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sclerotome dermatome myotome (anatomy physiology relevancy)

Describe the anatomic & physiological relationship between :

a. Sclerotome
- the part of each somite in a vertebrate embryo giving rise to bone or
other skeletal tissue.
- segmented mesoderm layer in the early developing embryo that originates
from the somites and gives rise to skeletal tissue of the body, specifically the paired
segmented masses of mesodermal tissue that lie on each side of the notochord and
develop into the vertebrae and ribs.
b. Myotome
A group of muscles innervated by a single spinal nerve
c. Dermatome
- An area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve
- Also refers to the part of an embryonic somite
d. All those are : derivatives of somite or primitive segments >>> divisions of the
body of an animal or embryo >> metameric segments
- Derivates to dermatome, myotome, sclerotome by splitting (somites),
sclerotome differentiates earlier than derma&myo so the remaining 2 are called
dermomyotome before splitting into 2 again
1. Dermatome : dorsal portion of the paraxial mesoderm somite which gives rise
to the skin (dermis).
a. Arises on the 3rd week on the human embryo during embryogenesis
2. Myotome : part of the somite that forms the muscles of the animal.
a. Divides into 2, epaxial part (back), hypaxial part (front)
3. Sclerotome : sclerotome forms the vertebrae and the rib cartilage and part of
the occipital bone
Limb cartilage and bone
 Derived from local proliferating mesenchyme derived from the somatic lateral plate mesoderm
 BMP2 and BMP4 play crucial roles in the development of cartilage - sufficient BMP must be present to
achieve chondrogenesis. However, the main role is in later bone formation. Loss of BMP2 and 4 leads to
a severe impairment of osteogenesis

- Differentiation of somitic mesoderm in the chick embryo

Limb muscle and dermis

 Skeletal muscle derived from somites
at the level of the limb buds (C3-C5; L3-
 the hypaxial part of the myotome
 Pax3 positive migratory myoblasts
invade the limb bud
 Similarly, dermal cells also invade
derived from the dermomyotome
 Both maintain the identity of the
somite from which they were derived
so that innervation corresponds to the
same spinal nerve root.
 Note that dermatomes are rotated due
to embryonic limb rotations

Dorsal/Ventral Muscle Mass - sometimes referred to as the anterior and posterior muscle compartments.
Limb Muscle - Differentiation of Skeletal muscle is the same as in the myotome blocks but involves an
extra migratory step
Somite to Sclerotome and Dermomyotome
Sclerotome Dermatome
 connective tissue underlying
 begins as a dorsal thickening
 sclerotome later becomes subdivided  spreads throughout the body
 rostral and caudal halves separated laterally by von
Ebner's fissure
 half somites contribute to a single vertebral level body
 other half intervertebral disc  Body - epaxial and hypaxial
 therefore final vertebral segmentation “shifts” muscles
 Limbs - flexor and extensor

 Somites give rise to most of axial skeleton

 5th – 12th somites (8!)- form in the cervical region most cranial cervical somites
contribute to the occipital bone others form the cervical vertebrae associated muscles
part of the dermis of the neck upper limb musculature
 13th – 24th thoracic somites form thoracic vertebrae musculature and bones of the
thoracic wall thoracic dermis part of the abdominal wall
 25th – 29th lumbar somites form the lumbar vertebrae abdominal dermis abdominal
muscles lower limb musculature
 30th – 34th sacral somites form the sacrum with its associated dermis and
 35th – 37th or so coccygeal somites form the coccyx

Hyperalgesia is a condition where a person develops an increased sensitivity to pain. What may not hurt most
people can cause significant pain in an individual with hyperalgesia.
Primary hyperalgesia

This type of hyperalgesia is when the increased pain occurs in the tissue where the injury took place. An example
would be when a person has surgery on their elbow, and the pain starts to worsen over time instead of

Secondary hyperalgesia

This type occurs when the pain seems to spread to non-injured tissue or tissues.

Other types of hyperalgesia

Another kind of hyperalgesia is opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH). OIH occurs when a person experiences
worsening or new pain as a result of taking opioids, such as morphine, hydrocodone, or fentanyl for pain relief.

Algesia didefinisikan sebagai repson nyeri yang bersifat normal ( mis: akibat benturan,adanya luka), sedankan hiperalgesia
didefinisikan sebagai respon berlebihan terhadap stimulus yang secara normal menimbulkan nyeri.
Hiperalgesia terbagi menjadi :
1. hiperalgesia primer
2. hiperalgesia sekunder

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