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Facultad de Educación.

Pedagogía en Educación Media en Inglés.



Valentina Acuña Zapata

Professional English Teaching Experience
UCSC Supervisor: Astrid Guerra.
Mentor teacher: Mª Gladys Rivas.

October, 2019
Task 1:

UNIT “Very important people” SUB “1st and 2nd Conditional”

At the end of the unit, students will be able
UNIT’S GENERAL OBJECTIVE: to value important people’s relationships in

Activities and
Learning goals
Purpose Modality instruments
At the end of the
Formative. Hetero-evaluation. Classwork.
lesson, students will
be able to recognise
At the end of the
Formative. Hetero-evaluation. Classwork.
lesson, students will
be able to identify
phrases to provide
At the end of the
Formative. Hetero-evaluation. Classwork.
lesson, students will
be able to talk about
possible situations
in the future.
At the end of the
lesson, students will Formative. Hetero-evaluation. Classwork.
be able to understand
the use of second
conditional in
imaginary situations.
At the end of the
lesson, students will Formative. Hetero-evaluation. Classwork.
Self-evaluation Rubric.
be able to talk about
important people in
their lives by creating
a poster.
At the end of the
lesson, students will Formative Hetero-evaluation. Classwork.

be able to create a
meme using the first
and/or second
At the end of the
lesson, students will Formative Hetero-evaluation. Classwork.

be able to write a
letter for someone
important in their

Task 2 & 3:

In the first place, it is important to mention that it is not possible to make a

summative evaluation since the only instance to do this is after two units saw.
In order to motivate students to participate in classes, every lesson must be
evaluated in a formative way with their classwork. This classwork contains two
more objectives: The students’ materials and their attitude during the class. All
the items are checked with a checklist, completed with a tick or a cross. One of
the benefits of the implementation of classwork is that the huge majority of
students behave and work well during the lessons. Moreover, they have the
possibility of checking their progress on the list, counting the lessons and dates
they have been working because everything is registered, even when some of
them were absent during any of the lessons. Also, other important benefit of
having this checklist is when the parents go to school to talk to the teacher about
the marks of their pupils and sons. Many of them arrive at school with a difficult
attitude, questioning teachers because of the bad marks. That is why, having the
evidence day after day, with the dates worked and the activities developed gives
the teacher the opportunity of showing the parents how well (or bad) they
pupils have worked and behaved lesson by lesson.

Another important incorporation to the formative assessment is the use of ICTS.

One of the benefits of them is that they are practical. This allows the teacher to
provide feedback instantly, trying to avoid fossilized mistakes in the L2 of the
students. Other benefit of this resources is that students are familiarized with
their use and they are much more attracted for them, which makes them more
significant during their learning process. One of the platforms choose is Kahoot.
This resource needs internet connection and a smartphone to answer the
questions in an interactive way by pressing a button. As it was previously
mentioned, this application allows the teacher to provide instant feedback and
at the same time, it brings points to whom answers correctly in the time given
(choose by the teacher). Furthermore, this source is user-friendly and attractive
due to its colours and forms, which makes it perfect to be used with students,
especially with those that have a visual learning style. Moreover, Kahoot is
suitable to look for the achievement percentage of the students as a grade and
individually since this gives a report of the participants and it can provide the
teacher the necessary information to look if the aim was achieved or not.

Finally, I consider that the use of self-evaluation is important to the students

since they can comprehend the importance of being involved in their own
learning process. Moreover, this also allows them to see the assessment not
only as a hetero-evaluation but also, as a way to understand their weaknesses
and strengths. Using a rubric, the students will focus their attention in looking
for what is required, giving them a specific task and be critic with themselves to
make their own evaluation. As can be seen, in the modalities and instruments
used, it is possible to find essential characteristics of the assessment principles;
such as practicality (as it was mentioned above) and washback since the ICTS
used allows the teacher to provide the feedback instantly and question by
question in the time the mistake was made.

Regarding the curricular adaptations to Special Educational Needs students, I

must say that it was not necessary to make any of them since he works almost
at the same level. However, the use of the resources previously mentioned are
useful not only for him, but for the entire class since they are easy to use and
allow students to learn significatively. It is also good because it diminished his
affective filter and anxiety when talking in front of the class due to his shyness.
I consider relevant to highlight the fact that big changes cannot be done in the
planning or evaluations since these are reviewed beforehand by the English
department of the school. Also, they are based on the evaluations designed by
the book acquired and they are compulsory, so the modifications that can be
done, must be minimal.

Below, is shown the checklist used to check the students’ classwork, materials
and attitude in class. Also, part of the Kahoot used to practice the contents with
the students, some meme maker examples plus the rubric used by me and
students to check their self-assessment.

Checklist 8th grade A: Classwork

Checklist 8th grade C: Classwork

As you can see, every lesson has a date and a page from the book or activity where students
worked. Finally, there are marks highlighted in yellow for the final classwork according to the
ticks or crosses that students have during a certain period. Next to the names, it is possible to
see another mark which is for students’ individual questionnaires performed at the beginning
of some classes with respect to previous lessons or vocabulary.


As this was a presentation created in the same class, the time up changed to 3 minutes as a
total. Students use the same rubric to evaluate their own performance.

Students’ book:

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