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What environmental trends are working in Dropbox’s favor

as the firm seeks to operate profitably? What environmental
trends may work against Dropbox and why?
● In terms of the environmental trends, the technological
advances in the phone industry worked in favor of Dropbox.
The smartphones are incapable of connecting with a USB, so
the users have to rely on cloud storage as one of the means
to transfer or share files. Dropbox was in the cloud storage
industry prepared for smartphones to be in use. Another
is the social trend of increase in taking more pictures with
smartphones. Dropbox can provide the storage for the
myriad amount of pictures.
● On the other hand, the same environmental trend,
technological advances may work against Dropbox
constantly providing the company with challenges. The
exponential growth in technology may be lower the entry
barrier and increase the number of competitors, and it may
provide changes that might require technological tweaks in
how Dropbox functions. Another political and regulatory
changes may hinder Dropbox’s future plans to expand
because certain countries are unfavorable of containing
national data in other countries – in Dropbox’s case the US.
2-35. What personal characteristics does Drew Houston possess
that suggest he may have what it takes to be a successful
The personal characteristic that stands out the most is
tenacity. Houston persevered whenever challenges hit him.
He found resolutions to continue on with his idea despite all
odds. Another is passion. In order to reach his dream to start
a business, he studied other disciplines and learned more
than what was within his degree.
2-36. What problem did Dropbox’s founders solve with the
service they developed?
Dropbox’s founders solved the problem of data or files
immobility, or no means of accessing at another location
without a USB, and difficulty in sharing information with
another person.

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