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Therapeutic Nursing Interventions Paper

NURS 403 – Transition to BSN Practice

Purpose of Assignment

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to define a clinical problem, review the literature for appropriate
research supported nursing interventions, critique current practice and provide a plan for changing or
adapting clinical practice.

Student Approach to Assignment

In completing this assignment, I assessed therapeutic interventions already in place at my place of employment- the
Emergency Department in my local hospital. I then researched and chose therapeutic interventions that I believed
could really be implemented within the Emergency Department and improve the patient’s quality of care as well as

Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio

I am including this in my portfolio because it exemplifies my belief in treating patient’s holistically even
if that means using complementary modalities or not so popular therapeutic interventions. This
assignment also reflects my ability to assess my current work place, identify interventions to improve the
overall outcome of patients, and research evidence-based practice information to support the proposed
implementation of interventions.

Nursing Practice

• Performs therapeutic interventions that incorporate principles of quality management and proper
safety techniques. Throughout this paper, I discussed therapeutic interventions to be implemented
throughout the Emergency Department that were of quality management. These interventions
included music therapy and acupuncture.
• Implements nursing care practices as appropriate to provide holistic health care to diverse
populations across the lifespan. Holistic care is caring for the patient as a whole. Holistic refers to
not only physically, but spiritually, mentally, and emotionally as well. As music therapy does not
directly impact a person physically, it often does spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
• Demonstrates an awareness of complementary modalities and their usefulness in promoting
health. Music therapy and acupuncture are both complementary modalities that are useful for
promoting health by decreasing pain levels and creating a calm state of mind and self.


• Evaluates the efficacy of health promotion and education modalities. For this paper, I conducted
research and evaluated the efficacy of how music therapy and acupuncture promote health and
wellbeing in patients seeking care in the Emergency Department. This assignment helped educate
me on therapeutic interventions I did not have much knowledge on.

• Differentiates between descriptive nursing literature and published reports of nursing research.
In this paper, I conducted nursing research on the use of music therapy and acupuncture rather
than descriptive literature.
• Evaluates research that focuses on the efficacy and effectiveness of nursing interventions. The
research I used conducted studies on the efficacy and effectiveness of music therapy and
acupuncture interventions. The studies were in my favor and proved the chosen therapeutic
nursing interventions to be effective.
• Applies research-based knowledge from the arts, humanities and sciences to complement nursing
practice. Music is an art, acupuncture comes from science, both of these therapeutic interventions
I identified and researched for this paper.

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