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Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the Late Paleozoic

Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina and its

Regional Implications

Fernando Fernandez-Seveso Anthony J. Tankard

YPF SA Tankard Enterprises
Buenos Aires, Argentina Calgary, Alberta, Canada


T he Carboniferous–Permian Paganzo succession straddles the Pampeanas, Precordillera, and Chilenia

terranes. Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous diastrophism of the Chañic event separated very different
early and late Paleozoic histories of basin formation. The Paganzo basin was initiated in the Visean by reactiva-
tion of old terrane boundaries. The early Paganzo consisted of a suite of discrete fault-controlled depocenters
interpreted as transtensional pull-apart basins linked to right-lateral displacement along major crustal faults.
Younger phases of basin formation were characterized by amalgamation of these various depocenters into a
single broad basin.
The Paganzo succession is divided into four supersequences by major hiatuses. These are the Guandacol,
Tupe, and lower and upper Patquía–De la Cuesta supersequences. Each is constructed by stacked unconfor-
mity-bounded depositional sequences. These four supersequences record the various stages of basin evolution.
The Guandacol sediments were deposited in isolated basins. Fieldwork shows a pattern of rapid subsidence
and stacking of coarse alluvial facies along basin-bounding faults. The characteristics of the finer grained strata
indicate a periglacial influence. The overlying Tupe supersequence suggests a gradual cessation of fault
activity as the various depocenters were yoked together. Tupe stratigraphy onlaps the Guandacol–Tupe
unconformity and buries some of the previous interbasin highs. In Patquía–De la Cuesta time, the Paganzo
basin had widened to its maximum extent. Significant transgressions are recorded in Tupe (Westphalian–
Stephanian) and Patquía–De la Cuesta (Artinskian and Kazanian) stratigraphy. Extensive geochemical studies
show that Patquía source rocks are oil prone. Although indications are that the Paganzo basin is prospective, it
remains largely untested.
Regional studies show that the strike-slip faults that controlled Carboniferous basin development in north-
western Argentina diverge northward where they become involved in the Chaco salient of the Bolivian Andes.
The Tupambi-Tarija and Escarpment sequences of Bolivia are broadly contemporaneous with the Guandacol
and Tupe stratigraphy of the Paganzo basin. They share similar depositional characteristics typical of rapidly
subsiding transtensional basins, including stacked alluvial facies, thick debris flow diamictites, massive soft
sediment deformation, and dewatering structures. The Escarpment Formation represents an expansion of the
earlier Tupambi-Tarija depocenters and contains an anastomosing drainage system.


L a sucesión carbonífera-permica de Paganzo se dispone sobre los terrenos de Pampeanas, Precordillera y

Chilenia. La fase Chañica del diastrofismo Devónico tardío-Carbonífero temprano separó las singulares
y diferentes historias de formación de las cuencas del Paleozoico inferior y superior. La cuenca de Paganzo se
inició en el Viseano por reactivación de suturas de antiguos terrenos. El Paganzo temprano consistió de un
conjunto de discretos depocentros controlados por falla, los que se interpretan como cuencas “pull-apart” rela-
cionadas a desplazamientos laterales dextrógiros a lo largo de importantes fallas corticales. Las fases mas
jóvenes de la formación de la cuenca se caracterizaron por la amalgamación de varios depocentros en una sola
cuenca amplificada.
La sucesión estratigráfica de Paganzo es dividida en cuatro supersecuencias segun las principales discor-
dancias reconocidas. Estas fueron denominadas Guandocol, Tupe, y Patquia-De la Cuesta inferior y superior, y
caracterizan dose por el apilamiento estratigráfico de secuencias depositacionales acotadas por discordancias.
Estas cuatro supersecuencias reflejan los varios estadíos de evolución involucrados. Los sedimentos de la
supersecuencia Guandacol fueron depositados en cuencas aisladas, con tasa de subsidencia elevada y acumu-

Fernandez-Seveso, F., and A. J. Tankard, 1995, Tectonics and stratigraphy of the late 285
Paleozoic Paganzo basin of western Argentina and its regional implications, in A. J.
Tankard, R. Suárez S., and H. J. Welsink, Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG
Memoir 62, p. 285–301.
286 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard

lación de facies aluviales gravitacionales gruesas, a lo largo de márgenes controlados por falla. Los atributos
presentes en los estratos de granulometrías finas indican influencia periglacial. La suprayacente supersecuencia
Tupe sugiere un gradual cese de actividad en las fallas, a partir de que varios depocentros comenzaron a
unirse. Los estratos del Tupe traslapan sobre la discordancia que los separa de la supersecuencia Guandacol y
cubren algunos de los preexistentes altos intracuencales. Para el tiempo Patquía-De la Cuesta, la cuenca de
Paganzo ya había alcanzado su máxima extensión areal. Se registraron significativas transgresiones en los
estratos del Tupe (Westfaliano-Stefaniano) y Patquía-De la Cuesta (Artinskiano, Kazaniano). Numerosos
estudios geoquímicos señalan que la roca madre de Patquía es generadora de petróleo. Aunque la cuenca de
Paganzo presenta evidencias de ser prospectiva, la misma aun se encuentra poco investigada.
Estudios regionales muestran que las fallas de desplazamiento lateral que controlaron las cuencas del
Carbonífero en el noroeste Argentino, divergen hacia el norte donde se involucran en la saliente del Chaco de
los Andes bolivianos. Las secuencias de Tupambi-Tarija y Escarpment son, en sentido amplio, contemporáneas
con la estratigrafía de Guandacol y Tupe de la cuenca de Paganzo. Estas comparten similares características
depositacionales, típicas de cuencas transtensionales de rápida subsidencia, incluyendo acumulación de facies
aluviales, espesas diamictitas de flujos de detritos, deformación en masa de sedimentos, y estructuras de licue-
facción. La Formación Escarpment con un sistema de drenaje anastomosado, representa una expansión de los
preexistentes depocentros del conjunto Tupambi-Tarija.

The Paganzo basin originated in Early Carboniferous
time as a result of intense tectonism that disrupted the
Precambrian granitic and metamorphic basement and its
lower Paleozoic cover (Gordillo and Lencinas, 1979;
Baldis et al., 1982; Caminos, 1985). The basement already
had a marked anisotropy attributed to terrane accretion
and Neoproterozoic–Cambrian diastrophism of the
Brasiliano event (Figure 1) (Ramos et al., 1986; Tankard et
al., 1995). The Paganzo basin of west-central Argentina
covered 145,000 km2 and spanned about 100 m.y. of the
stratigraphic record. About 4500 m of sediments accu-
Ramos (1988a) has interpreted the basement of
southern South America as a complex mosaic of cratonic
blocks. The Paganzo basin straddles a large part of the
Pampean terrane in the east and the Precordillera and
Chilenia terranes in the west (Figures 1, 2). Predictably,
this basement framework resulted in a highly segmented
depositional landscape. The western depocenters,
consisting of the Calingasta-Uspallata and Río Blanco
basins (Amos, 1972), are separated from eastern
depocenters by the discontinuous proto-Precordillera
ridge (Amos and Rolleri, 1965; Baldis and Chebli, 1969).
The various depocenters were intermittently connected
across this ridge (Lopez-Gamundi et al., 1989; Milana et
al., 1987). This tectonic setting was linked to subduction
in the Carboniferous (Ramos et al., 1986; Mpodozis and
Ramos, 1989).
The predominantly terrigenous clastic fill of this basin
complex reflects successive episodes of deposition in a
variety of marine and continental environments. The
repeated stacking of these depositional sequences,
intraformational deformation, and the numerous uncon- Figure 1—Relationship between Precambrian–early
Paleozoic terranes (modified after Ramos, 1988a) and
formities of various scales suggest a stratigraphic Phanerozoic basin development. The Paganzo basin spans
response to the basin-forming tectonic processes and to three terranes where their boundaries converge. AA,
sea level fluctuations. Although there may be a structural Arequipa–Antofalla terrane; CH, Chilenia terrane; P,
justification for these depocenters or subbasins, the Pampean terrane; PC, Precordillera terrane; PA, Patagonia
overall continuity of the stratigraphic cover suggests that terrane; RP, Rio de la Plata terrane. White rectangle marks
these depocenters were yoked together for much of their study area.
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 287

Figure 2—Present structural framework of Precordillera

fold and thrust belt and Pampean basement, a tilt-block
basin province that has inverted the Carboniferous–
Permian Paganzo basin. Stippled areas are modern
depressions or valleys (bolsones); the curved lines trace
topographic relief and the principal inversion faults. The
broken line shows the extent of amalgamated Paganzo
basin complex. A–B shows regional cross section of Figure 3—Stratigraphic column and sequence framework
Figure 15. B, Bola Hill; BE, Bermejo lineament; HU, Huaco; for the Paganzo succession. Apices of triangles point in
ISCH, Ischigualasto basin; LS, Las Salinas; MA, Malimán; direction of overall sequence fining. Other symbols
MAS, Salinas de Mascasin; ML, Mogna–Las Salinas ridge; indicate the presence of marine fossils or plants.
MZ, Malanzán; P, Puerta de las Angosturas; PAS, Pasleam
syncline; PP, Protoprecordillera ridge; SA, Sañogasta; SE,
Santiago del Estero; VB, Veladero–Bola hills; VF, Sierra de
Valle Fértil.
This paper addresses the stratigraphic history of the
Paganzo basin during the Carboniferous–Permian, a
history. The easternmost Pampean terrane formed an time when Gondwana was subjected to one of the
area of high relief between the Paganzo and Chaco- world’s great ice ages. The approach involves a detailed
Paraná basins, shedding sediments into both (Alvarez et sequence stratigraphic analysis as a guide to the tectonic
al., 1990). evolution of the basin. The intention is to expand on
The Paganzo succession consists of large-scale uncon- earlier studies (e.g., Scalabrini-Ortiz, 1973; Vásquez et al.,
formity-bounded supersequences that express the broad- 1981; Salfity and Gorustovich, 1983; Archangelsky, 1986;
scale tectonic evolution of the basin and a stacked suite of Lopez-Gamundi et al., 1989; Fernandez-Seveso et al.,
smaller scale depositional systems or sequences 1988, 1990, 1993; Perez et al., 1993). Fernandez-Seveso et
(Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1990, 1993). The unconformity- al. (1993) provide a more detailed account of the
bounded supersequences form the Guandacol, Tupe, sequence classification and their correlation. The
Patquía, and De la Cuesta formations (Figure 3). Carboniferous Paganzo stratigraphy is compared to its
Mapping of these supersequences is based on surface counterparts in the Eastern Cordillera and sub-Andean
stratigraphic correlation and seismic interpretation. foothills of southern Bolivia.
288 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard

basis, the Carboniferous–Permian stratigraphy in the

Paganzo basin consists of 15 depositional sequences
grouped into four supersequences by regional unconfor-
mities (Figure 3). Because of the nature of tectonism and
basin subsidence, these sequences and supersequences
are not uniform. The supersequences have a 12–34 m.y.
periodicity and thicknesses that range from 600 to
2000 m. In contrast, the depositional sequences have a
periodicity of 3–10 m.y. and a 100–600 m thickness range.
At the smallest scale of investigation, the basic genetic
units (lesser order sequences and parasequences) vary
up to 3 m.y. in duration and 250 m in thickness (Fer-
nandez-Seveso et al., 1993). This Paganzo stratigraphy is
reflected in subsidence curves.

The overall tectonostratigraphic reconstruction of the
Paganzo basin (Figure 4A) is derived from stratigraphic
relationships, facies characteristics, and seismic interpre-
tation (Figures 5, 6). The Visean-Namurian Guandacol
supersequence (G1–G4 of Figure 4A) is characterized by
Figure 4—Reconstruction of Paganzo basin evolution. (A) an asymmetric basin fill in which coarse facies are
Stratigraphic relationships based on stratigraphic sections,
stacked along the margins of the basins. Subsidence was
field mapping, and seismic interpretation (Figures 5, 6). (1)
The Visean–Namurian Paganzo basin consisted of discrete initially rapid enough to allow stacking of coarse clastics
fault-controlled depocenters. Coarse facies of the along the principal basin-forming faults of an extensional
Guandacol supersequence are stacked vertically adjacent or transtensional system (subsidence rate greater than
to basement-involved faults. (2) The Westphalian–Asselian sedimentation rate). In contrast, the overlying West-
Tupe supersequence records progressive amalgamation of phalian-Asselian Tupe supersequence (T1–T4 of Figure
these isolated basins to form a single basin complex with 4A) had an onlapping relationship that was more wide-
an irregular floor. (3) The late Asselian–Tatarian Patquía– spread, locally blanketing the interbasin highs for the
De la Cuesta supersequences were deposited in a first time.
uniformly subsiding intracontinental sag when the basin Each sequence is characteristically upward fining
was widest. (B) Detail of idealized Guandacol sequence from gravel-rich and conglomeratic facies to thinly
deposited in a pull-apart basin. Each sequence is charac-
terized by stacking of coarse facies against an active
laminated shales, indicating a repetition of similar depo-
basin-bounding fault. Distal facies include varved lacus- sitional processes (Figure 4B). Each has a fault-controlled
trine shales with evidence of turbiditic underflows and stratigraphy.
turbidites. (Modified after Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1993.)
Guandacol Supersequence
The Guandacol supersequence contains an Early
METHODOLOGY Carboniferous flora (Andreis and Arrondo, 1974). It is up
The study area includes the greater part of the basin to 1825 m thick in outcrop. The Guandacol superse-
outlined by Salfity and Gorustovich (1983) between quence was deposited beginning in the late Visean as a
about 27° and 31° S lat (Figure 2), augmented by a few suite of rapidly subsiding depocenters in which sedi-
control points in the Rio Blanco and Calingasta-Uspallata mentation was fault controlled. Subsidence was intermit-
basins. The data base includes 44 detailed stratigraphic tent and at times rapid. This is reflected in vertical
sections measured in outcrop, which were subsequently stacking of coarse facies adjacent to a basin-bounding
integrated with interpreted reflection seismic profiles. A fault, debris flows, and massive synsedimentary defor-
conventional sequence stratigraphic analysis was mation structures. The rate of subsidence exceeded the
applied. The aim was to establish the pattern of basin rate of sediment supply. At other times, the basin was
subsidence on the basis of variations in the nature and largely starved of coarser detritus, and more argillaceous
distribution of depositional systems and sedimentary lacustrine material draped the entire floor of the basin.
facies. The ages of the sequences and their bounding Rhythmic lacustrine deposits, faceted clasts, and giant
surfaces are based on flora, palynomorphs, microfossils, dropstones suggest a periglacial environment during the
and larger marine invertebrates. late Visean and Namurian.
Our interpretation of the marine and terrestrial stratig- The Guandacol supersequence is divided into four
raphy of the Paganzo basin emphasizes relative changes depositional sequences by bounding erosional unconfor-
of base level that are believed to encompass the effects mities (Figures 3, 4A, 7). Each sequence fines upward
both of relative sea level and basin subsidence. On this from gravel-rich and conglomeratic facies to thinly
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 289

Figure 5—Unmigrated seismic line 9052 from Bermejo valley showing erosional truncation of pre-Carboniferous basement
(reflector 1), the Paganzo–Ischigualasto basin complex (between reflectors 1 and 2), and a zone of high-amplitude contin-
uous reflectors attributed to the Cretaceous–Paleogene section (above 2). Reflector 3 separates the Triassic Ischigualasto
basin from the Paganzo basin. The thick section above 4.5 sec on the eastern side is Neogene fill in a tilt-block foreland
basin. See Figure 2 for location.

Figure 6—North-south oriented line 9053 crossing previous line 9052 in Figure 5. Note scale change. See Figure 2 for location.

laminated shales, indicating a repetition of similar depo- debris flows and mudflows.
sitional processes (Figure 4B). Each has a fault-controlled • Laterally continuous sandstones with sharp bases
stratigraphy. The depositional facies (Figures 4B, 7) separated by thinly interbedded mudstones and
include the following: sandstones (Figure 8), locally with massive
slumping. Fernandez-Seveso et al. (1993) have
• Gravel-rich, conglomeratic sandstones with attributed these sediments to turbiditic underflow
multiple channel scours proximally. These have processes.
been interpreted as fan deltas with associated • Laminated shales and siltstones with sandstone
290 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard

Figure 7—Guandacol supersequence consisting of four

stacked sequences. Symbols along stratigraphic column
indicate glaciogenic intervals (dropstones and varvelike
rhythmites). Also shown are TOC and C15+ extractable
bitumen suggesting low to moderate potential gas-prone

interbeds and slump structures. The finer grained

lithologies are markedly varved and contain drop-
stones, some of them very large (Figure 8). Plant Figure 8—Lacustrine mudstones and siltstones deposited
remains, palynomorphs, and Lioestherias occur; as varved couplets with thicker turbidite interbeds and
there is no evidence of marine paleoenvironments large granitic dropstone. Dropstone is about 1 m in
in the Bermejo and Pasleam depocenters (Figure 2). diameter. Guandacol supersequence.
These rocks are believed to have been deposited in
lacustrine environments that were locally influ-
enced by turbiditic flows.

These stacked fining-upward Guandacol sequences

have a lateral continuity on outcrop scale (Figure 9), but
regionally they have a limited distribution. The most
widespread unit is the lacustrine shale–siltstone facies
tract that draped and interfingered with the slumped
mudflows and turbiditic sandstones (Figure 4B).
Renewed sediment influx was distributed by sub-
aqueous gravity flows that formed channelized and
nonchannelized depositional lobes typical of classic
turbidite systems (see Mutti, 1985).

Tupe Supersequence
The Tupe supersequence is an Upper Carboniferous
(Westphalian) to Lower Permian (Asselian) succession
separated from the Guandacol by a major unconformity
(Figure 3). Like the Guandacol, the Tupe succession Figure 9—Guandacol–Tupe succession at Bola Hill. Lower
consists of four sequences separated by unconformities. part is fining-upward Guandacol sequences. Lower
Each sequence is a progradational complex that reflects, Patquía–De la Cuesta supersequence at crest is overlain
to varying degrees, deposition in fluvial, lacustrine, and by Triassic basalts. See Figure 2 for location.
marginal marine environments (Figure 10). The Tupe
succession is as thick as 1285 m. Permian age (A. Chaia, 1993, personal communication),
The age of the Tupe succession is believed to be whereas the invertebrates in Tupe sequence 3 have
predominantly Late Carboniferous (Westphalian– Stephanian affinities (N. Sabattini, 1993, personal
Stephanian) on the basis of palynomorphs and fossil communication).
plants (O. Arrondo, D. Ganuza, G. Leunda, and E. Morel, Tupe sedimentation initially reoccupied old depocen-
1993, personal communications). The ostracod genus ters established in Guandacol time. However, the Tupe
Bairdiacypris indicates a Late Carboniferous–Early stage of basin subsidence differed from the earlier
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 291

carbonate shorezone deposits with diverse marine inver-

tebrate assemblages. A variety of bioclastic and
biohermal facies of low energy littoral origin overlie
sequence 2 and Precordillera basement. Ash tuffs occur
Sequence 4 reflects progradation of the shoreline as
the basin filled with braidplain deposits. Rare dropstones
and rhythmites occur in some lacustrine deposits
(Rodriguez and Fernandez-Seveso, 1988). Marginal
deltaic deposits locally form laterally continuous
sandstone sheets and channel fills. Fossils include
ostracods and casts of invertebrates. The upper part of
the sequence is characterized by subtle truncations and
toplap relationships.
Figure 10—Tupe supersequence consisting of four stacked
sequences. Also shown are TOC and C15+ extractable
Lower Patquía–De la Cuesta
bitumen indicating lean gas-prone sediments, not prospec-
tive source rocks. Symbols along stratigraphic column The lower Patquía–De la Cuesta (LPD) is a classic
indicate glacigenic intervals (dropstones and varvelike
rhythmites) and limestones.
Lower Permian red bed succession characterized by
alluvial fan, fluvial, and playa lake lithofacies that
encroached on a shallow marine basin (Figures 3, 16)
Guandacol stage in two important ways. First, sedimen- (Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1993). These sediments are
tation overlapped the margins of the old depocenters, as contained within three stacked sequences that reflect an
well as the interbasin highs (Figures 4A, 11), suggesting overall transgressive-regressive history. The upper part
that by Westphalian time those depocenters were of the LPD consists of thick eolianite sandstones
gradually yoked together in a regionally subsiding basin (Limarino and Spalletti, 1986). The lower Patquía–De la
(Figures 4A, 6). Second, the basin was subjected to Cuesta succession is up to 620 m thick.
periodic inundation by the sea, as reflected in the trans- A late Asselian–Kungurian age is inferred from the
gressive-regressive stratigraphy and the marine biota. magmatic flows and pyroclastics, which are attributed to
The constituent depositional sequences were irregu- the Choiyoi magmatic episode (Caballé, 1990). The
larly distributed over ridges and interbasin highs. The volcanism occurred mainly toward the west on the
proto-Precordillera, the Mogna–Las Salinas ridge (Perez Chilenia terrane. Early volcanism was mainly andesitic,
et al., 1993), and the Valle Fertil and Sañogasta margins but changed upward to rhyolitic composition. Palyno-
(Figure 2) remained active. In the northeast and east, logic assemblages (LPD2) (Figure 13) suggest a broad
overlapping relationships suggest that new, albeit Late Carboniferous–Early Permian age range (G.
shallow, depositories had formed (Figure 4A). The basin Leunda, 1993, personal communication).
expanded its margins farthest during middle Tupe time Sequence 1 onlaps a low relief regional unconformity
(sequences T2 and T3). Fluvial and lacustrine deposi- above the previous Tupe succession (Figure 4A). Conti-
tional systems dominated the eastern part of the basin nental sedimentation was widespread and displaced the
over Pampean basement. The succession thickened Tupe sea, even as far as the western edge of the Pre-
westward where fluvial and sandy deltaic systems cordillera terrane. This sequence is dominated by chan-
interfingered with marginal marine deposits. nelized conglomerates and sheet sandstones interpreted
Sequence 1 reoccupied previous Guandacol depocen- as distal alluvial fan and braided fluvial deposits.
ters. Sediments were distributed by subaqueous channel Whereas the eastern parts of the basin contain stacked,
and turbidite processes in front of sandy fan delta coarse, braided fluvial deposits, the northern area is char-
systems and were locally subjected to contemporaneous acterized by widespread mudstone and interbedded
slumping on a massive scale (Figure 12). sandstone deposits cut by lenticular channel sandstones.
Sequence 2 overlies the Precordillera terrane (Figure We infer a low relief landscape of playa lakes and
11) (Perez et al., 1993) and the western margin of the ephemeral streams. Volcaniclastic material and basalt
Pampean terrane. It consists of three overlapping flows are observed locally (Azcuy and Morelli, 1970).
packages that were built basinward by braided fluvial Sequence 2 reflects the paleogeography of a marine
and Gilbert-type fan delta systems. Basinal and interdis- transgression. Over a large part of the Precordillera
tributary bay mudstones are varved and contain drop- platform in the north, shore zone wave and tidal influ-
stones and faceted clasts. ences were important, depositing relatively mature
Sequence 3 records the maximum expansion of the reworked sandstones. This highstand systems tract
Tupe paleogeography (Figure 4A). This sequence onlaps contains Tasmanaceas and Acritarcos microplankton (e.g.,
and oversteps interbasin highs. A depositional history Leiosphaeridium sp.) and algae, indicating restricted
similar to the previous sequence prevailed, including brackish environments. In contrast, the eastern edge of
overlapping depositional lobes and local intraforma- the basin above the Pampean basement was buried by
tional disconformities. There are also terrigenous and braided fluvial and argillaceous floodplain deposits.
292 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard

Figure 11—Tupe succession (sequence 2) onlapping interbasin high of Precordillera basement, Veladero Hill. White sand-
stones are fluvial. See Figure 2 for location.

Sequence 3 varies up to 230 m thick and consists of alluvial fan, debris flow, and braided sheetflood processes
well-sorted eolian sandstones with intraformational that suggest a period of slightly higher rates of subsi-
shale facies of possible interdune origin (Figure 13). dence. In the inner part of the basin, these alluvial facies
are associated with the argillaceous deposits of playa and
Upper Patquía–De la Cuesta perennial lakes. These lakes were probably the result of
Supersequence impounding by alluvial systems or erosional deflation
over the axis of the basin. Restricted marine incursions are
The upper Patquía-De la Cuesta (UPD) is a succession also inferred from microfossils (e.g., acritarchs and
of terrigenous clastic deposits that formed in ephemeral ostracods) and limestone interbeds. The lacustrine to
river, playa lake, perennial lake, and marginal marine restricted marine deposits contain oil-prone bituminous
settings (Figure 13) (Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1993). This shales (Figures 13, 14). We infer a restricted marine and
is an Upper Permian succession consisting of four fringing coastal plain paleogeography with a warm,
stacked depositional sequences. The stratigraphy is most humid climate. This lower sequence is equivalent to the
complete in the northern part of the basin. The UPD Vitiacua Formation of southern Bolivia (Sempere, 1995).
terminates with a major unconformity that truncated as The margins of the second depositional sequence
deeply as the Tupe supersequence in the central part of were characterized by small fluvial channels that fed
the basin where the Triassic Ischigualasto basin subse- shoalwater mouth bars. Finer grained interdistributary
quently developed (Figures 5, 9), suggesting that a bay and marsh deposits were widespread and contain
period of structural inversion separated the Permian and plant remains, palynomorphs, and terrestrial inverte-
Triassic basins (Perez et al., 1993). The upper Patquía is brate fossils such as Anthracosiasea sp. (G. Leunda, 1993,
up to 730 m thick. personal communication).
The age of the upper Patquía is believed to be early A regional unconformity forms the base of the third
Late Permian on the basis of palynomorphs in the lower depositional sequence. It contains eolianites, fluvial
two sequences (Aceñolaza and Vergel, 1987; G. Leunda, deposits, and shallow lacustrine deposits with
1993, personal communication). interbedded sheetflood sandstones (Figure 13). Sequence
The lowest depositional sequence was deposited 4 at the top of the Paganzo succession is dominated by
unconformably on a lower Patquía eolianite by distal sandstones attributed to ephemeral river deposition.
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 293

Figure 13—Lower and upper Patquía–De la Cuesta super-

sequences comprising a total of seven sequences. VV,
Figure 12—Turbiditic sandstones with a massive slump Basalt flows. Also shown are TOC and C15+ extractable
structure, Tupe sequence 1, Bola Hill. Slump is about 5 m bitumen suggesting oil-prone source rocks with high
thick; see person at right for scale. hydrogen index.

The Paganzo basin fill reflects a complex tectonic and
paleogeographic setting involving intermittent fault-
controlled reactivation of old basement terranes and
extrabasinal sea level and climatic influences (Tankard et
al., 1995).
Much of the Carboniferous Guandacol and Tupe
deposition occurred in periglacial settings as evidenced
by the varved lacustrine shales with dropstones, faceted
clasts, diamictites interpreted as muddy debris flows, the
predominance of humid braided fluvial deposits, and the
plant ecology (O. Arrondo, E. Morel and E. Ganuza,
1993, personal communication). There is little direct
evidence for glaciation in the Paganzo basin. However,
glacial pavements and tillites have been recorded in the Figure 14—Potential oil-prone source rocks (two dark
proto-Precordillera and Mogna–Las Salinas ridges (Figure bands) in upper Patquía (sequence 1). Sierra de Narvaez
2) (Lopez-Gamundi et al., 1989; Milana and Bercowski, ridge is in the background. Puerta de las Angosturas
1990) where there was topographic control. In contrast, section, northern part of Paganzo basin. See Figure 2 for
post-Tupe Late Carboniferous–Early Permian coastal location.
elevations are believed to have had a cold, temperate
paleoclimate, as suggested by foraminifera and mollusc
fossils in the Huentelauquén Formation on the coast of
central Chile (Rivano and Sepúlveda, 1985). By lower
Patquía time, climatic warming had set in. Glacial envi- coincided with accumulation of bituminous black shales
ronments are not characteristic of other Early Permian in the Paganzo basin (Figure 14) and the Vitiacua
Gondwana basins (Zalan et al., 1987; Visser, 1991; Eyles, Formation of the Tarija basin. Organic-rich shales of this
1993). However, Zalan et al. (1987) and Russo et al. (1986) age also occur in the Iratí Formation of the Paraná basin
have documented Early Permian glaciation in the Paraná and the Whitehill Formation of the Karoo basin (Franca
and Chaco-Paraná basins, respectively. et al., 1995; Tankard et al., 1995, their figure 23).
By the end of early Patquía time, the climate was In Gondwana reconstructions, the Late Carbonif-
universally arid, and desert dune fields were wide- erous–Early Permian Paganzo basin was located
spread, as was the case for the fluvial-eolian Cangapi between 30° and 45° S lat, compared to 70° S lat in the
Formation in the Tarija basin of northwestern Argentina. Early Carboniferous (Smith et al., 1981; Scotese and
This warming trend also resulted in a pronounced sea Barrett, 1990). Consequently, glacial paleoclimates over-
level rise during the late Kungurian or Kazanian printed Guandacol deposition; these were the late
(Sempere et al., 1992; Sempere, 1995). This episode Visean–early Namurian and late Namurian glacial peaks
294 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard

Figure 15—Tectonic model for evolution of Paganzo basin complex. Initially the Paganzo developed as a number of discrete
basins by reactivating old basement fabrics. In the Late Carboniferous (Tupe time), these were joined together in a single
wide basin. (Modified after Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1993.)

(J. C. Crowell, 1990, personal communication). Eyles basins were predominantly terrestrial depocenters. The
(1993) has reviewed this geology and attributes this early Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy in the Paganzo basin
glaciation to oblique collision, rotation of large crustal is poorly understood, but lithostratigraphic, biostrati-
blocks, and glaciation on tectonically uplifted areas. graphic, and radiometric age data place it above the
During the Late Carboniferous, the world became Chañic unconformity (Polansky, 1970; Ramos and
distinctly colder as the Gondwana ice sheets expanded Ramos, 1979). In the Precordillera, Carboniferous strata
(Dickins, 1993). However, the characteristics of sedimen- overlie folded pre-Carboniferous rocks.
tary facies show that the upper Tupe Paganzo basin was Guandacol deposition occurred in small, isolated
already at warmer latitudes. These latitudinal differences depocenters (Figure 15). Despite their small size, a rela-
also explain why Carboniferous sedimentation rates tively thick succession (nearly 2000 m) of sandstones and
were higher in the Paganzo and Tarija basins than in the conglomerates were stacked adjacent to a basin-
Paraná and Chaco-Paraná basins (see Russo et al., 1986; bounding fault (Figure 4), suggesting that the rate of
Zalan et al., 1987); the former basins were periglacial at subsidence exceeded the rate of sediment supply.
that time. Massive synsedimentary deformation (Figure 4)
Much of Paganzo deposition occurred in a succession supports this interpretation. Braided alluvial fan and
of transgressive-regressive cycles. An abrupt lowering of debris flow deposits suggest a rugged relief. The
sea level from the late Namurian to early Westphalian, Guandacol depocenters strongly resemble the transten-
together with a change in the rate of subsidence, resulted sional pull-apart basins of strike-slip zones (e.g., Nilsen
in the unconformity between the Guandacol and Tupe and McLaughlin, 1985). Ramos (1988b) has interpreted
successions. Maximum flooding occurred during the strike-slip faults in Mendoza Province in a right-lateral
Westphalian and Stephanian (Tupe sequences 2 and 3). sense due to displacement of the Chilenia terrane. Thick
There was a smaller advance in the Artinskian (lower sedimentary sections above the Pampean-Precordillera
Patquía) (see Figure 16). The Upper Permian (Kazanian) and Precordillera-Chilenia sutures contain Visean fossils,
organic-rich or bituminous shales in the upper Patquia, thus dating the initiation of Guandacol basin formation
Vitiacua, and Irati formations all indicate a warm, post- to the Visean.
glacial climate and pronounced transgression (Sempere Fault-controlled subsidence initially formed small
et al., 1992). half-grabens in the eastern part of the Guandacol basin.
A long history of early–middle Paleozoic basin These pull-apart basins subsided intermittently in a
evolution ended with the Late Devonian–Early Carbonif- series of rapid spurts over a 35-m.y. interval. This episode
erous Chañic orogeny (Aceñolaza and Toselli, 1976; was succeeded by the widespread Tupe complex as the
Salfity and Gorustovich, 1983). This diastrophic phase is small basins of the transtensional system ceased activity
expressed throughout southwestern Gondwana by a and the various depocenters were amalgamated in a
substantial hiatus. The basin deposits on either side of uniformly subsiding depression. This change in basin
this regional unconformity are very different. The early dynamics is marked by a regional unconformity. The
Paleozoic basins were largely underfilled marine basins. Tupe succession onlapped this unconformity and over-
In contrast, the Carboniferous and Permian successor lapped the older interbasin highs and, for the first time,
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 295

Figure 16—Back-stripped tectonic and basement subsi-

dence curves for Permian–Carboniferous Paganzo basin
showing three stages of subsidence: rapid transtensional
subsidence, regional subsidence, and increased rates of
subsidence in the Permian attributed to stress relaxation.
The geohistory plot includes outcrop data, petrophysical
logs, and seismic data. (Modified after Fernandez-Seveso
et al., 1993.)

expanded the Paganzo basin across the Pampean terrane

(Figure 15).
A third style of subsidence was established in early
Patquía–De la Cuesta time. Patquía sediments record Figure 17—Interpretation of regional tectonic setting of
maximum expansion of the basin as they onlapped even Paganzo basin complex. The structural framework that
farther across the basement. There was a general lack of formed the broadscale basin architecture probably
resulted from right-lateral displacement between terranes
relief in the basin, although some sedimentary facies and northeastward-splaying of the Sierra de Valle Fértil
suggest an increase in the rate of subsidence. This phase fault in the passive Pampean terrane. Rhombic pull-apart
most closely resembles a shallow epeiric basin or intra- basins were probably associated with this diverging strike-
continental sag. This pattern persisted until inversion at slip system.
the end of the Permian marked a tectonic reorganization
and the onslaught of Triassic extension by orogenic
collapse (Tankard et al., 1995). because of a smaller wrench component. This extensional
This tectonostratigraphic interpretation is summa- stage culminated in extrusive magmatism along the
rized in back-stripped tectonic and basement subsidence terrane boundaries in early Patquia time. Slightly higher
curves (Figure 16) (see Bond and Kominz, 1984). The subsidence rates in the Late Permian may be attributed
stratigraphy has been decompacted taking into account a to extensional relaxation (see Bally and Snelson, 1980), as
7000-m post-Permian section and empirical porosity to Mpodozis and Kay (1990) and Llambias and Sato (1990)
depth relationships. The greatest inaccuracy in the have suggested for the Gondwana margin. Upper
Paganzo subsidence curves is their imprecise chronology. Patquía alluvial fan and debris flow facies support this
The back-stripped subsidence curves record three interpretation.
styles of subsidence (Figure 16). The first phase of subsi- The Carboniferous Paganzo basin straddled the
dence, spanning about 30 m.y., was the most rapid and Pampean, Precordillera, and Chilenia terranes (Figure
resembles an open rift style (Meyer, 1991; Williams, 17). The basin initially took advantage of terrane bound-
1995). Field and seismic mapping suggest that aries and the relative strengths of the terranes them-
Guandacol depocenters subsided as transtensional pull- selves. The Guandacol depocenters developed as
apart basins related to a dextral strike-slip system. In the transtensional pull-apart basins. Ramos (1988b) docu-
Paganzo basin, the conglomeratic-volcanic complex of ments a dextral shearing system. Major displacements
the Punta del Agua Formation (Gonzalez and Bossi, occurred along the western boundaries of the Pampean
1986) is the only evidence of magmatism at this stage. and Precordillera terranes. The Sierra de Valle Fértil fault
The small amount of magmatism during the dynamic system is a major crustal structure and terrane boundary
stage of subsidence of an intracratonic basin facing a that was reactivated in the Paleozoic (Baldis et al., 1982).
convergent plate boundary has been noted elsewhere We believe that horizontal displacement was not
(Mann et al., 1983; Christie-Blick and Biddle, 1985). The restricted to the terrane boundaries, but that secondary
succeeding Tupe part of the curve is flatter, perhaps strike-slip faults and associated normal faults related to a
296 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard

shear couple dissected the more passive Pampean ppm, high 4000 ppm). The organic matter is
basement (Figure 17). composed mainly of agglutinated amorphous
This system of composite wrench faults and a types with a low woody component. Some of the
network of transtensional and transpressional compo- best samples contain botryococcus algae and disin-
nents is common in areas of oblique convergence (Ryan tegrated pollen grains and occasionally have more
and Coleman, 1992). These composite plate boundaries than 85% spongy amorphous material. Microscopic
may also result in rotation of crustal blocks. The Pie de and chromatographic analyses indicate lacustrine
Palo block within the Precordillera terrane (Figure 2) type I and II kerogens with sapropelic affinities.
may be an example. Rapalini (1989) has already docu- These geochemical studies suggest good to very
mented oblique convergence and block rotation along good potential for oil generation.
this margin of Gondwana. Subduction during the
Carboniferous has been described by Ramos et al. (1986) The upper Patquía–De la Cuesta shales were
and Mpodozis and Ramos (1989). Fielding and Jordan deposited in lacustrine and restricted marine environ-
(1988) have addressed the Recent deformation of the ments during a prominent transgressive phase that was
Precordillera and Sierras Pampeanas in the Andean influenced by a warm, temperate postglacial climate (see
foreland as a tilt-block province. Dickins, 1993). The highest source potential occurs in
shales near the base of the upper Patquía–De la Cuesta
(Figure 14). These oil-prone shales are particularly wide-
spread in the northern part of the basin; this facies is
HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL OF more arenaceous toward the south. Generated oil is
PAGANZO BASIN observed in outcrop where it fills pores, cavities, and
Routine geochemical studies, including total organic fissures and is even associated with andesite sills.
The results of fieldwork, exploration wells, and
carbon (TOC), C15+ extractable bitumen, optical identifi- seismic interpretation suggest that Upper Permian
cation of organic macerals, elemental analyses, gas chro- source rocks are probably widespread in Paganzo strati-
matography, thermal alteration indices (TAI), and graphic units that are now preserved in Tertiary tilt-
vitrinite reflectance have been performed on hundreds of block basins. There is also source rock potential in the
surface samples gathered from 32 sections, as well as on Triassic Ischigualasto basin (Figure 5) similar to the Cuyo
cuttings samples from the Salinas de Mascasín well basin. Surface oil occurrences in the Paganzo basin have
(Figure 2) (Fernandez-Seveso et al., 1991). All argilla- been known for many years (Fernandez-Seveso et al.,
ceous units in the Paganzo basin were sampled and 1991; G. Kelly, 1993, personal communication). These
potential source rocks identified. The TOC and include asphalts and impregnated oil in Tertiary
extractable bitumen histograms (Figures 7, 10, 13) outcrops of Niquivil Viejo (Figure 2). Heavy oil has also
represent basinwide averages. Weathering alteration of been reported in wells in the Bermejo, Niquivil (northern
surface samples was adjusted as follows: TOC  1.3 and part of Mogna–Las Salinas ridge), and Las Salinas areas.
C15+ extractable bitumen  2. The following results were Except for wells drilled near the basin edge in the Salinas
obtained: de Mascasín, which reached the Tupe, no wells in either
the Paganzo or Ischigualasto basin have reached source
• Guandacol dark shales (Figure 7) have low to rock depth. All of the wells drilled in Tertiary sediments
moderate TOC values (range 0.1–2.5%, max. 5%).
and continental red beds are of probable Cretaceous age.
The C15+ extractable bitumen values are low The Paganzo basin is still largely untested, although
(0–700 ppm). Woody and cuticular characteristics there is substantial evidence to suggest that it is
suggest a gas-prone succession. prospective.
• Tupe carbonaceous shales are not encouraging
(Figure 10). Sequences 2 and 4 deposited in lacus-
trine environments should have the best potential,
but TOC values are low to moderate (range 0.5– REGIONAL PALEOGEOGRAPHIC
2.5%, max. 7%). The C15+ extractable bitumen is IMPLICATIONS
very low (0–200 ppm, locally 600 ppm). Organic
material consists of gas-prone woody structures, The sedimentary facies, stacking arrangements, and
herbaceous material, cuticles, and sporomorphs. distribution of the Paganzo Group reflect the geody-
Even marine mudstone facies are lean (see Villar namic setting of a suite of pull-apart basins. These basins
and Lopez-Gamundi, 1993). evolved after the basal Carboniferous Chañic dias-
• The lower Patquía–De la Cuesta mudstones were trophism by transtensional processes, perhaps related to
deposited in strongly oxic conditions. Organic dextral convergence of Chilenia (Ramos, 1988b). Indeed,
material includes microplankton, botryoidal algae, Lower Carboniferous Guandacol counterparts are well
sporomorphs, and woody structures. exposed in Paganzo latitudes (Archangelsky, 1986;
• The upper Patquía–De la Cuesta shows a dramatic Gonzalez and Bossi, 1986; Lopez-Gamundi et al., 1989;
increase in source potential (Figure 13), with good Cingolani et al., 1990).
TOC values (average 1.2%, max. 5%) and excellent The Paganzo basin is at one end of the Precordillera
C15+ extractable bitumen content (range 250–2000 thrust belt and tilt-block province that dominates north-
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 297

sediments, large-scale synsedimentary deformation, and

prominent paleovalleys (Starck et al., 1992). Reyes (1972)
has attributed this Machareti Group sedimentation to
fault-controlled subsidence in small rift basins.
Carboniferous rocks are widespread in the Andean
ranges and Chaco basin of southern Bolivia (Figure 18)
where they form prolific hydrocarbon reservoirs. The
succession in the Eastern Cordillera and sub-Andean
foothills is remarkably similar to that of the Paganzo
basin, except that the Bolivian examples have been
detached and transported piggy-back on thin-skinned
thrust sheets of Tertiary age. The Machareti and
Mandiyuti groups are stratigraphic equivalents of the
Guandacol and Tupe supersequences, respectively
(Figure 19).
In outcrop, the Saipuru, Tupambi, and Tarija forma-
tions (Machareti Group) are counterparts of the
Guandacol supersequence of northwestern Argentina,
but without the same amount of repetitive stacking of
depositional sequences (Figure 19). Their deposition is
ascribed to lacustrine, braided alluvial fan, and bayhead
delta settings.

• Lacustrine facies occur in each of the formations.

They are typically argillaceous and contain thin
turbiditic layers, rhythmites, and sporadic drop-
stones. Bioturbation and rooting occur locally. The
Saipuru contains large slump structures.
• Alluvial fan and braided fluvial facies dominate the
Tupambi Formation and also occur in the Tarija.
The coarse-grained and conglomeratic sandstone
Figure 18—Carboniferous paleogeographic reconstruction intervals consist of multiply stacked channel units.
showing tectonic framework (Mon and Salfity, 1995), Early Inclined depositional surfaces and cross beds are
Carboniferous depocenters of Bolivia (after Reyes, 1972),
and Mandiyuti paleovalleys after Tankard et al. (1995).
common. The Tupambi is characterized by thick
B, Bermejo; IA, Izozog Arch; M, Mendoza; S, Sucre; SC, sequences of debris flow diamictites, ubiquitous
Santa Cruz; SE, Santiago del Estero; T, Tucuman; V, Villa- ripple drift and dewatering structures, and massive
montes; and Z, Zudañez. soft sediment deformation. Together these suggest
accumulation in a rapidly subsiding or collapsing
depocenter. Furthermore, cross-bed azimuths at
western Argentina as far as the Bolivian border (Figure Zudañez are eastward directed, and those in Piray
18), after which it is subordinated by the eastward River outcrops are oriented toward the west.
surging thrust belt of southern Bolivia. Basement struc- • The upper part of the Tarija Formation contains
tures have controlled basin development in north- coarsening-upward progradational sequences that
western Argentina since the late Precambrian (Salfity et are locally associated with bioturbation and rooted
al., 1975; Willner et al., 1987; Mon and Salfity, 1995). surfaces. A lacustrine-restricted marine bayhead
These faults were repeatedly reactivated in the early delta setting is inferred. Marine fossils diagnostic of
Paleozoic and culminated in a giant transpressional pop- the Levipustula levis zone indicate the Visean–West-
up structure attributed to the Chañic orogeny. This Puna phalian transition (Trujillo Ikeda, 1989; Sempere,
arch is astride west- and east-vergent basement-seated 1995).
structures that flank sedimentary basins on either side of
the arch (Mon and Salfity, 1995, their figure 6). The Upper Carboniferous Escarpment Formation is
The post-Chañic sedimentary basins subsided on the Tupe counterpart. It is a cliff-forming unit consisting
either side of the Puna arch during the Somuncura phase of stacked fluvial sandstone complexes 400–500 m thick.
of extension (Mon and Salfity, 1995). Compared with the Unlike the Tupambi–Tarija sequence, the Escarpment
2000-m thickness of the Paganzo succession, the deposits have suffered far less synsedimentary deforma-
Carboniferous rocks of the northwestern Argentinian tion. In the sub-Andean foothills, the Escarpment sand-
Tarija basin are closer to 1000 m in thickness (Figure 19) stones are geographically associated with the older
(Mingramm et al., 1979). The Lower Carboniferous Tupambi rocks (M. Cirbian, 1992, personal communica-
Machareti supersequence is stratigraphically equivalent tion).
to the Guandacol. Like the Guandacol, the Tupambi and In the subsurface of the Chaco basin, exploration
Tarija formations are characterized by rapid dumping of seismic and well data show that Carboniferous
298 Fernandez-Seveso and Tankard

Figure 19—Regional stratigraphic correlations. Villamontes

section from Sempere (1995). Formation names are as
follows: Ca, Cangapi; El, Elvira; Es, Escarpment; Ic, Ichoa;
Iq, Iquiri; LM, Los Monos; LP, Las Peñas; Sa, Saipuru; ST,
San Telmo; Ta, Tarija; Tu, Tupambi; and Vi, Vitiacua.

sediments form a widespread cover. An anastomosing linked pull-apart basins. Guandacol deposition reflects
network of Escarpment paleovalleys has been mapped rapid accumulation, facies stacking, and synsedimentary
from a relatively dense grid of seismic lines (Figure 18) deformation adjacent to basin-bounding faults. Tupe and
(YPFB proprietary files). These paleovalleys erode deeply Patquia–De la Cuesta stratigraphy gradually onlapped
into the Machareti section and have themselves been the interbasin highs as the earlier transtensional basins
eroded by pre-Cretaceous structural inversion. The were amalgamated in a single, broadly subsiding basin
Escarpment paleovalleys are typically up to 500 m deep (Figure 17).
and consist internally of stacked channel sandstones and This ancient system of crustal strike-slip faults
mudstones. There were at least five episodes of paleo- diverges northward where it combines with the east-
valley incision and aggradation suggesting intermittent west Boomerang Hills–Chiquitanas suture to form the
base level changes. deep Chaco basin of southern Bolivia (Figure 18). The
In the upper Mandiyuti, the San Telmo Formation Chaco salient of the Bolivian Andes reflects this thick
contains poorly bedded diamictites with striated clasts, sedimentary pile.
shallow cross-bedded fluvial sandstones, and varved In the Boomerang area, seismic data shows exten-
lacustrine shales with plant fossils. Pollen assemblages in sional reactivation of basement structures during the
the varved shales of the Cañada Honda well indicate a middle Paleozoic. This may coincide with Early
nonmarine aquatic environment of Stephanian age Carboniferous Tupambi deposition.
equivalent to the Tupe of the Paganzo basin (Azcuy, The Machareti and Mandiyuti groups of Bolivia and
1979; W. A. M. Jenkins, 1991, personal communication). northernmost Argentina are stratigraphically equivalent
We infer a periglacial outwash plain paleogeography. to the Guandacol and Tupe supersequences, respec-
tively. The paleogeographic setting of stacked braided
alluvial fans and lacustrine sediments in the Machareti
DISCUSSION Group, together with evidence of rapid subsidence,
suggest a tectonic setting similar to that of the Guandacol
Fieldwork and subsurface data provide convincing Paganzo basin. We believe that extensional or transten-
evidence that the Permian–Carboniferous Paganzo basin sional processes also affected the Machareti. However,
started its history as a suite of isolated but structurally the Tarija and Chaco depocenters were shallower but
Tectonics and Stratigraphy, Late Paleozoic Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina 299

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Acknowledgments We thank L. Alvarez, P. Aukes, C. Cingolani, C. A., R. Varela, E. Morel, O. Schauer, O. G.
Azcuy, I. E. Brisson, M. Cirbian, T. E. Jordan, O. Lopez- Arrondo, 1990, Aportes bioestratigráficos en el Devónico-
Gamundi, O. Lopez Paulsen, M. A. Perez, V. A. Ramos, K. Carbónico del sector septentrional de la Sierra de la
Raskin, and M. A. Uliana for helpful discussions. M. Arguijo, Punilla, provincia de La Rioja: Décimo Congreso
Geológico Argentino, Actas 2, p. 207–210.
O. Decastelli, and M. Distefano helped with the geochemistry.
Christie-Blick, N. and K. T. Biddle, 1985, Deformation and
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v. 185, p. 239–253. Argentina
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Starck, D., E. Gallardo, and A. E. Schultz, 1992, La cuenca de P.O. Box 81002
Tarija: estratigrafia de la porción Argentina: Boletin de Calgary, Alberta T2J 7C9
Informaciones Petroleras, Tercera Epoca, no. 30, p. 2–14. Canada

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