps to avoid
damage to the flange area.

3.16.4. Maintenance
Pressure vessel systems are very sensitive as they are subjected to a very high pressurized liquid
so they should be maintained accordingly to a scheduled appropriate system type and operating
conditions. Maintenance types include:

 Preventive, which is generally determined by the manufacturer

 Break down, which is an opportunity for maintenance due to unforeseen
equipment shutdown
 Periodic, which is required maintenance as determined by manufacturer’s
recommendation and/or SLAC policy

Maintenance includes replacement or repair of defective or worn components. Maintenance does
not include implementing modifications or alterations. Maintenance must be performed by a
qualified person.

3.16.5. Inspection of Pressure Vessel

All Bureau of Reclamation facilities contain a number of pressure vessels ranging from governor
tanks and air receivers to heating boilers and hot water tanks. Many of the pressure vessels are
over 40 years old. Because of the effects of corrosion and erosion, they ma y no longer have their
original design strength, and because of changes in operating conditions, they may see more severe
service than was originally anticipated.

Unfired pressure vessels owned by private industry and State agencies are regulated by State law.
This normally means they are designed, built, and installed according to ASME Codes and are
subject to meeting the inspection and certification requirements of the National Board Inspection
Code, ANSI/NB-23.Theyare also required to comply with any specific regulations of the State in
which they are located. Unfired pressure vessels owned by the Federal Government are not subject
to State laws. Purpose of Inspection

The main purpose of implementing a pressure vessel inspection program is to ensure that each
pressure vessel is safely operated and maintained. Some of the benefits that result from regularly
scheduled pressure vessel inspections are listed below:

 Improvement of facility, personnel, and public safety

 Prevention of damage to the environment
 Improvement of reliability
 Reduction of operation and maintenance costs
 Minimization of unscheduled outages
 Minimization of liability Inspection of Unfired Pressure Vessels

Pressure vessels are designed for a variety of service conditions. The media that a pressure
vessel Contains and the temperature and pressure at which it operates should be considered in
establishing the Inspection criteria.

71 Frequency of Inspections
Unfired pressure vessels must be inspected and tested before being placed in service and after any
Alteration or major repair. The next inspection must be performed with in 2 years, and the interval
of Subsequent inspections must not exceed 5 years (providing deterioration is shown to below and
at a predictable rate). Where deterioration is shown to be rapid in any part of a vessel, an inspection
and testing interval will be either the interval determined according to the National Board
Inspection Code or 2 years. The interval must be the shorter of the two. Hydrostatic or State
acceptable tests shall be made when recommended by the qualified person performing the
inspection. Pre-Inspection Activities

These activities are view of the known history of the pressure vessel should be performed. This
should include a review of information such as:

 Operating conditions
 Normal contents of the vessel
 Date of last inspection
 ASME Code Symbol stamping or mark of code of construction.
 The type of connections used during fabrication of the vessel to determine the
proper joint Efficiency to be used during stress analysis of the pressure vessel.
 Serial number and materials of construction
 Records of wall thickness surveys, especially on vessels where corrosion is a

 The following activities should be performed if required to support the inspection:

• Remove inspection plugs and covers

• Clean vessel sufficiently to allow for visual inspection of internal and external
surfaces Inspection Procedure

The type of installation given to pressure vessels should take into consideration the condition of
the vessel and the environment in which it operates. This inspection may be external, internal, or
both and use a variety of non-destructive examination techniques. The inspection may be

performed with the vessel in service or depressurized, but should provide the necessary
information that allows an adequate assessment of the pressure vessel. A thorough inspection of a
pressure vessel should include the following items:

1. A thorough external examination of the pressure vessel and associated equipment including
verification of the welded connections to determine the proper joint efficiency to employ
during the stress analysis.
2. An ultrasonic thickness examination of the pressure vessel wall and dished heads and
documentation for permanent recordkeeping.
3. An internal examination of the pressure vessel, if required. An internal examination may
not be required if the pressure vessel is stamped with the original wall thickness and the
thickness survey shows no loss of material. Pressure vessels in which the original wall
thickness is unknown should have an initial internal examination performed to determine
the baseline condition of the vessel.
4. Ultrasonic measurement techniques to determine the shell and dished head wall thicknesses
for each pressure vessel. Other types of nondestructive examinations should be performed
as required for any suspect areas identified during the external or internal examination.
5. A stress analysis based on actual wall thickness data acquired during the ultrasonic
thickness survey, and the proper joint efficiencies, based on the type of construction used
during fabrication of the pressure vessel. These results should be compared with the
requirements of the applicable code that the pressure vessel was originally designed to, and
these results should ensure that the proper safety factors are being met.
6. A thorough inspection of the pressure relief valves and other safety devices to ensure the
vessel is operating within its specified pressure range and is being adequately protected.
Functional testing of the relief valves should be performed by increasing the operating
pressure of the pressure vessel just slightly above the set pressure of the relief valves to
ensure the relief valve will operate as required.
7. A hydrostatic pressure test to 1.5 times the maximum allowable working pressure should
be performed if any repairs or alterations have been made to the pressure vessel.
Hydrostatic pressure tests may be required by the inspector if there has been some
significant material loss because of corrosion or erosion.

73 External Inspections
The external inspection provides information regarding the overall condition of the pressure
vessel. The following items should be reviewed:

1. Insulation or other coverings: If it is found that external coverings such as insulation and
corrosion resistant coatings are in good condition for pressure vessel and there is no reason
to suspect any unsafe condition behind them, it is not necessary to remove them for
inspection of the vessel. However, it may be advisable to remove small portions of the
coverings to investigate their condition and the condition of the metal.

2. Evidence of leakage: Any leakage of gas, vapor, or liquid should be investigated. Leakage
coming from behind insulation coverings supports, or settings or evidence of past leakage
should be thoroughly investigated by removing any covering necessary until the source is

3. Structural attachments: The pressure vessel mountings should be checked for adequate
allowance for expansion and contraction. Adequate allowance may be provided by slotted
bolt holes or unobstructed saddle mountings. Attachments of legs, skirts, or other supports
should be examined for distortion or cracks at welds.

4. Vessel connections: Man holes, reinforcing plates, nozzles, or other connections should
be examined for cracks, deformations, or other defects. Bolts and nuts should be checked
for corrosion or defects. Weep holes in reinforcing plates should remain open to provide
visual evidence of leakage as well as to prevent pressure buildup between the vessel and
the reinforcing plate. Accessible flange faces should be examined for distortion and to
determine the condition of gasket seating surfaces.

5. Miscellaneous conditions: The surfaces of the vessel should be checked for erosion. Dents
in a vessel are deformations caused by contact with a blunt object in such a way that the
thickness of the metal is not materially impaired. In some cases ,a dent can be repaired by
mechanically push in out the indentation. If any distortion is suspected or observed, the
overall dimensions of the vessel should be checked to determine the extent and seriousness

of the distortion. Cuts or gouges can cause high stress concentrations and decrease the wall
thickness. Depending on the extent of the defect, it may be necessary to repair the area by
welding or patching. Blend grinding may be a useful method of eliminating some minor
types of cuts or gouges.

6. Surface inspection: The surfaces of shells and heads should be examined for possible
cracks, blisters, bulges, and other evidence of deterioration, giving particular attention to
the skirt and to the support attachment and knuckle regions of the heads.

7. Welded joints: Welded joints and the adjacent heat affected zones should be examined for
cracks or other defects. Magnetic particle and liquid penetrant examination is a useful
means of examining suspect areas. Internal Inspection

An internal inspection may be required only if the ultrasonic wall thickness data indicate that there
is some wall thinning occurring or if the pressure vessel does not have a stamp indicating the
original wall thickness of the shell and dished heads A general visual inspection is the first step in
making an internal inspection. A video bore scope may also be used to facilitate the internal
inspection of a pressure vessel. All parts of the vessel should be inspected for corrosion, erosion,
hydrogen blistering, deformation, cracking, and laminations. The Following items should be

1. Vessel connections: -Threaded connections should be inspected to ensure that an adequate

number of threads are engaged. All openings leading to any external fittings or controls
should be examined as thoroughly as possible to ensure they are free from obstructions.
2. Vessel closures: -Any special closures including those on autoclaves, normally termed
quick actuating (quick opening) closures which are used frequently in the operation of a
pressure vessel should be checked for adequacy and wear. A check should also be made
for cracks at areas of high stress concentration.
3. Vessel internals: - Where pressure vessels are equipped with removable internals, these
internals need not be completely removed, provided evidence exists that deterioration in

regions rendered in accessible by the internals is not occurring to an extent that might
constitute a hazard or to an extent beyond that found in more readily accessible parts of the
4. Corrosion: -The type of corrosion (pitted or uniform), its location, and any obvious
conditions should be established. Data collected for vessels in similar service will aid in
locating and analyzing corrosion in the vessel being inspected. The liquid level lines, the
bottom, and the shell area adjacent to and opposite inlet nozzles are often locations of most
severe corrosion. Welded seams and nozzles and areas adjacent to welds are often
subjected to accelerated corrosion. Non-Destructive Testing

Several different methods of nondestructive testing may be used to properly assess the condition
of a pressure vessel. The most important and useful technique is ultrasonic testing to determine
actual wall thickness for the shell and dished heads of the pressure vessels. These examination
techniques should be performed by experienced and qualified individuals. The type and amount of
nondestructive examination should be determined by the inspector. Generally, some type of
surface preparation will be required prior to the use of these examination methods. These
examination methods include: magnetic particle examination, liquid penetrant examination,
ultrasonic examination, radiography, eddy current examination, visual examination,
metallographic examination, and acoustic emission. Inspection of Piping Systems

Piping systems are designed for a variety of service conditions. Particular attention should be given
to piping systems that are subject to corrosion, erosion, and fatigue and those that operate at high

All pipe material and fittings should be properly rated for the maximum service conditions to
which they are subjected under normal operations. Operating history should be reviewed to
determine if there have been any changes in service conditions outside the original design. If
operating conditions have changed, records should be reviewed to ensure piping system
components are satisfactory. Piping should be inspected to ensure there is:

• Provision for expansion

• Provision for adequate support
• No evidence of leakage
• Proper alignment of connections. The purpose is to determine if any changes of
position have placed undue strain on the piping or other connections.
• Proper rating for the service conditions
• No evidence of corrosion, erosion, or cracking or other detrimental conditions.

3.17. Piping Defects

 Corrosion-Corrosion occurs in the presence of free oxygen and dissolved salts, such as
may be found in improperly treated boiler feed water. If corrosion is found in a pressure
vessel, the associated piping systems should be considered suspect. Corrosion can
deteriorate large areas of the metal surfaces or it can be localized in the form of pitting or
galvanic corrosion. For the purpose of estimating the effect of severe corrosion over large
areas, the thickness of the remaining sound metal should be determined by the use of
ultrasonic equipment or by drilling. The estimated thicknesses of the remaining sound
metal will be used to estimate the safe working pressure.
 Cracks-Cracks may result from design and operating conditions that cause continual
flexing. Flexing can be caused by thermal or mechanical fluctuations and can lead to metal
fatigue. Cracking under these conditions may be accelerated by corrosion. Cracking may
also result from fatigue at imperfections existing in material at the time of piping system
fabrication. Cracks resulting from fabrication defects will normally occur first in corrosive
environments in areas subject to high stress. Suspect areas should be examined periodically
for cracking.
 Erosion-Erosion may occur as a result of the abrasive action of a liquid or vapor. The
presences of solid particles of matter in suspension, or entrained liquids in vapor are factors
in this type of mechanism. Erosion generally occurs in areas where flow is restricted or
flow direction is changed. Suspect areas should be examined for evidence of erosion.
 Leakage - A leak should be thoroughly investigated and corrective action initiated. A
pressure test may be required to obtain additional information regarding the extent of a
defect or detrimental condition.

 Improper support-Visual inspection should include a check for evidence of improper
support. The alignment of connections between anchored equipment should be observed
to determine if any change in position of the equipment resulting from settling or other
causes has placed an undue strain on the piping or its connection. Inadequate support or
the lack of provision for expansion may cause broken attachment welds, cracks, or leakage
at fittings Any signs of leakage should be investigated to determine the cause and the
condition corrected. Missing, damaged, or loose insulation may be an indication of
vibration or pipe movements resulting from improper support.

Chapter Four
4. Result

We have done all the theoretical and analytical process during the project and found good results
depending upon the results we can conclude that our design was found to be safe. As a geometrical
analysis of all the components of the pressure vessel gave us such a geometrical results for the
components as listed in the table below,
Table 12 overall geometry of pv components

Components Dimensions Components Dimensions

-Do = 599.4mm -dc =13.835mm
-Di = 579.2mm -dp = 14.701mm
-t s = 10.1mm -D= 16mm
Shell -Dm = 589.3mm Nut
-Ls = 2100mm
-Vs = 0.5276m3
-Di = 579.2mm -d1=88.9mm
-Do = 599.02mm -d2= 18mm
-Hi = 144.8 mm -d3= 110mm
-Ho = 149.755mm -d4= 128mm
Head -t h = 9.91mm -h= 34mm
-Vh = 0.076265m3 Flange -b=16mm
-D= 190mm
-f= 3mm
-K= 150mm
-t n = 2.91516mm -t handhole =4.6392mm
Inlet & Outlet -t mn = 1.1726mm -Ahandhole =31,400mm2
-t r = 4.11295 Hand Hole
-dc =13.546mm -V= 0.6m3
-M16 -Lskirt = 1,000mm
-n= 25 -Ds = 60mm
Bolt Flanged Joint -Lthreadedpart =38mm Vessel Support -t s = 10.1mm
Lunthreaded part =12mm
-D=d= 16mm

4.1. Discussion

For this project design report, we have designed a vertical layout pressure vessel that can withstand
an inside pressure of 6.7 MPa having a total containing capacity of 0.6m3, and an inside diameter
of 579.2mm, the shell was designed to have a desired height of 2.1m having 10.1 mm of uniform
thickness throughout the pressure vessel. The designed pressure vessel is entirely sufficient for
alcohol storing without any visible defects as we were able to get good results of different stresses
on each component. In this process we have designed shell, head, inlet and outlet nozzles, bolt
flanged joint, flange, hand hole and skirt support. All of these components are designed by using
appropriate formulas and equations.

In order to protect failures on the pressure vessel we have selected proper materials for each the
components and also used proper formulas. Finally, we have checked safety of each components
by comparing analytical stress of each component with the design stress to complete our design.

Chapter Five
5. Bill of Materials
Table 13 Bill of materials

Component Manufacturer Part Description Supplier Qty Cost (birr)

Shell Addis Intermediate part of the Alibaba 1 8,769.243
Ababa, pressure vessel
Head Addis Coverings at the two ends of Alibaba 2 1,360
Ababa, the shell
Gatetro Used to allow passage of the
Nozzle liquid (Alcohol) to and out from Alibaba 2 13.6725
Ethiopia the pressure vessel
Gatetro The bottom part of the vessel
Skirt Support used for supporting Alibaba 1 1,156.731
Gatetro A joint used to connect the inlet
Bolt Flanged Joint and outlet nozzles with external Alibaba 2
Ethiopia piping’s
Gatetro Parts of the pressure vessel used
Bolt & Nut to fasten different parts Alibaba 25
Gatetro Is a cover used to close hand 7,500
Hand hole cover hole after inspection to protect Alibaba
Ethiopia from dust
Gatetro An opening used for cleaning
Hand Hole and small inspection for the Alibaba 1
Ethiopia vessel

Chapter Six
6. Conclusion

In this project, a pressure vessel is designed by the stipulation recommended by ASME. Three-
dimensional modeling is carried out in Auto-Cad 2013. The analysis is carried out on the pressure
vessel to verify the strength by observing the result. We have concluded from this pressure vessel
design, the pressure with nominal volume of 0.6m3 which is used to store alcohol at 6.7 MPa and
940c of working conditions and it was designed to satisfy all the requirements to be able to work
under the above working conditions. A factor of safety was applied during the design to prevent
failure due to design uncertainties and unexpected adverse working conditions. The pressure vessel
is made of a material that is cheaper and at the same time reliable therefore, the above pressure
vessel can be manufactured with low cost and it can be used with in its capacity and working

6.1. Recommendation

For this design project we have used just Auto-Cad and pv-calculator as an aid for this design but
it is recommended to use a better analysis methods and software’s for a better result and also for
the manufacturer industries that manufacture the pressure vessel, during the manufacturing process
they basically consider the maximum dimension because our design is minimum in dimension,
and also they choose the best way of manufacturing process for the best efficiency and good quality
finish with best time consumption of manufacturing and it is recommend to test or do a stress
analysis for each and every components of the pressure vessel using software’s and with ASTM
standards. Finally, we recommend to test the pressure vessel to its specification under maximum
internal pressure and working fluid of alcohol in testing laboratories.


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Appendix A


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