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1. Use the domains of ethical assessment.

2. Answer and explain only what is asked. Do not go beyond. Limit explanation
for each item to 3 sentences only.
a. Be specific in your choice. That means what should be the right thing to
do in the given situations.
b. be clear in your explanation
c. Wordfile: filename PART2QUIZ.SURNAME


Jim and Sue have been planning to have a child for two years.
Finally, she becomes pregnant. However, their marriage has been a
rough one, and by the time she is in her third month of pregnancy
they have decided to divorce. At this point, both parents are
ambivalent about the pregnancy. They had both wanted the child,
but now things are different. Sue finally decides that she does not
want to raise a child alone and does not want to raise Jim’s child.
She wants to get on with her life. However, Jim has long wanted a
child, and he argues that the developing fetus is partly his own
because he has provided half of its genetic makeup. He does not
want Sue to end the pregnancy. He wants to keep and raise the
1. Assess Jim’s
a. Action: Jim’s wanting to raise the child on his own is an act of supererogatory, he
did not have to keep and raise the child on his own which would be a hard task.

b. Motive: Jim wanted to keep and raise the child, even in situations where he would
be a single parent. He did the right thing, because he did not force Sue to raise the child
with him and wanted to keep the child for himself.

2. Rape or not?

Early one Sunday morning, Dalia opens her dorm room door and finds

her friend Amy standing there, her eyes red from crying. Inside Dalia’s

room, Amy begins talking about what happened to her the night before.

She had been at a large party in another dorm, drinking beer and

dancing with a group of friends, until the party started winding down

around 2:00 a.m. Then a guy she’d been flirting with invited her back to

his room down the hall from the party. She said goodbye to her friends

and went with him. In his room, they had another beer and started

making out. Amy tells Dalia that everything was fine until the guy

pushed her down hard onto his bed and began pulling off her clothes.

“It happened so fast,” Amy said. “I was in shock and was scared

because all of a sudden he was acting so rough. I just sort of let it

happen, but it was awful.” Amy begins to cry. “Did you tell him to

stop?” Dalia asks. “I didn’t say anything,” Amy says. “But inside, I was

screaming ‘no.’ I just lay there completely still until it was over. “Are

you saying he raped you?” Dalia asks. “I don’t know,” Amy says.


Question: Assess Amy’s

a. Consequence: Amy was forced to perform sexual intercourse without her
consent. Amy had been traumatized by the incident.

b. Character: Amy has an impulsive character trait, she invited the guy back to
her room without thinking of the consequences

3. Last Will

A woman died recently, after a short, unhappy life. She wanted

her ashes to be scattered in the ocean near a place she lived

during one of the brief happy times of her adult life. Her parents

and immediate family had already passed away, so she

discussed her wishes with her mother-in-law, who said she would

comply with her daughter-in-law’s wishes. In her will, the woman

gave control of her estate to the mother-in-law. The will stated

that the woman’s ashes should be scattered in the ocean, as

described above. Instead, her mother-in-law buried the ashes in a

family plot near her home, because she wanted to keep the

ashes close to her because of her own grief.

Question: Assess the mother-in-law’s :

a. Action: The mother-in-law’s act were wrong, regardless of her own

feeling she should have scattered the ashes to honor her daughter-in-law’s

b. Character Trait: Judging by the mother-in-law’s actions where she

did not follow her daughter-in-law’s dying wishes. She has the characteristics of
an emotional person where she made a decision based on her feelings.
c. Motive: Her motive was based on her emotions, in which she did not
follow her daughter-in-law’s wishes because of her grievance.

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