An Incident I Will Never Forget

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I could vividly recall my mishap as if it was yesterday.

It all
started on a warm sunny Saturday morning as the birds chirped
their melodious tune; suddenly I awoke from my deep slumber.
That day I had lessons which started like several Saturdays
before, you see we were preparing for S.E.A exam Finally I was
ready to depart from my abode, by the way at that certain
point in time my mom was working for my school as a janitorial
assistant. My mom didn’t like her job to well but she would do
anything for us, she took the job to be close to us. When I
arrived at my school for lessons which was located at #102
Naparima Mayaro, St. Clement Junction, San Fernando. I was a
little overdue so I scurried to my class but that still wasn’t the
bad, bad thing. My teacher lectured me on how class is
important and I shouldn’t be late again. Finally, later that day
lessons was over. My mom and I decided to eat our lunch;
while we were devouring our scrumptious meal a sudden
craving of soft drink came to our taste buds so I sprinted
towards our car and got money 3 dollars in specific. There was
a grocery store by the name of Bone’s across the road, my mom
was going to purchase it but I told her that her facial expression
looked totally exhausting and I will go instead. As I approached
the bustling road I felt as if my stomach engulfed my heart
although my mom stood right there examining the road for me,
finally I made it across the other side alive. I darted in and out
the grocery as quickly as I can, when I ran outside I glimpsed my
mom in the distance chatting with her co-workers. When I
walked towards the pavement I had noticed the cars stopped
for me to cross the road, before I had attempted to cross I
observed the both sides of the road, then I picked up myself
proceeding with caution of course as I walked to the next side.
That’s when the very bad thing happened, when it happened at
that very moment I thought I was dreaming I was struck by a
white A.D. Wagon, I was dumbfounded. The first person that
was in front of me when I opened my eyes was my mother; she
was sitting in scorching sun and on the blistering pitch and her
hand was underneath my head. My mother had asked me
where was hurting I had told her that my left leg felt as if it had
no life. After I told her that loads of people was appearing I in
front my eye there were the W.A.S.A workers from across the
road, my mom co- workers, tenants from the apartment
building, customers from the grocery, bystanders, taxi drivers
and last but not least the guy whom hit me with his car. The
first person who called the police was an off-duty officer, one of
the co-workers decided to run to the school and get paint to
outline when I was to where the car was. A few seconds after I
saw my grandmother and my aunt, gazing down at me with
their phones in their hands calling the ambulance. I could have
saw it in my mom’s eyes she wanted to get off the ground and
strangled the boy but she couldn’t get up she felt as if
something was pulling her down, the one thing she did was use
obscene language towards the man. While we waited there
getting impatience, the police arrived at the crime scene, there
was this police woman talking to the vein guy who owned the
A.D wagon whom turned out to be 17 years old, when the
police was done surveying the boy she walked across to hear
our side of the story, she is dark in complexion, very tall, from
African decent but her attitude looked rather strict from my
point of view. When she was asking questions she seemed very
unpleasant. The other police measured the distance from
where I pitched turns out it was 25 feet I know right that’s
really spine-chilling to hear. When the ambulance arrived at
the scene they placed me on stretcher, I felt as if fear itself
swallowed me whole. After the medics thoroughly strapped
and buckled me up, they rolled it and lifted slowly but carefully
as they placed me in the vehicle my mom was right there by my
side the whole time, that’s the questions started blowing in, I
was a little too weak to answer so my mom took care of that.
While they were rushing me to the hospital I reflected on my
day and I just said in my mind I hope nothings broken. At last
we’ve reached our destination I said silently; when it was time
for me to leave the ambulance something very suspicious
happened the ambulance doors wasn’t opened it had took
them approximately 5 minutes. When they got the door ajar I
was rushed to register after that they took me for an x-ray, the
doctor talked to my mom for a while then I overheard my mom
crying and telling my dad the entire story. When the doctor
was finished they escorted me to the trauma ward, I was so
scared but my mom told me to be brave and everything will
turn out fine. At that ward I saw a lot of seriously injured
people, I cried a little bit because obviously I was in pain but the
stretcher was extremely uncomfortable. I waited for a very
long time for the doctor to analyze me. Finally the doctor was
arranged to see me, when I went in my dad had shown up the
same time, the doctors told us they were expecting a totally
crushed body that’s why we had to wait. The doctors explained
the x-ray and it was surprising to them and us that nothing was
broken. I was so relieved in fact everyone was alleviated. The
doctor said I was very healthy and God was with me. My name
is Seleena Boodoo and this is an incident that I will never
forget. The memory this painful day will be engraved in my
mind until the day I am confronted by the Grim Reaper.

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