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1.- Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Why do you wear/ are you wearing those scruffy jeans to go to the disco?
I see/ am seeing Martin every day at school.
Look at Alex! What does he do/ is he doing?
Anne and Beth always look/are looking very trendy.
We work/ are working on the computer at the moment.
My sister usually arrives/ is arriving late for everything.
2.- Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or continuous.
.................... you ....................... (know) the answer to this question?
Yuk! These bananas .................................... (not taste) very nice.
Hurry up, Steve! We ..................................... (wait) for you.
Ralph always ....................................(go) to his aunt´s house on a Thursday after school.
“................... Sue ......................... (look for) me?” No, I don´t think so.
I ...................................(not listen9 to the radio. You can switch it off.
3.- Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous affirmative or negative.
drive not have talk not sit wait not study

John ........................................ to Sam when I saw him.

I ................................... a shower when you rang me.
We .................................... for the bus when your dad drove past.
They ..................................... on their chairs when the teacher arrived.
Alice ..................................... to the airport when the car broke down.
You .................................... in the library when I was there yesterday.

4.- Past simple or past continuous. (6)

I didn´t surf / wasn´t surfing the internet at 10.30 pm last night.
My mother studied / was studying English when she was at school.
Did we chat/ were we chatting on our mobiles when the teacher came in?
The car hit / was hitting the post box and then it stopped suddenly.
They didn´t send / weren´t sending any text messages yesterday.
My brother argued/ was arguing with me when you knocked at the door.

5.- Complete the first sentence. Use used to and didn´t use to.(5)

Joe .................................. smoke fifteen cigarettes a day. He doesn´t smoke any now.
My sister ...................................... have long hair. They have short hair now.
My friend ...................................... speak any foreign languages. Now he speaks two.
My parents .................................... do any recycling. Now they recycle everything.
I .................................... swim every morning. Now I only swim on Saturdays.
6.- Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect affirmative, negative or interrogative .
I .................................... (see) the new Johnny Depp film. It´s fantastic.
.............................. (you/hear) the new single from The Rasmus? It´s awful.
Jane´s not here. She ..................................... (go) to Paris for the weekend.
My boyfriend ...................................... (not ring) me this week.
We ....................................... (not visit) our family in London for ages.
......................... (Sue/ change) the colour of her hair? It looks different.

7.-Present Perfect or Past Simple?

I lost/ ´ve lost my pen. I can´t find it anywhere.
Did he visit/ Has he visited his grandad at the weekend?.
They studied/ ´ve studied French last year.
Did you go / Have you been to the new café yet?
She didn´t do / hasn´t done her homework yet.
We didn´t see / haven´t seen you at school yesterday.

8.- Use the Present Perfect with just, already, yet and still.

Mary/ win the lottery. (just)

My parents/ not travel/ to India. (yet)
I/ study/ the Biology test. (already)
We/ not see/ my family. (yet).
Children/ not buy / some new boots. (still)
My neighbours/ meet/ my new boyfriend. (just)

9.- Choose for or since.

You´ve known them for / since you were at primary school.

My parents have been married for / since 26 years.
Her brother has been in London for / since three months.
We´ve lived in this house for / since 20005.
I´ve been here for / since six o´clock.
She´s been his friend for / since ages.

10.- Complete the sentences with will or going to .

“Oh, no. I´ve left my wallet at home”. “Don´t worry, I ............................. pay.
He can´t come to the cinema tonight. He ...................................... visit his aunt.
I think we ....................................... win the cup next season.
Yuck! What´s that awful smell? I think I ................................... be sick.
They ......................................... buy Sarah a birthday present on Saturday.
“Which shoes do you want?” “I .................................... take these ones”.

11.- Choose the correct verb form.

If I talk / will talk to Pat, I´ll tell her about John.

If he doesn´t study now, he don´t have/ won´t have time later.
If we go out, I wear/ ´ll wear my new shirt.
If they don´t hurry up / won´t hurry up, they´ll miss the film.
If we visit / will visit London next year, we´ll see the London eye.
If you don´t leave now, you are / ´ll be late.

12.- Write sentences with the second conditional and the verbs in the box. (6)

Not be go not go not have help spend

If I ...................................... any money, I´d borrow some from my dad.

If we didn´t have so much homework, we .................................... to the cinema.
My parents ...................................... happy if I lost my house key.
If you ..................................... more money on clothes, you´d look much better.
You wouldn´t feel so tired if you ......................................... to bed so late.

13.- Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
London is ...................................... (busy) city in Great Britain.
David Beckham is .................................... (tall) Roberto Carlos.
I think English grammar is .......................................... (difficult9 Spanish grammar.
I think Córdoba is ..................................... (interesting) city in Spain.
The Vatican is .......................................... (small) country in the world.
The Vicente Calderón stadium is ..................................... (good) stadium in the world.
Doctors are .................................. (rich) teachers.

14.- . Complete the sentences. Use the present or past simple passive .(6)

A lot of clothes in Zara ......................................... (make) in Spain.

The castle ....................................... (build) in the 12th century.
Organic products ........................................... (sell) in a lot of UK supermarkets.
Thousands of people ......................................... (kill) in the tsunami in 2004.
A man ...................................... (see) stealing a shop in the street.
Part of the rainforest ........................................ (destroy) every two minutes.

15.- Complete the sentences. Use who, which or where.

This is the bike ................................... I got for my birthday last week.

Mr. Jones is the teacher ........................................ never gives us any homework.
That´s the disco .................................... we went for Ellen´s party.
Look! This is the website ........................................ I told you about.
That´s the shop ........................................ I saw some really cheap mobile phones.
Rosalind Franklin is the woman ......................................... discovered DNA.

16.- Join the sentences. Use who, which or where.

Robbie Williams is a singer. He used to sing with Take That.

There´s the shop. I bought my new trainers there.
Where´s my homework? It was on the table last night.
There´s the café. We went there to celebrate Matt´s birthday.
My grandfather was a scientist. He worked with dangerous chemicals.
There´s the bus. We caught it to the airport last weekend.

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