Tahapan Dengan Atau Tanpa Hemostat

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Steps in Frenectomy with Hemostat

Fig. 10.83 a, b. A. Lingual frenum (ankyloglossia) requiring surgical intervention. B. Elevation

of the tongue with the aid of a suture and retraction of the frenum with a straight hemostat, to
facilitate removal

Fig. 10.84 The scalpel is always in close contact with the upper surface of the hemostat.

Fig. 10.85 involving the portion beneath the hemostat. The procedure is similar to that shown
in Fig. 10.84.

Fig. 10.86 Surgical field after removal of the frenum.

Fig. 10.87 Undermining the mucosa at wound margins from underlying tissues.

Fig. 10.88 Operation site after suturing.

Steps in Frenectomy without Hemostat

Fig. 10.89. Excision of the lingual frenum (case of ankyloglossia) using the technique without
a hemostat

Fig. 10.90. Elevation of the tongue with a suture placed at the tip of the tongue

Fig. 10.91. Excision of the frenum with converging incisions towards the base of the tongue

Fig. 10.92. Undermining the wound margins with scissors

Fig. 10.93. Operation site after the placement of sutures

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