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29 0. t= — | att | eT | seamen = [aaaaaieaee || [SE] > a a =—— Nout a2 rato Minister's Musings How do we practice Advent in sucha time as this? How can we wait patiently when there is so uch urgency? How do we see past the tise, the shiny wrapping, the Christmas songs that have been playing since October and the Black Friday specials that were announced well before Thanksgiving, to ‘ee where Light is already areaking through? ‘Advent s just as much a season of active waiting as it isa season of surprise. As people of faith, ‘we live in this interesting aready-but-not-yet space. Already, because we know Christ has come, and not yet, because we are stil awaiting the arrwal of the Kingdom of God, when peace and justice — Shalom — will eign. And yet we sometimes live as people who have forgotten ‘about this gift of hope thar came tous in the form of a baby, born to immigrants in a lowly stable |As we engage this season of Advent, where is God showing up? it may be where you least expect it: n the unhoused person you pass by every morning asking for help, na refugee resettled in your nelghboryood, inthe angry coworker, in the family member with whom you've disagreed this ent election season, in the headlines you read weekly about violence against our brothers and sisters who are labeled as ‘other.” [As you st inthis tension ofa world shrouded in darkness, waiting forthe light to come, stay ‘woke, Tune your senses te the ways God is already at work, Listen with your entire being to ‘where God's spirits nudgng you. Channel the Jesus who overturned tables and who fought the establishment on behalf of the marginalized, Allow yourself to experience both joy and despair for what you see and hear and feel around you, Above all, don’t be afraid to look for and engage inthe ways God Is showing up. Sophia Agtarap rethinkchurch or Look for where God is showing up. ! believe thats what we are called to do during ‘Advent, although, with al the ads that have already previewed shopping deals 'm beginning to ‘wonder ifthe only place Il see God isin the storel Amongst this hustle and bustle how do we slow down and see where God is at work around us? I'm not arguing against the shopping or the get togethers or any of the stuff that fils our time this Christmas season. What | am asking is how can we find God artongst all the activity. watt we invtedthe family member thet does’ get the usual invite to the holiday party? What we find an organization serving the les fortunate and donate some of our time? [What i we scaled back atour own gifts and found ways to give alittle more to some who never, experience the joy of getting gifts? What if we invited someone who's never been to a candle light Christmas Eve service? Find some way to shine God's ight amongst all the deals, carols, ‘and decorations this holiday season. ngregatio eeting to Vo on Budget ~ December 8, 2019 following Worship Everyone Welcome = Sunday School Christmas Program December 15, 2019 Christmas Eve Service December 24, 2019 fownload these children's aur Web site: “Peace on ae Ornament Deace on Earth Doyauremamb hat ing Here whan bed bot eh as? Hewes oto! tathelsneds deter org he ashton unger 2 yeas ess wasretbonnasmect pean bat wacan eek “erate eeu stnnve what ta ena Most peared e Follow the maze through the verse. (Sa or pa tit pecrte eeloionl) = E) \\i [And] [suddeniy| Me ! Fl there was with the angel Neh a ja multitude ra | heavenly host] [praising] [God] iss thea ecco ‘ig. and saying [Glory to God Shen ped ee er (ttre PEACE ont = the highest] _ [and on earth peace,] [good will ‘toward men.”| te29%410v | esis [Not: A complesd pul i in le called KIDL206B_ 0 chis months {CD and on the Web site: worw NennlereeNewsletez com ve1or20681 te2008) PRES a oran foc eth res meomemnmioamen te me yeeeemnnon he bar Christmas, Eve Service December 24, 2019 Subscrivars can dounload these ehldean's ities from our Web site Nei www. stlewsletterliewsletter. com BV STOUR. CHILDREN on Earth’ RET nla ge == ¥s 2 brand genset rt ti Tee tin et been cps Stee pg rie anre 4. Db tet ont eat hs ey tte PACE one uy Deace on Earth _ojautemarbe hs rg Herod han hehehe ess? Ho wosso abe fa he tunta seen cdaing be dee rela cen ‘roe’ tan 2earl sis as rot tom nate of pos bu we cn “irae Heraten andi nat heen as pecinod Follow the maze through the verse. Sip evant \\y And] [suddenly We VI there ee Ra ‘was with the angel \ ry a multitude a | heavenly host] [praising] [God] Wee. and saying ["Glory to God inthe highest] [and on earth peace] [good will toward men.”] we2516.% | rivsn [noc completed pul is in 2 le called KID1206B_A on eis month's (CD aad on the Web site wow NewsleserNewslewercom ‘wor2089) yoorz066) December Usher List December 1.2019 Joyce Olsoa, Bonaic Dollen, “Tressa & Sophie Driver ‘December 8.2019 David & Cindy Manhart Deacomber 15.2019 (Carroll & Karen Olsen ‘December 22.2019 Ryan & Jill Schroder 1019, 6:00 p.m, ie Leaders ‘December 28.2019 Rhonda McKenzie, Tracey Roane January Usher List January 5.2020 Kyle & Sara Amold, Ant & Kris Brockhoft January 12,2020 Jelf & Sheet Guerrero Dave & Mona Fischer January 26,2020 Pam Danker, Kaylee Schneckloth Officers who have items for the Annual Repot will need to have them in the church office no later than December 1, 2019. The Treasurer’s Reports probably will not be available until the Annual Meeting God Is calling You to Serve The Nominating Committee announces that the following positions and their terms are up for the following offices as of January 2020. 1 Trustee for a three year term, 1 Deacon for a three year term and 1 person on the Nominating committee for three years. All other committee members will be contacted to see if they will continue serving on their committees. We would like to thank the many people who gave of their time and talents this past year. We realize that your time is valuable and we appreciate all that you do, Tf you are interested in volunteering to serve on a committee or board position or have any questions concerning the committees or positions that are open please contact Pam Rihner, Denise Nihsen or Vivian Dau, Thank you Nominating Committee December Scripture Readings December 1, 2019 ~Issiah 2:1-5, Psalm 122, Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:36.44 December 8, 2019 —Isaish 11:1-10, Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19, Romans 15:4-13, Matthew 3:1-12 December 15, 2019 ~ Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 146:5-10 or Luke 1:46b-55, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11 December 22, 2019 —Issiah 7:10-16, Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19, Romans 1:1-7, Matthew 1:18.25 December 29, 2019 Issah 63:7-9, Psalm 148, Hebrews 2:10-18, Matthew 2:13-23 POINSETTIAS In Memory oF Given by Unele Jay. ‘Quincey, Macie, Colbie, Hank & Cal Schneekloth 6" red) Jay Dollen... ss sodi & Riley Dollen (6" marble Frode & Melba Jensen eee ‘Mike & Sally Dea (6" marble) James Wolfe 3 Phylisha & Phyra Wolfe (6°marble) LeRoy Kadel &, Pastor Denay Peterson. snot suseLgnin Peters. (6” tof) Onvlle & Betty Wedel a ‘Lymn Peterson (6" white) Marilyn Leadets.....000 (Charlie Leaders (6" marble) Harley & Shirley Nibsen. ‘The Nise, Darngon and Miler Fase) Chris Donahue. Jodi Dollen ( 6” red) Vera Beebe oe -.Annelle Beebe (8° pink) Verne Beebe... ss-Annelle Beebe ($" red) Michelle Lyoa, ‘sevens Cara & Karen Olsen (8° marble) (Our Grandparents ae “The Wohlhuter Family (8” red) Grandma Merkert svn sce “Gene & Bonnie Dollen (6" ed) Lavonne Delle... ‘Gene & Bonnie Dollen (6 marble) AlKenealy... Gene & Bonnie Dollen (6" white) (Our Grandparents Gale & Pme Rikner (6° ed) In Honor Of Given by Our Parents Gale & Pam Rilet (6" red) Unknown... oon sunknown (6° red) December Candlelighters List December 1 ~ Gavin Miles, Zoey Miles December 8 - Colbie Schneckloth, Macie Schneckloth December 15 ~ Adaline Martens, Kayden Schnack December 22 Wyatt Roane, Alex Wohlhuter ‘ecember 29 Lauren Amold, Kacee Amold “Thank You to everyone who helped in any way with “Off ee erro (OE serssovvelging with the mea, Minden United Church of Christ ‘urease cua MOPS sean) Mi onions eens) Tora ouraetcn masta? 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Baia Bisya C Rane Dikge Cee ASaH SS Tay Es The promise of the future __Anitiog hone iat who ong ech Goos ss pads dowd apr osola nf seeg st fated tn doc an apne thee whi sprue Theman pe tesla Reade | {lee Yar he chs wens he "len ad top oe an “is Decken Bntman coun his aye Oe sen Gone sige man who ak datos ak Setlietoicelt ow a tet atl po dbcel itis are Bucwbente led artes pte | hes th ponte offak es Whe dope | ryote has wie the prophet intra sig Seema lg poe rem | Jute ne 2000 ean gy ina al pein scytomn~ bth eemngy tron vesed Se omic ofthe ete abntonof he whale wl Special dates ‘= Bint Sunday of Advent, Dende 01 4 Second Sunday of Advent, Dceer 2019 ‘Thind Sunday of Advene, Dcndor [22019 | 1 is day of wine, Deeb 21,2019 + Fourth Sunday of Advent, Dseer 22,2019 1 Chesson Be, econer 34 2019 | 4 Chicas Day, Dsemie 25,2019 + New Year's Eve/Watch Night, Deemer 3, 2019 “That's why | say, Fleece Navidad" Je! Unscramble te Crstas-hered wars below, ting each cra itr anh nko the gt ‘Than place hse eta lets in th coe sets alow dscover what we roses Chinas. SRESRESRERRS Frais TeENSW SPHHOSREEO 10. EMCFAL 11. TSA 12. oSsavED 13, HESPE 14. ENN Hh 2 a 4 5 6 OMESUP 7 8 3 of 28 W keer tv TRE mop yam wan Oy aee SUD cai oto) DoS ene soclonn a) nt gba toa TS St “esekina (0) nate (9) cnpnoa heey CHRISTIAN SYMBOL ay Hons i Peps cnet katate Scr SANS | Seaver, aemerenas oes 3], des Sean ol src, {| fereercianttortime gen ROU 98 Fehon en Cats o Sielsssomoster sonny engi Grane wat TAT) Artnnan amhaw aint or wt Néivsletter. VOLUME 41, NUMBER 12 / t e XC Symbols of the SCASOP sey ahd sei aly Sebago Brprictecaci gy BH f ‘oto croe wren ris y 6 4 ke ane cts (ne ocadetr ear came ‘ante braenter 2s 25,10 Ay ‘shepherd's staff TY : tree that Keeps its leaves __ shines to lead the way What ou neo * Unlined white noecards green for eternal life, Haga and deb) red for Jess’ blood ind muffin nace "Cotes sounds to announce ‘What you do: good news 1 Rolla noted fom side to side into a “candle” has no beginning or end __ ‘be Sere th gle 2, Insereapecof tamse ; paper “ame” in one end ThOOks bo) to Mod fo] Cis 3 Glethe ether endeoe i f if eas indescO bale gif! {Belinea adorbepin. 2 CORINTHIANS 8:18, NIV 4, Repest co make many paper candles, Pin chem {othe branches of a IN S5 S=nRUHOD NH ayTEqEDEEPUT aN] 20} pom oo SNL, Christmas eee Pau Yo Sap oy es usarass Sues Spa sasUY (aDTzTaRT vKior21981 8 RESIDENTS OF CARE CENTERS and RETIREMENT HOUSING and HOMEBOUND ‘The following is alist of names and address of the residents, friends, and members Janice Knot Bethany Laer “Eliot Sweet, ‘Come Blas, Lowa 51503 Een Risen Son Vilage 5000 Risen Son Be Counc Blt, lows $1503, Lois Kabler Midlands Living Center 72452 N,Broday Coun la, Towa 31503 Judy sen Bm Crest Senior Living 2104 12" Steet, Hari Iowa 51537 rag Osea Alli Specialy Cae 1300 East 19 See. Atlan, ows 50022-0270, COLLEGE STUDENTS Ellie Brazeal 701 Nowth CS. #3109 Indianola, Towa 50125 ‘Svdney Mure 142 Valley View Dr. #7 Council Btu, Towa $1503, ‘Room 313 Faken Hall '830 College Dr Maryville, Missouri 64468 Ben Rihner (6640 Pine St, Room 4020 Omahe, Nebraska 68106 THE CORNERSTONE NON-PROFIT ORG, U.S. Postage PAID MINDEN, TOWA Permit | #7 Return Service Requested Spirit! LOVE! FORGIVE! "KEEP THE SPIRIT" : "Be YOURSELF" [> 7 Soy

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