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Project Report
Template Version 1.3

Project Work (BCA 653)



Mrs. Ranjana Sharma Jayant Grover (TCA1601096)
Kanishk Kumar (TCA1601098)
Assistant Professor
Binit K Agarwal (TCA1601063)

May 24, 2019



I would like to thank Dr. Rakesh Dwivedi, Principal, College of Computing Sciences and
Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad.

I have got an opportunity to develop project, while undertaking the project entitled
I give my sincere thanks to my project guide Mrs. Ranjana Sharma (Assistant Prof.)
CCSIT, TMU my internal guide who have always been a guiding, encouraging and motivating
force. He has provided me with valuable guidance and motivating force. He also drew my
attention towards various other processes that were being followed in the organization under
the framework of software development. It has been fascinating learning experience, which I
will always cherish in my heart.
I also extend my thanks to all faculty members of Information Technology branch who
all given me valuable guidance and help when I needed it since I started development of the
My obligations remain due to all those who have directly or indirectly helped me in
successful completion of my project. No amount of words written here will suffice for my sense
of gratitude towards them all.

Kanishk Singh
Jayant Grover
Binit Kr. Agarwal

Place: Moradabad
Date: 24/05/2019

We hereby declare that this Project Report titled ASSIGNMENT PORTAL submitted by us and
approved by our project guide, to the College of Computing Sciences and Information
Technology (CCSIT), Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, is a bonafide work
undertaken by us and it is not submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of
any degree diploma / certificate or published any time before.

Project Group : ALFA

Student Name: Kanishk Singh Signature

Student Name: Jayant Grover Signature

Student Name: Binit Kr. Agarwal Signature

Project Guide: Signature


Project Guide: Mrs. Ranjana Sharma Signature

TMU-CCSIT Version 1.3 T003b-Project Report

Table of Contents
1 Project Title ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Problem Statement ............................................................................................................................... 5
3 Project Description................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Scope of the Work ........................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 Project Modules ............................................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Context Diagram (High Level) ....................................................................................................... 6
4 Implementation Methodology............................................................................................................ 10
5 Technologies to be used ..................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Software Platform ....................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Hardware Platform ..................................................................................................................... 11
5.3 Tools ............................................................................................................................................ 11
6 Advantages of this Project .................................................................................................................. 11
7 Assumptions, if any ............................................................................................................................. 12
8 Future Scope and further enhancement of the Project ..................................................................... 12
9 Project Repository Location ................................................................................................................ 12
10 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations...................................................................................... 13
11 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 14
12 References ...................................................................................................................................... 14

A: Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
B: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
C: Use Case Diagram (UCD)
D: Data Dictionary (DD)
E: Screen Shots

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1 Project Title

The title of our project is ’Assignment Portal’. We have successfully created this portal to
distribute assignment to students and to make the work of teachers and students easy.

2 Problem Statement

It’s more difficult for teachers to provide assignment to a class (to each and every
students), maybe the teacher is not connected to the group or the student don’t use the
type of communication platform on which the assignment is shared .The proposed
ASSIGNMENT PORTAL website let the student get the assignment posted by the particular
faculty and the last date of submission so it become easy for both teacher to share and for
student to get the assignments.

3 Project Description

The project is well formulated under the PHP using MYSQL as a backend. PHP is the simple
and leading language to design website. The ASSIGNMENT PORTAL let faculty to upload
assignment and student to check and download the latest assignments.

We have successfully created this portal to distribute assignment to students and to make
the work of teachers easy. The challenges faced by students in meeting assignment
deadlines and cost associated with printing hard copies of paper, necessitated us to
develop a user friendly system to tackle these challenges. The system allows students to
submit assignments online to a particular course lecture, who have access to the system
for grading purpose.

The main perspective of the project is to design and implement an assignment submission
system. Specific objectives of the study are:
a) To develop a system for proper documentation of students’ record in the in the college

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b) To create a database that will manage each student assignment submission and allow
access by lecturer to access those files submitted by the student.
c) This proposed system is geared towards providing a system to assure equal opportunity
and impartial review of student assignment submission.
d) The project to be developed will provide a full system by that will take cares of faculty
registration, course registration, department registration, student registration etc.

3.1 Scope of the Work

Assignment portal can accommodate both Teachers and Students where Teacher can
write their Assignment and every Student can read it.

a) User friendly interface for both teachers and students.

b) Provides the option for deleting, updating for admin.
c) Only Admin has the authorization to update anything in portal.

3.2 Project Modules

3.2.1 Login Module

a) Allows the user to login only if they are registered.
b) Only admin can register the users.
c) After the successful login the users can do the defined work.
d) Better login validation.

3.2.2 Assignment Module

a) Allows the teacher to upload assignment.

b) Allows the student to download the assignment.
c) After the work is completed the student can upload the pdf file into the portal.
d) The teacher will be able to see the students assignments if submitted successfully.
e) Provides regular notification for student reminder.

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3.2.3 Admin Function

 Description
Refers to privileged user of the system who have control over the whole system.

 Inputs
a) User Name
b) Password

c) Login

 Processing
Validate login Credentials that are previously entered in the database and if the entered login
details will match with the database information the user will have the access to the portal.

 Outputs
a) Registers users.
b) Delete users.
c) Update information.
d) Manages whole system.

 Error Handling
Wrong user name and password.

 Test Cases for <Admin>

Test Test Title Test Case Description Pre-condition, if Expected Results

Case ID any

TC001 Appropriate Whether the admin is filling correct Login denies,

Username user id or not. Incorrect

TC002 Appropriate Check whether the entered Incorrect

Password password is correct or not. password

TC003 Manage Whether the function of registering Information

System users and managing their updated but not
information is working correctly or visible in pages.

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3.2.4 User Function

 Introduction
Refers to all those user who have viewed the portal for data and information.

 Inputs
a) User Name.
b) Password
c) Login.

 Processing
Verify User login data.

 Outputs
a) Login into the portal.
b) Upload the desired assignment.
c) Download the assignment.
d) Assignment progress.
e) Faculty guidelines.

 Error Handling
Checking the data and information regurly if the updation process is working correctly
or not.

 Test Cases for <User>

Test Test Title Test Case Description Pre-condition, if Expected Results

Case ID any

TC004 Appropriate Whether the admin is filling Login denies,

Username correct user id or not. Incorrect

TC005 Appropriate Check whether the entered Incorrect

Password password is correct or not. password

TC006 Upload/Download Verify whether the file are Verifies entered

of document properly uploading and documents
downloading or not.

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3.3 Context Diagram (High Level)

Context diagram of the proposed project

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4 Implementation Methodology

Flow Chart of the proposed project

0-Level DFD of the proposed project.

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0 – Level DFD of the proposed Project.

5 Technologies to be used
5.1 Software Platform

a) Front-end ->html, CSS, java script, bootstrap

b) Back-end ->P.H.P and SQL
c) Browser -> Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome
d) Operating System -> Windows XP to Windows 10

5.2 Hardware Platform

a) Processor ->Intel Pentium

b) Ram -> minimum 1 GB
c) Memory -> 300MB or above

5.3 Tools, if any

a) XAMPP 5.6.3

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b) Notepad++
c) Microsoft Paint
d) Sublime

6 Advantages of this Project

The project has secure and permissible advantages:

a) PHP administration can handle the user or admin.

b) Reduce paper work which saves papers as well as trees.
c) Reduce manual work.
d) An easy approach for the students and teachers to manage the Assignment works.
e) Provide regular notification for student remainder.

7 Assumptions, if any

a) The User, visiting the portal, should have enough information about computers.
b) The system should have good internet connectivity and internet server capabilities.
c) The user should be aware of English language, as all the content on portal is provided in

8 Future Scope and further enhancement of the Project

The project can be extended and enhanced to more secure and compatible level. Being
beginners, we have created the portal for both reading & writing by Students and teachers.
Some more options like adding download and upload options, etc. can be added using the
front-end development and the project can be made live over the internet.

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9 Project Repository Location

S# Project Artifacts Location Verified by Verified by Lab

(softcopy) (Mention Lab-ID, Server ID, Folder Project Guide In-Charge
Name etc.)

1. Project Synopsis Report Name and Name and

(Final Version) Signature Signature

2. Project Progress updates Name and Name and

Signature Signature

3. Project Requirement Name and Name and

specifications Signature Signature

4. Project Report (Final Name and Name and

Version) Signature Signature

5. Test Repository Name and Name and

Signature Signature

6. Any other document, give Name and Name and

details Signature Signature

10 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

Admin The authorized person who controls all the networks, like creating, updating,
deleting and managing the portal and all related functions.

Faculty The person who can login and upload the desired assignments for the students.

Student The user who can login and read the assignments uploaded by faculty.

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11 Conclusion

It was a great experience to design the Assignment Portal website using PHP, SQL, java script,
html and CSS and to work on its documentation. While working on this project. I have learned
many things, and to create a smart Website in smart world. This portal would help Students and
Teachers to share the assignment in an efficient manner.

12 References

S# Reference Details Owner Version Date

1. Project Synopsis ALFA 1.0 24-02-19

2. Project Requirements ALFA 1.0 30-04-19

3. PHP for Beginners Ivan Bayross 5.1 2007


5. Wikipedia


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Annexure A
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

0-Level DFD of the proposed project

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1-Level DFD of the Admin.

2-Level DFD of the Admin.

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1-Level DFD of the Faculty.

2-Level DFD of the Faculty.

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1-Level DFD of the Student.

2-Level DFD of the Student.

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Annexure B
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)

E-R Diagram of the proposed system

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Annexure C
Use-Case Diagram (UCD)

Use –Case diagram of the proposed System

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Annexure D
Data Dictionary (DD)

Assignment Table
Fields Data type Description
Id int Id
Fac_id Varchar Faculty user id
Name Varchar Faculty name
Fac_Email Varchar Faculty email
Assignment Varchar Uploaded assignment
Ass_No Int Assignment number
Section Varchar Section
Course Varchar course

Faculty Table

Fields Data type Description

ID Int Id
User_id Varchar Login id
Email Varchar Email address
Password Varchar Faculty password
Name Varchar Faculty name

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Admin Table
Fields Data type Description
Username Varchar Name
Password Varchar Login password
Phone_no Int Phone number

Student Table
Fields Data type Description
U_ID Int Id
U_Nmae Varchar User name
U_Sec Varchar User section
U_Pass Varchar User password
U_Course Varchar User course
U_Phno Int User phone number

User Assignment Table

Fields Data type Description

Id int Id
User name Varchar user id
Name Varchar User name
Assignment int assignment
section Varchar Students section
course Int Student course
status Varchar Completion status

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Annexure E
Screen Shots

Home Page:

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Admin Page:

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Faculty Page:

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Student Page:

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Database Class Page:

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